To All University Employees...

i-f70403e59e4a9013645c22648a8c5d38-PhD Economic Comic.png

[Thanks to Jorge Cham at Piled Higher and Deeper ]


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FYI: the winners of the AAAS Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge are up! You may recognize some of them - including PhD (Piled Higher and Deeper) cartoonist Jorge Cham. Check 'em out and share your opinions; I'll have more to say when I'm back from blogcation!
Nothing captures life in the academic sciences quite like Piled Higher and Deeper. In yesterday's comic, Jorge Cham shows us the disgusting innards of the lab/office fridge. Now, Jorge is a physicist engineer, so his fridge is the one where you're supposed to store your food and drinks. When a…
Jorge Cham has just posted his latest PhD Comic, this one taking on the rivalry between Nature and Science. Look behind the scenes at how the science publishing industry REALLY works. It's enough to make you want to publish only in PLoS ONE!

If you have ever looked at what they cost your grant, graduate students are not cheap. If you are at a private institution, they typically cost as much as a postdoc; the money is being diverted to fees like tuition.

This is why I believe it is unethical to hold a student back who has enough of a thesis to graduate. If they need a little more preparation before going on the job market, graduate them and then keep them around as a postdoc. It costs just as much and the student actually gets the full benefit of the money.