The Colbert Report Clip

You can watch it here. Tons of funny stuff in Colbert's segment on science, which starts roughly at 6:15 and runs to roughly 10:45. I was on for about three minutes, and was instructed: "No monkey business. No evolution."

Of course, even though Colbert plays a rightwinger who thinks with his gut rather than his head and doesn't trust book learning, the truth is that his show features a ton of science content and, indeed, is doing vastly more than most other parts of the media to improve the role of science in our culture.

I was thrilled to be on.

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Now, we just need a science group in the "better know a lobby" segment. Make some calls, make that happen!

I watched, and I thought it went well. You appeared to be "on to him", which is what you need to do, and played along.

BTW - you should look for the "Colbert Spike" in sales of RWOS - and be sure to let him know - he loves repeating how effective "he" is.

Well done!

By Eric the Leaf (not verified) on 27 Jan 2009 #permalink

I taped it & looking forward to watching it tonight. For Canadian readers of your blog, to watch it click here. It's on CTV broadband. The link above doesn't work in Canada. I don't know why. It drives me crazy because I have to hunt and search for all the interesting Colbert/Daily show links!

He clearly wanted you to succeed as in when he prompted you with a topic (I can't remember what it was) when you got stuck.

Very nice job. Great to see you on the tube. You bought a new jacket . A think piece is out there on how much science Colbert does (from Tiktaalik to astronomy.) He is the modern-day heir to Johnny Carson, who used to bring anthropologists and Paul Ehrlich onto his show.

Great job! As much as I loved the book, I have to ask. It's been like three years now. Why are you still plugging it? Is there a new edition or something?

Congratulations, Chris ... you played along with Colbert's TV persona very well, and looked as if you were having a good time. Is there an appearance on The Daily Show in the near future?

I was a bit disappointed that you didn't seem to have a Nawlins accent, though.

Very nice to see you on Colbert. You did a really outstanding job.

By Jill Gregerson (not verified) on 02 Feb 2009 #permalink