Well, sort of. It went live a minute past noon ET. But there's no comment function, so it's not what most of us would call a blog. Still, it's nice to know Obama's hip to the blogosphere's significance.
Also nice to see climate change get a nod in the inaugural:
We will restore science to its rightful place.... We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories.... With old friends and former foes, we will work tirelessly to lessen the nuclear threat, and roll back the specter of a warming planet.
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It seems he doesn't want to stop at blogging, either:
"President Barack Obama plans to publish a weekly video address every Saturday morning of his presidency.
Visit this page every week to watch the President's most recent video."
I shudder to think what would happened if the newly-former President would have had that idea.
Many blogs don't allow comments and commenting is not a criteria for being a blog in any definition I've read.
Besides what sort of comments would you expect?
"PLZ send moar muney" aCEO
"You raise some good points regarding possible regional destabilization , but I still think the US should quit Iraq ASAP." MAhmadinejad
"I thought Rev Warren's invocation was just awesome!" RickW
I cannot imagine the crap that blog would accumulate if it had comments.
James when are you going to stop beating a dead horse and get a real mission in life? How many more years of cooling do you need to observe under your precious CO2 blanket before you realize you are making yourself irrelevant? Dude, you're still young. At least think of something real and relevant that you can be snarky, condescending, and smart-aleck about. I'm sure your fan(s?) would understand if you took up a more relevant cause. Your perceived cause of the moment = FAIL.
James - It's ok to be a presumptuous liberal. That's cool. People have differing viewpoints. We deal with that all the time over a beer. But the whole demeaning condescending name calling ass-wipe tone - it ain't working brother. Find another line of work that fits your tone. Maybe hmmmm - yep - IRS agent.
I hear him agin today. Barack he say he gonig to freeze the climate change and drive my car with soil and air. You see. Barack pay my way because I deserve and my people. Yousee. Its time for real change and making thing right. And you be happy hear when you know now the climate will never change again. He freeze the climate with his new laws and we be happy. We all be happy. And member - the "-" don't be slient in my name. Say it like I way it right because Barack would. -Ledasha
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
- Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)
Ahhh, this also reminds me of the inaugural:
"Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact."
- George Eliot (1819-1880)
I finally understand the meaning behind the name of this blog. James provides an "island of doubt" for the benefit of the deniers. They can come here and spew the inane childish comments instead of bothering the other science blogs. The I.O.D. is the plastic deer on the hillside that temps the hicks to step out of the car and take a shot. They get their thrills and we get to laugh.
Seriously, the line in the speech about harnessing the sun the wind and the soil was my favorite.
You were close Dan G. But I think it's mostly that people are laughing AT the hypocritical incompetent James Hrynyshyn, NOT with him.
meanwhile.....back at Hrynyshyn headquarters, this is taking place. You HAVE to see this.
Your headlines for today: a) Pew Poll: Global warming ranks dead last as priority...b)Environmental guru slams carbon trading: 'Most of the green stuff is verging on gigantic scam'...
James - Man! Blog Harder! Maybe more name-calling will work. bwahahahahahha
Hi. I'm B.O. And i have no freakin clue what I am doing. It comes directly from all my leadership and business experience. But I did get to keep my blackberry. hahahahahahhaahhahh
Dan G: What? "The I.U.D. is the plastic deer on the hillside that temps the hicks to step out of the car and take a shot. They get their thrills and we get to laugh."
I don't think so. Have you ever inserted an I.U.D.? They are plastic but -the rest of your quote just makes no sense. I'm sure our new President could explain this to you better than I could. Perhaps he will blog about it.
For the children, of course.
I for one, just want to say, I am so proud that my CIC (commander in chief for you asswipes) has a freakin forkin farkin fruikin BLOG. Gee freakin whiz. A BLOG. I'll sleep safe tonite. Of course, stating the obvious, becuz BO has a frickin blog. LMAO. Die and eat shit dumbasses. maybe he will back down N. Korea with his blackberry bwahahahahhaahhahahhahahhahahahhahah. wuttabummasssss
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