Seed Cover Story; NPR Podcast; Minnesota Smackdown

While Sheril continues to blog up a storm, I merely have a few updates between my various plane flights....the latest of which, today, takes me to Minnesota for the big debate (tomorrow night) between Mooney-Nisbet and Laden-Myers. More on that when I get a second, but first, some updates:

i-74d99b73b50c61a1ca9856db3de4b915-DrPresident.jpg The latest issue of Seed is out, and I have the cover story. While you can't read the piece online, here's the gist: It's a manifesto for why the next president of the United States, whoever it is, had better get science. I'm hoping this cover story will prompt a lot of discussion, and this won't be the last we have to say about it here on the blog.

Meanwhile, NPR's new Book Tour feature just did a podcast about Storm World, which is based on a recording of a July talk I did at D.C.'s famed bookstore Politics & Prose. Check it out. There are some cool shorter audio clips that NPR has pulled out, including one with this title: "The story of an English major with a love for science." Blush.

Anyway, I can't link directly to the audio, but it's all here.

And now, I'm off to prepare for the melee in Minneapolis....


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By John S. Wilkins (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink