This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
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Sipping from the Internet Firehose...
July 14, 2013
- Chuckles, China-USA, Pollution Deaths, Injection Earthquakes
- Sumatran Smog, Warnings, Rentiers, Bottom Line, Banks, Cook
- Fukushima: Note, News, Policies
- Melting Arctic, Methane, Antarctica
- Food: Crisis, Fisheries, Food vs. Biofuel, Land Grabs, GMOs, Production
- Hurricanes, Monsoon, Notable Weather, Extreme Weather, New Weather
- Carbon Cycle, Temperatures, Feedbacks, Aerosols, Clouds, Paleoclimate
- ENSO, Oceans, Extinctions, Bees & CCD, Proxies, Volcanoes
- Impacts, Forests, Disease, Tornadoes, Wildfires
- Corals, Glaciers, Sea Levels, GW Deluge, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Synthetic Biology, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering, Conservation, Adaptation
- Journals, Other Docs, Misc. Science, Free Science
- International Politics: UN, Carbon Trade, Hormuz, South China Sea, Treaties, Misc.
- Security, Law & Activism, Activism, Divestment, Polls, H2O Biz, Religioso
- National Politics: Britain, Europe, Australia, Election, MDBP, China, Russia, South America
- Canada, Science, Lac Magantic, East-West, Deluges, Salmon, BC, Tar Sands, Alberta, Ontario, Maritimes, North
- America, BP Disaster, Hotshot 19, Keystone, Mayflower, Birth Control, 2014, 2016, Obama, USAdmin, Congress
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Apocalypso, Fixes, Media, Books, Video, Courts, BP Trial
- Energy, Transitions, Fracking, Coal, Oil & Gas, Corps, Pipelines, Independence, Peak Oil, Biofuel
- Wind, Solar, Nukes, FITs, Hydrogen, Efficiency, Cars, Energy Storage
- Business, Joe's List, Carbon Lobby, Miscellaneous, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, A Simple Plea, .sig
- 2013/07/14: uComics: (cartoon - Wiley) The Sin of Thinking
- 2013/07/13: TP:JR: (cartoon - Molina?) Crazy Weather
- 2013/07/12: JamiolsWorld: (cartoon - Jamiol) Burning Coat Hangers
- 2013/07/09: uComics: (cartoon - Auth) Post Sandra shenanigans
Here's a wee chuckle for ye:
The US and China had a chatfest this week. Maybe someone will leak the results...:
- 2013/07/12: Asia Times: US, China break new ground on climate
- 2013/07/12: Xinhuanet: Commentary: New path ahead for China-U.S. relationship
Washington -- U.S. and Chinese officials concluded their fifth round of annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) here on Thursday. - 2013/07/11: Grist:U.S. and China continue to play nice on climate
- 2013/07/11: P3: US China Agreement on Greenhouse Emissions
- 2013/07/11: RTCC: US and China outline 'five actions' to combat climate change
- 2013/07/10: Guardian(UK): Climate change to top agenda at US-China talks
John Kerry says climate change will be the focus of the week-long annual economic and strategic dialogue - 2013/07/10: Guardian(UK): US and China to extend co-operation in effort to curb climate change
New initiatives announced in Washington by both countries -- who jointly account for 40% of greenhouse gas emissions - 2013/07/10: Reuters: U.S., China agree to cut emissions from vehicles, coal
The United States and China, the world's top emitters of greenhouse gases, agreed to five initiatives on Wednesday to cut carbon output from the largest sources, including heavy duty vehicles, manufacturing and coal-fired plants, the State Department said.
I haven't seen the study behind these stats, but the story is all over the place:
- 2013/07/13: Xinhuanet: Air pollution linked to over 2 million deaths each year: study
- 2013/07/13: CCurrents: Air Pollution Takes More Than 2 Million Lives Worldwide Each Year, Estimate Experts
- 2013/07/12: Guardian(UK): Air pollution 'kills more than 2 million people every year'
Climate change only partly to blame, say scientists, as sooty particles and ozone account for most deaths - 2013/07/12: Reuters: Study raises new concern about earthquakes and fracking fluids
- 2013/07/10: ABC(Au): Air pollution boosts lung, heart risks
- 2013/07/09: TreeHugger: Coal pollution in China lowers life expectancy by 5 years
- 2013/07/10: BBC: Air pollution 'harmful for those with failing hearts'
Air pollution is harming people with weak hearts - even killing them, a big international study reveals.
Experts estimate the toll includes thousands of Britons each year. - 2013/07/09: Resilience: Coal Pollution and the Fight For Environmental Justice
- 2013/07/09: NatureN: China's coal burning cutting lives short by years
Historical study links higher levels of pollution to higher mortality. - 2013/07/09: RTCC: China coal pollution blamed for falling life expectancy
- 2013/07/08: BBC: China free-coal policy in the north 'cut lifespans'
China's policy of providing free coal for winter heating to residents in the north has shaved 5.5 years off life expectancy in the region, a study says.
The papers on injection earthquakes caught some wind:
- 2013/07/12: Science: (ab$) Enhanced Remote Earthquake Triggering at Fluid-Injection Sites in the Midwestern United States by Nicholas J. van der Elst et al.
- 2013/07/11: Science: (ab$) Injection-Induced Earthquakes by William L. Ellsworth
- 2013/07/12: DD: Pumping water underground could trigger major earthquakes...
- 2013/07/12: ABC(Au): Earthquakes may trigger fracking tremors
- 2013/07/12: BBC: Distant quakes 'can trigger wastewater-site temblors'
Earthquakes can be triggered at the sites of wastewater injection by quakes on the other side of the world, research suggests.
The injection of wastewater from underground operations such as oil drilling is known to increase local seismic activity. - 2013/07/11: MoJo: Confirmed: Fracking Triggers Quakes and Seismic Chaos
A new study in Science links tremors near Midwest injection sites with huge quakes thousands of miles away. - 2013/07/11: NPR: Wastewater Wells, Geothermal Power Triggering Earthquakes
Still some lingering Sumatran smog comments:
- 2013/07/13: ABC(Au): Indonesia to file charges over SE Asia smog
Indonesia says it will file charges against Malaysia's third-largest palm oil planter over illegal fires that blanketed Singapore and Malaysia with hazardous smog last month.
PT Adei Plantations, a unit of Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd, is the first to be accused by police of causing what was South-East Asia's worst air pollution crisis in sixteen years. - 2013/07/12: DD: Sumatra haze fires concentrated in deforested peatlands, not forest areas, satellite analysis confirms - Palm oil and pulp and paper companies are responsible
- 2013/07/12: Guardian(UK): RSPO [Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil] members implicated in air pollution crisis, says Greenpeace
Activists claim maps show Indonesian fire hotspots on land of firms that belong to palm oil industry sustainability body
What do we have for warnings this week?
Can you say feedback?
- 2013/07/14: CCP: James Hansen: Fossil fuel addiction could trigger runaway global warming
- 2013/07/10: Guardian(UK): James Hansen: Fossil fuel addiction could trigger runaway global warming
Lest we forget:
And on the Bottom Line:
- 2013/07/13: P3: The greatest misallocation of resources in human history
- 2013/07/10: CTracker: Wasted capital -- Unburnable carbon 2013: Wasted capital and stranded assets
- 2013/07/11: TFTJO: The greatest misallocation of resources in human history
- 2013/07/10: EurActiv: Spring floods could be Germany's costliest natural disaster
The floods that engulfed central Europe last month are expected to cost insurers about E3 billion and could be Germany's costliest natural disaster on record, reinsurer Munich Re said.
What are the big banks up to?
- 2013/07/09: Guardian(UK): China's development banks need to clean up their act
Chinese cash is a welcome option for developing countries from Burma to Gabon, but projects must respect environmental and social concerns
John Cook and friends continue their point-counterpoint articles:
- 2013/07/13: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #28B by John Hartz
- 2013/07/13: SkS: Patrick Michaels: Cato's Climate Expert Has History Of Getting It Wrong by dana1981
- 2013/07/12: SkS: Climate Change and the Nature of Science: The Carbon "Tipping Point" is Coming by Micha Tomkiewicz
- 2013/07/11: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #28A by John Hartz
- 2013/07/11: SkS: 129°F is Close But No Cigar by Rob Honeycutt
- 2013/07/10: SkS: Charles Krauthammer's flat-earther global warming folly by dana1981
- 2013/07/09: SkS: Empirical evidence that humans are causing global warming by gpwayne
- 2013/07/08: SkS: The Consensus Project self-rating data now available
- 2013/07/07: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly Digest #27 by John Hartz
- 2013/07/07: SkS: Climate Change Denial now available as Kindle ebook
- 2013/07/07: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #27B by John Hartz
A note on theFukushima disaster:
It is evident that the Fukushima disaster is going to persist for some time.
TEPCO says 6 to 9 months. The previous Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said decades.
Now the Japanese government is talking about 30 years.
[Whoops, that has now been updated to 40 years.]
And the IAEA is now saying 40 years too.
We'll see.
At any rate this situation is not going to be resolved any time soon
and deserves its own section.
It is very difficult to know for sure what is really going on at Fukushima.
Between the company [TEPCO], the Japanese government, the Japanese regulator [NISA], the international monitor [IAEA], as well as independent analysts and commentators, there is a confusing mish-mash of information.
One has to evaluate both the content and the source of propagated information.
How knowledgeable are they [about nuclear power and about Japan]?
Do they have an agenda?
Are they pro-nuclear or anti-nuclear?
Do they want to write a good news story?
Do they want to write a bad news story?
Where do they rate on a scale of sensationalism?
Where do they rate on a scale of play-it-down-ness?
One fundamental question I would like to see answered:
If the reactors are in meltdown, how can they be in cold shutdown?
Not much good news coming out of Fukushima:
- 2013/07/13: EneNews: TV: Fukushima plant is hemorrhaging radioactivity - "Scariest part of all is they don't know where it's coming from" - The big mystery is why contamination is coming out now in such a hurry (video)
- 2013/07/13: EneNews: NHK: Concern over highly contaminated fish caught 100 kilometers from Fukushima plant - Most radioactive marine product detected in over 2 years (video)
- 2013/07/11: CDreams: 'Strongly Suspected' Fukushima Leaking Radioactivity Into Ocean and Has Been for Two Years
Head of Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority revealed alarming finding - 2013/07/11: al Jazeera: Radioactive leak reaching Pacific, says Japan
Power station continuing to contaminate water and soil two years after disaster, nuclear watchdog says.
[A radioactive substance, strontium-90, is present in the groundwater at Fukushima nuclear plant]
Japan's nuclear regulator says it believes radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima power station is leaking into the Pacific, and urged operators to act to prevent further contamination.
Shunichi Tanaka, head of the new Nuclear Regulation Authority, said on Wednesday that he believed contamination of the sea had been continuing since the March 2011 catastrophe. - 2013/07/11: EneNews: NYT: Fukushima plant leaking for past 2 years? Japan Times: Groundwater is reaching sea -- Reuters: Growing alarm, problems mounting - Official: If you have solutions, we'd like to know - WSJ: No 'immediate' health threat
- 2013/07/10: TreeHugger: Hero: Fukushima's ex-chief who spent 6 months at the station after the disaster just died of cancer
- 2013/07/10: Reuters: Japan nuclear regulator alarmed at Fukushima contamination reports
- 2013/07/10: CNN: Masao Yoshida - Man who battled Japan's nuclear meltdown dies
The manager of Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant dies of cancer - Masao Yoshida was hailed for containing the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl - His cancer was thought to be unrelated to radiation exposure - 2013/07/10: EneNews: Japan Expert: New radioactive leaks from Fukushima Reactor No. 2 may be underway; Concern about 'vertical streams' - Tepco: Impossible to completely prevent it from spreading (video)
- 2013/07/09: RawStory: Fukushima radioactive groundwater readings have rocketed [X90] over the past three days
- 2013/07/10: BBC: Fukushima nuclear chief Masao Yoshida dies
- 2013/07/09: EneNews: Former chief of Fukushima nuclear plant dead from cancer at 58 years old - Tepco: Not related to radioactive exposure
- 2013/07/09: EneNews: Officials report "troubling discovery" at Fukushima nuclear plant: Cesium levels rocket 9,000% over 3 days in groundwater - Tepco "can't explain it" (video)
- 2013/07/09: RT: Hero Fukushima ex-manager [Masao Yoshida] who foiled nuclear disaster dies of cancer
- 2013/07/09: RT: Radioactive cesium level skyrockets 90-fold at Fukushima in just 3 days
- 2013/07/08: EneNews: Record levels of radioactive material detected at Fukushima -- 600,000 Bq/liter in groundwater - Official: May be seeping from reactors into ocean
- 2013/07/08: EneNews: WSJ: Soaring radioactivity levels on coast of Fukushima plant -- Nuclear material may have leeched from melted fuel cores and into environment
Post Fukushima, nuclear policies are in flux around the world:
- 2013/07/10: CSM: Japan to give nuclear power another chance
- 2013/07/08: Grist: Japan's utilities clamor to fire up nuke plants
The Arctic melt continues to garner attention:
- 2013/07/13: RScribbler: Melt Puddles, Distant Open Water Visible at North Pole Camera 2
- 2013/07/13: ASI: Crowd-Source Prediction of September Sea Ice Extent (July report & call for August predictions)
- 2013/07/11: ASI: Nares Express is ready to leave
- 2013/07/10: Eureka: The contribution of the Greenland ice sheet to sea-level rise will continue to increase
- 2013/07/09: IOTD: Greenland's Summer Melt Underway
- 2013/07/08: RealClimate: Arctic misrepresentations
- 2013/07/08: RScribbler: Central Arctic 'Heat Dome' to Replace 'Warm Storm' As Melt Season Shifts to New Extreme?
