This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
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Confronting a New Age of Consequences
April 13, 2014
- Chuckles, COP20+, COP15, WG3 Report, WG3 Comments, WG3 Leaks, WG2
- Carbon Limit, Statistics, Energiewende Bottom Line, Subsidies, World Bank, Cook
- Fukushima: Note, News, Policies
- Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Methane, Geopolitics, Antarctica
- Food: Crisis, Fisheries, Prices, GMOs, GMO Labelling, Production
- Hurricanes, Notable Weather, GHGs, Carbon Cycle, Aerosols, Sensitivity
- Ozone, ENSO, Temperatures, Satellites, Paleoclimate, Uncertainties
- Oceans, Biosphere, Extinctions, Bees & CCD, Insects
- Impacts, Forests, Climate Refugees, Desertification, Disease
- Tornadoes, Wildfires, Corals, Glaciers, Sea Levels, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Geoengineering, Conservation, Adaptation
- Journals, Other Docs, Misc. Science, Science Orgs, Free Science, Lovelock
- International Politics: UN, IPCC, Carbon Tax, Hormuz, South China Sea, Solar Spats
- Treaties, Ukraine, Petrodollar, Misc, Activism, Climate Movement, Divestment, H2O Biz
- National Politics: Britain, Europe, Australia, Abbott, RET, MDBP, Tas Forest Deal, India, Japan, Asia, South America
- Canada, Ethical Oil, Pipelines, ELA, DGR, Salmon, BC, Tar Sands, Ontario, Quebec
- America, Keystone, Spills & Leaks, Coal Exports, Alberta Clipper, ANR, 2016, USAdmin, Congress, Lobbyists
- Ecological Economics, Recycling, IPAT, Apocalypso, Another Day, Fixes, Media, Video, Courts, Mann Suit
- Energy, Transitions, Energy Investments, Fracking, Coal, Oil & Gas, Fossil Fuel Corps
- Pipelines, Oil Transportation, US Tar Sands, Energy Independence, Biofuel
- Wind, Solar, Nukes, Nuclear Waste, Nuclear Fusion, FITs, Hydrogen, Grid, Utilities, Efficiency, Cars, Energy Storage
- Business, Insurance, Other Lists, Quotes, Carbon Lobby, Recursive Fury, Misc., Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, A Simple Plea, .sig
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Here's some bleak humour for ye:
- 2014/04/09: JamiolsWorld: (cartoon - Jamiol) SCOTUS and Kochzilla$
- 2014/04/07: TruthDig: (cartoon - ???) Climate Change Affects the Poor
Looking ahead to COP20 and future international climate negotiations:
- 2014/04/11: UN: In Washington, Ban urges world leaders to work towards climate action
- 2014/04/10: RTCC: IPCC report 'key' to 2C global warming target review - US, EU
Nations must consider findings of IPCC when deciding whether to limit warming to 1.5 or 2C, say developed countries The United States and the European Union said that countries must use a recent climate report by a UN panel of scientists to review an agreed limit on global warming, but made no hint that they would urge greater ambition. - 2014/04/09: RTCC: US, UK, Germany canvass private sector on boosting climate finance
World Bank and Merrill Lynch among those working on 'Climate Finance Lab' to speed up $100bn fundraising goal
Poking through the embers of previous negotiations:
The IPCC WG3 report Mitigation of Climate Change was released this Sunday morning:
- WG3: [link to 1.8 meg pdf] Summary for Policymakers - Mitigation of Climate Change
- WG3: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change
- IPCC:WG3: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change
- 2014/04/13: ERabett: WGIII on WGIII
Some initial WG3 commentary:
- 2014/04/13: CNN: To slow warming, no more 'business as usual,' U.N. warns
"Many different pathways" can cut emissions enough to halt global warming, U.N. panel reports - But there will have to be "substantial investments" to do so, and the clock is running, scientists say - Sunday's report is the latest in a benchmark assessment of climate change - The topic is politically controversial but generally accepted as fact by scientists - 2014/04/13: TP:JR: Climate Panel Stunner: Avoiding Climate Catastrophe Is Super Cheap -- But Only If We Act Now
- 2014/04/13: NYT: U.N. Climate Panel Warns Speedier Action Is Needed to Avert Disaster
- 2014/04/13: TStar: IPCC report: Greenhouse gas emissions accelerated in past decade
- 2014/04/13: ScienceInsider: IPCC: Mitigating climate change more challenging than ever
- 2014/04/13: RTCC: IPCC WG3: Reaction as UN launches third climate report
- 2014/04/13: RTCC: UN: Radical action needed to avert climate catastrophe
Avoiding catastrophic climate change is still within reach, but it will require a massive shift to renewable energy, according a UN report on climate change. - 2014/04/13: RNE: IPCC calls for major shift to renewables to cut emissions
- 2014/04/13: RNE: IPCC: Emissions cuts are about ethics as well as economics
- 2014/04/13: ABC(Au): IPCC Working Group III: Report warns drastic changes needed to prevent temperature rises
- 2014/04/13: BBC: World must end 'dirty' fuel use - UN
A long-awaited UN report on how to curb climate change says the world must rapidly move away from carbon-intensive fuels. There must be a "massive shift" to renewable energy, says the 33-page study released in Berlin. It has been finalised after a week of negotiations between scientists and government officials. - 2014/04/13: CBC: UN climate change panel warns emissions rising
Growing controversy over what countries should bear burden of reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Before the release, WG3 leaks were popping up here and there:
- 2014/04/13: Independent(UK): Leaked climate change report: Scientific body warns of 'devastating rise of 4-5C if we carry on as we are'
The Independent on Sunday has seen a draft of the latest IPCC report, which says the world is not doing enough to combat problem. But, with sufficient political will, all is not lost - 2014/04/12: BBC: IPCC scientists accused of 'marginalising' poor nations
Climate scientists meeting in Berlin have been accused of "marginalising" the views of developing countries. They are preparing to release a key report on how the world must cut carbon emissions to stem dangerous warming. They are likely to say that if significant action isn't taken by 2030, temperatures will quickly break through the 2 degree C threshold. - 2014/04/12: CBC: UN climate change guidelines to balance science and politics -- 'There's a fight over every comma sign'
- 2014/04/11: Guardian(UK): At-risk cities hold solutions to climate change: UN report
- 2014/04/11: BBC: UN set to warn countries over 'dash for gas'
Governments are likely to be warned next week that a "dash for gas" will not solve climate change. The chancellor and prime minister have promoted gas as a clean option for powering the UK. But a draft report for the United Nation's third panel on climate change says gas cannot provide a long-term solution to stabilising climate change. Gas is only worthwhile if it is used to substitute a dirty coal plant - and then only for a short period, it says. Instead the world should be trebling or quadrupling the share of renewables for electricity, the authors say. - 2014/04/10: BBC: Cities on frontline of climate change struggle
- 2014/04/08: BBC: World 'needs Plan B' on climate - IPCC report
The world needs a Plan B on climate change because politicians are failing to reduce carbon emissions, according to a UN report. It warns governments if they overshoot their short-term carbon targets they will have to cut CO2 even faster in the second half of the century to keep climate change manageable. If they fail again, they will have to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere. - 2014/04/07: Guardian(UK): IPCC report proposes sucking carbon out of the air as climate fix
Technique of burning biomass then pumping released carbon underground included in leaked draft from UN climate panel - 2014/04/07: Guardian(UK): Leaked IPCC climate plan to worsen global warming - ecologists
Critics say bioenergy, carbon capture, among draft report's 'false solutions' to sustain business as usual economics - 2014/04/07: CCurrents: Time Running Out To Meet Global Warming Target - UN [WG3] Report
- 2014/04/06: Salon: Leaked [WG3] climate report: The world must take drastic measures to stop global warming -- and we're running out of time
Surprisingly little Post WG2 commentary:
- 2014/04/12: Hypergeometric: Steve Easterbrook at the Azimuth Project explains "What Does the New IPCC Report Say About Climate Change?"
- 2014/04/11: RTCC: IPCC appointment contributed to confused message on climate cost
Image of scientists bickering with Richard Tol weakened public perception of consensus within IPCC - 2014/04/11: RNE: The IPCC and Australia's emissions targets
- 2014/04/10: SkS: IPCC issue official rebuttal to more David Rose/Daily Mail nonsense by John Mason
- 2014/04/07: ATTPh: The Tolgate saga
It seems quite remarkable that the IPCC has released a statement in response to the Daily Mail article on a supposed smear campaign against Richard Tol. It seems to make clear that there may well be errors in some of Richard Tol's papers, that these errors have potentially made it into the IPCC documents and that an erratum can't be issued until the journals in which Richard Tol's papers were published have issued corrections. - 2014/04/07: WSWS: UN climate change report spells out growing dangers
- 2014/04/01: TAE: Debt Rattle Apr 1 2014: What Kills The Economy Kills The Planet Kills Us
This seems to be one of the more remarkable developments lately. I keep wondering "Where is the catch?":
- 2014/04/07: BBerg: Shell, Unilever Seek 1 Trillion-Ton Limit on CO2 Output
Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Unilever NV joined 68 other companies in urging world governments to cap cumulative carbon emissions since the industrial revolution to 1 trillion metric tons to contain rising temperatures. The emissions cap is needed to stabilize the increase in temperatures since the 19th century to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), according to an e-mailed statement. That's the level beyond which scientists say the rising seas, more intense storms and melting glaciers caused by global warming may become dangerous.
This won't put an end to claims of natural variation, but if it is verified and replicated, it could be another arrow in the quiver:
- 2014/04/11: Eureka: Odds that global warming is due to natural factors: Slim to none
Statistical analysis rules out natural-warming hypothesis with more than 99 percent certainty
How is the German Energy Transition [Energiewende] doing?
- 2014/04/11: BBC: Germany's green dreams meet harsh reality
- 2014/04/11: GEB: Bavarian Government Adopts Draft Bill for Minimum Distances of Wind Power Plants to Residential Housing
- 2014/04/11: GET: Reality check: massive overcapacity on German power market
- 2014/04/10: GET: Laying Germany's coal renaissance to rest
- 2014/04/10: GEB: Government Presents Second Energy Monitoring Report "Energy of the Future"
- 2014/04/08: GEB: EEG 2.0: Cabinet Adopts Renewables Law Amendment Bill - Agreement with Brussels on EEG Surcharge Reductions for Industry
- 2014/04/08: GET: Greening the Heartlands of Coal in Europe
- 2014/04/07: Lenz: Germany Doesn't Matter Much Anymore
And on the Bottom Line:
- 2014/04/13: CBC: Iraqi Farouk al-Kasim behind Norway oil fund that is envy of world
Norway has squirrelled much of its oil revenue away in an $850B fund for future generations - 2014/04/07: UGothenburg: Gothenburg Scientist in Nature: Climate Models Underestimate Costs to Future Generations
Who's getting the subsidies?
- 2014/04/08: CleanTechnica: Big Oil Spends Millions Lobbying For Its Subsidies
- 2014/04/02: RG&B: You won't believe how much big oil spends on lobbying (to get billions in subsidies)
What's the World Bank up to?
- 2014/04/12: al Jazeera: Is the World Bank enabling agribusiness land grabs?
The policies of the World Bank are encouraging land grabs in the developing world, writes Anuradha Mittal. - 2014/04/10: RTCC: World Bank spent $1bn exploring for new fossil fuels in 2013
- 2014/04/09: OilChange: World Bank financed $1 billion in fossil fuel exploration projects
John Cook and friends continue their point-counterpoint articles:
- 2014/04/12: SkS: 2014 SkS Weekly News Roundup #15B by John Hartz
- 2014/04/11: SkS: Climate imbalance - disparity in the quality of research by contrarian and mainstream climate scientists by dana1981
- 2014/04/10: SkS: IPCC issue official rebuttal to more David Rose/Daily Mail nonsense by John Mason
- 2014/04/09: SkS: IPCC says adapt and mitigate to tackle climate risks by Roz Pidcock
- 2014/04/08: SkS: 2014 SkS Weekly News Roundup #15A by John Hartz
- 2014/04/08: SkS: Fox News climate change coverage is now 28% accurate, up from 7% by dana1981
- 2014/04/07: SkS: Watch Episode 1 of James Cameron's "Years of Living Dangerously" by greenman3610
- 2014/04/06: SkS: 2014 SkS Weekly Digest #14 by John Hartz
A note on theFukushima disaster:
It is evident that the Fukushima disaster is going to persist for some time. TEPCO says 6 to 9 months. The previous Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said decades. Now the Japanese government is talking about 30 years. [Whoops, that has now been updated to 40 years.]
And the IAEA is now saying 40 years too.
[Now some people are talking about a century or more. Sealing it in concrete for 500 years.]
We'll see.
At any rate this situation is not going to be resolved any time soon and deserves its own section.
It is very difficult to know for sure what is really going on at Fukushima. Between the company [TEPCO], the Japanese government, the Japanese regulator [NISA], the international monitor [IAEA], as well as independent analysts and commentators, there is a confusing mish-mash of information. One has to evaluate both the content and the source of propagated information.
How knowledgeable are they [about nuclear power and about Japan]?
Do they have an agenda?
Are they pro-nuclear or anti-nuclear?
Do they want to write a good news story?
Do they want to write a bad news story?
Where do they rate on a scale of sensationalism?
Where do they rate on a scale of play-it-down-ness?
One fundamental question I would like to see answered:
If the reactors are in meltdown, how can they be in cold shutdown?
Not much good news coming out of Fukushima:
- 2014/04/12: FukuLeaks: TEPCO Ignores Tank Alarms For Hours, Here Is Why
- 2014/04/11: EneNews: Nuclear Engineer: Radiation levels "much higher" in areas of Fukushima plume headed to west coast than models show...
