Funding is a difficult thing to obtain, but if you're a paleontologist with a published paper Paleonturology '07 is still accepting submissions. Dr. Vector, last year's winner for his paper "Postcranial Skeletal Pneumaticity in Sauropods and Its Implications for Mass Estimates," tipped me off about this one, and the entry requirements are very easy to meet. Anyone can enter this, student or professional, no matter what area of paleontology you're involved in, so if you've got something published in 2006 (or even know of a paper that you feel should be entered) be sure to act fast as the deadline is November 30th. Information about entering can be found at the official Paleonturology page or interested parties can e-mail me and I will forward the entry instructions I received in Word format. Unfortunately I have nothing to submit, but there's no excuse not to enter if you do!
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