- 2013/07/08: ASI: ASI 2013 update 4: bye bye, Beaufort
- 2013/07/07: GLaden: Arctic Sea Ice Melt Speeds Up
That Damoclean sword still hangs overhead:
While in Antarctica:
- 2013/07/12: CSM: Iceberg: Antarctica loses Chicago-sized chunk of ice
- 2013/07/12: SciNews: [Glass] Sponges boom thanks to Antarctic ice shelf bust
- 2013/07/12: NPR: Sweeping Parts Of Southern Seas Could Become A Nature Preserve
The area of ocean set aside as a nature preserve could double or triple in the coming days, depending on the outcome of a meeting in Germany. Representatives from 24 countries and the European Union are considering setting aside large portions of ocean around Antarctica as a protected area. And the deal may hinge on preserving some fishing rights.
There are two proposals on the table: One would set aside huge parts of the Southern Ocean around East Antarctica; the other would focus on the Ross Sea, south of New Zealand. - 2013/07/12: DD: Iceberg bigger than Chicago breaks off Antarctica glacier
- 2013/07/11: Eureka: As ice cover disappears, life in the frigid Antarctic moves fast
- 2013/07/11: Eureka: Scientists cast doubt on theory of what triggered Antarctic glaciation
- 2013/07/11: WiredSci: Retreating Antarctic Ice Fuels Surprising Glass Sponge Invasion
- 2013/07/10: BBC: Antarctic's Pine Island glacier produces giant iceberg
Pine Island Glacier (PIG), the longest and fastest flowing glacier in the Antarctic, has spawned a huge iceberg.
The block measures about 720 sq km in area - roughly eight times the size of Manhattan Island in New York. - 2013/07/10: Guardian(UK): Antarctic krill face unhappy Hollywood ending if fossil fuel emissions keep rising
- 2013/07/10: Guardian(UK): Huge iceberg calves off Antarctic glacier
- 2013/07/09: AWI: Huge iceberg breaks away from the Pine Island glacier in the Antarctic
- 2013/07/09: SciNow: What's Really Going on in Lake Vostok?
- 2013/07/09: UTexas: Scientists Image Vast Subglacial Water System Underpinning West Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier
- 2013/07/08: NatureN: Bid to protect Antarctic waters gets second chance
Proposals for two huge marine reserves back on the agenda at major international meeting.
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2013/07/13: NYT:PK: March of the Munching Moochers - Food Stamps and U6 Unemployment
- 2013/07/11: ArcticNews: Arctic melt hits food security in bitter taste of life on a hotter planet
- 2013/07/11: FAO: World cereal production set to reach historic high in 2013
Serious food insecurity affects Syria, Central Africa, parts of West Africa - 2013/07/11: CSM: House farm bill leaves food stamps in limbo
- 2013/07/11: CCP: David Spratt: Arctic melt hits food security in bitter taste of life on a hotter planet
- 2013/07/11: UN: World cereal production set to reach historic high in 2013 - UN food agency
- 2013/07/10: Guardian(UK): Droughts could hit food production in England in 2020s, report warns
- 2013/07/08: ABC(Au): Victorian scientists study climate change and wine
- 2013/07/08: WSJ:RTE: Nearly 1 in 6 Americans Receives Food Stamps
The state of the world's fisheries is a concern:
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
- 2013/07/10: FOE Europe: Crops for fuel a lose-lose for hunger and climate change, says leading scientist
- 2013/07/10: EurActiv: MEPs to vote on biofuels as study points to hunger, deforestation
As MEPs prepare to vote on a proposal to curb EU support for biofuels, new research has found that growing fuel crops in place of food automatically creates either hunger or deforestation.
So, are these land grabs Colonialism V2.0?
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
- 2013/07/13: Xinhuanet: Xinhua Insight: GM crops remain problematic for Asian countries
- 2013/07/10: RT: Farmers falling back on chemical pesticides as GMO seeds falter
- 2013/07/10: Grist: The GM safety dance: What's rule and what's real
- 2013/07/09: SciAm:Obs: Mystery Lingers around Origin of GM Wheat in Oregon
- 2013/07/09: CDreams: Pesticide Use Spikes as GMO Failure Cripples Corn Belt
Midwest farmers douse their fields in chemicals as insects grow resistant to Bt Corn - 2013/07/09: CCurrents: Lies, Propaganda And Puppets: The GM Sector And The Battle For The Future Of Humanity
- 2013/07/08: CDreams: Unauthorized GM Rice Threatens World Supply
Strains left over from Bayer field trials found in US rice exports in over 30 countries - 2013/07/08: PaiD: A Betrayal Of The World's Food Supplies
- 2013/07/08: Grist: The genetically modified food debate: Where do we begin?
And how are we going to feed 9 billion, 10 billion, 15 billion?
- 2013/07/11: Grist: "Solid Rain" keeps plants hydrated even in droughts
- 2013/07/11: TreeHugger: How farmers can help fight climate change
- 2013/07/10: TheConversation: Feeding the world with a mix of science and tradition
- 2013/07/09: TreeHugger: Managing the Quinoa Boom to Benefit Farmers
- 2013/07/08: CBC: Vancouver home to largest urban orchard in North America -- SOLEfood farms on nearly 5 acres of land in Vancouver
In the Western Pacific, Typhoon Soulik zapped Taiwan and then the mainland:
- 2013/07/14: Xinhuanet: Typhoon Soulik moves inland after lashing SW China
Nanchang - Typhoon Soulik moved further inland to east China's Jiangxi Province on Sunday after lashing southeast China's Fujian Province on Saturday, bringing downpours and strong gales to the region.
The seventh typhoon to hit Chinese mainland this year, Soulik entered Jiangxi around 4 a.m., bringing precipitation as high as 200 mm within five hours and winds of 64.8 km per hour, local meteorological authorities said.
Sixteen counties and cities in Jiangxi had over 100 mm of precipitation as of 9 a.m., sources with the provincial flood control and drought relief headquarters said.
The Jiangxi meteorological center has issued warnings for rain, although it downgraded its emergency response from the fourth level to the third level. It forecast that the typhoon will weaken as it moves further northwest - 2013/07/14: IndiaTimes: Typhoon Soulik forces evacuation of 500,000 in China
- 2013/07/13: CBC: China, Taiwan lashed by typhoon, 1 dead -- Some regions report 700-800 mm of rain, winds reach hit 163 km/h
- 2013/07/13: BBC: China evacuations as Typhoon Soulik hits
- 2013/07/13: ABC(Au): Typhoon Soulik reaches mainland China
China has evacuated more than 300,000 people as the typhoon which brought torrential rain and powerful winds to Taiwan begins to effect the mainland.
China's National Meteorological Centre says Typhoon Soulik hit the south-eastern Fujian province at about 4.00pm (local time) with wind speeds of up to 118 kilometres per hour. - 2013/07/13: IOTD: Typhoon Soulik Approaches Taiwan [on July 12]
- 2013/07/13: IndiaTimes: Typhoon Soulik hits China after killing 1 in Taiwan
- 2013/07/13: Xinhuanet: Typhoon Soulik lands in [Fujian Province] Chinese mainland
- 2013/07/13: Xinhuanet: China renews top-level wave alert for Typhoon Soulik
- 2013/07/13: CSM: Typhoon forces mass evacuations in China, kills 1 in Taiwan
- 2013/07/13: ABC(Au): Deadly typhoon sweeps across Taiwan
A policeman has been killed and thirty others injured as Typhoon Soulik slammed into Taiwan, pounding the island with powerful winds and heavy rain. - 2013/07/13: CNN: Typhoon Soulik soaks Taiwan, heads for mainland China
Soulik has dropped wind speed to that of a Category 1 hurricane - It is soaking Taiwan's central mountains with up to 14 inches of rain -
It will lash regions of China already wet from earlier rains - But it will spare regions where the worst flooding wiped out homes this week - 2013/07/12: Guardian(UK): Typhoon Soulik threatens chaos in China and Taiwan as flood toll mounts
Schools, offices and airlines closed or disrupted with more than 200 dead after torrential rain in parts of China - 2013/07/12: Eureka: NASA sees Soulik's eye reopen on Taiwan approach
- 2013/07/12: BBC: Taiwan braces for Typhoon Soulik
Taiwan is braced for the arrival of Typhoon Soulik, a tropical hurricane expected to bring strong winds and torrential rain to the island. - 2013/07/12: Xinhuanet: China issues red wave warning as Typhoon Soulik nears
- 2013/07/12: IndiaTimes: Hundreds evacuated as Typhoon Soulik nears Taiwan
- 2013/07/12: CBC: China readies for typhoon amid deadly floods -- Typhoon Soulik expected to hit Taiwan, then mainland, Friday
- 2013/07/12: ABC(Au): Taiwan braces for typhoon Soulik
- 2013/07/12: Wunderground: Ex-Chantal Unlikely to Develop; [Cat 2] Typhoon Soulik Pounding Taiwan
- 2013/07/12: BBC: Typhoon Soulik makes landfall in Taiwan
- 2013/07/12: CSM: Typhoon Soulik: China, Taiwan brace for season's first typhoon
- 2013/07/11: Eureka: NASA sees Typhoon Soulik's eye closed for 'renovations'
- 2013/07/11: al Jazeera: Taiwan braces for Typhoon Soulik
Hundreds of villagers and tourists evacuated as storm approaches, packing gusts of 227 kmph. - 2013/07/11: Xinhuanet: China issues disaster warning for Typhoon Soulik
- 2013/07/09: Eureka: NASA satellites see strong thunderstorms surround Typhoon Soulik's center
- 2013/07/08: Eureka: NASA satellite sees 2 views of Tropical Storm Soulik over Marianas Islands
In the Eastern Pacific, TS Erick dissipated along the Baja:
In the Atlantic and the Caribbean, Chantal stormed up and then died:
The third named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season brings floods to the Greater Antilles.
Tropical Storm Chantal packs 65 mph winds - Its projected path includes Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Haiti -
Chantal is expected to dump 3 to 6 inches of rain on several Caribbean islands - Some spots could get as much as 8 inches of rain
It is unclear if Tropical Storm Chantal will affect the United States - The storm's top sustained winds are at 40 mph -
Tropical storm warnings are in place in the western Caribbean - Up to 6 inches of rain is expected in some areas
While elsewhere in the hurricane wars:
The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans will see some major weather systems in the coming days.
As for the Monsoon:
- 2013/07/08: IndiaTimes: Assam flood situation worsens...
- 2013/07/08: IndiaTimes: 3 killed as rain stalls relief efforts in Uttarakhand, 4,700 missing
This week in notable weather:
- 2013/07/09: EPOD: Roll Cloud Over Calgary, Alberta [on June 18]
- 2013/07/09: ABC(Au): Record low in central Tasmania 'like walking into a freezer'
This week in the New Normal -- extreme weather:
- 2013/07/09: PI:B: Weather on steroids: what to expect from a changing climate
- 2013/07/08: TP:JR: Study: Global Warming Has Increased Australia's Chances Of Extreme Summers Five-Fold
- 2013/07/08: Guardian(UK): Australian heatwaves 'five times more likely due to global warming'
- 2013/07/08: DD: Australia heatwaves 'five times more likely due to global warming'
- 2013/07/08: ABC(Au): Growth plan forecasts climate change impacts
A Victorian Government report says Gippsland can expect an increase in extreme weather events over the next 30 years. - 2013/07/07: PSinclair: Australian Broadcasting: How Global Warming Causes Extremes
- 2013/07/07: TheCanadian: Calgary Flood one in growing list of recent Extreme Weather Events
Rossby Waves? Blocking Patterns? Arctic Oscillation?
What is the Arctic melt doing to our weather?
- 2013/07/12: CCP: Changing Hadley and Walker circulations due to a warming Arctic
- 2013/07/11: RScribbler: Mangled Jet Stream Brings Worst Storms in Five Decades to Sichuan China; Approach of Super Typhoon Soulik to Result in Hybrid Rain Superstorm?
- 2013/07/11: TheCanadian: Climate Change altering Jet Stream, storms getting 'stuck'
- 2013/07/10: RScribbler: Extreme Jet Stream Pulls Two Rivers of Moisture Together For Record Flooding Event Over Toronto
Meanwhile in the carbon cycle:
- 2013/07/09: ERW: Insight: grazing alters carbon fluxes in a desert steppe
- 2013/07/08: LoE: The carbon cycle and climate change
As for the temperature record:
- 2013/07/13: TMasters: What does Balmaseda et al. 2013 say about the "missing heat"?
- 2013/07/14: Moyhu: June GISS Temp up by 0.12°C
- 2013/07/12: QuarkSoup: 2nd-warmest June
- 2013/07/11: Moyhu: TempLS global temp up 0.02°C in June
- 2013/07/09: ABC(Au): Sydney temperatures to rise by nearly 4 degrees by 2050: researchers
- 2013/07/08: TP:JR: Most Comprehensive Paleoclimate Reconstruction Confirms Hockey Stick [Rahmstorf PAGES 2k]
- 2013/07/08: CLBook: Rates of change in global temperatures
Yes we have feedbacks:
- 2013/07/03: CSIRO: Deserts 'greening' from rising CO2
Increased levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) have helped boost green foliage across the world's arid regions over the past 30 years through a process called CO2 fertilisation, according to CSIRO research.