- 2014/04/11: FukuLeaks: Fukushima Daiichi Radioactive Tank Leak To Pacific Far Worse Than Admitted
- 2014/04/11: FukuLeaks: TEPCO To Release Groundwater At Fukushima, Potential Consequences
- 2014/04/11: FukuLeaks: Fukushima's Atomic Shopping Basket
- 2014/04/11: FukuLeaks: Fukushima Students Left With Few Good Choices
Some students in Fukushima have returned to schools on the edges of the evacuation zone. A school in Tamura reopened even though few families have returned. Students are given an hour bus ride into the area that was formerly part of the evacuation zone to attend school each day. There have been considerable disputes about the reopening of Tamura after it was discovered that the radiation levels were still high and the government had doctored reports to make the area look safe. - 2014/04/11: CPunch: Radiation and the USS Ronald Reagan
- 2014/04/10: FukuLeaks: US Coalition Call In To Congress Day, Demand Fukushima Food Testing
- 2014/04/10: EneNews: TV: "Far more serious than Feds letting on" at [Hanford] US nuclear site ...
- 2014/04/10: EneNews: Experts: Nuclear chain reactions may have lasted over 7 months at Fukushima -- Neutron leakage from 'active' molten fuel...
- 2014/04/09: EneNews: Navy Sailors: Frozen Fukushima steam blanketed ship; Crew suffered massive radiation doses, dozens have cancer...
- 2014/04/09: EneNews: Bloomberg: Fukushima a global disaster with huge environmental consequences...
- 2014/04/09: FukuLeaks: Fukushima News Roundup
- 2014/04/09: EneNews: AP: Fukushima children flee radiation; "Getting nosebleeds, growing pale and lethargic"; Mistrust of officials high...
- 2014/04/08: EneNews: U.N. Agency: Fukushima Reactor 2 "burst" after fuel melted -- Then radiation doses quickly hit highest levels of entire crisis...
- 2014/04/08: EneNews: Gov't model shows airborne radioactive plume covering entire west coast of US & Canada on Mar 22, 2011...
- 2014/04/08: FukuLeaks: Drone Photographs Fukushima Evacuation Zone
- 2014/04/07: FukuLeaks: Fukushima Unit 2; 5th Floor Work Progresses.. Sort of.
- 2014/04/07: EneNews: Photos: Study finds deformities "significantly higher" in sample of Fukushima insects...
- 2014/04/07: FukuLeaks: Fukushima Unit 4; 594 Fuel Assemblies Removed
- 2014/04/06: EneNews: Marine Chemist: Highly contaminated waste flowing in aquifer below Fukushima...
Post Fukushima, nuclear policies are in flux around the world:
- 2014/04/11: WNN: Japan retains nuclear in energy mix
Three years after the Fukushima accident, which led to calls for Japan to phase-out nuclear power, the country's cabinet has given its approval to an energy policy that recommends the restart of its idled nuclear reactors. - 2014/04/11: BBerg: Japan Atomic Power's Role Supported in Basic Energy Plan
Japan's cabinet approved the first national energy strategy since the Fukushima nuclear accident more than three years ago, designating nuclear as an important source of electricity for the resource-poor nation. The 78-page plan maps out policies on the production and supply of atomic power, clean energy and other sources. The document is based on the recommendations of a 15-member task force comprised mostly of academics. - 2014/04/10: TP:JR: Japan Replaced Half Its Nuclear Power With Energy Efficiency. Could The U.S. Do Something Similar?
- 2014/04/07: BBerg: Japan Policy Stops Short of Setting Clean Energy Targets
The government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's final version of a draft energy report reinforces atomic power's role in the country's future and falls short of advocating specific goals for renewable energy use.
The Arctic melt continues to garner attention:
- 2014/04/11: Eureka: Greenland ice cores show industrial record of acid rain, success of US Clean Air Act
- 2014/04/10: IOTD: Arctic Sea Ice Maximum 2014 [1983 vs. 2014]
- 2014/04/09: Dosbat: PIOMAS March 2014
- 2014/04/08: PostArctica: Arctic Dreams and Nightmares: Into the Art of Alootook Ipellie
- 2014/04/08: UCSUSA:B: Arctic Sea Ice Thins as Old Thick Ice Rapidly Disappears
- 2014/04/08: ArcticNews: March 2014 Arctic Sea Ice Volume 2nd lowest on Record
- 2014/04/08: ASI: PIOMAS April 2014
- 2014/04/07: GLaden: Arctic Death Spiral
- 2014/04/07: GLaden: Climate Trends in the Arctic as Observed from Space: It's melting. Fast.
As for the charismatic megafauna:
That Damoclean sword still hangs overhead:
- 2014/04/12: ArcticNews: Methane buildup in the atmosphere
- 2014/04/09: RTCC: Melting permafrost will release more methane - study
Higher estimates of methane emissions from melting permafrost could accelerate climate 'tipping points', says report Thawing permafrost in the northern hemisphere will lead to relatively more methane than carbon dioxide emissions, which could lead to more serious climate impacts than previously thought, a study said. - 2014/04/07: ArcticNews: Permafrost thawing could accelerate global warming
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
While in Antarctica:
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2014/04/10: UN: With millions facing hunger in Sudan, UN urges support to prevent further crisis
- 2014/04/10: Grist: Droughts push beef prices to record highs
- 2014/04/10: CBC: Orange juice price jumps as Florida orange crop drops 18%
Citrus greening bacteria hits groves, cutting back production and making oranges sour - 2014/04/09: TP:JR: Drought Is Driving Beef Prices To All-New Highs
- 2014/04/09: ABC(Au): Drought conditions force record cattle turn-off
"The simple factor of drought, has seen huge supplies coming onto the market, we've had nearly ten million head turned-off, for slaughter or live export, in the last year, that is highest in three of four decades," [Meat and Livestock Australia chief economist, Tim McRae] said. - 2014/04/09: al Jazeera: UN: Syria drought to deepen food crisis
UN says unusual lack of rain during this year's winter could hit crop production and push millions more into hunger. - 2014/04/08: CCurrents: 1.6 Million People Urgently Need Food In The Central African Republic
- 2014/04/07: PLNA: UK Suffering Food Waste Crisis
- 2014/04/07: TP:JR: How Climate Change Can Make Food Less Nutritious
- 2014/04/08: al Jazeera: Fund crunch forces UN to cut Syria food aid
Size of food parcels cut by a fifth as donor countries fail to fulfil pledges of donations to aid agencies.
The state of the world's fisheries is a concern. See also, and:
- 2014/04/11: ABC(Au): CSIRO scientists create world's first fish-free prawn food Novaq
- 2014/04/10: TheCanadian: The truth unshelled about the shrimp at the table
Food Prices are still problematic:
- FAO: World Food Situation - Food Price Indices
- 2014/04/11: DD: FAO Food Price Index rose sharply for a second consecutive month
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
- 2014/04/11: Grist: GMO labeling would be outlawed by new bill in Congress
- 2014/04/10: Grist: The future of genetically modified plants...
- 2014/04/10: CCurrents: GMOs And Scientific Hegemony
Regarding labelling GM food:
- 2014/04/10: CDreams: 'Monsanto, Koch Alliance'? GOP Congressman Pushes Bill to Block GMO Labling
Koch brothers-supported Rep. wants industry-supported, industry-benefiting bill to deny Americans' right to know
And how are we going to feed 9 billion, 10 billion, 15 billion?
- 2014/04/08: UCSUSA:B: Science, Democracy and a Healthy Food Environment
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Birds in the trees benefit coffee crops
- 2014/04/08: WFP: WFP Dispatches Food For Record Number Of Syrians As Fears Rise About Impact Of Drought
- 2014/04/08: FAO: FAO and Canada to help Philippine coconut farmers rehabilitate their livelihoods hit hard by Typhoon Haiyan
- 2014/04/07: SciShot: ScienceShot: More Trees = More Coffee
In the Western Pacific, Tropical Cyclone Ita is takinng aim at Queensland:
- 2014/04/13: ABC(Au): Tropical Cyclone Ita: Heavy rain brings flooding to Ingham as category one storm heads out to sea
- 2014/04/13: al Jazeera: Australian storm cuts power to thousands
Thousands of homes are without power and clean water is about to run out as storm rolls along Barrier Reef coast. - 2014/04/12: ABC(Au): Tropical Cyclone Ita: Power outages, floods hit north Queensland as storm system continues [pix]
- 2014/04/12: IOTD: Cyclone Ita Approaching Australia [on April 11]
- 2014/04/12: al Jazeera: Australia hit by weakening storm
Cyclone Ita downgraded to Category 1 storm after it unleashed strong winds and heavy rains over the country's far north. - 2014/04/12: ABC(Au): Cyclone Ita: In the words of residents
- 2014/04/12: ABC(Au): Cyclone Ita: Several rescued from floodwaters in far north Queensland
- 2014/04/12: ABC(Au): Cyclone Ita: Storm surge threat eases in Cairns
- 2014/04/12: ABC(Au): As it happened: Far north Queensland faces flooding as category one Cyclone Ita hits Cairns
- 2014/04/12: ABC(Au): Cyclone Ita: Residents assess damage in far north Queensland [pix]
- 2014/04/12: ABC(Au): Cyclone Ita crosses Queensland coast as category four system
- 2014/04/11: ABC(Au): Cyclone Ita hits north Queensland
- 2014/04/11: ABC(Au): Cyclone Ita: Storm surge risk eases for Cairns residents
- 2014/04/11: ABC(Au): Residents in path of cyclone [Ita] warned of destructive winds and flash flooding
- 2014/04/11: ABC(Au): Cyclone Ita: James Cook Museum staff work to protect Cooktown treasures
- 2014/04/11: MetOffice: Cyclone Ita making landfall over Queensland
- 2014/04/11: Wunderground: Category 4 Tropical Cyclone Ita Hits Queensland, Australia
- 2014/04/11: HotWhopper: More on Tropical Cyclone Ita
- 2014/04/11: HotWhopper: Battening down in Far North Queensland for Tropical Cyclone Ita
- 2014/04/11: ABC(Au): Cyclone Ita: live coverage as category four storm comes ashore in far north Queensland
- 2014/04/11: ABC(Au): Cyclone Ita: Category-four storm lashes far north Queensland
- 2014/04/11: BBerg: Australia Braces for Strongest Cyclone Since Yasi in 2011
Residents in Australia's Queensland state are seeking refuge in evacuation centers and stocking up on provisions, bracing for the strongest storm since cyclone Yasi in 2011 that destroyed homes and downed power lines. Severe Tropical Cyclone Ita will hit the coast tonight near Cape Flattery, about 1,600 kilometers (994 miles) northwest of the state capital Brisbane, Australia's Bureau of Meteorology said on its website. It will make landfall as a category 4 storm, packing very destructive winds of as much as 275 kilometers per hour near its core, after being downgraded from a category 5, the bureau said. - 2014/04/10: Wunderground: Category 4 Ita Nearing Australia
- 2014/04/10: ABC(Au): Cyclone Ita upgraded to category five as it heads towards far north Queensland
- 2014/04/10: BBC: Cyclone Ita: Queensland braces for category five storm
- 2014/04/10: ABC(Au): [Cat 5] Tropical Cyclone Ita expected to hit land tomorrow night
- 2014/04/10: ABC(Au): Farmers desperately pick bananas as cyclone approaches
- 2014/04/10: ABC(Au): Queensland communities prepare for Tropical Cyclone Ita
- 2014/04/10: RScribbler: World Storm Surge Record Set to Fall? Aberrant ITA Prepares to Slam Queensland With 155+ mph Winds After Spurring Historic Solomon Islands Flooding
- 2014/04/10: Eureka: NASA sees hurricane-strength Tropical Cyclone Ita heading toward Queensland
- 2014/04/09: Eureka: NASA's TRMM satellite sees Tropical Cyclone Ita intensifying
- 2014/04/09: ABC(Au): Cyclone Ita predicted to reach category four off far north Queensland
- 2014/04/09: ABC(Au): Queensland braces for worst cyclone since Yasi
Far north Queensland is bracing for what's expected to be the worst cyclone to hit the east coast since Yasi devastated parts of Queensland in 2011. Severe Tropical Cyclone Ita is expected to cross the coast between Lockhardt River and Cape Grenville, near Cape York, on Friday night. It's expected to deliver wind gusts up to 280 kilometres an hour and powerful storm surges. - 2014/04/09: ABC(Au): Information file: Tropical Cyclone Ita
- 2014/04/07: NASA: NASA Catches Tropical Cyclone Ita [23P] Near Papua New Guinea
TD Peipah [05W] faded mercifully East of the Phillipines:
While elsewhere in the hurricane wars:
This week in notable weather:
- 2014/04/09: al Jazeera: Storms batter Argentina
Days of torrential rain have caused major problems in many parts of the country.
As for GHGs:
- 2014/04/13: CBC: Oil industry Canada's biggest contributor to greenhouse gases
Environment Canada report reveals energy sector has now surpassed transportation industry - 2014/04/12: NBF: Atmosphere weight, emissions, half life in the atmosphere and residence time
- 2014/04/11: Guardian(UK): UN: greenhouse gas emissions nearly doubled in first decade of 21st century
Leaked draft shows emissions grew nearly twice as fast from 2000-10 as in previous 30 years - despite economic slowdown - 2014/04/11: RTCC: 400ppm: the milestone that puts Earth in the "danger zone"
- 2014/04/11: FAO: Agriculture's greenhouse gas emissions on the rise
- 2014/04/11: UN: Agriculture's greenhouse gas emissions on the rise, warns UN agency
- 2014/04/10: SwissInfo: Swiss hit Kyoto targets for 2008-2012
Switzerland was able between 2008 and 2012 to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 9% - slightly above its Kyoto Protocol target of 8%. Despite this, environmental organisation WWF reckons the government is still "flying blind" when it comes to climate politics. - 2014/04/10: Eureka: Camels emit less methane than cows or sheep
- 2014/04/10: Eureka: Study resolves controversy over nitrogen's ocean 'exit strategies'
- 2014/04/09: TP:JR: Carbon Dioxide Levels Just Hit Their Highest Point In 800,000 Years
And in the carbon cycle:
- 2014/04/11: Grist:Salamanders are doing their best to stave off climate change
- 2014/04/07: Eureka: The tiniest greenhouse gas emitters [soil microbes]
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2014/04/12: MODIS: Dust storm off Libya [on Mar.27]
- 2014/04/10: MODIS: Dust storm in Saudi Arabia [on Mar.27]
Regarding Climate Sensitivity:
As for ozone:
And on the ENSO front:
- 2014/04/12: QuarkSoup: How Might The Coming El Niño Compare to 1997-98?
