Every Species Needs a Hero

i-0ee598006053321842ac288d8b483127-sea_cucumber_300_196.jpgAs someone who's spent a heck of a lot of time studying sea cucumbers, I'm the first to know when these critters make the news. It's not because I follow the literature, but rather that everyone who does feels the desire to forward me related articles. Despite that this is an extremely charismatic animal, I'm not sure I'm completely comfortable with the association. I've definitely waded into many other (arguably as interesting) areas since my early days with echinoderms. Still, I'm beginning to recognize the reputation will follow me regardless.

Well, every species needs a hero and I've been a denialist long enough. Friday, this article hit my inbox a total of 28 times.

Sea cucumbers will probably provide us with the key to deciphering how to regenerate our tissues, or at least find out what is needed to do this.

Now sea cucumbers have long been involved in eastern medicine touted as 'Ginseng of the Sea' and among other uses, have purported aphrodisiac qualities. I have no basis for comment and am admittedly skeptical - particularly of the latter. However, their curious regenerative abilities are undoubtedly real and understanding the mechanisms responsible provides tremendous potential in medicine. Perhaps 'Stem Cells of the Sea' would be a more apt title. Thus, today I embrace my roots in sea cucumber-ology and encourage everyone to learn more about the wonderful world of this stimulating holothurian.

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Sheril over at The Intersection seems to be confused about what the coolest invertebrate is. She goes so far as to call out PZ about his hyper-infatuation with Cephalopods. Let's face it there is no way an echinoderm, especially a holothurian, can come anywhere near the coolness of a Mollusk.…

"stimulating holothurian"? LOve your word-play ;-)

Speaking of word play....I hope you realize that your title has had me singing Tina Turner all day.

Miss Sheril,
Stimulating and holothurian are not words I normally string together, under any circumstances. Of course, being a bivalve guy, I'm just as guilty of reverting to a love of the simple as the next invert biologist. So thanks for taking me back!

Now, if you REALLY want to cause a stir in the Bio-Blog world, I suggest a long piece on "nudi"branchs is in order.

By Philip H. (not verified) on 22 Oct 2007 #permalink

What I have always wondered is why we don't have a superhero with the mutant powers of a sea cucumber.




While this is an intriguing idea, they mainly expel their gonads and thus, it wouldn't quite make for an adequate Saturday morning cartoon. They do, however, secrete some super mysterious toxin. That's a nifty superpower too, no?

While this is an intriguing idea, they mainly expel their gonads and thus, it wouldn't quite make for an adequate Saturday morning cartoon.

That's okay, comic books are for adults now too! We could get Frank Miller to draw it; he's all about the gonads.

We could get Frank Miller to draw it; he's all about the gonads.

I like it Coin, definitely potential here. If you secure the artist, I will agree to work on the story line. There are so many directions one can go that would be novel given the possibilities of an underwater comic world.

Sheril, just counter Chris' Tina Turner with an ample dose of Bonnie Tyler, she's still holding out for a hero. ;)