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
Clouds are one of the major uncertainties in climate. Much research revolves around them:
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2013/07/12: CBC: Fossils of extinct scorpionflies found in B.C. -- Discovery may offer insight into effect of climate change on diversity
- 2013/07/11: SFU: Insect discovery sheds light on climate change
- 2013/07/11: Eureka: Scientists cast doubt on theory of what triggered Antarctic glaciation
- 2013/07/09: SciNow: Drowning in Tar, Eaten by Insects
- 2013/07/08: ABC(Au): Model reveals Gondwana jigsaw puzzle
- 2013/07/08: Eureka: Earthworms could help scientists 'dig' into past climates
And on the ENSO front:
- 2013/07/11: JFleck: Tree rings suggest strong ENSO response to greenhouse forcing
- 2013/07/08: ABC(Au): New model could give 12 months warning on El Niño
What's the State of the Oceans?:
- 2013/07/13: ABC(US): Monsters of the Deep: Jellyfish Threaten the World's Seas -- Jellyfish Infestations Are Troubling Tourists and Scientists Alike
- 2013/07/12: Guardian(UK): Visitors to the Mediterranean warned of an increase in jellyfish
Overfishing has reduced competition for food, allowing jellyfish whose stings can cause pain and nausea, to thrive - 2013/07/12: TreeHugger: Meet the Plastisphere: Ocean plastic pollution is so bad, it is now its own ecosystem
- 2013/07/12: BBC: Greece jellyfish warning for UK tourists
- 2013/07/11: DerSpiegel: Monsters of the Deep: Jellyfish Threaten the World's Seas
Jellyfish infestations along beaches worldwide are troubling tourists and scientists alike. It is a creature that thrives on over-fishing and pollution. But how dangerous is it for the ecosystem? - 2013/07/08: VIMS: VIMS study shows "dead zone" impacts Bay fishes
Low oxygen levels reduce diversity and catch rates of near-bottom species
And on the extinction watch:
- 2013/07/14: Guardian(UK): Climate change is happening too quickly for species to adapt
A study has shown that the speed of evolutionary change is far outstripped by the rate of global warming, meaning many creatures will face extinction - 2013/07/12: SciAm:EC: As Rhino Poaching Surges, South Africa Proposes Legalized Trade in Precious Horns
- 2013/07/12: Xinhuanet: U.S. "Operation Wild Web" targets illegal trade of endangered animal species, parts
Los Angeles -- Rene De La Peza was unaware that he had become a target of undercover U.S. agents when he advertised to sell a jaguar skin on Craigslist, a shopping website.
Peza and five other residents in Southern California have been arrested and charged with selling endangered animal species and parts, including tiger and bear skin, jaguar skin, pelts taken from wild cats, etc., the U.S. district attorney's office said Thursday.
U.S. law enforcement agencies have launched an undercover operation dubbed "Wild Web" to target offenders who use the Internet to advertise and sell endangered animal species and parts.
Peza, 42, of Hacienda Heights in Southern California, was caught red-handed when he tried to sell a jaguar skin for 15,000 dollars after advertising the item on Craigslist.
If convicted, Peza could be sent to federal prison for up to one year. Jaguars, the largest cat found in the Americas, have been listed as endangered for 40 years. - 2013/07/11: USGS: Lesser Prairie-Chicken Nest Survival May Decline by 2050
- 2013/07/11: WiredSci: Mysterious Manatee and Dolphin Deaths in Florida Confound Scientists
- 2013/07/11: TheConversation: Australian endangered species: Central Rock-rat
- 2013/07/10: CBC: Where have all the monarch butterflies gone?
Expert says number is at an all-time low after milkweed supply 'crashed' in U.S. corn belt - 2013/07/10: TheCanadian: State of World's Birds Bleak but not Hopeless [Suzuki]
- 2013/07/10: ABC(Au): Frog fungus sheds light on disease spread
- 2013/07/10: CCurrents: Evolution Too Slow To Keep Up With Climate Crisis
- 2013/07/08: DD: Yangtze finless porpoise declared critically endangered...
The bees and Colony Collapse Disorder are a constant concern:
- 2013/07/12: Grist: This dog in a beekeeper suit is not just being adorable (but he's also adorable)
- 2013/07/09: G&M: Experts to examine pesticide's role in honeybee deaths
- 2013/07/09: CBC: Ontario calls in experts in bid to prevent bee deaths
- 2013/07/09: SierraClub: Bold step for the bees
Sierra Club Canada welcomes the creation of a bee mortality working group by Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne to investigate and recommend solutions for the extremely high mortality of bees. - 2013/07/09: Resilience: City Bees, Country Bees: Part 2
- 2013/07/03: CBC: What's killing Canadian honeybees? Insecticide producers deny neonicotinoids are to blame
What's new in proxies?
- 2013/07/10: BBC: Worm poo's window into past climate [proxies]
Earthworm faeces can be used to measure past temperatures, providing a window into the ancient climate.
A study shows that the chemistry of small balls of chalky crystals secreted into soil by the worms varies with temperature.
A UK team said the granules could be compared with other climatic "proxies", such as ice cores and deep sea sediments.
What's up with volcanoes this week?
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2013/07/13: TP:JR: Climate Change Could Make The Tour De France A Lot Hotter
- 2013/07/12: ABC(Au): Glass sponges take advantage of clear 'skies'
Quick adaptation In the freezing waters around Antarctica, pale sponges made of glass have spread rapidly across the seafloor as surface ice disappeared, German and Swedish researchers report.
Glass sponges are a group of long-lived, cup-shaped animals with skeletons made of silica, a major component of glass. - 2013/07/12: Grist: You can look forward to more blackouts in a climate-changed world
- 2013/07/11: Resilience: New DOE report on energy sector vulnerablities
- 2013/07/11: Cell:CB: Rapid Glass Sponge Expansion after Climate-Induced Antarctic Ice Shelf Collapse by Laura Fillinger et al.
- 2013/07/11: SciNow: Glass Sponges Soak Up Perks of Climate Change
- 2013/07/10: Eureka: Efficiency in the forest -- Researchers find that a changing atmosphere affects how much water trees require
- 2013/07/10: USDA:FS:NRS: Trees Using Water More Efficiently as Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Rises
- 2013/07/09: Grist: Climate change is making private heat islands for people of color
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2013/07/11: ERW: Insight: spring warming threatens continental semi-arid forests
- 2013/07/11: KIT: Nature: How Forests Cope with more Carbon Dioxide
Long-term Field Measurements Provide Insight into the Reaction of a Large Ecosystem to Climate Change - Water Use Efficiency Increased more Strongly than Theoretically Expected - 2013/07/09: GEP: Reforestation and Biochar in Haiti
- 2013/07/08: Grist: This guy is saving forests using cloning
- 2013/07/08: Grist: The Southwest's forests may never recover from megafires
- 2013/07/08: Eureka: Temperature increases causing tropical forests to blossom, according to study
Emerging diseases accompany ecological change:
- 2013/07/12: CNN: Why you should be afraid of Lyme disease
Pamela Weintraub: Her family went through nightmare in grappling with Lyme disease - Weintraub: Deep divisions in the medical community hinder real solution on the disease -
She says it is unclear if Lyme agent stays in patients' bodies even after treatment - Weintraub: Scientists need to stop fighting, listen to patients and conduct new studies - 2013/07/10: PLNA: Cuba: Debate on Impact of Climate Change in Public Health
On the tornado front:
- 2013/07/11: TreeHugger: A HUGE waterspout towers over Tampa Bay [Video]
- 2013/07/08: Xinhuanet: Tornados batter E China, making houses and power devices damaged [pix]
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2013/07/14: IOTD: Fires in Quebec [on June 22 & July 8]
- 2013/07/13: BCLSB: 2nd Largest Cdn Forest Fire EVER Goes Unreported
- 2013/07/13: Wunderground: Canada's 2nd Largest Fire on Record Spreading Smoke to Europe
- 2013/07/12: RtS: Your odds just shortened -- Aussie Heatwaves
- 2013/07/12: MODIS: Canadian fires and smoke [on July 4]
- 2013/07/11: Asia Times: Indonesia fails to tackle forest fires
- 2013/07/11: RTCC: Wildfires shoot climate warming tar balls into atmosphere
High-carbon tar balls released by burning trees are ten times more damaging to climate warming than soot - 2013/07/11: RScribbler: Wildfires Burn More Than 1 Million Acres in Quebec, Canada; 121 Firefighters Called For Help
- 2013/07/10: CCP: Gareth Renowden: Canadian megafires send smoke round the globe
- 2013/07/10: RScribbler: Soot From Forest Fires: Yet One More Amplifying Feedback to Human-Caused Climate Change
- 2013/07/10: Grist: Tar balls from wildfires worsening global warming
- 2013/07/10: TheConversation: Are extreme forest fires the new normal?
- 2013/07/10: NASA: Quebec Fires [around James Bay] Continue Raging
- 2013/07/10: al Jazeera: Wildfires in the USA
Flames continue to creep closer to the gambling capital of the world, Las Vegas. - 2013/07/10: ArcticNews: Wildfires even more damaging
- 2013/07/09: Grist: Extreme heat reveals extreme infrastructure challenges
- 2013/07/09: LANL: Wildfires may contribute more to global warming than previously predicted
Particle analysis shows "tar ball" effect is significant -- They suggest that fire emissions could contribute a lot more to the observed climate warming than current estimates show. - 2013/07/09: CSM: Yarnell fire: How to save lives as wildfires intensify in Arizona and beyond?
- 2013/07/09: MODIS: Smoke from Canadian fires over the Mediterranean Sea [on June 27]
- 2013/07/08: CBC: Gains made in stabilizing forest fires near Wabush, Labrador
- 2013/07/08: DD: As Arizona fire rages, scientists warn of more unpredictable blazes - 'These huge fires are the new normal'
- 2013/07/08: MODIS: Fires in western United States and Mexico [on June 27]
Corals are a bellwether of the ocean's health:
- 2013/07/10: USGS: New Approach to Measuring Coral Growth Offers Valuable Tool for Reef Managers -- Finds surprising growth patterns in the Florida Keys
- 2013/07/10: Guardian(UK): Great Barrier Reef's condition declined from moderate to poor in 2011
- 2013/07/10: DD: Great Barrier Reef condition declined from moderate to poor in 2011...
- 2013/07/08: WHOI: Corals cozy up with bacterial buddies -- New study shows healthy Red Sea corals carry bacterial communities within
Glaciers are melting:
Sea levels are rising:
- 2013/07/12: TreeHugger: We're losing Malibu and Nantucket. This is why we can't wait to address climate change
- 2013/07/11: RTCC: Greenland's 'land ice melt' likely to drive up global sea levels
- 2013/07/10: Eureka: The contribution of the Greenland ice sheet to sea-level rise will continue to increase
- 2013/07/08: ABC(Au): Malaita outer island residents call for resettlement
Malaita outer island communities say rising sea levels are a real and immediate threat and a resettlement plan is needed before it is too late.
The people of Lord Howe and Luaniua have raised the issue of sea level rise with Solomon Islands prime minister Gordon Darcy Lilo during his three-day visit to the low-lying atolls.
These extreme rainfall events are becoming all too frequent:
- 2013/07/11: ABC(Au): China hit by worst torrential rainfall in 50 years
- 2013/07/09: G&M: Extreme rainfall the 'new norm,' says climate change expert [video]
Dr. Blair Feltmate, the program director of sustainability practice at University of Waterloo, says Canada needs to be prepared for extreme rainfall, which will occur with more frequency with increased climate change - 2013/07/09: TreeHugger: Rainiest day in Toronto's history floods city
- 2013/07/09: Wunderground: Toronto Deluged With its All-Time Record 1-Day Rainfall
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2013/07/13: Xinhuanet: Death toll rises to 43 in SW China landslide
Chengdu - The death toll from a landslide in southwest China's Sichuan Province has risen to 43 after 25 more bodies were retrieved, local authorities said. - 2013/07/13: DD: Video: Floods and mudslides in Western China...
- 2013/07/12: DerSpiegel: After the Flood: Life in Germany's Disaster Zone
- 2013/07/12: Xinhuanet: Floods threaten quake ruins [in southwest China's Sichuan Province]
- 2013/07/11: Guardian(UK): China floods death toll rises
At least 44 people killed nationwide including at least 25 in Sichuan, where 100,000 have had to evacuate homes - 2013/07/11: CBC: Flooding across China kills nearly 100 -- Western province Sichuan sees worst flooding in 50 years
- 2013/07/11: IndiaTimes: China rain, landslides leave 28 dead, 66 missing
- 2013/07/11: BBC: Search for China landslide missing in Sichuan
The death toll from a landslide caused by heavy rain in China's Sichuan province has risen to 12, state media report, with 11 people still missing. - 2013/07/11: al Jazeera: Buildings collapse in western China -- The worst flooding in 50 years causes major damage
- 2013/07/10: DD: Sichuan landslide 2 sq km in area buries up to 40 people...
- 2013/07/10: BBC: A landslide has buried between 30 and 40 people in China's Sichuan province...
The landslide occurred in Zhongxing town on Wednesday morning. More than 100 rescuers with rescue dogs were at the scene, Xinhua news agency said.
The landslide followed days of torrential rain across parts of China that has caused floods in some areas. - 2013/07/10: CBC: Parts of western China hit with worst flooding in 50 years
Damage includes potentially fatal mudslide, destroyed homes, collapsed bridge - 2013/07/09: Xinhuanet: Severe rainstorms batter quake-hit SW China
- 2013/07/09: IndiaTimes: Toronto storm causes chaos throughout city
- 2013/07/09: IndiaTimes: Heavy rain lashes China's [Ya'an City in Sichuan Province], 16900 people affected
- 2013/07/08: DD: Arizona horses dying as Navajo Nation declares drought emergency...