- 2014/04/10: NOAA:NCEP: El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion
Synopsis: While ENSO-neutral is favored for Northern Hemisphere spring, the chances of El Niño increase during the remainder of the year, exceeding 50% by summer. - 2014/04/12: P3: Super El Niño Impends
- 2014/04/11: Grist: El Niño could raise meteorological hell this year
- 2014/04/11: KSJT: Media tackle the weird oceanographics of El Niño as NOAA sees odds rising that it'll be here this year
- 2014/04/11: CC&G: El Nino Forecast for Summer 2014 Looking Stronger
- 2014/04/09: PSinclair: Could El Nino Take the Edge off California's Drought?
- 2014/04/08: QuarkSoup: Over 70% Chance of an El Nino, Says Oz Bureau of Meteorology
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): More than 70 per cent chance of El Nino
As for the temperature record:
- 2014/04/12: Moyhu: More GHCN QC errors
- 2014/04/12: Moyhu: Significant GHCN errors in March 2014
- 2014/04/11: QuarkSoup: GISS: 4th-warmest March
- 2014/04/11: RScribbler: NASA GISS Shows March 2014 Was Third Hottest on Record as Arctic Heatwave Spurs Siberian Fire Season to Early Start
- 2014/04/10: Moyhu: TempLS global temp up 0.27°C in March
- 2014/04/09: RTCC: Natural ocean cycle has offset manmade warming - study
- 2014/04/08: GLaden: Waving Good Bye To The Stadium Wave Model: About that global warming hiatus
- 2014/04/07: QuarkSoup: UAH (but not RSS) Again At Record (5yr) High
- 2014/04/07: Eureka: Slowdown of global warming fleeting
The recent slowdown in the warming rate of the Northern Hemisphere may be a result of internal variability of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation -- a natural phenomenon related to sea surface temperatures, according to Penn State researchers.
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
- 2014/04/11: BBC: Airbus to build critical European Metop weather satellites
The competition to build Europe's next generation of polar-orbiting weather satellites has been won by Airbus. - 2014/04/08: NatureN: Earth observation enters next phase -- Expectations high as first European Sentinel satellite launches
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2014/04/10: SciShot: Ancient Bees Pulled From [La Brea] Tar Pit
- 2014/04/09: AGU: Scientists reconstruct ancient [Barberton, South Africa] impact that dwarfs dinosaur-extinction blast
- 2014/04/09: Eureka: La Brea Tar Pit fossil research shows climate change drove evolution of Ice Age predators
- 2014/04/09: UCDavis: Reef fish arrived in two waves
- 2014/04/08: Gizmodo: 4 Ways Tiny Microbes Changed Life On Earth Forever
- 2014/04/08: JEB: Paleo-clouds
- 2014/04/08: AWI: AWI researchers decipher climate paradox from the Miocene: growth of Antarctic ice sheet triggered warming in the Southern Ocean
- 2014/04/07: ABC(Au): Leaves reveal ancient Queensland was warm [66 - 145 mya]
Dealing with uncertainties:
- 2014/04/10: P3: Uncertainty-Not-Your-Friend Meets Greg Craven
- 2014/04/11: TheConversation: Uncertainty isn't cause for climate complacency - quite the opposite
What's the State of the Oceans?:
- 2014/04/07: DD: Scientists recommend crackdown as oceans choke on 20 millions tons of plastic each year
What's new in Biodiversity?
- 2014/04/10: BBC: The 100 most distinct and rare birds
- 2014/04/09: Eureka: Counting the invisible by sound -- a new approach to estimate seabird populations
- 2014/04/08: BBC: Rare blackthroated blue robins spotted in China
And on the extinction watch:
- 2014/04/10: TreeHugger: Ex-poachers and farmers work together to protect endangered pangolins
- 2014/04/10: SciAm:EC: Killifishes Killed Off: 2 Fish Species May Be Extinct in the Wild
- 2014/04/10: Eureka: Iconic boreal bird species declining in the Adirondacks, study says
- 2014/04/10: UFlorida: Study shows 'dinosaurs of the turtle world' at risk in Southeast rivers
Conservation of coastal rivers of the northern Gulf of Mexico is vital to the survival of the alligator snapping turtle, including two recently discovered species, University of Florida scientists say. A new study appearing this week in the journal Zootaxa shows the alligator snapping turtle, the largest freshwater turtle in the Western Hemisphere and previously believed to be one species, is actually three separate species. - 2014/04/09: SciAm:EC: First-Ever Video of Critically Endangered Myanmar Snub-Nosed Monkeys
- 2014/04/09: BBC: Czech Republic: Wolves return after a century absence
- 2014/04/08: NatureN: Time running out for rarest primate
Rescue bid launched to save Hainan gibbon from becoming first ape driven to extinction by humans.
The bees and Colony Collapse Disorder are a constant concern. And then, there are the Neonicotinoids:
- 2014/04/08: Europa: [link to 688k pdf] Study on honey bee colony mortality
- 2014/04/09: NatureN: EU states lose up to one-third of honeybees per year -- Survey finds beehives died off at higher rates in north of continent
- 2014/04/09: TreeHugger: Study of 32,000 bee colonies in Europe finds alarming colony mortality in Belgium, UK, France...
- 2014/04/08: BBC: Northern Europe hit by most bee deaths - EU study
A new study covering 17 EU countries says that far more honeybees are dying in the UK and other parts of northern Europe than in Mediterranean countries. The European Commission says it is Europe's most comprehensive study so far of bee colony deaths. Winter mortality was especially high for bees in Belgium (33.6%) and the UK (29%) in 2012-13. But in spring-summer 2013 France was highest with 13.6%. Bumblebees and other wild bees were not studied, nor were pesticide impacts.
How are the Insect Orders doing?
- 2014/04/07: TP:JR: [Quino checkerspot butterfly] Becomes Fastest Of Its Kind To Adapt To Climate Change
- 2014/04/07: Guardian(UK): Endangered butterfly defies climate change with new diet and habitat
Quino checkerspot, native to Mexico and California, shifts to higher altitude and chooses new species of plant for laying eggs
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2014/04/11: Grist: Weather-related blackouts in U.S. doubled in 10 years
- 2014/04/11: TP:JR: Extreme Weather Has Driven A Ten-Fold Increase In Power Outages Over The Last Two Decades
- 2014/04/10: NewAnthropocene: The consequences of climate change (in our lifetimes)
- 2014/04/07: USGS: A Few Winners, But Many More Losers -- Southwestern Bird and Reptile Distributions to Shift as Climate Changes
- 2014/04/07: CBC: Great Lakes ice shutters Indiana steel mill -- Gary Works steel mill closed due to Great Lakes ice
US Steel can't resupply mill with new iron ore because waterways are frozen over
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2014/04/11: USDA:FS:NRS: Warming Climate Has Consequences for Michigan's Forests
New report describes climate change risks for northern Michigan forests - 2014/04/09: UCSUSA: Procter & Gamble Offers Deforestation-Free Palm Oil Commitment
- 2014/04/08: ERW: Cutting down just a few trees affects climate
Climate refugees are becoming an issue:
- 2014/04/11: UN: Amid rise in Mediterranean crossings, UN urges solutions for refugees seeking safety
- 2014/04/09: al Jazeera: Italy sounds alarm as 4,000 immigrants land
Minister calls on international community to set up refugee camps in Libya and says he expects crossings to increase.
Desertification looms as a global threat:
Emerging diseases accompany ecological change:
- 2014/04/08: TreeHugger: 'Breakbone' fever is coming to Europe thanks to global warming, Swedish scientists say
- 2014/04/07: UCSUSA:B: Africa's Meningitis Belt and the Power of a Single Weather Forecast
On the tornado front:
- 2014/04/07: ERW: Tornado outbreaks are 100 times more likely than we thought
- 2014/04/04: Atlantic: Fire + Tornado = Fire Tornado
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2014/04/13: CBC: Chile forest fire kills 4, destroys 500 homes
Thousands more have been evacuated from the port city of Valparaiso - 2014/04/13: CNN: Wildfire in Chilean city kills 4, consumes 500 homes: 'One of the worst fires'
Plans to evacuate inmates at city jail as preventive measure - Strong winds are fanning the flames in Valparaiso - 500 firefighters from seven provinces are battling the fire, but wind is complicating efforts - Chilean President Michelle Bachelet declared a state of emergency - 2014/04/13: ABC(Au): Chile wildfire destroys 500 homes, kills 2 people in port city of Valparaiso
- 2014/04/13: BBC: Deadly fire destroys homes in Chile's Valparaiso
A large forest fire has killed four people and destroyed more than 500 homes in Chile's port city Valparaiso. - 2014/04/13: al Jazeera: Deaths as thousands flee Chile wildfire
At least four confirmed dead as blaze engulfs at least 150 homes and forces the evacuation of thousands of residents. - 2014/04/13: MODIS: Fires in central United States [on Mar.29]
- 2014/04/10: Grist: Climate change just reshaped America's wildfire strategy
- 2014/04/09: IOTD: Kansas Prairie Fires [on Mar.29]
- 2014/04/06: TP:JR: Siberia Is Already Experiencing Mid-Summer Temperatures And Major Wildfires
Corals are a bellwether of the ocean's health:
- 2014/04/09: Eureka: Coral reefs of the Mozambique Channel a leading candidate for saving marine diversity
- 2014/04/07: BBC: Whitsand Bay rare coral 'at risk from dredging'
Glaciers are melting:
- 2014/04/13: FaGP: Mangde Chu Glacier Retreat, Bhutan
- 2014/04/10: FaGP: Lugge and Thorthormi Glacier Retreat, Bhutan
Sea levels are rising:
- 2014/04/09: NatureN: Floods: Holding back the tide
With the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta sinking, the race is on to protect millions of people from future flooding.
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2014/04/13: CBC: Belleville, Ont., calls for more volunteers as flood waters rise -- Eastern Ontario city declared state of emergency on Saturday
- 2014/04/12: ABC(Au): Flood situation still dire in Solomon Islands
- 2014/04/12: SimpleC: Detailed regional data reduce warming-drought link doubts
- 2014/04/12: CBC: Southwest Quebec expecting heavy rains, more flooding
25 to 45 millimetres of rain expected Sunday in Montreal, Laurentians, Richelieu Valley, other regions - 2014/04/11: TP:JR: Climate Change Drying Out Southwest Now, With Worse To Come For A Third Of The Planet
- 2014/04/10: Grist: California's drought plan will screw the environment
- 2014/04/09: DD: Unprecedented floods leave half of Solomon Islands' capital without access to water
- 2014/04/09: ABC(Au): Floods leave half of Solomon Islands' capital without access to water
- 2014/04/09: SFGate: Colorado tumbleweeds overrun drought areas [pix]
- 2014/04/08: al Jazeera: Flooding hits Argentina
Strong winds and heavy rain are causing major problems in the South American country. - 2014/04/08: CBC: Flood alert issued as rising water threatens Acadie River
Quebec regions of Laurentians, Outaouais, Lanaudière, Quebec City and the Mauricie on high flood alert - 2014/04/08: al Jazeera: Disease threatens flood-hit Solomon Islands
First signs of disease outbreak emerge, days after flash floods kill at least 21 in the capital Honiara. - 2014/04/07: al Jazeera: World floods -- A selection of [6] pictures of the flooding currently affecting three continents
- 2014/04/07: TP:JR: Photos: Southeast Hit By Heavy Rains, Major Flooding
- 2014/04/07: CNN: Girl in Mississippi believed swept away by flooding as rain batters Southeast
Rain pounds U.S. Southeast; flash flood warnings and watches issued - Mother saw girl, 9, pulled into culvert in Yazoo City, Mississippi, on Sunday night, official says - Search for girl stretches into Monday - Tornado suspected in south-central Mississippi; seven minor injuries reported - 2014/04/07: TP:JR: Photos: Flash Floods Devastate Solomon Islands
- 2014/04/07: Guardian(UK): Solomon Islands flash floods kill at least 19 people
Forty people are missing and 49,000 homeless after entire communities washed away following heavy rains
First, stop putting GHGs into the atmosphere,
Second, begin to reduce current levels of GHGs,
Third, save as many species as possible,
Fourth, begin to reduce the human population,
And elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2014/04/11: Rabble:DC: Climate change can be curtailed
- 2014/04/09: OilChange: Worried about a 4-degree world? Then stop digging!
- 2014/04/07: PLNA: Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere May Be Reduced By Deserts,Study Says
- 2014/04/07: GLaden: CO2 in the Earth's Atmosphere. What have we done about it?
Consider transportation & GHG production:
- 2014/04/09: BBC: Reducing car pollution easier than UN experts thought
Reducing pollution from cars has been cheaper and easier than UN experts thought, a draft report says. The UN's climate panel has admitted it underestimated the huge gains in weight and fuel efficiency achieved by car manufacturers. But the panel says all the improvements will be swamped by the future growth in global traffic. That is unless governments improve public transport, tax motorists and plan cities for walking and cycling. - 2014/04/09: BBerg: Cars Become Biggest Driver of Greenhouse-Gas Increases
- 2014/04/07: Grist: States try to block cities' transit plans
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
- 2014/04/12: BBC: Americans construct tiny houses - and new lives
More and more Americans are building tiny houses, drawn to the prospect of financial freedom and a smaller ecological footprint.
