Photo of the Day #40: Hermes the cat


As some of you might know, in addition to my cats Chase and Charlotte I keep my apartment open to "transient" cats that need someplace to stay before getting adopted. Beatrice was the first cat we took in, but when she went to stay at a local Petsmart in the hopes that someone would see her there and take her home we were told that a little orange kitten needed a home to be socialized in before he was adopted. I named him Hermes, and he's the little fuzzball pictured watching Logan's Run with me in the picture above. He also went to adoption day at Petsmart today, but even though he was only here for two weeks it was hard not to get attached, although tonight another needy kitten will be brought over to our apartment to be socialized before going off to be adopted.


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OMGSQUEE! He looks like he should have a beer and a bowl of popcorn.

By G. Williams (not verified) on 17 Nov 2007 #permalink

All bow to the (grumpy) king!