Sizzle, The Funniest Global Warming Movie Ever Made

i-d309053ed01a7e5ad9aca4c648d43382-partyshirts.jpgMy review of Randy Olson's Sizzle just went up at Science Progress. Wonderful, excellent, hilarious, profound: These are some of the things that I would say about this movie. In the review I even note that Sizzle "may be the funniest global warming movie ever made (unless you count The Day After Tomorrow, which didn't mean to be)."

Here's an excerpt:

At the outset of Sizzle...Olson-the-mockumentary-character participates in a scene that will be all too familiar for people trying to promote science (or anything else) in Hollywood: He meets with studio executives to try to get funding for his global warming documentary, and they won't give him the time of day. Yet even without such big-time support, Olson-in-real-life has managed to produce a wonderful film, a remarkable achievement. In light of this, it would be a true shame if scientists, science bloggers, and science pundits make the same mistakes as the literal-minded scientist-documentarian portrayed in this film, and fail to realize what Olson (in real life) has accomplished.

You can read the full review here.

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I'm curious as to why you still post at SB if you are just going to plug your website rather than post entire articles?

It seems worth pointing out that the only people who seem to have really positive reviews are those that already share his message (the Intersection folks) and his co-blogger at Shifting Baselines. The rest settle on mediocre or outright bad. Interesting....

Looking more broadly at the Sciblogs (where most of the reviews have come from) and my point stands.