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2014/04/13: TStar: David Keith makes the case for geo-engineering
In a world that seems unable to cut back on its carbon dioxide emissions, is not manipulating earth's climate an option we should at least consider? - 2014/04/11: Sourceable: Harvard Physicist [David Keith] Champions Climate Engineering
- 2014/04/11: PhilStar: Artificially cooling planet through geoengineering a sensitive topic for UN climate panel
- 2014/04/08: DCGeoconsortium: Guest post - Bob Olson, Senior Fellow, Institute for Alternative Futures - A Venture Into Geoengineering
- 2014/04/08: G-R: G3E4O Geoengineering and the Engineers of Gaia
- 2014/04/08: Reuters: Many nations wary of extracting carbon from air to fix climate
What's new in conservation?
While on the adaptation front:
- 2014/04/07: RTCC: Adaptation as complicated as cutting emissions - UN disasters envoy
Governments must not see adaptation as 'politically easy' way out of tackling climate change, says Margareta Wahlström - 2014/04/07: Wunderground: An Expensive Way to Ease California's Drought: Desalinization Plants
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2014/04/08: PNAS: (abs) Fish navigation of large dams emerges from their modulation of flow field experience by R. Andrew Goodwin et al.
- 2014/04/08: PNAS: (ab$) Global patterns of marine mammal, seabird, and sea turtle bycatch reveal taxa-specific and cumulative megafauna hotspots by Rebecca L. Lewison et al.
- 2014/04/08: PNAS: (abs) Soil biodiversity and soil community composition determine ecosystem multifunctionality by Cameron Wagg et al.
- 2014/04/08: PNAS: (ab$) Field-evolved resistance by western corn rootworm to multiple Bacillus thuringiensis toxins in transgenic maize by Aaron J. Gassmann et al.
- 2014/04/08: PNAS: (abs) Whole-genome sequencing of cultivated and wild peppers provides insights into Capsicum domestication and specialization by Cheng Qin et al.
- 2014/04/08: PNAS: (abs) Perceptions of water use by Shahzeen Z. Attari
- 2014/04/08: PNAS: (ab$) Global and time-resolved monitoring of crop photosynthesis with chlorophyll fluorescence by Luis Guanter et al.
- 2014/04/08: PNAS: (ab$) Giant pressure-induced volume collapse in the pyrite mineral MnS2 by Simon A. J. Kimber et al.
- 2014/04/08: PNAS: (ab$) Glacial forcing of central Indonesian hydroclimate since 60,000 y B.P. by James M. Russell et al.
- 2014/04/08: PNAS: (letter$) Understanding environmentally significant consumption by Thomas Dietz
- 2014/04/08: PNAS: (letter$) Reply to Hristov et al.: Linking methane emissions inventories with atmospheric observations by Scot M. Miller et al.
- 2014/04/08: PNAS: (letter$) Livestock methane emissions in the United States by Alexander N. Hristov et al.
- 2014/04/09: Nature: (ab$) Crash and rebound of indigenous populations in lowland South America by Marcus J. Hamilton et al.
- 2014/04/07: HESSD: Large-scale regionalization of water table depth in peatlands optimized for greenhouse gas emission upscaling by M. Bechtold et al.
- 2014/04/07: OSD: Characterisation and quantification of regional diurnal SST cycles from SEVIRI by I. Karagali & J. L. Høyer
- 2014/04/08: TC: Fracture-induced softening for large-scale ice dynamics by T. Albrecht & A. Levermann
- 2014/04/07: TC: Vital role of daily temperature variability in surface mass balance parameterizations of the Greenland Ice Sheet by I. Rogozhina & D. Rau
- 2014/04/03: WoL:GCB: (ab$) Simultaneous improvement in productivity, water use, and albedo through crop structural modification by Darren T. Drewry et al.
- 2014/04/07: ESDD: Global and regional effects of land-use change on climate in 21st century simulations with interactive carbon cycle by L. R. Boysen et al.
- 2014/04/10: ACP: Multi-decadal aerosol variations from 1980 to 2009: a perspective from observations and a global model by M. Chin et al.
- 2014/04/09: ACP: Improved satellite retrievals of NO2 and SO2 over the Canadian oil sands and comparisons with surface measurements by C. A. McLinden et al.
- 2014/04/10: ACPD: An attempt at estimating Paris area CO2 emissions from atmospheric concentration measurements by F. M. Bréon et al.
- 2014/04/07: ACPD: On the origin of the occasional springtime nitrate concentration maximum in Greenland snow by L. Geng et al.
- 2014/04/11: BG: Inferences from CO2 and CH4 concentration profiles at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) on regional summertime ecosystem fluxes by J. Winderlich et al.
- 2014/04/09: BG: Sedimentary and atmospheric sources of iron around South Georgia, Southern Ocean: a modelling perspective by I. Borrione et al.
- 2014/04/09: BG: A satellite data driven biophysical modeling approach for estimating northern peatland and tundra CO2 and CH4 fluxes by J. D. Watts et al.
- 2014/04/09: BG: Anthropogenic and natural methane fluxes in Switzerland synthesized within a spatially explicit inventory by R. V. Hiller et al.
- 2014/04/08: BGD: Have ozone effects on carbon sequestration been over-estimated? A new biomass response function for wheat by H. Pleijel et al.
- 2014/04/11: CP: On the low-frequency component of the ENSO-Indian monsoon relationship: a paired proxy perspective by M. Berkelhammer et al.
- 2014/04/09: CP: The response of the Peruvian Upwelling Ecosystem to centennial-scale global change during the last two millennia by R. Salvatteci et al.
- 2014/04/11: CPD: Holocene environmental changes in the highlands of the southern Peruvian Andes (14° S) and their impact on pre-Columbian cultures by K. Schittek et al.
- 2014/04/11: CPD: Sensitivity of the grassland-forest ecotone in East African open woodland savannah to historical rainfall variation by I. Ssemmanda et al.
- 2014/04/11: CPD: The impact of Sahara desertification on Arctic cooling during the Holocene by F. J. Davies et al.
- 2014/04/11: CPD: Global sensitivity analysis of Indian Monsoon during the Pleistocene by P. A. Araya-Melo et al.
- 2014/04/11: CPD: Identifying homogenous sub-periods in HadISD by R. J. H. Dunn et al.
- 2014/04/09: CPD: A paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the last 15 000 cal yr BP via Yellow Sea sediments using biomarkers and isotopic composition of organic matter by A. O. Badejo et al.
- 2014/04/09: CPD: Holocene climate change, permafrost, and cryogenic carbonate formation: insights from a recently deglaciated, high-elevation cave in the Austrian Alps by C. Spötl & H. Cheng
- 2014/04/09: CPD: Quantitative reconstruction of East Asian summer monsoon precipitation during the Holocene based on oxygen isotope mass-balance calculation in the East China Sea by Y. Kubota et al.
- 2014/04/08: CPD: Reconstruction of recent climate change in Alaska from the Aurora Peak ice core, central Alaska by A. Tsushima et al.
- 2014/04/11: ACP: Inferring regional sources and sinks of atmospheric CO2 from GOSAT XCO2 data by F. Deng et al.
- 2014/04/11: ACPD: Organic matter matters for ice nuclei of agricultural soil origin by Y. Tobo et al.
- 2014/04/11: HESS: Climate and topographic controls on simulated pasture production in a semiarid Mediterranean watershed with scattered tree cover by J. Lozano-Parra et al.
- 2014/04/11: HESS: Does consideration of water routing affect simulated water and carbon dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems? by G. Tang et al.
- 2014/04/10: GMDD: Modelling fires in the terrestrial carbon balance by incorporating SPITFIRE into the global vegetation model ORCHIDEE -- Part 1: Simulating historical global burned area and fire regime by C. Yue et al.
- 2014/04/10: OS: Antarctic circumpolar transport and the southern mode: a model investigation of interannual to decadal timescales by C. W. Hughes et al.
- 2014/04/10: OS: Intrinsic variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current system: low- and high-frequency fluctuations of the Argentine Basin flow by G. Sgubin et al.
- 2014/04/10: OSD: Evaluation of the eastern equatorial Pacific SST seasonal cycle in CMIP5 models by Z. Song et al.
- 2014/04/11: TC: Surge dynamics in the Nathorstbreen glacier system, Svalbard by M. Sund et al.
- 2014/04/10: TC: Influence of anisotropy on velocity and age distribution at Scharffenbergbotnen blue ice area by T. Zwinger et al.
- 2014/02/27: ERL: Daily tornado frequency distributions in the United States by J B Elsner et al.
- 2014/04/06: Springer:CD: (ab$) Scaling fluctuation analysis and statistical hypothesis testing of anthropogenic warming by S. Lovejoy
- 2014/04/06: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Climate warming during Antarctic ice sheet expansion at the Middle Miocene transition by Gregor Knorr & Gerrit Lohmann
- 2014/04/06: Nature:CC: (ab$) Greater ecosystem carbon in the Mojave Desert after ten years exposure to elevated CO2 by R. D. Evans et al.
- 2014/04/06: Nature:CC: (ab$) Nitrate assimilation is inhibited by elevated CO2 in field-grown wheat by Arnold J. Bloom et al.
- 2014/04/06: Nature:CC: (ab$) Nutrient availability as the key regulator of global forest carbon balance by M. Fernández-Martínez et al.
- 2014/04/07: AGWObserver: New research - March 2014
And other significant documents:
- WG3: [link to 1.8 meg pdf] Summary for Policymakers - Mitigation of Climate Change
- WG3: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change
- 2014/04/08: UNEP: [link to 5.44 meg pdf] Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2014
- 2014/04/08: Europa: [link to 688k pdf] Study on honey bee colony mortality
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2014/04/11: SMandia: Thumbs Up to Consensus View & Its Scientists, Thumbs Down to Opposing Views & Its Scientists
In the science organizations:
What developments in the ongoing struggle for Open Science?
- 2014/04/09: NatureN: Funders punish open-access dodgers
Agencies withhold grant money from researchers who do not make publications openly available. - 2014/04/09: NatureN: UK funder explains clamp-down on open access
Wellcome Trust's Robert Kiley discusses sanctions to ensure that grants lead to freely available papers.
Regarding Lovelock:
Meanwhile at the UN:
- 2014/04/09: UN: UN launches decade-long initiative to promote sustainable energy for all
- 2014/04/07: UN: UN, partners launch humanitarian response for flood-affected Solomon Islands
More talk about changing the IPCC process:
- 2014/04/08: TheConversation: Votes, not vetoes: a new way to cut a United Nations climate deal
- 2014/04/07: RTCC: IPCC must issue shorter, less frequent reports, says reviewer [David Griggs]
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
On the international political front, tensions continue as the empire leans on Iran:
- 2014/04/12: AntiWar: The Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program That Wasn't
- 2014/04/12: al Jazeera: US rejects visa for Iran's UN envoy
Tehran dismisses US decision to deny visa to diplomat over his links to 1979 hostage crisis. - 2014/04/10: InformedComment: Russian Sanctions-Busting?: Putin's bruited 500k b/d oil deal with Iran draws US Threats
- 2014/04/09: al Jazeera: Iranian supreme leader approves nuclear talks
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says talks will help break "anti-Iran hype" that Tehran is trying to build an atomic bomb. - 2014/04/09: AntiWar: IAEA Praises Iran Cooperation, But US Still Sour on Deal -- IAEA: All Measures Implemented as Planned
- 2014/04/09: AntiWar: Russia Dismisses US Threats Over Iran Oil Deal -- Insists Oil for Goods Deal None of America's Business
- 2014/04/08: Xinhuanet: Iran expects to find solution for Tehran nuclear issue in 6 months
- 2014/04/08: BBC: Iran has begun a new round of talks with world powers in Vienna as they seek to reach a comprehensive deal on Tehran's nuclear programme
- 2014/04/07: BBerg: Iran Nuclear Haggling Hits Midpoint With Talks Over Arak Reactor
Diplomats gathering in Vienna will seek a compromise over an Iranian reactor that could produce weapons ingredients when they resume talks on the Islamic Republic's nuclear program today. European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will join diplomats from China, France, Germany, Russia, the U.K. and U.S. The sides have set a target of July 20 for a permanent accord after breaking a decade-long deadlock in Geneva last year. After the last round of talks in March, Russia called on Iran to "demonstrate goodwill" by finding a way to modify the Arak heavy-water reactor and allay concerns that it can produce plutonium, a key ingredient in nuclear weapons. - 2014/04/07: Xinhuanet: Iran to start new round of nuclear talks with powers in Vienna [on April 8-9]
South [& East] China Sea tension persists:
- 2014/04/12: WSWS: US defence secretary's provocative tour of Asia
Amid sharpening tensions and a US-led military build-up in Europe over the Ukraine crisis, US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel delivered a menacing warning to China this week that, like Russia, it could face diplomatic isolation and threats of war if it did not bow to the demands of Washington and its allies in Asia. Hagel explicitly compared Russia's annexation of Crimea to China's territorial disputes with its neighbours in the South and East China seas. "You cannot go around the world and redefine boundaries and violate territorial integrity and the sovereignty of nations by force, coercion or intimidation, whether it's in small islands in the Pacific or in large nations in Europe," he said. The hypocrisy of Hagel's remarks is staggering. - 2014/04/09: WSWS: US defence secretary clashes with Chinese counterpart
In a joint press conference in Beijing yesterday, US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel and Chinese Defence Minister Chang Wanquan traded barbed comments over territorial disputes in the South China and East China Seas. The public display of hostility is another warning of the dangerous tensions that the Obama administration's "pivot to Asia" has provoked throughout the region. - 2014/04/11: Asia Times: Philippines tests rule of law
- 2014/04/08: Xinhuanet: China's defense minister: neighbors are "stirring trouble"
- 2014/04/08: IndiaTimes: China collects 6,300 objects as evidence of Japanese 'war crimes'
Beijing: China said it has put together 6,300 objects and pieces of evidence to prove that Japanese military was using prisoners to experiment with biological weapons during World War II. The objects will go into one of the several museums it is building. They include arms, ammunition, clothing, equipment, implements, books, documents and chemical reagents. They were found in what the invading Japanese military called Unit 731 in the Chinese city of Harbin in 1935. - 2014/04/08: WSWS: US defense secretary threatens China during Japan visit
- 2014/04/07: CSM: US to deploy destroyers to counter North Korean threat
- 2014/04/07: Xinhuanet: China museum amasses Japanese Unit 731 evidence
In the widespread solar squabbles:
These 'free trade' treaties should be called the corporate control treaties:
- 2014/04/11: WashingtonsBlog: U.S. Claims Country Building Its Own Network to Protect Against NSA Spying Violates Trade Laws
- 2014/04/10: CDreams: US: EU Circumvention of NSA Spying Would Violate Trade Law
Report from US Trade Representative charges EU-centric communications network would unfairly disadvantage US companies - 2014/04/10: Rediff:B: China takes a leap forward to TPP by M K Bhadrakumar
- 2014/04/08: BBC: Japan and Australia agree trade deal
- 2014/04/07: EurActiv: New French cabinet focuses on TTIP
Tension is building in the standoffs of Eastern Ukraine while the new cold/economic war percolates:
- 2014/04/12: ABC(Au): Europe looking for alternative gas supplies despite Russian assurances
- 2014/04/12: ABC(Au): Russia to honour European gas contracts, despite Ukraine's debts
- 2014/04/12: CCurrents: Why US Fracking Companies Are Licking Their Lips Over Ukraine
- 2014/04/11: BBerg: Ukrainian Crisis Not Wasted by Washington Lobbyists
- 2014/04/10: EUO: Putin threatens gas-cut off to Ukraine, EU countries
Brussels - Russian leader Vladimir Putin has threatened to cut off gas supplies to Ukraine unless it starts repaying a huge debt and unless the EU agrees to joint talks on its economic future. He said in a letter sent to 18 European leaders on Thursday (10 April) that "in the event of further violation of the conditions of payment, [Russian firm Gazprom] will completely or partially cease gas deliveries." - 2014/04/10: WSWS: Ukrainian regime announces massive utility price hikes
- 2014/04/10: WSWS: Imperialist hypocrisy and lies on eastern Ukraine protests
- 2014/04/09: RTCC: Austria should decide on use of shale gas resources - IEA
- 2014/04/09: EurActiv: Ukrainian minister: 'Gas can stop flowing at any moment'
- 2014/04/08: NatureN: Western science severs ties with Russia
- 2014/04/08: BBC: Ukraine misses Gazprom's deadline to pay gas debt
Ukraine has not paid off any of its debt to Gazprom despite a deadline for the nation to start reducing its debt by midnight (Moscow time) on Monday. A Gazprom spokesperson told Reuters: "There have been zero payments from Ukraine." Ukraine owes Gazprom $2.2bn (£1.3bn) for supplies of natural gas. - 2014/04/07: EurActiv: Russia tells West reverse gas flows are 'illegal'
- 2014/04/07: WaPo: Amid showdown with energy-rich Russia, calls rise in Europe to start fracking
- 2014/04/07: Guardian(UK): EU energy strategy must counter Putin's fossil fuel-fed autocracy
The role of climate and energy policy in the 'long game' that will play out between Russia and the west has been overlooked - 2014/04/07: RT: Gas wars: Ukraine due on $2.2 bn debt to Gazprom
- 2014/04/06: Guardian(UK): Fears of gas war as Ukraine refuses to pay increased prices set by Russian firm
Dispute comes as tensions in eastern Ukraine remain high, with pro-Russian protesters storming government buildings
It would be ironic if one result of the Ukraine confrontation was the loss of the petrodollar:
- 2014/04/06: VineyardSaker: A really important interview of Andrei Kostin, President of VTB Bank
[...] At a recent meeting of Russian banker Kostin made the official proposal for Russia to switch from the US Dollar to the Russian Ruble as payment currency for Russian exports. - 2014/04/06: RealEconomics: The end to petrodollars?
