Support Shovel-Ready Science

The American Physical Society is asking folks to email Congress in support of the science parts of the stimulus package. The House version of the bill was very generous to science, but there's a concern about what the Senate version and the reconciliation process will end up with. So weigh in now; the tools to do so can be found here.

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The American Physical Society has sent out another of its email alerts encouraging people to write to Congress in support of more funding for science. Actually, they're urging people to send two messages: a thank-you to Speaker Pelosi for the generous science funding in the House stimulus bill, and…
Good morning. First, briefly, we have a podcast of yesterday's radio show here, a brand new book review of Scott's Evolution vs. Creationism here, and a new Congo Memoir here. The minimal funding levels for science in the currently debated bill have been replaced, owing to activities of Senators…
The following is the latest missive from Shawn Otto: Last Friday you and others in the science community took action and helped to restore $3.1 billion in cuts to science that had been planned in the Senate compromise version of the stimulus bill. That was a good victory for U.S. Science, but it…
We're pleased to repost the latest email from ScienceDebate: Dear Friend, Last Friday you and others in the science community took action and helped to restore $3.1 billion in cuts to science that had been planned in the Senate compromise version of the stimulus bill. That was a good victory for U…

In this context, you may find the following Nature editorial interesting.

"A crisis of confidence"
With a surfeit of graduates for the available funds, the US scientific endeavour is increasingly losing its lustre as a career choice. The country needs to take stock and plan more carefully for the future.