George Will vs. Nadya Suleman

Having recently emerged from the hospital, I'm catching up on the news I've missed--beginning with the Washington Post nonsense Chris has covered here.

Apparently reporter George Will is about as informed on climate change as octuplet mom Nadya Suleman is on the fiscal responsibilities of raising children. There's not much I'll add that hasn't already been written, except given Will's influential position, his dishonesty is far more reprehensible.

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Well said. I'm extremely dissapointed in the Post.

This is nothing new for the Washington Post. They have been this way for over a decade. People are just starting to notice now, that's all.

This is why Forbes listing of Fred Hiatt in their list of influential liberals was a joke.

I am extremely satisfied these days to be disconnected from the mainstream media and their mostly irrelevant hokum. I get all my news from The Daily Show.
That is the essence of the current status of information in this great land.

Your title led me here with the expectation of seeing some bizarre smack-down in a WWE video clip. Sadly, that would be more edifying than wading through George Will's fiction.

At times, George Will is insightful and intelligent. Other times he disagrees with me. Chuckle!

By Jim Thomerson (not verified) on 22 Feb 2009 #permalink