- 2013/07/08: CBC: Heavy rains cause flooding, power outages in Toronto
First, stop subsidizing fossil fuels
Second, put a price on carbon
Third, begin to reduce the human population
And elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2013/07/12: Guardian(UK): What's all the fuss about the precautionary principle?
- 2013/07/10: RScribbler: Growth Shock and Our Climate Change Choices: Mitigation, Adaptation, or Harm
Synthetic Biology is moving into industrial production of food, fuel and precursor chemicals:
- 2013/07/12: BBC: Will synthetic biology become a GM-style battleground?
Will the emerging science of designing and engineering new forms of life receive the same hostile reception as genetically modified food and crops?
Consider transportation & GHG production:
- 2013/07/11: EurActiv: IEA: Transport efficiency gains could save $70 trillion by 2050
Improving the energy efficiency of urban transport systems could save as much as $70 trillion (E54.6 trillion) in spending on vehicles, fuel and transport infrastructure by mid-century, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA). - 2013/07/11: NBF: World will be producing about 100 million to 110 million light cars and trucks by 2018-2020
- 2013/07/11: Resilience: IEA: Improve energy efficiency of urban transport systems
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
- 2013/07/11: TreeHugger: Plastic People are at it again, sneaking LEED-bashing clause into appropriations bill
- 2013/07/11: ICN: Gas Industry Push to Repeal Carbon-Zero Building Law Splits Green Community
The effort spearheaded by the natural gas industry to repeal a clean energy law is creating a split between climate activists and efficiency advocates.
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2013/07/13: SimpleC: Scientists spotlight rock's role in carbon capture success
- 2013/07/11: RTCC: Nanomaterials could accelerate C02 removal from coal power plants
- 2013/07/11: GEP: China Issues CCUS [Carbon Capture, Utilisation & Storage] Policy Statement
- 2013/07/10: RTCC: Geology likely to dictate location of carbon capture technologies
UK and US researchers warn there is not likely to be a one-size fits all approach to carbon capture and storage (CCS) - 2013/07/08: Eureka: Nanomaterial to help reduce CO2 emissions
- 2013/05/28: GlobalCCSInstitute: Notice of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on promoting carbon capture, utilisation and storage pilot and demonstration
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2013/07/10: TP:JR: Yet Another Geoengineering Scheme, Ocean Iron Fertilization, Could Backfire
- 2013/07/10: Eureka: Cloud brightening to cool seas can protect coral reefs
Targeted cooling could offer a 50-year 'breathing space' for coral protection - 2013/07/09: GoC: Nitrogen Geoengineering (Opinion Article)
- 2013/07/08: Ecopedia: Artificial Photosynthesis - The Future of Carbon Dioxide Removal?
- 2013/07/08: SciNow: Rockets Are Seeding the Skies With Clouds
What's new in conservation?
While on the adaptation front:
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2013/07/09: PNAS: (abs) Outsourcing CO2 within China by Kuishuang Feng et al.
- 2013/07/09: PNAS: (abs) Prevalent genome streamlining and latitudinal divergence of planktonic bacteria in the surface ocean by Brandon K. Swan et al.
- 2013/07/09: PNAS: (ab$) Identifying host species driving transmission of schistosomiasis japonica, a multihost parasite system, in China by James W. Rudge et al.
- 2013/07/09: PNAS: (ab$) Global patterns of terrestrial vertebrate diversity and conservation by Clinton N. Jenkins et al.
- 2013/07/09: PNAS: (abs) Increased stray gas abundance in a subset of drinking water wells near Marcellus shale gas extraction by Robert B. Jackson et al.
- 2013/07/09: PNAS: (ab$) Influence of sulfate reduction rates on the Phanerozoic sulfur isotope record by William D. Leavitt et al.
- 2013/07/09: PNAS: (abs) Manganese-oxidizing photosynthesis before the rise of cyanobacteria by Jena E. Johnson et al.
- 2013/07/03: PLoS One: Paleoecological and Taphonomic Implications of Insect-Damaged Pleistocene Vertebrate Remains from Rancho La Brea, Southern California by Anna R. Holden et al.
- 2013/05/28: WoL:JGR:A: (ab$) Heterogeneous ice nucleation ability of crystalline sodium chloride dihydrate particles by Robert Wagner & Ottmar Möhler
- 2013/07/12: BG: Differences in plant cover and species composition of semiarid grassland communities of central Mexico and its effects on net ecosystem exchange by J. Delgado-Balbuena et al.
- 2013/07/11: BG: Distribution of methane in the Lena Delta and Buor-Khaya Bay, Russia by I. Bussmann
- 2013/07/09: BG: Ammonia emissions from deciduous forest after leaf fall by K. Hansen et al.
- 2013/07/11: BGD: The impact of extreme summer drought on the short-term carbon coupling of photosynthesis to soil CO2 efflux in a temperate grassland by S. Burri et al.
- 2013/07/10: BGD: Remote sensing of annual terrestrial gross primary productivity from MODIS: an assessment using the FLUXNET La Thuile dataset by M. Verma et multi alia
- 2013/07/08: BGD: Temperature and phytoplankton cell size regulate carbon uptake and carbon overconsumption in the ocean by S. E. Craig et al.
- 2013/07/08: BGD: Calcification intensity in planktonic Foraminifera reflects ambient conditions irrespective of environmental stress by M. F. G. Weinkauf et al.
- 2013/07/08: BGD: Soil organic carbon dynamics following afforestation in the Loess Plateau of China by N. Lu et al.
- 2013/07/12: CPD: Investigating the consistency between proxies and between proxies and models using data assimilation: a mid-Holocene case study by A. Mairesse et al.
- 2013/07/11: CPD: Persistent millennial-scale link between Greenland climate and northern Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone under interglacial conditions by O. Cartapanis et al.
- 2013/07/11: CPD: Multi-decadal to-century NAO-like marine climate oscillations across the Denmark Strait (~66° N) over the last 2000 cal yr BP by J. T. Andrews & A. E. Jennings
- 2013/07/09: CPD: Greenland accumulation and its connection to the large-scale atmospheric circulation in ERA-Interim and paleo-climate simulations by N. Merz et al.
- 2013/07/09: CPD: Consistency of the multi-model CMIP5/PMIP3-past1000 ensemble by O. Bothe et al.
- 2013/07/12: Science: (ab$) Enhanced Remote Earthquake Triggering at Fluid-Injection Sites in the Midwestern United States by Nicholas J. van der Elst et al.
- 2013/07/12: ACP: Particle hygroscopicity during atmospheric new particle formation events: implications for the chemical species contributing to particle growth by Z. Wu et al.
- 2013/07/12: ACP: Halogen species record Antarctic sea ice extent over glacial-interglacial periods by A. Spolaor et al.
- 2013/07/12: ACPD: Technical Note: Estimating aerosol effects on cloud radiative forcing by S. J. Ghan
- 2013/07/12: ACPD: Reduced efficacy of marine cloud brightening geoengineering due to in-plume aerosol coagulation: parameterization and global implications by G. S. Stuart et al.
- 2013/07/12: GMDD: Can we model observed soil carbon changes from a dense inventory? A case study over England and Wales using three version of orchidee ecosystem model (AR5, AR5-PRIM and O-CN) by B. Guenet et al.
- 2013/07/13: TC: A balanced water layer concept for subglacial hydrology in large-scale ice sheet models by S. Goeller et al.
- 2013/07/10: TC: Hindcasting to measure ice sheet model sensitivity to initial states by A. Aschwanden et al.
- 2013/07/11: TCD: A subglacial hydrological model dedicated to glacier sliding by B. de Fleurian et al.
- 2013/03/13: ESA:FE&E: (ab$) Is global ocean sprawl a cause of jellyfish blooms? by Carlos M Duarte et al.
- 2013/07/03: WpL:JGRA: An investigation of the role of sedimentation for stratospheric solar radiation management by F. Benduhn & M.G. Lawrence
- 2013/07/09: OS: Combining in situ measurements and altimetry to estimate volume, heat and salt transport variability through the Faroe-Shetland Channel by B. Berx et al.
- 2013/07/09: OS: Image of a subsurface current core in the southern South China Sea by Q. S. Tang et al.
- 2013/07/09: OS: A comparison between gradient descent and stochastic approaches for parameter optimization of a sea ice model by H. Sumata et al.
- 2013/07/08: OS: Wave-turbulence scaling in the ocean mixed layer by G. Sutherland et al.
- 2013/07/08: OS: Biogeography of planktonic bacterial communities across the whole Mediterranean Sea by F. Mapelli et al.
- 2013/07/09: TC: Alpine permafrost thawing during the Medieval Warm Period identified from cryogenic cave carbonates by M. Luetscher et al.
- 2013/07/09: TC: Summer sea ice characteristics and morphology in the Pacific Arctic sector as observed during the CHINARE 2010 cruise by H. Xie et al.
- 2013/07/08: TCD: Constraining GRACE-derived cryosphere-attributed signal to irregularly shaped ice-covered areas by W. Colgan et al.
- 2013/07/08: TCD: Snow density climatology across the former USSR by X. Zhong et al.
- 2013/07/07: Nature:CC: (ab$) Future distribution of tundra refugia in northern Alaska by Andrew G. Hope et al.
- 2013/07/07: Nature:CC: (ab$) Risk maps for Antarctic krill under projected Southern Ocean acidification by S. Kawaguchi et al.
- 2013/07/07: Nature:CC: (ab$) Clouds and temperature drive dynamic changes in tropical flower production by Stephanie Pau et al.
- 2013/07/07: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Lithium isotope evidence for enhanced weathering during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 by Philip A. E. Pogge von Strandmann et al.
- 2013/07/07: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Variable North Pacific influence on drought in southwestern North America since AD 854 by Staryl McCabe-Glynn et al.
- 2013/07/07: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Imprint of Southern Ocean eddies on winds, clouds and rainfall by I. Frenger et al.
- 2013/07/10: ERL: Meeting global temperature targets - the role of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage by Christian Azar et al.
- 2013/07/01: GR(via doi): (ab$) A reassessment of paleogeographic reconstructions of eastern Gondwana: Bringing geology back into the equation by L.T. White et al.
- 2013/06/06: WoL:GRL: (ab$) Recent observations of high mass density polar mesospheric clouds: A link to space traffic? by David E. Siskind et al.
- 2013/07/03: ERL: Water constraints on European power supply under climate change: impacts on electricity prices by Michelle T H van Vliet et al.
And other significant documents:
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2013/07/12: SciNow: What Role Do Beavers Play in Climate Change?
- 2013/07/10: NatureN: Climate change: The forecast for 2018 is cloudy with record heat
Efforts to predict the near-term climate are taking off, but their record so far has been patchy. - 2013/07/08: SciLogs: Turkey's science agency says evolution is 'too controversial', rejects science school
- 2013/07/07: Eureka: Mesoscale ocean eddies impact weather
What developments in the ongoing struggle for Open Science?
- 2013/07/12: JCBaez: The Selected Papers Network (Part 3) by Christopher Lee
- 2013/07/08: viXraBlog: Debating Open Access
Meanwhile at the UN:
- 2013/07/11: UN: World Population Day: UN spotlights teen pregnancy and need to empower girls
- 2013/07/10: WMO: The international community commits to serve growing expectations for climate services
- 2013/07/09: PLNA: Bolivia to Host FAO Summit on Hunger in Latin America
Bolivia will host next September and October a summit of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on fight on hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The FAO office here confirmed the summit is to be attended by at least 14 countries in the area with the objective of boosting public policies and laws which allow to achieve food security with sovereignty.
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2013/07/09: Platts: Australia carbon emissions fell 7% in first year of carbon tax: report
- 2013/07/08: RTCC: UN carbon market scheme passes 7000 project mark
The world's largest emissions trading scheme has passed the 7000 project mark, despite continued concerns over its viability and a collapse in carbon prices.
On the international political front, tensions continue as the empire leans on Iran:
South [& East] China Sea tension persists:
- 2013/07/12: AntiWar: US Seeks Growing Military Presence in Philippines -- Pushes 'China Threat' as Justification for More Troops
- 2013/07/12: IndiaTimes: Obama warns China against 'coercion' in maritime disputes
- 2013/07/12: Xinhuanet: U.S. should keep promise on South China Sea disputes: FM spokeswoman
- 2013/07/10: Xinhuanet: Manila vows to release report on Taiwanese fisherman's killing
- 2013/07/10: Asia Times: Conflicting currents in the South China Sea
Manila - Confronted with a potentially explosive conflict between its members and China, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has pushed to restart negotiations for a regional code of conduct (CoC) to settle territorial disputes in the South China Sea. - 2013/07/09: RT: China tipping balance: Japan warns 'risky behavior' may trigger 'incident'
- 2013/07/09: al Jazeera: Seoul slams Tokyo claims over disputed islets
South Korea summons Japan's deputy chief of mission in Seoul to protest latest claim by Tokyo over Sea of Japan islands.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership looks like a stealth corporate takeover:
And in miscellaneous international political jousting:
- 2013/07/12: NPR: Sweeping Parts Of Southern Seas Could Become A Nature Preserve
The area of ocean set aside as a nature preserve could double or triple in the coming days, depending on the outcome of a meeting in Germany. Representatives from 24 countries and the European Union are considering setting aside large portions of ocean around Antarctica as a protected area. And the deal may hinge on preserving some fishing rights.
