Saturday notes

I'll be away at the AMNH for most of the day today, but here are a few general "housekeeping" notes until I get back;

  • A very special edition of The Boneyard (#20) will be coming up next week. (See this post for the full details.) I haven't received any submissions yet, but just keep in mind that everything has to be in by 12 PM Eastern time on May 17 to be eligible.
  • I'm very pleased to announce that Beatrice, a female cat my wife and I fostered on-and-off for about a year, has finally been adopted. We've still got Huxley right now, and even though he was sick for a few days he has fully recovered. Likewise, our cat Chase was also ill and refused to eat, but he too is "back to normal" and is eating again.
  • Just in case you haven't already heard, Carl Zimmer has a new book out called Microcosm. I don't have a copy and wouldn't have the chance to read it right now if I did, but it has been drawing rave reviews from everyone who has taken the time to check it out. Carl has also been answering some questions about the book over at his blog, and I definitely encourage you to have a look at his responses.
  • Speaking of books, I've been itching to get back to writing my own work-in-progress but have not had the time to do so. Finals are more important, but after Wednesday of next week I should have a lot more free time to devote to my project. Starting up again after this lull might be a bit difficult, but I really am hoping to have everything finished by the end of the summer (it would be fantastic if I was able to get it published next year).

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