So this is the New Year...

In about 6 hours I'll have to start remembering to date everything 2008 instead of 2007, but otherwise the year will tick over like another mile on an odometer. I don't really have many resolutions, at least not moreso than a list of things I've been wanting to do for some time and haven't yet been able to accomplish, but at the moment I'm just wishing I had a few more days to get some writing done and kill a few more books (at last count I've read about 6 since Christmas).

I do want to take a moment, though, and thank everyone who has offered compliments, corrections, and critiques of some of my recent posts. Lately I've been feeling a little foolish, at least as in I open my mouth to say something and end up falling flat on my face because there was something I overlooked or misconstrued, but I am thankful that there are so many people out there with expertise that have no problem calling me on my mistakes. I've tried to make adjustments where necessary and read all of them even if I have not responded directly, so I just wanted to make sure that those of you who have called me on mistakes have been paid attention to.

I wish I could say that I'd be less likely to err in my 25th year, but as Ben Folds once sang "You get smaller while the world gets big, the more you know you know you don't know shit." Despite my permanent status as a "student" though I am hoping to finish the first draft of my book on evolution by February 26th (the precise day I'll be turning 25), and I've started to narrow down some ideas for titles as the ideas take shape (some lines like "Evolution's Arrow" and "Glorious Accidents" have appeared in recent posts and have a certain ring to them). Whether it'll ever actually be picked up and published, who knows, but I do feel like I've got a book in me. It's just a matter of connecting all the disparate parts.

Other than that, I really would like to travel to the American West this summer, or (preferably) to Africa. Whether I do either is up in the air, contingent on money and the resolution of problems with Rutgers, but I'm tired of saying "Ok, I'll do it next year." Since I've brought up the Rutgers issue, I also am hoping that my situation is soon resolved and that I can do the best thing for moving me ahead to actually participating in the scientific process rather than being an armchair observer. It should soon be apparent whether or not I'll be traveling the easy road or the hard road academically this year.

Overall, though, I really don't know what 2008 will bring. I'd like to get in better shape, finish my book, get into the evolutionary anthropology program, go to Africa, and generally get more involved in paleontology (as well as polish off a huge stack of books), but what I'll actually accomplish is anyone's guess. Either way, my progress (or lack thereof) towards these goals will pop up every now and then here, but for the moment I'm grateful for everyone who's helped me either by encouraging me or pointing out where I need to patch a few leaks to keep some of my ideas afloat.

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