I Was Just Mercilessly Mocked on Comedy Central for About .5 Seconds

Okay, so...The Daily Show was pretty easy. Lewis Black's "Root of All Evil"? A bit tougher.

I went on the show with Sean Carroll, Jennifer Ouellette, Clifford Johnson, Michael Shermer, and a number of other "scientists" for a schtick called "Last Scientist Standing"--a parody of American Idol. And, well, if you want to see what didn't end up on the cutting room floor, click here and then scroll down to "American Idol vs. High School -- Kindler." Or just watch--the Kindler routine comes up soon enough.

And then tell me I'm not a great actor, even faced with considerable adversity...and that I didn't do the right thing by moving to Los Angeles.

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Hey Chris,

You were great! The "I'm not getting through to this guy" look was excellent. It was a fun segment, and a pity they cut it down so much (not just because my bit -where, embarrassingly, I actually *win* the show!- ended up on the floor too). Perhaps the extended segment will end up on their website one day...



Wow, sometimes I wonder how much preparation and time on the participant's part a little three-second clip for TV requires. How much did it take out of your day?

Wow. That was so incredibly . . .short.


By ...tom... (not verified) on 19 Apr 2008 #permalink