- 2014/04/03: RT: Lawmakers call on oil and gas producers to ditch 'dirty, bloody [petro] dollar'
As for miscellaneous international political happenings:
What are the activists up to?
- 2014/04/10: DeSmogBlog: Campus Discontent: Washington University Students Sit-In Against Peabody, Harvard Faculty Call for Divestment
- 2014/04/10: P3: Bill McKibben in the Belly of the Beast
Is the Climate Movement anything more than a fantasy?
- 2014/04/07: ICN: Infographic: A Field Guide to the U.S. Environmental Movement
The 10 organizations leading the environmental movement collectively have 15 million members and and an annual budget of more than $525 million.
The move to divest from fossil fuel investments is growing slowly:
- 2014/04/11: DemNow: Momentum on Fossil Fuel Divestment Grows as Harvard Professors, Desmond Tutu Call for Action
- 2014/04/11: CSW: Harvard faculty letter: divest university from fossil fuels
- 2014/04/11: TP:JR: Harvard Faculty Slam College Over 'Misconstrued' Climate Change Pledge
- 2014/04/10: Guardian(UK): Desmond Tutu calls for anti-apartheid style boycott of fossil fuel industry
- 2014/04/10: Nation: Harvard Fossil Fuel Divestment Smackdown: The Faculty vs. President Faust
- 2014/04/10: CCP: Harvard University faculty call for divestment from fossil-fuel companies
- 2014/04/10: RTCC: Almost 100 Harvard staff demand fossil fuel divestment
- 2014/04/09: TP:JR: Heeding Pressure From Students, Harvard Pledges To Take Climate Change More Seriously
- 2014/04/07: HillHeat: Harvard President Drew Faust Announces Initial Steps Towards Carbon Divestment
- 2014/04/07: TheConversation: Boycotts are a crucial weapon to fight environment-harming firms
Regarding Water Politics and Business; See also:
- 2014/04/12: JFleck: The National Environmental Policy Act in western water
- 2014/04/11: ERabett: Go read John Fleck on the Colorado river pulse filling the delta
- 2014/04/10: JFleck: It now looks like 2017 is the earliest we could see a shortage declaration on the Colorado River
- 2014/04/10: JFleck: pulse flow progress
- 2014/04/10: JFleck: In Las Vegas, an acknowledgment that growth is gone
- 2014/04/09: TreeHugger: America's top 10 most endangered rivers in 2014
- 2014/04/09: JFleck: The Colorado River is no one thing
- 2014/04/09: SigFig: On the back of an envelope: That glass of water in a restaurant?
- 2014/04/09: JFleck: Fighting off the desert with fake water
- 2014/04/08: JFleck: Land and water: Colorado River pulse flow arrives at Laguna
- 2014/04/08: WSWS: Privatization of Detroit's water moving forward at "lightning pace"
- 2014/04/06: JFleck: After the rush, getting down to the science
While in the UK:
- 2014/04/11: BBC: UK construction output shrinks 2.8% in February
[...] The ONS said the heavy rain and flooding that marked the wettest winter on record had caused delays in building work. - 2014/04/10: BBC: Pickles increases energy policy role
Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has staged a minor coup over coalition energy policy. Conservative newspapers have been demanding a cap on onshore wind farms, but the Lib Dems have refused to agree. So Mr Pickles has taken personal charge of wind farm applications for a further year, allowing him to block proposals for new turbines. - 2014/04/10: BBC: Plans to curb wind turbines onshore will push up electricity bills
Plans to restrict wind farms to seas around Britain will need much larger subsidies from consumers, experts say. Newspaper reports suggest that the Conservative Party will include a pledge to limit onshore turbines in next year's election manifesto. - 2014/04/08: Grist: Brits may ban new onshore wind power
- 2014/04/08: RTCC: Efficiency measures pay off as UK energy use falls
New data show UK energy consumption has fallen, while US rises, showing benefits of efficiency schemes Britain's falling energy consumption is now a continuing trend which contrasts with the United States, and shows how countries can boost competitiveness by investing in efficiency as well as curbing energy prices. - 2014/04/07: TruthDig: [UK] Nuclear Subsidy Deal 'Will Kill Renewables'
- 2014/04/07: TP:JR: U.K.'s [Conservative] Party To Pledge Ban On New Onshore Wind Farms
- 2014/04/07: RTCC: UK wind power must play bigger part in balancing National Grid
Growing National Grid reliance on wind power reflects increasing maturity of renewable energy technologies Britain's transmission grid operator, the National Grid, says rising installed wind power will have to play a bigger part in balancing the country's electricity network. - 2014/04/07: BBC: Energy complaints triple in a year, says ombudsman
Complaint levels about energy companies soared in the first three months of the year, as the sector remained in the political firing line. - 2014/04/07: BBC: Whitsand Bay rare coral 'at risk from dredging'
Environmental campaigners are calling for immediate action to protect coral found off the coast near Plymouth. They say thousands of tonnes of silt dredged from Devonport Dockyard is at risk of overwhelming rare pink sea-fans in Whitsand Bay.
And in Europe:
- 2014/04/12: Lenz: Useless and Harmful EU Guidelines On Renewable Energy
- 2014/04/11: CleanTechnica: European Union Implements New Guidelines On State Support For Renewable Energy
- 2014/04/10: RTCC: European Commission backs limited support for gas, coal power
- 2014/04/09: EUO: Alarm over EU proposal to cut loose renewable energy firms
- 2014/04/09: EUO: EU's 2030 climate plans based on poor analysis
- 2014/04/08: GEB: New European Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy 2014-2020 Allow Burden Reduction for Energy Intensive Sectors
- 2014/04/07: PSinclair: Will Nuclear Subsidies Derail a Renewable Europe?
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2014/04/12: ABC(Au): Blain by-election: Country Liberals claim victory in Blain by-election and a return to majority government
- 2014/04/11: RNE: Australia's gold medal in soaring electricity prices
- 2014/04/10: JQuiggin: Derp, a 20 year history
- 2014/04/10: ABC(Au): Plan to pipe gas from Cooper Basin to expanded Abbot Point coal terminal
A Hong Kong-based company wants to spend about $100 million so it can pipe gas from the Cooper Basin to a north Queensland port for export to Asian markets. - 2014/04/10: RNE: Melbourne council offers "zero-down" solar PV to pensioners
- 2014/04/10: RNE: Rooftop solar may be 'sleeping giant' of Australian politics
- 2014/04/09: ABC(Au): Drought conditions force record cattle turn-off
"The simple factor of drought, has seen huge supplies coming onto the market, we've had nearly ten million head turned-off, for slaughter or live export, in the last year, that is highest in three of four decades," [Meat and Livestock Australia chief economist, Tim McRae] said. - 2014/04/09: ABC(Au): Police defend Bibblewindi, Pilliga, Leard forest closures [NSW]
- 2014/04/08: Deknarf: Graphical Manipulations #81: Anachronisms, Titles, Budgets, Puppets, The Rat, And Politics!
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): DGRs for Caroona Coal Project
Planning New South Wales has confirmed it's received a request to issue Director-General Requirements, or DGRs, for an Environmental Impact Statement for the Caroona Coal Project. BHP-Billiton is the proponent of the Project, on the Liverpool Plains, and wants to operate an underground coal mine for 30 years. - 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Queensland court decision rejects Alpha Coal Project
The Queensland Land Court has recommended the State Government either reject the GVK Hancock Alpha Coal Project, in the Galilee Basin in Central Queensland, or allow it to proceed subject to a number of conditions. - 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Energy Australia fined $1m in Federal Court over door-to-door sales practices
- 2014/04/08: RNE: Margaret River winery taps solar PV with 456-panel rooftop array
- 2014/04/08: RNE: Murdoch press takes aim at ACT's 90% renewable plan
- 2014/04/07: TheConversation: Australia's biggest coal state [Queensland] plans for life beyond coal
- 2014/04/07: ABC(Au): Large scale land clearing in Queensland
A landholder in Queensland's Gulf of Carpentaria has received a permit to clear [28,000 hectares] an area equal to the size of the Ord Irrigation Scheme in Western Australia. - 2014/04/07: ABC(Au): Fodder from Western Australia arrives in Bourke
- 2014/04/07: RNE: Your solar PV not working properly? Someone wants to know
- 2014/04/07: RNE: Victoria wind policy kills jobs and investment, report finds
- 2014/04/07: RNE: Rio Tinto loses battle over Bulga coal mine extension
Now we get to watch the suppository of wisdom destroy what little Australia has done to fight climate change:
- 2014/04/11: ScienceInsider: Australia's Antarctic Research Division Faces Cuts
- 2014/04/11: RNE: The IPCC and Australia's emissions targets
- 2014/04/10: NewAnthropocene: A Rational Fear: Tony Abbott's Green Army wants YOU! - video
- 2014/04/10: ABC(Au): Refugees will be able to temporarily resettle in Nauru, Immigration Minister Scott Morrison says
- 2014/04/09: RNE: Wind energy to fall 40%, coal to grow with Abbott policy changes
- 2014/04/09: RNE: Tony Abbott's renewable czar: Nuclear only alternative to coal
- 2014/04/09: WSWS: Australia and Japan extend military ties
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Australia announces $3 million flood assistance package for Solomon Islands
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): First Solar reconsiders Australian investments amid 'uncertainty' over Renewable Energy Target
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au):TDU: The generation gap on climate change
More and more Australians are voicing support for climate change science, which suggests there could be trouble ahead for the Prime Minister as he looks to axe the carbon tax, write Peter Lewis and Jackie Woods. - 2014/04/08: TheConversation: The Green Army needs a big strategy to win the environmental war
- 2014/04/08: BBC: Japan and Australia agree trade deal
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Free trade deal: Government MP George Christensen says Australia-Japan agreement has 'no significant benefit' to farmers
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Free trade deal: Winners and loses of the Japan-Australia FTA
- 2014/04/07: ABC(Au): Australia signs free trade deal with Japan during talks in Tokyo
- 2014/04/07: ABC(Au): Australia strikes free trade deal with Japan, beef and horticultural industries secure major concessions
- 2014/04/07: ABC(Au): No drought assistance available before WA seeding
- 2014/04/07: ABC(Au): Federal Environment Department to shed 500 more public servants
- 2014/04/07: Guardian(UK): Dob in your tweeting mate at work? So much for free speech
If there's anything uniting recent attacks on civil liberties in Australia, it's that they're levelled at the disempowered. Your rights depend, in short, on who you are
The slightly farcical RET review plays on:
- 2014/04/11: RNE: RET review road trip: First stop, Hepburn Wind farm
- 2014/04/07: RNE: RET review to focus on support for rooftop solar PV
- 2014/04/07: RNE: Australia's renewable future in hands of policy fringe dwellers
After years of wrangling, the Murray Darling Basin Plan is in place, but the water management fights are far from finished:
- 2014/04/11: ABC(Au): Calls for MI [Murrumbidgee Irrigation] to announce East Mirrool Regulator plans in light of flood study delay
- 2014/04/11: ABC(Au): Water authority keeps watch on dam levels after rain
- 2014/04/11: ABC(Au): McArdle hears Lake Moondarra water supply woes
- 2014/04/10: ABC(Au): EPA probes water discharge complaints against [poultry producer] Hazeldene's
- 2014/04/10: ABC(Au): Downpour breaks Todd River drought/A>
- 2014/04/10: ABC(Au): Balonne River flows again after widespread rainfall
- 2014/04/10: ABC(Au): AGL spruiks Gloucester CSG irrigation results, but opponents remain unconvinced
- 2014/04/09: TheConversation: Alpha Coal ruling breaks new ground for protecting water
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Building industry to be briefed on Sunraysia irrigation plans
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Commonwealth opens $10 million water buyback in NSW
The Commonwealth is offering to buy $10 million dollars worth of water from irrigators in the NSW Murray and Lower Darling. The water buyback, which opens on April 9 and closes on April 28, is expected to be the last of its kind this financial year.- 2014/04/06: ABC(Au): IFED's $2b Gulf irrigation proposal triggers debate in northern Queensland
The Federal and now the State Liberals are bent on trashing the hard won Tasmanian forest deal:
- 2014/04/11: ABC(Au): Questions over forestry funds as salmon producer expands in north-west
The Federal Government can not say when millions of dollars in job creation money will be delivered to Tasmania. - 2014/04/10: ABC(Au): Environmentalists claim timber markets already worried about peace deal end [Tas]
- 2014/04/09: TheConversation: Tasmania defers logging plans as timber industry resists free-for-all
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Protected forests to be opened up for logging in Tasmania as peace deal dismantled
- 2014/04/09: ABC(Au): Liberals reject suggestions end to forest peace deal will jeopardise accreditation
And in the Indian subcontinent:
- 2014/04/07: al Jazeera: India begins six-week general election
Voting begins in world's largest democracy, in a poll which could spell end of ruling Congress party's decade in power.