There are two proposals on the table: One would set aside huge parts of the Southern Ocean around East Antarctica; the other would focus on the Ross Sea, south of New Zealand. - 2013/07/08: EurActiv: EU, Algeria take step towards closer energy cooperation
Algeria and the European Union signed a draft agreement on closer energy cooperation yesterday (7 July) during an official visit by European Commission President José Manuel Barroso.
The EU executive said the memorandum of understanding would set up a framework for the EU and Algeria to work together on gas and oil. - 2013/07/08: NatureN: Bid to protect Antarctic waters gets second chance
Proposals for two huge marine reserves back on the agenda at major international meeting. - 2013/07/08: RTCC: Pacific Islands meet in Fiji to discuss 2015 adaptation strategy
Pacific Island leaders meeting in Fiji this week aim to lay the foundations for a regional plan to cope with the increasingly severe impacts of climate change.
The four-day Pacific Climate Change Roundtable brings together 21 countries at acute risk from rising sea levels and storm surges.
Climate Change is a threat multiplier exacerbating existing conflicts in food, energy, water, race, resources, religion, ideology ... etc.:
- 2013/07/13: DD: U.S. military prepares for global unrest amid climate fears
- 2013/07/08: Guardian(UK): Military chiefs told to prepare for new threats to UK security
Threats from climate change, food and water shortages - Implications across Whitehall departments - Lessons for army after Afghanistan
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2013/07/12: DD: Murder of turtle conservationist highlights perils of protecting Costa Rica's environmental wealth...
- 2013/07/12: ABC(Au): Mill protesters accused of risking forest peace pact
The Tasmanian Premier and mainstream green groups have condemned an anti-logging protest at a mill in the north-west, but the Greens leader has tempered his criticism.
About 40 activists gained access to Ta Ann's Smithton timber mill today, shutting it down for several hours.
Police broke up the protest, charging two people who had chained themselves to machinery with trespass and obstruction.
What are the activists up to?
- 2013/07/11: CSM: Greenpeace Shard climbers: Activists protest Arctic drilling
- 2013/07/11: TP:JR: Pictures: Activists Scale London's Tallest Building To Protest Arctic Drilling
- 2013/07/11: CBC: Greenpeace activists scale London's Shard building
- 2013/07/08: EFN: Hundreds of Protesters Shut Down Oil & Gas Chemical Supplier to Protest Fracking
- 2013/07/09: TreeHugger: Anti-Fracking protesters target supply maker in North Carolina
- 2013/07/08: Resilience: Fracking Independence Day
The move to divest from fossil fuel investments is growing slowly:
- 2013/07/10: CCP: Justin Gillis: Old Tactic in New Climate Campaign [Obama calls for divestment]
- 2013/07/09: Resilience: Betting on Climate Failure: The Ethics and Economics of Fossil Fuel Divestment
- 2013/07/09: EurActiv: Rabobank, Storebrand boost fossil fuels divestment campaign
The campaign to persuade financial groups to divest shareholdings in fossil fuels firms has won a major victory, with one Dutch bank banning investments in 'unconventional fuels' and a Norwegian pension fund divesting from 19 companies. - 2013/07/08: EurActiv: Hedegaard urges development banks to divest from fossil fuels
Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard has called for development banks with a combined annual lending pot of E130 billion to end support for fossil fuels in their energy lending policy reviews.
"I am particularly keen to see three international financial institutions -- the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Bank -- join with their EU and OECD partners to take a lead role in eliminating public support for fossil fuels," she said in the foreword to a report on bank lending policies in the Western Balkans, published on 25 June.
Polls! We have polls!
- 2013/07/08: EurActiv: Europeans 'confused by green claims': Survey
Some 80% of Europeans are concerned by the environmental impact of their purchases but only one-quarter say they "often" buy green products, reveals the latest EU opinion poll.
A slim majority (54%) of the 25,000 respondents to the Eurobarometer report, released on Friday (5 July), say they "sometimes" buy environmentally-friendly products.
About half of Europeans would be willing to change their purchasing habits for environmental reasons but feel they lack information and distrust manufacturers' green claims.
With environmentally-friendly products being generally more expensive, the issue remains over how to get consumers to go green.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potoc(nik believes better labelling could help.
Regarding Water Politics and Business; See also:
- 2013/07/13: JFleck: Creeping toward shortage on the Colorado River
- 2013/07/13: JFleck: Texas drought: it's all about the soil moisture
- 2013/07/12: TP:JR: How Water Scarcity From Climate Change Could Jack Up Europe's Power Prices
- 2013/07/12: CDreams: Wildlife, Livestock Drinking Fracking Fluids? EPA Says OK
From surface water dumping to well contamination, Wind River Reservation area in Wyoming drenched in fracking's chemical cocktail - 2013/07/11: USGS: Health of U.S. Streams Reduced by Streamflow Modifications and Contaminants
- 2013/07/09: RTCC: Poorly planned hydropower plants linked to North India floods
Hydropower developers accused of flouting planning regulations, resulting in heavy flooding in Uttarakhand
Among the world's religions:
While in the UK:
- 2013/07/12: Guardian(UK): Car industry and government to invest £1bn in research on low-carbon engines
- 2013/07/11: RTCC: Ed Balls accuses UK government of 'undermining' green growth
Labour would back 2030 decarbonisation target and give Green Investment Bank more powers says Balls
Labour shadow chancellor Ed Balls has accused the UK government of 'actively undermining' low carbon growth in the country and failing to show global leadership on climate change. - 2013/07/11: CleanTechnica: Britain Pursuing 'Worst Of All Worlds' Offshore Wind Strategy [says IPPR: Institute for Public Policy Research]
- 2013/07/10: EurActiv: Future of UK offshore wind power in 'serious doubt'
The future of offshore wind power generation in the UK is in serious doubt, as the government's plans to encourage new wind farms are over-expensive and flawed, a think tank study has found.
The left-leaning Institute for Public Policy Research has found that the government has done too little to attract wind turbine manufacturers to set up in the UK, with the result that only a small proportion of the tens of billions of expected investment in offshore wind will benefit British manufacturers. - 2013/07/10: RTCC: Tidal energy could power half of Scotland
Tidal streams could bring large amounts of energy within a decade if government support is available, study says - 2013/07/09: BBC: Call to pay landowners to save peat
Britain's rich landowners are fuelling climate change by clearing peat bogs for grouse shooting, according to a report by government advisers. - 2013/07/09: RTCC: John Ashton: UK Treasury 'cult' blocking climate ambition
Ashton calls on UK Government to ditch 'neo-classical economic thinking' and lead development of green sector
The UK's former chief climate envoy John Ashton says the Treasury's attitude to low carbon investment is 'cultish', and needs to be reformed. - 2013/07/08: Guardian(UK): Military chiefs told to prepare for new threats to UK security
Threats from climate change, food and water shortages - Implications across Whitehall departments - Lessons for army after Afghanistan - 2013/07/08: Guardian(UK): Climate change will still not be taught in English primary schools
- 2013/07/08: RTCC: Mayor of London could make fracking decision by 2014
- 2013/07/08: BBC: Green Deal 'could lead to deadly summer overheating'
Temperatures could soar to dangerously high levels in some homes insulated under the government's flagship Green Deal scheme, experts have warned.
And in Europe:
- 2013/07/12: TreeHugger: Solar money tap to be turned off at 52 gigawatts, says Germany
- 2013/07/12: EurActiv: MEPs deal a blow to crop-based biofuels
EU efforts to limit the use of crop-based biofuels, increasingly seen as doing the planet more harm than good, won parliamentary backing on Thursday (11 July) in what a top biodiesel company called "a very bad blow". - 2013/07/12: EurActiv: EU seeks focus on environment in the post-MDG debate
Two EU Commissioners put strong emphasis on environmental issues at a Brussels round-table discussion on proposed measures to replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). - 2013/07/11: EUO: MEPs approve biofuels cap [at 5.5% of total energy consumption by 2020]
- 2013/07/10: FOE Europe: Crops for fuel a lose-lose for hunger and climate change, says leading scientist
- 2013/07/10: EurActiv: MEPs to vote on biofuels as study points to hunger, deforestation
As MEPs prepare to vote on a proposal to curb EU support for biofuels, new research has found that growing fuel crops in place of food automatically creates either hunger or deforestation. - 2013/07/09: BBC: Can Germany afford its 'energy bender' shift to green power?
Germany's rapid transition to renewable energy is said to be the country's biggest and most expensive project since the fall of the Berlin wall - but with rising costs for consumers and industry, will this great energy experiment succeed? - 2013/07/09: Guardian(UK): E.ON fined after energy-saving lightbulbs it should have given away found for sale
- 2013/07/09: EurActiv: France blocks new Daimler car registrations over [HFO-1234yf] air coolant row
France has blocked the registration of some new Daimler Mercedes cars in an escalating row over the German company's use of a banned air conditioning coolant, EU sources say. - 2013/07/08: CSM: Fracking ban halts first shale gas project in Spain
- 2013/07/08: EurActiv: Lithuania looks for alternatives to counter Russia's high gas price
Lithuanian Energy Minister Jaroslaw Neverovic( has warned his Russian counterparts that selling gas to the Baltic country at an excessive price is not sustainable, the minister told EurActiv. - 2013/07/07: SciAm:GB: Scientists in Serbia Protest against Dire Financial Situation
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2013/07/13: ABC(Au): Environmental groups welcome decision to halt drilling of 16 coal seam gas wells between Wollongong and Sydney
Environmental groups have welcomed the NSW Planning and Assessment Commission's decision to halt the drilling of over a dozen coal seam gas (CSG) wells.
Apex Energy was granted approval four years ago to drill and operate 16 CSG wells between Wollongong and Sydney.
The company wanted to extend its licence in the catchment for three years, but the commission rejected the application.
The commission ruled it would be "inappropriate" to approve the coal seam gas activities, as many of the wells fall within the Sydney water catchment. - 2013/07/12: ABC(Au): Federal Government to cover Peter Slipper's out-of-pocket legal costs
- 2013/07/12: TheConversation: More gas exploration isn't the solution to our problems
- 2013/07/11: ABC(Au): 'Farcical' fines for koala home destruction
The Forestry Corporation has been fined for illegally logging koala habitat in the state's north, but the Opposition says the penalty imposed is farcical.
The Environment Protection Authority has issued the logging company with three penalty notices of about $300 each over the incidents in the Royal Camp State Forest near Casino. - 2013/07/12: ABC(Au): NSW Forestry Corp defends logging of koala habitat
The state's Forestry Corporation denies any environmental damage was done when koala habitat in the Royal Camp State Forest near Casino was illegally logged. - 2013/07/12: ABC(Au): Wheatbelt rainfall welcome for some, too late for others
- 2013/07/12: ABC(Au): Gas industry urges end to CSG restrictions as PM puts energy prices on the agenda
Kevin Rudd yesterday named electricity prices as the first plank of his seven-point national competitiveness plan.
He's targeted gas supply as one key area for reform.
The ABC understands setting aside some of Australia's gas for domestic use is off the table.
The gas pipeline industry is now urging the PM to push governments in the Eastern states to lift their coal seam gas restrictions. - 2013/07/11: ABC(Au): Wind farms spark fire fighting concerns
- 2013/07/11: ABC(Au): Fire-fighting pilots want Federal Government to investigate turbulence risk of wind turbines
- 2013/07/11: ABC(Au): Police 'confused' over cyclone policy
The Western Australian Police Union is calling for clarification about what officers are supposed to do during cyclones.
At its recent AGM, union representatives from the Pilbara and Kimberley raised concerns about the lack of guidance given to police about what to do when a cyclone threat is imminent.
North-west union spokesman John Groves says a motion was passed for a cyclone policy to be published and distributed.
Sergeant Groves says there is confusion over whether officers should attend shifts when there is a red alert in place and how long they are required to work for during a cyclone. - 2013/07/11: WSWS: Australian coroner's report points to Labor's responsibility for insulation deaths
- 2013/07/10: ABC(Au): The Liberals dismiss a ten day extension to the forest peace deal handout deadline
Tasmania's Economic Development Minister David O'Byrne has responded to pressure to slow down the handout of forest peace deal funds, by extending consultations for 10 days. - 2013/07/10: ABC(Au): Fishermen call for change to carbon tax
- 2013/07/10: WtD: Turnbull vs Abbott: DAP a policy mess, time to speculate on LNP leadership?
- 2013/07/10: ABC(Au): Federal 'uncertainty' delays Silverton wind farm
Electricity company AGL has deferred a decision on whether to go ahead with a $500 million wind farm near Broken Hill because of uncertainty surrounding renewable energy regulation. - 2013/07/09: QuarkSoup: Carbon tax proves effective
- 2013/07/09: Platts: Australia carbon emissions fell 7% in first year of carbon tax: report
- 2013/07/09: ABC(Au): [Tasmanian's Economic Development Minister, David O'Byrne] moves to quell forest funding anger
- 2013/07/09: ABC(Au): Light rail project boosting Gold Coast coffers
The CEO of the Gold Coast Light Rail says the project has injected $170 million into the local economy and it will not carry its first passenger for another year. - 2013/07/09: ABC(Au): Central Wheatbelt farmers desperate for downpour
- 2013/07/08: ABC(Au): The State Government denies a hasty and unclear forest payout process
The Tasmanian Government is defending the forest peace deal handout process against council claims of haste and lack of clarity.
