Finally my first reflection on yesterday's revealing hearing is up--at I've been hoping to write there more frequently, and some of the material that came out yesterday was so juicy that I devoted an entire entry to it. I have merely pulled one of many threads from the latest hearing, but I think you'll enjoy it. Hint: It involves James Hansen and George Deutsch....
UPDATE: This is currently a top post at HuffingtonPost, there are already 23 comments, including a lot from conservatives who are slamming Hansen and have weirdly come up with some absolutely bizarre talking point about Hansen having given 1,400--that's right, 1,400--media, maybe over the course of his whole lifetime, but certainly not lately. Check the comments out....
UPDATE II: DarkSyde over at Kos also blogs on this subject and links the post....
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Unfortunately, this story didn't get much attention on the national media. For instance, it was buried in a short story on page 4 of todays' Washington Post in their Washington in Brief section (the Washington Post web site did reference a couple of AP reports however). It did merit a substantial story on the New York Times web site however. I am afraid that the story is being overshadowed by administration misbehavior relative the the assistant attorney general firings.
Hey SLC (and others),
Feel free to crosspost at Huffington Post--indeed, anyone interested, head on over there where the comments have already started
For what it's worth, Chris, whenever I post on HuffPo it brings out a torrent of comments from 'wingers. I think there's a whole gang of them that pulled Troll Patrol duty there. It's a little freaky.
What are your thoughts about Dr. Spencer?
Hansen has done 1400 interviews?
Let's see, even over his 30 year career, that would be about 47 per year.
If each interview took one hour (probably a very conservative estimate, particularly for a conservative interview where he has to keep repeating himself and correcting the interviewer's mis-characterizations), that means he spends over a week a year just giving interviews.
I wonder what his wife thinks of that.
Perhaps that's what they do instead of go on vacation: go to interviews.
The story about NASA trying to downplay global warming has a funny aspect to it.
Chris, if you happen to be reading these comments, drop me an email.
Keith Henson