While in Japan:
- 2014/04/13: ABC(Au): Japan intends to continue Antarctic whale hunt with new research program: Sea Shepherd
And elsewhere in Asia:
- 2014/04/12: ABC(Au): Situation still dire in Solomon Islands after floods
- 2014/04/09: DD: Unprecedented floods leave half of Solomon Islands' capital without access to water
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Australia announces $3 million flood assistance package for Solomon Islands
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Solomon Islands National Disaster Council says Honiara needs reconstruction in wake of flash flooding [pix]
And South America:
- 2014/04/08: TP:JR: Chile Plans To Enact The First Carbon Tax In South America
- 2014/04/08: RTCC: Latin American climate policy weakened by Chinese business deals
China's hunger for Latin American resources is strengthening dirty industries and curbing enthusiasm for climate treaty Recently, China is behind a new wave of trade and commercial ties across Latin American which focuses almost exclusively on natural resources including fossil fuels, mining and agricultural commodities. - 2014/04/07: BBC: Leftist Luis Solis wins Costa Rican presidential poll
Luis Guillermo Solis of the centre-left Citizen Action Party (PAC) has won the presidential election in Costa Rica. With almost all the votes counted, Mr Solis had 78%.
In Canada, neocon PM Harper, aka The Blight, pushes petroleum while ignoring the climate and ecology:
- 2014/04/13: CBC: Oil industry Canada's biggest contributor to greenhouse gases
Environment Canada report reveals energy sector has now surpassed transportation industry - 2014/04/10: CBC: Jim Flaherty, former finance minister, dead at 64
- 2014/04/10: SaskBoy: Flaherty Dies, Canada's Contemptible Finance Minister
- 2014/04/10: TheCanadian: Canada at the bottom of barrel as oil negotiator
- 2014/04/07: TheCanadian: Petro-state economy costs Canada far more jobs than it creates
- 2014/04/06: BLongstaff: Canada strikes out as a progressive nation
Greenpeace has asked Elections Canada to investigate links between the Conservative Party and Ethical Oil:
- 2014/04/09: Tyee: Greenpeace Complaint a Foreign-Funded 'Outburst': Ethical Oil -- Environmental advocate alleges pro-oilsands group a 'front' for Tories
- 2014/04/08: GreenPeace: Greenpeace questions whether links between the Conservative Party and Ethical Oil break election rules
It's one thing to cooperate - it's another thing entirely to collude in order to get around laws that help make our democracy work. - 2014/04/08: CBC: Greenpeace calls for Elections Canada probe of Ethical Oil
The environmental advocacy group alleges some political parties use third parties for fundraising Greenpeace Canada is asking Elections Canada to investigate whether the Ethical Oil Institute is colluding with the Conservative Party in order to get around rules that limit donations to political parties.
Pipelines - Natural Gasand Liquids:
There are getting to be so many pipelines, one almost needs a scorecard:
- The TransCanada West-East [aka Energy East] pipeline has passed the first stage
- The battle over the Northern Gateway pipeline rages on
- There are hearings for the Kinder Morgan expansion coming up
The TransCanada West-East [aka Energy East] pipeline has passed the first stage:
The battle over the Northern Gateway pipeline rages on:
- 2014/04/13: CBC: Kitimat, B.C., votes 'no' to Northern Gateway in plebiscite
Non-binding plebiscite on $6.5B twin pipeline project has already split community - 2014/04/13: NNW: Kitimat residents vote no on gateway pipeline
- 2014/04/12: CBC: Northern Gateway pipeline proposal heads to vote in Kitimat today
Experts say win in non-binding plebiscite on $6.5B twin pipeline project important for Enbridge One of the most divisive issues in Kitimat in a generation comes to a head today when up to 5,000 eligible voters cast their votes for or against Enbridge's Northern Gateway pipeline project. - 2014/04/12: Tyee: Does Kitimat's Vote on Northern Gateway Matter?
While Enbridge rallies support for today's non-binding pipeline plebiscite, critics say risks stretch far beyond the coastal town. - 2014/04/09: BBerg: [Alberta Finance Minister, Doug] Horner Says Canada Needs Harder Push on Gateway Pipeline
And the Kinder Morgan expansion:
- 2014/04/07: Tyee: Who Gets in on NEB Pipeline Hearing? It's 'Kafkaesque' Says Planner
Now, experts wanting to weigh in must prove they'll be 'directly affected.' Among the 468 people rejected outright from participating in the National Energy Board's Kinder Morgan pipeline hearings next year, one professional planner is calling the process "Kafkaesque" -- and now questions its legitimacy altogether.
The task confronting the ELA team Harper almost destroyed:
Apparently there is a process underway to choose a site to build a Deep Geologic Repository for nuclear waste:
- 2014/04/10: CBC: Canada narrows list of possible locations for nuclear waste facility
7 of 22 municipalities dropped from list of potential sites Canada is a step closer to picking a place to store spent nuclear fuel underground for the next 100,000 years, a project that's backfired on some of the world's other nuclear economies. Despite the stigma of radioactivity, 22 Canadian municipalities expressed interest in hosting such a facility. Four have now been moved up the list for further evaluation, while seven have been rejected as not suitable. The other 11 are still in the initial assessment phase. Final approval could take another couple of decades, but if a site is found and approval given to build a Deep Geologic Repository (DGR), the project will generate thousands of jobs, some lasting generations. Billions would be spent constructing a vast warehouse over 500 metres underground to contain some of the most radioactive waste in the world.
What's the state of the West Coast salmon fishery?
- 2014/04/12: Tyee: Without Better Science, BC's Herring Crisis Could Resurface
Experts say there's more to do to ensure future fights, like this year's, end peacefully. A tense conflict between commercial fishermen and central coast First Nations near a northern British Columbian herring roe fishery has concluded peacefully. But while a crisis was averted this year, those involved say the main catalysts behind it -- problems with the government's management of fisheries -- go unresolved. Last week, commercial fishermen caught the last of their allocated 750 tonnes of fish without entering aboriginal territory waters, where a group of First Nations waited, ready to disrupt fishing activity. The nations had pledged to protect herring stocks by any means necessary.
Meanwhile in BC:
- 2014/04/11: TheCanadian: NDP leadership candidate Horgan would reverse Parks Act changes
- 2014/04/11: Tyee: Clark's Hidden Ties to Investment Bank RCI Revealed
Having been chair of subsidiary, BC premier touted RCI in Asia trade missions. - 2014/04/11: Tyee: What to Make of the BC NDP's One-Horse Race?
- 2014/04/09: TheCanadian: BC NDP leadership race down to John Horgan
- 2014/04/09: TheCanadian: Clark govt signs LNG deals with two more First Nations
- 2014/04/08: TheCanadian: Pipelines in parks? Welcome to Super, Fracktural BC!
- 2014/04/08: PostMedia: B.C. New Democrat John Horgan poised to take leadership as Mike Farnworth quits
- 2014/04/07: Tyee: Shortsighted Bill 24: Don't Cut Ag Land, Help Farmers -- Most of our best food growing lands lie within zone to be less protected
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2014/04/09: DeSmogBlog: Greenpeace Complaint Against Ethical Oil Brings "Corrosive Effect of Oil on Our Politics" to Light
- 2014/04/07: DeSmogBlog: Look At These Incredible Photos Taken By Pulitzer Center Journalists Flying Over the Oilsands This Week
- 2014/04/12: NNW: Oil industry now Canada's biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions, Environment Canada report reveals
In Ontario:
- 2014/04/13: CBC: Belleville, Ont., calls for more volunteers as flood waters rise -- Eastern Ontario city declared state of emergency on Saturday
- 2014/04/07: TheCanadian: Can Ontario Liberals raise the green for public transit expansion?
Well, Pauline Marois is now the ex-Premier. We have yet to see how Couillard will fare:
- 2014/04/12: CBC: Southwest Quebec expecting heavy rains, more flooding
25 to 45 millimetres of rain expected Sunday in Montreal, Laurentians, Richelieu Valley, other regions - 2014/04/07: CBC: Quebec election: Liberals win
- 2014/04/06: CBC: Quebec election 2014: 5 things to watch
And on the American political front:
- 2014/04/12: TP:JR: Maine Gov. Paul LePage Vetoes Popular, Bipartisan Solar Energy Bill
- 2014/04/12: V V: Planning for the next Sandy: no relative suffering would be socialist
- 2014/04/12: ICN: Report Offers Grim Predictions for South Texas Air Quality Amid Eagle Ford Oil Boom
State-funded study projects dramatic increase in emissions from oil and gas development by 2018. - 2014/04/11: Eureka: Greenland ice cores show industrial record of acid rain, success of US Clean Air Act
- 2014/04/10: Grist: California's drought plan will screw the environment
- 2014/04/08: TP:JR: Global Mining Giant Drops Its Share In Alaska's Controversial Pebble Mine
London-based Rio Tinto, one of the largest mining companies in the world, announced Monday that it is abandoning its 19.1 percent stake in the embattled Pebble Mine proposed for Alaska's pristine Bristol Bay area. - 2014/04/07: Grist: States try to block cities' transit plans
- 2014/04/07: Wunderground: An Expensive Way to Ease California's Drought: Desalinization Plants
- 2014/04/05: InformedComment: Dear America: Climate Change is threatening Water, Plants, Animals & doesn't care what Party you belong To
The Keystone XL wheel grinds slowly. And it grinds woe:
- 2014/04/10: FAIR: Meet the Press Gets Out of the Beltway-But Takes Washington Worldview Along
- 2014/04/10: OilChange: Advisory: World's largest crop art to be created in opposition to Keystone XL
- 2014/04/08: CSW: 100+ scientists and economists call on Obama and Kerry to reject Keystone XL
- 2014/04/07: TP:JR: Group Says Keystone XL Would Disproportionately Harm Latinos
- 2014/04/07: CCP: More than 100 scientists and economists call for rejection of Keystone XL tar sands pipeline
Leaks and spills:
Jeez! It's getting hard to keep all the spills and leaks straight. You need a map. Let's see...:
- In North Caroline, Duke Energy spilled coal ash slurry into the Dan River
- In Michigan, Enbridge spilled dilbit into the Kalamazoo River
- In the Gulf of Mexico, BP and company had the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
- 160,000 gallons of marine fuel oil spilled in Galveston Bay
- Phillips 66 pipeline leak in Wilmington
In North Carolina, Duke Energy spilled coal ash slurry into the Dan River:
- 2014/04/09: TP:JR: [North Carolina's] Environmental Regulator Sides With [Duke] Energy Company In Coal Ash Lawsuit
- 2014/04/08: BBerg: Duke Energy, North Carolina Appeal Coal Ash Ruling
North Carolina's environmental regulator joined Duke Energy Corp. (DUK) in appealing a court order that the company clean up groundwater pollution from coal ash dumps, a ruling made in case that began before one of the utility's plants spewed toxic sludge into the Dan River. Superior Court Judge Paul Ridgeway on March 6 ruled that Duke must take immediate action to stop chemicals from fouling groundwater. He also said the state's Environmental Management Commission illegally failed to require the company to move quickly on pollution from coal ash ponds. Duke, the largest U.S. utility, filed a notice of appeal in Wake County Superior Court in Raleigh on April 3 and the commission, which sets state environmental regulations, followed with a notice yesterday. - 2014/04/07: NewsObserver: NC commission appeals ruling giving it authority to halt coal ash pollution
- 2014/04/07: Grist: How to catch a coal ash spill? Send lawyers, boats and airplanes
- 2014/04/04: WRAL: Judge: No shield for Duke Energy coal ash records
A Wake County judge on Friday denied a broad request by Duke Energy to shield coal ash documents relevant to a civil suit by state regulators and environmental advocates. But Superior Court Judge Paul Ridgeway said he would leave open the possibility of making specific documents off-limits to the public to avoid interfering with a federal grand jury investigation into a massive February coal ash spill.
