Now this is interesting...

For once, playing the role of unofficial in-house organ for the Republican Party is pays off in the scoop department. The Washington Times is reporting this morning George W. Bush is about to call for legislation that would do something about the country's greenhouse gas emissions. The story is short on details. All we really get is:

"This is an attempt to move the administration and the party closer to the center on global warming. With these steps, it is hoped that the debate over this is over, and it is time to do something," said an administration source close to the White House who is familiar with the planning and who said to expect an announcement this week.

"It is hoped that the debate is over." Understatement of the week. There's also this mealy-mouthed summary of the scientific view:

Many scientists say humans are contributing to climate change through increased carbon dioxide emissions from industry, power generation, automobiles and other sources.

But I guess that's about as good as it gets in The Washington Times.


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Of course, "the debate" that they wish to be over is whether the Republicans are doing anything for the environment. They still think it's bunk, but figure this will quiet the criticism that they're out to lunch on the issue.

By Grant Canyon (not verified) on 14 Apr 2008 #permalink