$100 million is being distributed for economic diversification projects, and Tasmania's 12 regional councils have submitted more than 30 projects for consideration. - 2013/07/08: ABC(Au): Kevin Rudd reveals plan for Labor Party leadership voting reform
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has announced he wants to give Labor Party members a say in deciding who leads the ALP.
Mr Rudd says the full federal ministry agreed to the idea today, and he has called a meeting of all Caucus members for a fortnight's time to approve it.
He says the change would mean the leader would be elected jointly, with votes from party members given a 50 per cent weighting and the elected Labor Caucus making up the other 50 per cent. - 2013/07/07: Guardian(UK): Feminists should be free to disagree without being branded 'disloyal'
As the debacle following Julia Gillard's demise has shown, to stifle debate between feminists by hurling accusations of disloyalty damages the possibilities of progress
The September election is getting closer...:
- 2013/07/14: TheConversation: Emissions trading schemes are fraught territory: is Rudd ready?
- 2013/07/14: ABC(Au): Treasurer Chris Bowen confirms Government will scrap carbon tax for floating price
The Federal Government has confirmed it will scrap the carbon tax and move to an emissions trading scheme.
Treasurer Chris Bowen has confirmed the decision will cost several billion dollars.
He says cabinet has approved a plan to move to an emissions trading scheme next year, a year earlier than originally planned.
The fixed carbon price of $24.15 a tonne will be removed in favour of a floating price, thought to be between $6 and $10 a tonne. - 2013/07/14: ABC(Au): Greens propose $43bn in new taxes on banks and wealthy to pay for education, welfare promises
The Greens are proposing to raise an extra $43 billion in taxes to pay for new spending on education, welfare and the environment.
The party is launching its election policy platform today in which it proposes a new tax of 0.2 per cent on the four major banks' assets over $100 billion.
Greens leader Christine Milne says it would raise $8.4 billion over three years. "They have been making mega-profits, it is about time they paid their way," she said. - 2013/07/13: WtD: Rudd dumps carbon tax, leaves Abbott punch drunk: media round up [1]
- 2013/07/12: TheConversation: Energy reform key to productivity, paves way for carbon action
- 2013/07/11: Guardian(UK): Kevin Rudd puts seven-point plan at heart of economic counter-attack
The PM uses a National Press Club speech to steer the debate away from Tony Abbott's assaults on debt and deficit - 2013/07/11: TheConversation: Rudd and the failed promise of climate security
- 2013/07/09: Guardian(UK): Some direct questions on the Coalition's Direct Action plan [Aus]
- 2013/07/09: ABC(Au): Fact checking unit questions Abbott's Hunter claims
- 2013/07/09: ABC(Au): Government could afford to float carbon price: analysts [Tim Jordan of Deutsche Bank & Tony Wood of the Grattan Institute]
- 2013/07/08: Guardian(UK): Tony Abbott's climate policy is just a figleaf developed by deniers
- 2013/07/08: JQuiggin: Tony Abbott, fact-checked and FOI'd
After years of wrangling, the Murray Darling Basin Plan is in place, but the water management fights are far from finished:
- 2013/07/10: ABC(Au): Support aired for Rockhampton flood levee plans
- 2013/07/09: ABC(Au): Murray-Darling Basin up for global water award
- 2013/07/08: ABC(Au): Soaking not enough to boost river flows
The Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources says above average rainfall across the Murray-Darling Basin during June has failed to boost river flows. - 2013/07/08: ABC(Au): 3D animation of Lake Pedder restoration plan released in Hobart
While in China:
- 2013/07/13: BBC: Protest prompts China to cancel Jiangmen uranium plant
China has cancelled plans to build a uranium processing plant the day after hundreds of protesters took to the streets to oppose the project.
The 37bn yuan (£4bn) project, close to the southern city of Jiangmen, would have provided enough fuel for around half of China's atomic energy needs.
It had been part of a national effort to reduce China's reliance on coal and boost the use of clean energy.
And in Russia:
- 2013/07/08: ScienceInsider: Putin Grants Minor Concessions on Bill to Overhaul Russian Academy of Sciences
The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) has gained a 3-year reprieve from a government plan to merge it with two smaller academies. But RAS would still lose the ability to manage its extensive property and real estate holdings.
Incensed by what they view as an attempt by President Vladimir Putin to destroy the 289-year-old research organization, dozens of scientists have said that they will refuse membership in the new version of RAS. They are also trying to build support for a counterproposal to what the Russian government wants to do.
And South (and Central) America:
- 2013/07/13: DD: Mexico's cities not ready for climate change...
- 2013/07/11: Resilience: The Impact of Transnational "Big Food" Companies on the South: A View from Brazil
In Canada, neocon PM Harper, aka The Blight, pushes petroleum while ignoring the climate and ecology:
- 2013/07/13: NorRe: Ignorance Rules The Roost
- 2013/07/12: NorRe: The End Of Kent?
- 2013/07/10: BCLSB: On Environment Ministers And Petcoke
- 2013/07/10: TP:JR: Foreign Policy Labels Canada 'A Rogue, Reckless Petrostate'
The Harper gang is pushing some fundamentally destructive science policies:
- 2013/07/09: JTurley: The Rise of The Science Philistines: Canada's Chief Science Regulator Announces That "Scientific Discovery Is Not Valuable Unless It Has Commercial Value."
After the Lac Magantic tragedy, there has been a lot of pipeline vs railroad chatter:
- 2013/07/14: CBC: 7 more Lac-Mégantic victims named by coroner -- 9 people identified, 33 bodies found
- 2013/07/13: DeSmogBlog: Lac Megantic Oil Train Explosion: Consequences of Deregulation
- 2013/07/13: CBC: Virtual generosity: volunteers flood web with offers to help Lac-Mégantic
- 2013/07/13: BBC: Canada train blast: Vigils held as toll reaches 33
Events have been held in Canada to mark one week since the train disaster in the Quebec town of Lac-Megantic. - 2013/07/13: WSWS: Rail boss scapegoats Lac-Mégantic, Quebec train driver
- 2013/07/12: BBC: Canada train blast: More bodies found in Lac-Megantic
Canadian police say 28 bodies have now been found following the train disaster in the Quebec town of Lac-Megantic. - 2013/07/12: CDreams: Quebec's Lac-Mégantic Oil Train Disaster Not Just Tragedy, But Corporate Crime
At the root of the explosion is deregulation and an energy rush driving companies to take ever greater risks - 2013/07/12: CSM: Lac-Megantic train crash: How it will change Canadian oil
- 2013/07/12: BuckDog: Harper Administration Failed To Act On Auditor General's 2011 Rail Safety Recommendations - HofC Transport Committe Refuses To Convene ....
- 2013/07/12: MSimon: Stephen Harper and the Big Oil Nightmare [Lac-Mégantic]
- 2013/07/12: Impolitical: One man in Lac Mégantic
- 2013/07/11: NatPo: Town rallies around local businessman vowing to make sure crude never passes through ravaged Lac-Mégantic again
Raymond Lafontaine, whose companies employ 175 people, lost a son and two daughters-in-law, along with a secretary, in Saturday's explosion in Lac-Mégantic. In the days since, he has emerged as a leader among the town's citizens, mixing calm determination with raw anger and the courage to speak out. - 2013/07/11: USAToday: Canada train disaster bolsters pipeline case: Our view
- 2013/07/11: P3: Jet Fuel on Freight Trains: Normal Accidents and the Tragedy of Lac-Mégantic
- 2013/07/11: WSWS: The background to the Lac-Mégantic disaster: Deregulation, profit and the Canadian rail industry
- 2013/07/10: SciAm:Obs: Are Pipelines Safer Than Railroads for Carrying Oil?
- 2013/07/10: CSM: NTSB warned of rail car used in Quebec train fire
- 2013/07/09: CSM: Quebec train fire: Will train derailment bolster case for oil pipelines?
- 2013/07/09: Tyee: The Real Tragedy of Lac-Mégantic -- Self-regulated railway industry was a disaster waiting to happen
- 2013/07/09: CBC: Shocking new Lac-Mégantic explosion video emerges
- 2013/07/08: ArcticNews: Climate change fighting town savaged by runaway oil train
- 2013/07/09: Grist: Quebec oil-train tragedy triggered oil spill that threatens water supplies
- 2013/07/09: OilChange: KXL's Supporters "Reach New Low"
- 2013/07/09: CBC: Safety rules lag as oil transport by train rises
Train shipments of oil up 28,000 per cent in four years - 2013/07/08: DeSmogBlog: Shameful: Keystone XL Proponent Using Deadly Lac-Megantic, Quebec Oil Train Tragedy To Promote Pipeline
- 2013/07/08: Grist: Train explosion in Quebec stokes debate about oil transport
- 2013/07/08: TreeHugger: Canadian train explosion rekindles oil pipeline versus train debate
- 2013/07/08: PostMedia: Federal funding cut as cost of shipping oil skyrockets
At a time when train shipments of crude oil are expected to skyrocket in Canada, the federal government is cutting funding for Transport Canada, the country's transportation regulator, by almost 30 per cent, down to $1.5 billion, according to government spending estimates for 2012-13 and 2013-14.
The country's two major rail companies, CP and CN, carried more than 30,000 carloads of crude oil across North America last year, according to Bloomberg, and the companies told the news service they expect to transport twice that amount this year, as output of crude outpaces space in oil pipelines.
Adding a certain volatility to this mix is a long-term shift to self-regulation in which companies are allowed to "do their own thing" when it comes to safety inspections, former Canadian Safety Council president Émile Therien said. - 2013/07/08: TStar: Lac Mégantic explosion could change pipeline debate, expert says
With the focus on pipeline safety, an energy policy expert says there's been less attention paid to the risks of transporting materials like crude by rail.
And on the fabled West-East line:
Last week it was Calgary; this week it was Toronto's turn; who will it be next week?
- 2013/07/10: CBC: Urban flooding likely to worsen, say experts
'Soft engineering' more urban parks, porous pavement might help, but costly sewers will still need to be replaced
Southern Alberta's June floods and those in Toronto this week may be freak occurrences that were caused by unusually severe storms.
But they have highlighted a desperate need for upgraded urban storm systems that account for increases in severe weather, engineers and municipal planners say.
In municipalities across Canada, outdated storm and waste water infrastructure has resulted in increased flood damage to homes and these types of situations will likely get worse in the near future, says Paul Kovacs, executive director at the insurance industry's Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction. - 2013/07/10: PaiD: Confronting Climate Change/Ignoring Climate Change
Dr. Blair Feltmate, the program director of sustainability practice at University of Waterloo, says Canada needs to be prepared for extreme rainfall, which will occur more frequently with accelerating climate change - 2013/07/09: TreeHugger: Rainiest day in Toronto's history floods city
- 2013/07/09: Wunderground: Toronto Deluged With its All-Time Record 1-Day Rainfall
- 2013/07/09: BBC: Toronto flooded by record-breaking rainstorm
- 2013/07/09: IndiaTimes: Toronto storm causes chaos throughout city
- 2013/07/09: CBC: Toronto flash floods cause traffic chaos, blackouts
- 2013/07/08: CBC: Heavy rains cause flooding, power outages in Toronto
- 2013/07/07: TheCanadian: Calgary Flood one in growing list of recent Extreme Weather Events
The ISA/PRV/IHN/Alpha virus in Canadian waters is potentially disastrous:
- 2013/07/12: WCEL: Canadians stand up for fish
- 2013/07/11: TheCanadian: Researchers concerned stripping of salmon virus lab's credentials will have chilling effect on science
Well has Christy Clark won her byelection. Now what will she do?
- 2013/07/13: TheCanadian: Liberals deliberately trashing BC Hydro, WAC Bennett's legacy
- 2013/07/11: TheCanadian: Changes on way to BC private power policy? Energy minster offers interesting answers
- 2013/07/11: TheCanadian: BC's industrial power users bristle at prospect of higher Hydro rates
- 2013/07/11: TheCanadian: Video: In-depth Global TV discussion of LNG - incl. NDP's support for program
- 2013/07/11: NI: NDP insiders need to go
- 2013/07/10: CBC: B.C. Premier Christy Clark wins 63% of the popular vote in Westside-Kelowna byelection
- 2013/07/11: CPW: B.C. Premier Christy Clark wins Westside-Kelowna, returns to legislature
- 2013/07/11: PolRespun: Fixing the BC NDP, 2013 Version
- 2013/07/10: WpgFP: B.C. premier among eight candidates vying for votes in byelection today
- 2013/07/09: Tyee: Ask BC Hydro's Board of Liberal Pals to Explain Rate Hikes
- 2013/07/09: TheCanadian: Video: How Liberal Govt is Bankrupting BC Hydro, Province
- 2013/07/08: TheCanadian: Why Rafe Mair is Cancelling his Sun, Province Subscriptions
- 2013/07/08: TheCanadian: EnCana takes over Funding of Govt Study into Fracking Water Contamination
- 2013/07/08: PostMedia: As oil production exceeds pipeline capacity, B.C. can expect more use of rail tankers to move crude
B.C. can expect more oil to be transported by rail, as production outpaces pipeline capacity, even if the Northern Gateway and Kinder Morgan pipeline propsals are built.
That could leave communities in B.C. vulnerable to the kind of train wreck that left the town of Lac-Magentic, Que., in ruins Saturday, killing five people and leaving 40 missing.
