I hope your road trip is going well. I'm jealous.
Is this intended to be a bird quiz? I'll take the bait. My guesses right to left: A partial view of a Common Grackle; three American Robins (the first with its head turned towards you partially); a Jay of some type - maybe a Blue Jay; possibly another Jay; last - can't tell from the view.
Bird quizzes are a challenge, but fun. I had one once with five similarly-sized albinistic songbirds in a museum collection.
I hope your road trip is going well. I'm jealous.
Is this intended to be a bird quiz? I'll take the bait. My guesses right to left: A partial view of a Common Grackle; three American Robins (the first with its head turned towards you partially); a Jay of some type - maybe a Blue Jay; possibly another Jay; last - can't tell from the view.
Bird quizzes are a challenge, but fun. I had one once with five similarly-sized albinistic songbirds in a museum collection.
Cool pic.
No quiz intended, but you got them with the first guess :) These are Austin's Grackles.