ScienceDebate2008: Council on Competitiveness Co-Sponsors, and Much More

I'm in New Orleans at the moment for this talk at Tulane University, so I can't blog much. But I wanted to note some more awesome developments as we continue to strengthen our SD08 coalition, in anticipation of finally inviting the remaining candidates after Super Tuesday.

The biggest news is this: The Council on Competitiveness, a coalition of CEOs, university presidents and labor leaders, is now officially our co-sponsor.

Meanwhile, while I no longer try to keep perfect track of all our individual endorsers, let me note a few more very important ones:

Richard Meserve, President, The Carnegie Institution of Washington; Former Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

James Porter, President, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society

George Scalise, President, Semiconductor Industry Association

And now, I'm off to talk to myself in the mirror as I prep this lecture....


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Hi Chris. I'll be at your talk tonight( missing a mardi gras parade to attend!) I'm excited to hear what you have to say and I hope it's well attended.

Well done, Chris and Sheril. Congrats!

By Jon Winsor (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

Hi - I caught your talk last night and thought it was excellent. Your ideas and facts were well-presented, and you handled the questions very well - I think people found it very informative. Great job!

By N. Michel (not verified) on 31 Jan 2008 #permalink

I'm a little slow getting to this, but big cngrats to you both!

That's the kind of co-sponsor that might get real attention.

BTW, I just got a news release from the Planetary Science Institute touting their support of ScienceDebate2008.

Sherill says: "No power in the 'verse can stop us...."

I wouldn't be too sure.

Depends what kind of "verse" you are talking about.

Not that i would want to stand in your way in this case or anything, but in general, the verse can be a very powerful thing.

May the verse be with you!