The disaster raises serious questions about safety risks posed by rail transport and the adequacy of Canada's regulatory framework, according to environmental and transportation experts. - 2013/07/07: TheCanadian: Minister admits Hydro rates going up, won't say how much
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2013/07/11: TheCanadian: Emma Pullman reflects on Tar Sands Healing Walk
- 2013/07/10: CDreams: 'Significant' Destruction of Canadian Wildlife Serves 'Public Interest,' says Govt Panel
Federal and [provincial] regulators acknowledge 'significant' negative impact of Shell tar sands expansion, but approve project anyway - 2013/07/10: CBC: Alberta greenlights Shell's Jackpine oilsands expansion
- 2013/07/10: Tyee: What I Learned at the Tar Sands -- Healing Walk was a chance to connect with other activists, and industry workers too
- 2013/07/09: PI: Pembina reacts to decision on Shell Jackpine oilsands mine expansion
- 2013/07/08: ICN: Canada's energy sector taps bitumen, sticky rival to oil sands
Pilot projects in an as-yet undeveloped oilfield could remake Canada's energy map, if producers can successfully wrest a sludgy, tarry substance called bitumen from porous rock in remote northern Alberta. - 2013/07/08: OilChange: Dolofudge: Canada's New Tar Sands
Also in Alberta:
- 2013/07/12: CBC: Siksika Nation still devastated by flood damage -- Volunteers needed as cleanup begins
- 2013/07/11: CBC: Alberta flood-area building rules may change, says Redford -- Province may adopt new legislation after massive flooding in Calgary, High River
- 2013/07/08: CBC: Lack of flood assistance for second-home owners questioned -- Alberta government not covering vacation, income properties in relief program
As the flood cleanup continues, Albertans with vacation or rental homes are wondering if they'll get any help from the government.
The provincial and federal governments are helping homeowners pay for everything from lost furniture and food to cleanup and landscaping.
But that assistance is only earmarked for Albertans whose primary residences were affected by the flooding.
In Ontario, Wynne is struggling to establish herself. Energy still looms large:
- 2013/07/10: CBC: Privacy watchdog says more Ontario gas plant emails found -- Discovery of more emails latest twist in long-running gas-plant controversy
- 2013/07/09: BBC: Toronto flooded by record-breaking rainstorm
- 2013/07/09: G&M: Experts to examine pesticide's role in honeybee deaths
All the buzz about dead bees is prompting Ontario to seek help from a group of experts.
A bee health working group is being formed to make recommendations on how to mitigate the potential risk of a certain pesticide to honeybees, the governing Liberals said Tuesday.
The pesticide -- neonicotinoid -- is used for corn and soybeans. - 2013/07/09: CBC: Ontario calls in experts in bid to prevent bee deaths
- 2013/07/09: SierraClub: Bold step for the bees
Sierra Club Canada welcomes the creation of a bee mortality working group by Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne to investigate and recommend solutions for the extremely high mortality of bees. - 2013/07/05: iPolitics: Ontario, Quebec beekeepers push provinces to ban controversial pesticide
In the Maritimes:
- 2013/07/11: WpgFP: Cost of refurbishing Point Lepreau nuclear plant could be $3.3 billion: PMO memo
- 2013/07/07: TheCanadian: Journalist Arrested at Anti-Fracking Demonstration in New Brunswick
In the North:
- 2013/07/13: Tyee: High Winds Thwart Northwest Passage Journeyers, For Now -- An update from rowers tackling the legendary Arctic route
- 2013/07/11: BCLSB: Lake Athabasca "Oil Slick" Caused By Algae Bloom
- 2013/07/10: CBC: Arctic team attempts to solve 100-year-old mystery
Scientists to retrace steps of P.E.I.-born captain who disappeared during Canada's 1st Arctic expedition
Nearly 100 years after an Island-born sailor vanished on an Arctic expedition, a team of scientists are setting out to retrace his steps, hoping to solve the mystery.
P.E.I.-born Capt. Peter Bernard was among a group of nearly two dozen scientists and crew who departed on the 1913-18 expedition aboard the Karluk to map uncharted portions of the high Arctic.
Like many journeys to the north in the early years of high Arctic exploration, the Karluk was no match for the harsh conditions. The doomed expedition saw more than half of the members die, including Bernard in 1917.
David Gray, an Ottawa-based scientist and historian, and a team of scientists are organizing a centennial tribute to retrace part of the expedition's past and find out more about what happened to Bernard. - 2013/07/07: CBC: Province investigates after spill complaint on Athabasca River
Province says it can find no signs of petrochemical spill on the river
And on the American political front:
- 2013/07/11: NYT: [Editorial] In the House, a Refusal to Govern
On two crucial issues this week, the extremists who dominate the Republican majority in the House of Representatives made it clear how little interest they have in the future prosperity of their country, or its reputation for fairness and decency.
The House will refuse to consider a comprehensive immigration bill [...]
And, on Thursday, the House passed a farm bill that stripped out the food stamp program [...] - 2013/07/09: WaPo:B: Sabotage governing
It's not unusual to hear dirty hippie liberal blogger types (and the occasional lefty Nobel Prize winner) point out that today's GOP has effectively abdicated the role of functional opposition party, instead opting for a kind of post-policy nihilism in which sabotaging the Obama agenda has become its only guiding governing light.
But when you hear this sort of argument coming from Chuck Todd, the mild-mannered, well respected Beltway insider, it should prompt folks to take notice. - 2013/07/13: NYT:PK: March of the Munching Moochers - Food Stamps and U6 Unemployment
- 2013/07/13: CSM: Food stamps fact check: For now, program will continue as is
- 2013/07/08: WSJ:RTE: Nearly 1 in 6 Americans Receives Food Stamps
- 2013/07/12: Grist: Tea Partiers fight over solar power in Georgia, and the solar fans win
In Georgia on Thursday, the Tea Party scored a victory against the Tea Party by helping push through a plan requiring the state's largest electric utility to increase its capacity for solar power.
Never a dull day in Southern politics, is there? A proposal by Public Service Commissioner Lauren "Bubba" McDonald to more than double the amount of solar energy produced by Georgia Power pitted the Tea Party Patriots against the local chapter of Koch-funded group Americans for Prosperity (of the notorious "No Climate Tax Pledge"). - 2013/07/11: Grist: A Republican calls for climate action -- and has to remain anonymous to keep job
- 2013/07/11: AJC: More fights ahead for Georgia Power after loss on solar
- 2013/07/11: Grist: Here comes the son: Barry Goldwater Jr. fights for solar power in Arizona [pol]
- 2013/07/11: Grist: Look what the gas and oil industry did to the Gulf of Mexico -- again
- 2013/07/11: TP:JR: Over 10,000 Google Users Protest Company's Inhofe Fundraiser
- 2013/07/11: Wonkette: Google Breaks Hearts Of Liberals By Eating Champion Climate Change Denier Jim Inhofe For Lunch Today
- 2013/07/11: NYT: Climate Change Will Cause More Energy Breakdowns, U.S. Warns
- 2013/07/10: Wonkette: Wall Street Journal: Homeless People Just In It For All The Free Soup
- 2013/07/10: ICN: Wealthy Donors in His Corner as Obama Comes Out Swinging on Climate Change
- 2013/07/10: UCSUSA:B: Koch-Funded Group Misleads Georgia on Solar
- 2013/07/09: Guardian(UK): Google hosts fundraiser for climate change denying US senator
- 2013/07/09: TP:JR: Koch Brothers Fund Effort To Undermine Tea Party Support Of Solar Energy in Georgia
- 2013/07/09: TreeHugger: "You won't find climate change deniers on the fire line in the American west"
- 2013/07/08: IndiaTimes: My dream is to make renewable energy affordable for all: Steven Chu [Q&A]
- 2013/07/03: UppityWis: GOP CARBONARA: Wisconsin lawmakers including Walker and RoJo formally pledge allegiance to Koch Brothers
- 2013/06/27: DissentMag: Unnatural Gas: How Government Made Fracking Profitable (and Left Renewables Behind)
- 2013/06/11: HuffPo: The Collapse of Science, Not Housing, Ended the American Dream
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics:
- 2013/07/13: DD: Renowned whale expert studying effect of Deepwater Horizon oil spill on Gulf of Mexico sperm whales - 'Every step of the food chain you get about a 10 times increase in the concentration of a contaminant'
- 2013/07/11: NYT: Leaner BP Blanches at Bill for Cleanup
Three years after its disastrous oil rig accident in the Gulf of Mexico, BP has managed to strengthen its finances by divesting itself of less profitable operations, ramping up new oil production in the North Sea and Angola and reducing its exposure to volatile investments in Russia.
But one wild card continues to menace the company: BP's bill to compensate thousands of Gulf spill claimants is spiraling beyond what it expected and could take billions of dollars out of its future earnings. - 2013/07/11: EneNews: Unsafe levels of gas prevent workers from trying to stop leak in Gulf of Mexico - Six Coast Guard vessels at site...
- 2013/07/11: Guardian(UK): US government assessment of BP oil spill 'will not account for damage'
Efforts to put a price on damage from disaster fails to capture full extent of environmental losses in Gulf waters - 2013/07/09: EneNews: WSJ: Blow-out in Gulf of Mexico - "Loss of well control" reported - Large oil sheen on surface, gas flowing into sea
In memoriam:
- 2013/07/09: S&R: To the lost: a photographic tribute to Andrew Ashcroft and the Granite Mountain Hotshot Crew
The Keystone XL wheel grinds slowly. And it grinds woe:
- 2013/07/12: TP:JR: Waxman And Whitehouse Ask State Department To Go Back To The Drawing Board On Keystone Pipeline
- 2013/07/11: BWeek: Secrets, Lies, and Missing Data: New Twists in the Keystone XL Pipeline
- 2013/07/11: OilChange: Keystone XL: The Key to Crude Exports - New Report
- 2013/07/11: OilChange: State Review of KXL "Fundamentally Flawed"
- 2013/07/10: DeSmogBlog: State Dept Contractor ERM Lied About TransCanada Ties, Another Fatal Flaw of Environmental Review
- 2013/07/09: OilChange: KXL's Supporters "Reach New Low"
- 2013/07/08: CCP: Michael Bishop's stand against TransCanada's Keystone XL in Douglass, TX, Nacogdoches Co.
- 2013/07/08: DeSmogBlog: State Department Admits It Doesn't Know Keystone XL's Exact Route
- 2013/07/08: OilChange: Infographic: Piling up Keystone XL's Petcoke
The Mayflower oil spill continues to weigh heavily on the Keystone decision:
- 2013/07/11: Grist: Arkansas tar-sands spill was an accident 60 years in the making
- 2013/07/11: TreeHugger: Exxon cites manufacturing defect for Arkansas oil spill
Exxon Mobil announced today that it believes a manufacturing defect is the cause of the pipeline rupture that spilled nearly 300,000 gallons of tar sands oil in Mayflower, Arkansas.
The GOP War on Women continues. See also:
- 2013/07/13: Guardian(UK): Texas passes one of toughest anti-abortion laws in US
- 2013/07/13: al Jazeera: Texas passes abortion restriction bill
Democrats vow to legally challenge Republican-sponsored bill that will ban terminations after 20 weeks. - 2013/07/13: CDreams: Texas Now a 'Danger Zone' For Women
- 2013/07/13: BBC: Texas senate passes 20-week abortion ban bill
- 2013/07/12: DemNow: From North Carolina to Texas: Grassroots Movement Grows To Resist Anti-Abortion Bills
- 2013/07/10: al Jazeera: US: The GOP's pro-life hypocrisy
If pro-life Republicans want to save lives, they could start with women and children in the reddest states. - 2013/07/10: RT: Texas House passes abortion restrictions despite public outrage
- 2013/07/09: FAIR: No Hero, No Coverage: Restrictive Abortion Provisions in Ohio Budget
- 2013/07/09: DailyKos: Young Woman Has EPIC Rant in TX Abortion Hearings. Gets Hauled Off By State Troopers [scroll down to LaFeminista transcript -het]
- 2013/07/09: Guardian(UK): Texas lawmakers debate controversial abortion bill ahead of key vote
- 2013/07/09: Wonkette: Lady Republicans Kinda Sorta Embarrassed How Their Menfolk Can't Stop Having Abortionpalooza
- 2013/07/08: ACLU: Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Wisconsin Abortion Law
Law Would Have Closed Half of State's Abortion Clinics - 2013/07/08: CDreams: Wisconsin GOP Governor Leads '11th Hour Attack' on Women's Choice
Scott Walker uses July 4th weekend to ram through passage of anti-choice law as Planned Parenthood and ACLU file suit - 2013/07/07: JSOnline: Scott Walker signs abortion bill; providers quickly sue
Looking forward to 2014, 2016 elections:
- 2013/07/14: CSM: Former governor of Montana won't run for Senate; an opening for GOP?
Popular former Gov. Brian Schweitzer said Saturday morning that he will not run for Montana's open US Senate seat in 2014, an announcement that complicates Democratic efforts to retain their majority in next year's elections.
Schweitzer told The Associated Press that he doesn't want to leave Montana and go to Washington, D.C. - 2013/07/08: BBC: Texas Governor Rick Perry to retire
Now that he doesn't need their vote any more, how will Obama treat liberals and their policy issues?
- 2013/07/10: BoomerWarrior: The Obama Climate Plan. Disappointing and Hopeless ~ Peter Carter
- 2013/07/13: ArcticNews: The Obama Climate Plan: Disappointing and Hopeless
- 2013/07/10: CSW: President Obama and The Climate Emergency
- 2013/07/08: PI:B: Three reasons to take Obama's climate plan seriously
- 2013/07/08: TP:JR: What Obama Said: The Optimist's Translation
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2013/07/10: Resilience: EPA's Abandoned Wyoming Fracking Study One Retreat of Many
Over the past 15 months, they point out, the EPA has:- Closed an investigation into groundwater pollution in Dimock, Pa., saying the level of contamination was below federal safety triggers.
