What a difference a mid-term election makes

It's almost enough to restore your faith in freedom, democracy and the American way (whatever that is). Today in The New York Times appear a couple of paragraphs the likes of which I was beginning to despair I would never read in a leading American newspaper:

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform took on the Bush administration's handling of climate change science yesterday, and even the Republicans on the panel had little good to say about the administration's actions.

The subject of the hearing was accusations of administration interference with the work of government climate scientists. Almost to a person, Republicans on the panel introduced themselves by proclaiming their agreement that the earth's climate was warming and that the principal culprit was greenhouse gases generated by people and their machinery.

Hey Chris: Is it time to declare the Republican War on Science in its "final throes"?

One can only hope.


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>Hey Chris: Is it time to declare the Republican War on Science in its "final throes"?

Misplaced optimism, I suspect. But you weren't aske me, were you?

By writerdddd (not verified) on 31 Jan 2007 #permalink