Earlier in Michigan, Enbridge spilled dilbit into the Kalamazoo River:
- 2014/04/11: TP:JR: [Enbridge] Company That Spilled 20,000 Barrels Of Oil Into A Michigan River Is Reopening Its Pipeline
- 2014/04/10: ICN: Ruptured Michigan Pipeline to Restart, Now New and Double the Capacity
Enbridge is weeks away from starting its replacement of 6B, the line that ruptured in 2010 and spilled a million-plus gallons of Canadian tar sands.
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics. See also:
- 2014/04/11: CBC: BP oil spill: Concerns for long-term health of workers 4 years later
33,000 involved in study examining oil spill related health effects - 2014/04/10: TP:JR: Four Years Later, BP's Oil Spill Is Still Killing Gulf Wildlife
- 2014/04/09: ABC(Au): Wildlife still suffering four years after BP oil spill
- 2014/04/09: OilChange: BP [Deepwater Horizon] Spill: "The science is telling us that this is not over"
- 2014/04/07: DD: Tar washing ashore shows Gulf of Mexico coast not back to normal
After the Galveston barge spill:
In Wilmington, a Phillips 66 pipeline spewed crude oil on to streets:
- 2014/03/18: PressTelegram: Crack in idle Phillips 66 pipeline spews crude oil onto Wilmington streets
- 2014/04/04: DailyBreeze: Loopholes in pipeline regulations must be plugged: Janice Hahn [Wilmington]
The NorthWest coal export debate remains heated:
Public comments on the Alberta Clipper pipeline to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission end Monday:
- 2014/04/11: Rabble:EL: Last call for comments on the Alberta Clipper pipeline!
Monday, April 14, 2014 is the deadline for public comments on the Alberta Clipper pipeline to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC). It is critical that the MPUC hear your concerns about how Line 67 will impact your community.
And then there is the ANR Pipeline:
- 2014/04/07: DeSmogBlog: ANR Pipeline: Introducing TransCanada's Keystone XL for Fracking
- ANR Pipeline
Looking ahead to the 2014 & 2016 elections:
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2014/04/10: TP:JR: HHS Announces Cuts To Black Lung Clinics While Cases Surge
- 2014/04/10: Grist: Climate change just reshaped America's wildfire strategy
- 2014/04/10: TP:JR: Obama Unveils New Wildfire Strategy Citing New Risks Posed By Climate Change
- 2014/04/10: TP:JR: EPA Held Over 100 Meetings And Met With Over 200 Groups To Design Its Carbon Rules
- 2014/04/09: RNE: Utilities disagree on how [US] EPA should regulate emissions
- 2014/04/09: ICN: EPA Loopholes Allow Biomass to Emit More Toxic Air Pollutants Than Coal, Study Says
- 2014/04/08: UCSUSA:B: Science, Democracy and a Healthy Food Environment
- 2014/04/07: ScienceInsider: Opponents Assail White House Plan to Close NOAA Lab in North Carolina
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2014/04/10: CDreams: 'Monsanto, Koch Alliance'? GOP Congressman Pushes Bill to Block GMO Labling
Koch brothers-supported Rep. wants industry-supported, industry-benefiting bill to deny Americans' right to know - 2014/04/09: TP:JR: Senator [Jeff Sessions, R-Alab] Threatens To Block Nominee For Top Climate Post Because She Accepts Climate Science
- 2014/04/08: TreeHugger: Why it's so important to define "solid waste"
- 2014/04/08: DemNow: "Science Does Not Exist on Capitol Hill": Rep. Peter Welch on House GOP's Climate Change Denial
- 2014/04/08: DeSmogBlog: Eight Members of Congress Call for EPA to Reopen Contaminated Water Studies Near Fracking Fields
- 2014/04/07: ScienceInsider: Plan to Allow Libyan Nuclear Scientists to Study in U.S. Draws Fire in Congress
What are the lobbyists pushing?
- 2014/04/11: BBerg: Ukrainian Crisis Not Wasted by Washington Lobbyists
A lot of Washington interest groups owe Russian President Vladimir Putin a big thank you. Putin's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region last month is being cited in Washington as a reason to do everything from building an oil pipeline to accelerating private space flight and even boosting the export of liquefied natural gas. "This is truly classic behavior," said Burdett Loomis, a political science professor at the University of Kansas who specializes in lobbying. "You can create a narrative that puts you on the side of the angels."
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2014/04/12: CCurrents: We're A' Jock Tamson's Bairns
- 2014/04/11: OFW: Oil Limits and Climate Change - How They Fit Together
- 2014/04/07: Resilience: Energy and the Financial System: What Everyone Needs to Know... and Work Darn Hard to Avoid
In nature, there is no garbage:
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2014/04/10: TheCanadian: A very human dilemma: Population woes vs. biological imperative
- 2014/04/08: al Jazeera: Philippine court upholds birth control law
Supreme Court strikes down legal challenge by church groups against law providing free contraception to poor Filipinos.
Apocalypso anyone?
Another Day in the battle:
Okay hot shot, how are we gonna fix this?
How do the corporate media measure up?
- 2014/04/11: CJR: OnEarth eliminates print
The science mag's editors say sticking to digital will allow them to devote more resources to environmental journalism - 2014/04/10: Grist: The brutally dishonest attacks on Showtime's landmark climate series
- 2014/04/10: FAIR: Meet the Press Gets Out of the Beltway-But Takes Washington Worldview Along
- 2014/04/09: ERabett: The Mysterious Mr. Revkin
- 2014/04/09: DD: New York Times publishes dishonest attacks on Showtime's landmark series about climate change
- 2014/04/09: KSJT: Peter Matthiessen: A role for spiritualism in science writing?
- 2014/04/08: RNE: Murdoch press takes aim at ACT's 90% renewable plan
- 2014/04/07: CSW: Wall Street Journal misquotes IPCC to advocate inaction on climate change
- 2014/04/07: TP:JR: Fox News Was Accurate On Climate Science Just 28 Percent Of The Time In 2013
- 2014/04/07: UCSUSA: New Analysis Finds Significant Differences in How Accurately Cable News Networks Portray Climate Science
- 2014/04/06: QuarkSoup: The NY Times Lets Some Bad Science Slip Through
- 2014/04/05: AlterNet: Changing our Climate of Indifference [media]
[...] Entertaining readers is not my job. I became a journalist to tell people what they need to know. But it seems most publications are more interested in what sells than what's important. - 2014/04/04: HuffPo: It's About Time Someone On TV News Covered Climate Change Like This
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2014/04/13: NewAnthropocene: Five Stupid Things About Climate Change Denial
- 2014/04/13: ERabett: WGIII on WGIII
- 2014/04/11: DemNow: "Years of Living Dangerously": James Cameron, Matt Damon, Harrison Ford in TV Climate Change Series
- 2014/04/10: YaleCMF: Texas A&M's Andy Dessler on 'Decision Making Under Uncertainty'
- 2014/04/10: ATTPh: Years of Living Dangerously
- 2014/04/10: SciAm:SAV: On Climate Surveys, the People Agree -- Mostly [Interactive]
- 2014/04/10: RTCC: Climate TV show [YoLD] stars Harrison Ford and Arnold Schwarzenegger
- 2014/04/09: CSW: "Years of Living Dangerously" TV series on climate change premieres April 13
- 2014/04/09: Grist: Can celebrities and prime-time TV make Americans care about climate change?
- 2014/04/09: PSinclair: New Video: Maureen Raymo - Welcome to the Pliocene
- 2014/04/09: PSinclair: Whale Wars Captain Paul Watson on Bill Maher
- 2014/04/09: Wunderground: James Cameron's 'Years of Living Dangerously' Rocks
- 2014/04/08: ERabett: We Are In the Years of Living Dangerously
- 2014/04/08: GreenGrok: 'The Great Invisible' Wins Full Frame's Best Environmental Film
- 2014/04/08: DD: Video: Warmer winters killing New Hampshire moose as ticks eat them alive - 'Literally, this is the walking dead'
- 2014/04/07: DeSmogBlog: Years of Living Dangerously: Watch the First Episode Here
- 2014/04/07: PSinclair: "Years of Living Dangerously"- a Powerful, Impactful Series - if We Make it So
- 2014/04/07: DeSmogBlog: Years of Living Dangerously: Watch the Most Important Premiere of 2014 Right Now
- 2014/04/07: SkS: Watch Episode 1 of James Cameron's "Years of Living Dangerously" by greenman3610
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Queensland court decision rejects Alpha Coal Project
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Energy Australia fined $1m in Federal Court over door-to-door sales practices
The Mann defamation suit saga rolls on:
Developing a new energy infrastructure is a fundamental challenge of the current generation:
- 2014/04/10: TP:JR: What Is Liquefied Petroleum Gas And Why Are We Shipping It To China?
- 2014/04/10: Eureka: Thermoelectric generator on glass fabric for wearable electronic devices
- 2014/04/09: RNE: ARENA, Macfarlane celebrate government funded wave energy
- 2014/04/08: UCSUSA:B: Which Electricity Source Will Best Weather the Drought in California?
- 2014/04/08: CleanTechnica: BNEF Summit 2014: Start Your (Distributed Energy) Engines
- 2014/04/08: CleanTechnica: Americans Using More Energy Than Ever -- Energy Use In The US Still Growing Rapidly
- 2014/04/08: ASU: Expanding energy access key to solving global challenges
What do you have in energy comparisons and transitions?
- 2014/04/07: PSinclair: Will Gas Break Wind? Will Wind Pass Gas? Bloomberg Can't Decide
- 2014/04/06: BBerg: Shale Gas Boom Leaves Wind Companies Seeking More Subsidy
What's changing in energy investments?
- 2014/04/08: UNEP: [link to 5.44 meg pdf] Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2014
- 2014/04/11: CleanTechnica: 2013 Renewable Energy Investment Drops $35.1 Billion
- 2014/04/09: Wunderground:RR: Energy, Food, Population and Climate
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Global renewable energy investments fell 14% in 2013: UN
- 2014/04/08: BBC: Global dip in renewable energy investment
Global investment in renewables fell by 14% during 2013, but the percentage of electricity generated by renewable sources still grew, a report shows.
The assessment said the US $214.4bn (£129.2bn) worldwide investment in the renewable sector during 2013 was 23% below the 2011 record. - 2014/04/07: RTCC: Renewables grow, even as investment drops - UNEP report
Renewable energy grew to produce 8.5% of total electricity in 2013, including 44% of new installations Renewable energy generated a larger share of the world's electricity than ever before last year, despite dropping investments. - 2014/04/07: RNE: Australian cleantech stocks fall behind broader index
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifers for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2014/04/12: CleanTechnica: Whaddayaknow, Fracking Really Does Cause Earthquakes (Maybe)
- 2014/04/12: LeDaro: Fracking Causes Earthquakes
- 2014/04/09: CleanTechnica: Fracking Fingered: 100 Earthquakes In Oklahoma
- 2014/04/08: TP:JR: Oklahoma Has Already Had More Magnitude 3 Earthquakes This Year Than All Of Last Year
- 2014/04/07: Grist: Ohio cracks down on methane pollution from fracking
- 2014/04/06: BBC: Shale industry faces global reality check
On the coal front:
- 2014/04/11: ABC(Au): Coal is not the answer to energy poverty
Despite the coal industry's claims, the developing world is looking to move away from the antiquated, polluting energy source. - 2014/04/11: RTCC: Florida power plant launches efficient clean coal technology
- 2014/04/10: TP:JR: HHS Announces Cuts To Black Lung Clinics While Cases Surge
- 2014/04/09: CCP: Why We're Sitting In at WashU (and We're Not Leaving) [coal]
On the gas and oil front:
- 2014/04/11: BBerg: Closing oil prices Friday
OIL (US$/bbl)
Dated Brent Spot....107.33
WTI Cushing Spot....103.74 - 2014/04/12: ICN: Report Offers Grim Predictions for South Texas Air Quality Amid Eagle Ford Oil Boom
State-funded study projects dramatic increase in emissions from oil and gas development by 2018.
In the gas and oil corps:
- 2014/04/12: Lenz: Bad News for E-ON
- 2014/04/11: BBerg: Exxon Defuses Green Critics With Risk-Disclosure Promises
Exxon Mobil Corp., a lightning rod for environmental activists since the Valdez oil spill a quarter-century ago, is appeasing some of its harshest critics by agreeing to disclose internal risk and cost assessments. Shareholders of the world's second-largest corporation by market value will vote on just one environmental resolution on May 28, according to a proxy filing today. That's after Irving, Texas-based Exxon convinced activist investors to withdraw two proposals dealing with greenhouse gas restrictions and hydraulic fracturing. Environmentalists and corporate-governance activists from groups including the Sisters of St. Dominic and Arjuna Capital have made Exxon's annual meeting a focal point for objecting to everything from drilling shale to producing motor fuels linked to climate change. This year, the company sought to head off criticism by striking deals with some of its opponents after months-long negotiations. On March 20, Exxon agreed to provide details on oilfields and other assets whose value may be threatened by carbon limits; two weeks later, the producer promised to disclose risks associated with hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. - 2014/04/07: BBerg: Shell, Unilever Seek 1 Trillion-Ton Limit on CO2 Output
Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Unilever NV joined 68 other companies in urging world governments to cap cumulative carbon emissions since the industrial revolution to 1 trillion metric tons to contain rising temperatures. The emissions cap is needed to stabilize the increase in temperatures since the 19th century to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), according to an e-mailed statement. That's the level beyond which scientists say the rising seas, more intense storms and melting glaciers caused by global warming may become dangerous. - 2014/04/07: Guardian(UK): Exxon Mobil dismisses a low carbon future and puts faith in oil markets
- 2014/04/06: DeSmogBlog: Responding to Investor Pressure, ExxonMobil Agrees to Disclose Fracking Risks
- 2014/04/06: Guardian(UK): BP faces shareholder pressure over Russian stake amid Crimea standoff
Stake in Russia's biggest oil firm is not only issue for annual meeting as BP faces legal threat over Gulf of Mexico
And in pipeline news:
Ships and boats and trains -- How to tranport the stuff?
- 2014/04/10: DeSmogBlog: Oil-By-Rail Scrutiny Ratchets Up Across United States
- 2014/04/09: Grist: Oil companies would rather let trains explode than cooperate with feds
- 2014/04/08: OilChange: Industry Paying "Lip Service" to Crude by Rail Safety
- 2014/04/07: G&M: Flawed tests play down crude oil's explosiveness
As Canada and the United States move to strengthen the rules for transporting crude oil by rail, there is mounting evidence that regulators are relying on tests that underestimate the risk of a fiery explosion like the one that destroyed Lac-Mégantic. - 2014/04/07: CBC: Rail safety: TSB discovers companies not reporting all derailments
Transportation Safety Board finds more than 100 incidents that weren't reported by CP, MM&A , CN Canada's Transportation Safety Board has unearthed fresh problems with its rail safety database after finding railway companies did not report more than 100 accidents, minor derailments and incidents. TSB chief operating officer Jean Laporte confirms his agency in December began a review of all rail carriers after a CBC News investigation revealed that CN Rail had not reported more than 1,800 mostly minor accidents and incidents between 2000 and 2007.
Marvelous! Now the USA has their own Mechanical Mordor:
- 2014/04/07: BBerg: A Landscape of Fire Rises Over North Dakota's Gas Fields [US mordor]
Towering flames atop oil wells break the inky darkness in the badlands on North Dakota's Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. The flares of natural gas set grass fires on the prairie where Theodora Bird Bear's ancestors hunted buffalo and create a driving hazard on rural roads. "At nighttime, clouds of gravel dust from semis are lit up with flaring lights," said Bird Bear, 62, who can see flames shooting from a well behind land where she grows red beans, corn and squash. "It's a hellish scene."
A rush of American triumphalism pervades the energy independence PR campaign. Think it will last?
- 2014/04/07: BBerg: Oil Imports Seen Falling to Zero as Soon as 2037 by U.S.
Net oil imports to the U.S. could fall to zero by 2037 because of robust production in areas including North Dakota's Bakken field and Texas's Eagle Ford formation, according to a government projection released today. The Energy Information Administration, the branch of the Energy Department that collects and analyzes energy data, said the once-chimerical goal of U.S. energy independence could be within reach in 23 years under a "high-production" estimate contained in an update of its periodic energy forecast. - 2014/04/07: DOE:TiE: Tight oil-driven production growth reduces need for U.S. oil imports
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2014/04/09: UCSUSA: Procter & Gamble Offers Deforestation-Free Palm Oil Commitment
- 2014/04/09: ICN: EPA Loopholes Allow Biomass to Emit More Toxic Air Pollutants Than Coal, Study Says
The answer my friend...
- 2014/04/11: CleanTechnica: Wind Farms Might Affect House Prices After All
- 2014/04/10: RNE: Global wind market rebounds amid calls for policy certainty
- 2014/04/09: CleanTechnica: Offshore Wind Advances in Rhode Island, Texas, Georgia
- 2014/04/08: ABC(Au): Pacific nations working towards introducing wind power
- 2014/04/07: TreeHugger: Wind power provided 4.8% of U.S. electricity in January, another record on its way to the top
- 2014/04/07: BBerg: U.S. Wind Power Blows New Records. Again. And Again.
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2014/04/13: CleanTechnica: World Solar Power Capacity Increased 35% In 2013 (Charts)
- 2014/04/11: CleanTechnica: Largest Rooftop Solar Development Initiative In Latin America Will Use Unsubsidized Solar
- 2014/04/11: RNE: Australian CSPV developer Raygen signs $60m deal in China
- 2014/04/10: TreeHugger: Solar power growth is like an escalator (charts)
- 2014/04/10: CleanTechnica: UK Solar Developer Connected 227 MW Of PV Solar Systems In March
- 2014/04/10: CleanTechnica: Blight To Bright: Superfund Site Gets First Ever Utility Scale Solar Farm
- 2014/04/10: CleanTechnica: New World Solar Power Record For 1 Quarter, 2014 IHS Target Goes Up (Charts)
- 2014/04/09: CleanTechnica: 100,000 More Solar Roofs In Netherlands In 2013, Another 100,000 Targeted For 2014
- 2014/04/09: CleanTechnica: IEA: Solar PV Meets More Than 1% Of Electric Demand In 15 Nations
- 2014/04/09: CleanTechnica: SunPower Gets 70 MW CPV Deal In Inner Mongolia
- 2014/04/09: CleanTechnica: Can A Fair Solar Price Win Over Utilities?
- 2014/04/08: RTCC: Solar accounts for a fifth of new US power capacity in 2013 - EIA
Solar power was second only to natural gas in added power generation capacity last year, the US Energy Information Administration said on Tuesday. - 2014/04/08: CleanTechnica: India Ups 2014 Solar PV Target By 30% To 1,000 MW
- 2014/04/08: RNE: Sungevity pockets $70m as European power giants turn to solar
- 2014/04/07: CleanTechnica: Celebrating The 60th Anniversary Of The First Practical Solar Cell -- From Powering Ferris Wheels To Cities, & Beyond by John Perlin
- 2014/04/07: RNE: Australia heads to 9GW solar by 2020, but UK aims for 20GW
- 2014/04/07: CPunch: Solartopia! Winning the Green Energy Revolution
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2014/04/11: NBF: Thorium Tech Solutions is a Japanese company working towards small thorium molten salt reactors
- 2014/04/10: NBF: Near Term Thorium Reactors in China, India and the USA
- 2014/04/09: NBF: Construction progresses on China's High Temperature Pebble Bed Nuclear Reactor
Nuclear waste storage requires _very_ long term thinking:
Nuclear fusion projects around the world limp along:
- 2014/04/10: ScienceInsider: Cost Skyrockets for United States' Share of ITER Fusion Project
- 2014/04/08: WNN: Convoy tests 'Iter Itinerary'
A 600-tonne dummy load has completed a journey by land and water to test out the logistics of transporting major components to the Iter fusion reactor site in southern France.
Feed-In-Tariffs (Net Metering & Time-of-Use Tariffs) are being variously implemented around the world:
Like a mirage, the dream of a Hydrogen Economy shimmers on the horizon:
More people are talking about the electrical grid:
- 2014/04/08: RNE: Australian network operators ready to ditch poles and wires
Network operators in at least two Australian states are likely to ditch parts of their extensive poles and wire networks in regional areas as they realise that the costs of delivering centralised generation to remote areas is no longer economically feasible.
How are the utilities adjusting (or not)?
- 2014/04/10: CleanTechnica: Solar's Disruptive Potential Discussed In McKinsey Report
- 2014/04/10: RNE: The financial implications of potential grid defection
- 2014/04/09: TreeHugger: UK green energy supplier sees jump in profits as customers abandon big utilities
- 2014/04/09: RNE: RWE: 'We want to be the holistic energy manager of the future'
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2014/04/12: CleanTechnica: GM Doubles Down On "Moon Shot" Volt EV
- 2014/04/11: AutoBG: Air conditioners in EVs may not be that dirty of a secret
- 2014/04/10: CleanTechnica: Plug-In Hybrid VWs Coming To China As Efforts To Stop Pollution Continue
- 2014/04/10: CleanTechnica: Plug-In Hybrid VWs Coming To China As Efforts To Stop Pollution Continue
- 2014/04/09: TreeHugger: Exposé of Better Place's failed electric car scheme uncovers epic mythmaking and creative math
- 2014/04/08: UCSUSA:B: Are Air Conditioners Chilling the Benefits of Electric Vehicles?
- 2014/04/08: CSM: Smart car tipping: Prank or social class rebellion?
- 2014/04/07: TP:JR: Why The [Illinois] Government Just Threw Down $225 Million On Hybrid Electric Trains
- 2014/04/07: RNE: Why Norway has embraced Tesla and other EVs
As for Energy Storage:
- 2014/04/10: RNE: Wind, solar energy driving electricity storage technology
- 2014/04/08: TreeHugger: Trees may play a big role in the future of energy storage
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2014/04/12: Grist: IKEA makes big investment in wind energy (some assembly required)
- 2014/04/10: TreeHugger: IKEA makes its biggest clean energy investment ever, a 98MW wind farm 110 miles south of Chicago
- 2014/04/08: RTCC: Climate action is 'only way' to grow economy - Unilever CEO
Businesses are starting to understand climate risks, says Paul Polman, but governments are failing to respond - 2014/04/08: TP:JR: Shell, Adidas, And 70 Other Companies Call On Governments To Cap Carbon At 1 Trillion Tons
- 2014/04/06: TruthDig: Corporations Weigh Risks, Opportunities of Changing Climate
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
What do we have in (weekly) lists?
- 2014/04/12: SkS: 2014 SkS Weekly News Roundup #15B by John Hartz
- 2014/04/09: FukuLeaks: Fukushima News Roundup
- 2014/04/08: SkS: 2014 SkS Weekly News Roundup #15A by John Hartz
- 2014/04/07: RationalPessimist: Links for the Week Ending 6 April 2014
Anything in pithy (or piffling) quotes this week?
- 2014/04/11: QuarkSoup: John von Neumann on CO2, From 1955
- 2014/04/06: QuarkSoup: About Great Scientific Papers
- 2014/04/06: QuarkSoup: "If people are persuaded by evidence...."
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2014/04/08: QuarkSoup: Patrick Moore Admits What He Left Out of His Congressional Testimony
- 2014/04/08: QuarkSoup: Anthony Watts Admits to Taking the Money
- 2014/04/11: QuarkSoup: Correction and Clarification Regarding Anthony Watts
- 2014/04/09: DD: Heartland Institute's Joe Bast attacks climate science on Fox News
- 2014/04/08: ATTPh: Mapping the sceptical blogosphere
- 2014/04/08: Stoat: Policy?
- 2014/04/09: V VattsUWT: Black hole found near center of climate blogosphere
- 2014/04/08: DeSmogBlog: Heartland Institute NIPCC Climate Denier Craig Idso: "Climate Change Is Good For You"
- 2014/04/11: TheConversation: Global arts scene awash with big oil and gas sponsorship
- 2014/04/11: CPunch: Climate Change Messaging: Avoid the Truth
- 2014/04/12: CCP: Dana Nuccitelli: Climate imbalance - disparity in the quality of research by contrarian and mainstream climate scientists
Contrarian papers tend to be rebutted quickly in peer-reviewed literature, but receive disproportionate media attention - 2014/04/11: FAIR: Let's Stop Looking at the Downside of Climate Change
- 2014/04/07: IP: Why public confidence in science is eroded? Or not.
Note: You may notice my denialist coverage flagging. I am finding it increasingly difficult to give any attention to these people.
More on that forced retraction of the Recursive Fury paper:
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2014/04/10: Maribo: Context-based climate learning
- 2014/04/10: DeSmogBlog: Six Shocking Truths You Should Know About This American Foundation
- 2014/04/08: TCoE: We're all James Tiberius Kirk in the carbon wind down
- 2014/04/08: Monbiot: Loved to Death
By embracing their critics and colonising governments, corporations engineer a world of conformity and consumerism. - 2014/04/08: DeSmogBlog: David Suzuki: Will We Ever Learn to Celebrate Earth Month?
- 2014/04/08: TP:JR: Why Scientists Are Making A Map Of The World's Lobsters
- 2014/04/08: TP:JR: World's Largest Cement Companies Merge, Creating Carbon Behemoth
- 2014/04/11: UBardi: My view of the climate change problem
- 2014/04/12: ATTPh: One year
- 2014/04/13: ERabett: And Then Unmasks or Not
- 2014/04/12: CCurrents: The Parable of The Gazelle And The Lion
- 2014/04/07: Maribo: A cooling conundrum: Surviving the heat waves of the future
- 2014/04/06: CCP: Can Generation Hot Avoid Its Fate?
- 2014/04/06: DeSmogBlog: Sheldon Solomon: Climate, Terror and Being "Tranquilized by the Trivial"
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Years Of Living Dangerously
- It's Burning
- Björn Brembs (blog)
- Bold Nebraska
- ColoradoStateU: Tropical Meteorology Project's Forecasts - 2014 Atlantic Seasonal Hurricane Forecast
- Scripps: The El Niño of 1997/98 -- Pictures of how the El Niño of 1997/98 evolved
- QuarkSoup: Some Early and Important Works on Climate Science, Carbon Dioxide, and Human Influence
- BoM: Current Tropical Cyclones
- BiofuelWatch
- APVI: Australian Photovoltaic Institute
- APVI: Climate-based PV Performance and Reliability
- ANR Pipeline
Low Key Plug
- Global Warming Links
- Global Warming News Archive
- Energy
- Energy News
- Environmental Issues
- ---
- H.E. Taylor (homepage)
My first novel _Water_ was published in May 2007. An Introduction is available.
My most recent novel _The Bottleneck Years_ is being serialized online atmy siteand on AFTIC at Table of Contents
If you want further information, see A Gentle Introduction. If you want a copy, see The Deal.
An overview of my writing is available here.
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Webmasters, web coders and content providers have mercy on your low bandwidth brethren. Because I am on dial-up, I am a text surfer -- no images, no javascript and no flash. When you post a graphic, will you please use the alt text field ... and when you embed a youtube/vimeo/flash video, please add some minimal description. Thank you.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
I notice moyhu has set up a monster index to old AWoGWN on AFTIC."in a world of wounds ... An ecologist must either harden his shell and make believe that the consequences of science are none of his business, or he must be the doctor who sees the marks of death in a community that believes itself well and does not want to be told otherwise." -Aldo Leopold
Last modified April 13, 2014
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