- Abandoned its claim that a driller in Parker County, Texas, was responsible for methane gas bubbling up in residents' faucets, even though a geologist hired by the agency confirmed this finding.
- Sharply revised downward a 2010 estimate showing that leaking gas from wells and pipelines was contributing to climate change, crediting better pollution controls by the drilling industry even as other reports indicate the leaks may be larger than previously thought.
- Failed to enforce a statutory ban on using diesel fuel in fracking.
- 2013/07/12: ScienceInsider: U.S. Energy Secretary Moves to Create Two New Panels Focused on National Laboratory Reform
- 2013/07/11: CSM: Climate change threatens nation's energy, DOE report warns
- 2013/07/10: TP:JR: House Votes To Block Light Bulb Efficiency Standards
- 2013/07/10: NOAANews: To ease impact of quota cuts on New England groundfisheries, NOAA proposes opening long-time closure areas
- 2013/07/09: DailyKos: Climate disconnect: Republicans let their districts fry
- 2013/07/09: TP:JR: President Obama Nominates Ret. Admiral McGinn To Lead Navy Energy Efforts
- 2013/07/08: CleanTechnica: US Interior Department Approves 500 MW Arizona Wind Farm
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2013/07/13: CleanTechnica: Light Bulb Wars Roar Back Into House Of Representatives
- 2013/07/12: ScienceInsider: House Science Panel Gives Big Hug to Reform of DOE Labs
- 2013/07/12: GLaden: Time to Wake Up: What If Climate Change is Real? [video]
- 2013/07/12: Wonkette: Welfare for Farmers Bill Passes House; Food Stamps Not Included Because Poors Can Suck It
- 2013/07/12: TP:JR: GOP 'Climate Disconnect' Would Sacrifice Climate Research for Weather Forecasting
- 2013/07/11: UCSUSA: House Passes Partial Farm Bill, Creating Further Uncertainty in Already Complex Process
- 2013/07/11: NPR: House Passes Farm Bill Without Food Stamps
- 2013/07/11: CSM: House farm bill leaves food stamps in limbo
- 2013/07/11: TheHill:e2W: Democrat to Republicans: Climate hearing will be on science, not politics
- 2013/07/11: TP:JR: New Infographic: The Anti-Science Climate Denier Caucus
- 2013/07/11: Grist: GOP: Pork barrels? Yes. Pork for the hungry? No.
- 2013/07/10: Grist: EPA chief nominee clears one hurdle, but more lie ahead
- 2013/07/10: ScienceInsider: House Bill Would Trim NOAA's 2014 Budget, Protect Satellite Programs
- 2013/07/10: RTCC: Congress tells NASA to prioritise Mars exploration over climate change
- 2013/07/09: ScienceInsider: NSF Is on a Budget Roll
- 2013/07/09: TP:JR: House GOP: We Love Us Some Coal, Let's Burn Even More
- 2013/07/09: TPM: Report: House GOP To Split Food Stamps From Farm Bill
- 2013/07/09: TP:JR: New Report Shows Remarkable 'Climate Disconnect' In House GOP Voting Record
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2013/07/12: SciAm:GB: Revolutionizing Economics by Evolutionizing It
- 2013/07/12: CCurrents: To Save Our Children We Need To Know Why We Do What We Do
- 2013/07/11: UDW: New Cooperatives Form Part of Cuba's Reforms
- 2013/07/10: CCurrents: Can We Really Walk Away From Empire?
- 2013/07/05: TruthOut: Noam Chomsky: Who Owns the Earth?
- 2013/07/07: NorRe: The "Primitives" Have Got It Right
In a recent article, Noam Chomsky asks the question we should all be asking: "Who will defend the earth?"
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology]
raised its head once again:
- 2013/07/12: Guardian(UK): The Ireland abortion debate, summed up in one disrespectful gesture
Tom Barry pulling Áine Collins on to his lap at the Dáil sums up the farce and lack of empathy inherent in the debate - 2013/07/12: IndiaTimes: Ireland approves 'life-saving' abortions for first time
- 2013/07/12: al Jazeera: Ireland passes controversial abortion law
Deep divisions in Ireland begin to show as MPs vote to pass a new abortion law that allows termination in limited cases. - 2013/07/11: Guardian(UK): Ireland passes law allowing limited rights to abortion
Bill passes which will allow for abortions only when woman's life is under threat or if she is suicidal - 2013/07/10: Guardian(UK): Ireland likely to legalise abortion in very limited circumstances
- 2013/07/10: CCurrents: Fertility Surprises Portend A More Populous Future
- 2013/07/10: BBC: Chile's Pinera stokes abortion row over rape victim
- 2013/07/09: WSWS: Ireland's reactionary abortion laws largely upheld
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2013/07/13: UKISS: Extinctions inevitable
- 2013/07/13: CP&O: 'We're F#*cked!' Conceptualising Catastrophe
- 2013/07/13: NBF: For doomers the answer is always to kill people or prevent people from being born
- 2013/07/12: NBF: The End is Near - Another Spreadsheet says we are doomed - Author suggests preparing for Lord of the Flies
Okay hot shot, how are we gonna fix this?
- 2013/07/14: Grist: Dangerous global warming could be reversed, say scientists
- 2013/07/11: Guardian(UK): Dangerous global warming could be reversed, say scientists
A combination of burning trees for energy and capturing and storing carbon dioxide could offset and even reverse emissions - 2013/07/09: APoA: On Monbiot's Manifesto
How do the corporate media measure up?
- 2013/07/13: BCLSB: 2nd Largest Cdn Forest Fire EVER Goes Unreported
- 2013/07/12: DD: Daily Telegraph misquotes Arctic oceanographer to dismiss concerns over sea ice decline
- 2013/07/11: GLaden: FOX News Claims Climate Change is Real!!!!
- 2013/07/10: NatureN: Science media: Centre of attention
Fiona Fox and her Science Media Centre are determined to improve Britain's press. Now the model is spreading around the world. - 2013/07/09: FAIR: No Hero, No Coverage: Restrictive Abortion Provisions in Ohio Budget
- 2013/07/09: JEB: A Rose by any other name...
- 2013/07/03: MediaMatters: Business Journalists: Climate Change Deniers Have No Place in Our Reporting
- 2013/06/04: PCC: Dr James Annan complained to the Press Complaints Commission...
- 2013/07/08: RealClimate: Arctic misrepresentations
- 2013/07/08: TheCanadian: Why Rafe Mair is Cancelling his Sun, Province Subscriptions
- 2013/07/08: Slate:BA: You're Getting Warmer: Another Wall Street Journal Global Warming Article Misses the Target
- 2013/07/08: TP:JR: Matt Ridley Exits Wall Street Journal Column As A Climate Science Denier Of the Third Kind
Here is something for your library:
- 2013/07/12: CleanTechnica: Review: "Nuclear 2.0: Why a Green Future Needs Nuclear Power," By Mark Lynas
- 2013/07/08: TreeHugger: [Book Review] _The Ethiopian Wolf: Hope at the Edge of Extinction_ by Will Burrard-Lucas & Rebecca R. Jackrel
- 2013/07/08: Resilience: Building a resilient homestead of your own
[Book Review] _The Resilient Farm and Homestead: an Innovative Permaculture and Whole Systems Design Approach_ by Ben Falk
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2013/07/14: PSinclair: Dr. Jeff Masters: Quebec Fire Second Largest in Record
- 2013/07/14: PSinclair: Weekend Wonk Bonus: Jeff Masters at Chapman Conference
- 2013/07/13: DeSmogBlog: Sharknado: Do Cheesy Sci-Fi Movies Cheapen Climate Change Discussion?
- 2013/07/12: DemNow: Josh Fox on Gasland Part 2, the Fracking-Earthquake Link & the Natural Gas Industry's Use of PSYOPs
- 2013/07/09: TP:JR: Mann Of Steel: New Film Starring Author Of 'The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars'
- 2013/07/08: RealClimate: AGU Chapman Conference on Climate Science Communication [vid]
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2013/07/13: TheConversation: Whaling in the Antarctic: New Zealand intervenes, Australia concludes
- 2013/07/12: FDL: Chevron Granted Sweeping Subpoena Of Critics' Internet Data
- 2013/07/12: BBerg: EPA Delay on Greenhouse Gas Biofuel Rules Tossed by Court
A decision by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to delay for three years making rules to curb carbon dioxide emissions from biofuels was thrown out by the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington.
The EPA failed to spell out what the delay, known as the deferral rule, would accomplish, according to a 2-1 ruling by a three-judge panel. - 2013/07/12: EarthRights: Judge: Chevron can access its critics' private user information
- 2012/10/25: EarthRights: Standing up to Chevron over harassment of activists, lawyers & journalists
- 2013/07/11: CDreams: In 'Chilling' Ruling, Chevron Granted Access to Activists' Private Internet Data
"Sweeping" subpoena violates rights of those who spoke out against oil giant's devastating actions in Ecuador - 2013/07/10: TP: Federal Judge Authorizes Chevron's Sweeping Subpoena Of Activists' Internet Data
- 2013/07/10: FDL: Monsanto Loses Patent Case On Climate-Resilient Crops
It looks like this BP trial over the Gulf oil spill is going to take a while:
- 2013/07/12: BBerg: BP Gulf Spill Victims Challenge Economic-Loss Settlement
- 2013/07/08: BBC: BP in court hearing alleging misconduct in oil-spill payments
- 2013/07/08: Guardian(UK): BP appeals against 'inflated' Deepwater Horizon claims
- 2013/07/08: CBC: BP victim of 'irreparable injustices' in oil spill settlement, court hears -- Oil company wants judges to overturn billions of dollars in claims
Developing a new energy infrastructure is a fundamental challenge of the current generation:
- 2013/07/13: CER:RRapier: Renewable Energy Status Update 2013
- 2013/07/12: RScribbler: Solar Energy Costs in Free-Fall as World Climate Worsens; Opposition to Renewable Energy Now Mostly Political
- 2013/07/12: OilDrum: Live Until August 31st, Oil Drum Successors Discussion, and User Profiles
- 2013/07/11: BBerg: Clean Energy Investment Rises 22% Led by U.S., China
- 2013/07/10: WaPo:B: Bad news: The world's energy supply isn't getting any cleaner
- 2013/07/11: NatureN: Energy production causes big US earthquakes -- Fluids injected into wells lubricate faults and increase slippage
- 2013/07/11: NYT: Climate Change Will Cause More Energy Breakdowns, U.S. Warns
- 2013/07/11: Eureka: Geothermal power facility induces earthquakes, study finds
- 2013/07/10: SciAm:PI: The global outlook for renewable power in one graph
- 2013/07/09: TreeHugger: Worldwide renewable energy capacity in 2012 equalled China's total energy demand (4,860TWh)!
- 2013/07/09: BBC: Energy firm E.On's £3m penalty for light bulb saga
Energy firm E.On has been hit with a £3m penalty for failing to prove that it distributed free energy-saving light bulbs to consumers. - 2013/07/09: CSW: Clean energy: Learning by doing only happens if we DO!
- 2013/07/03: DOE:TiE: Energy sources have changed throughout the history of the United States
- 2013/07/08: SciAm:PI: U.S. energy transitions in one graph
- 2013/07/08: DD: Waterways warmed by climate change will increase electricity prices in southern Europe
- 2013/07/08: AutoBG: Audi opens renewable energy E-gas plant in Germany
Audi has opened the doors to its new power-to-gas facility, which will make what the automaker calls E-gas, in Werlte, Germany.
The plant produces hydrogen and synthetic methane and these clean fuels come from renewable energy, water and carbon dioxide. Audi says it's the first automaker to "develop a chain of sustainable energy carriers. - 2013/07/07: RawStory: Bhutan banks on 'white gold' hydropower
- 2013/07/08: BBerg: Water Warming to Boost Hydro, Nuclear-Power Costs: Study
Waterways warmed by climate change will increase electricity prices by as much as a third in southern Europe as producers struggle to cool power stations, a study showed.
Countries from Romania to Bulgaria and Slovenia face the biggest price increases, according to research today from the Laxenburg, Austria-based Institute for International Applied Systems Analysis. Dutch, German and Spanish scientists participated in the study.
What do you have in energy comparisons and transitions?
- 2013/07/14: CleanTechnica: Wind Energy At Parity With New Coal In India
- 2013/07/12: Resilience: Wind to Double and Solar to Triple in 6 Years, Says IEA
- 2013/07/12: RScribbler: US Energy Experiences Natural Gas to Coal Whiplash; Natural Gas 'Bridge to Sustainability' Collapses Yet Again
- 2013/07/10: CleanTechnica: Solar Power Cheaper Than Coal Foreseen By German Solar CEO
- 2013/07/11: TP:JR: Bridge Out: Coal Generation Rises While Natural Gas Falls As The Fairy Tale Comes To An End
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifer for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2013/07/12: CDreams: Wildlife, Livestock Drinking Fracking Fluids? EPA Says OK
From surface water dumping to well contamination, Wind River Reservation area in Wyoming drenched in fracking's chemical cocktail - 2013/07/12: CDreams: Fracking: Causes Water Pollution, Global Warming, and now... 'Earthquake Swarms'
- 2013/07/12: Grist: Fracking industry cleanup workers exposed to benzene in Colorado, feds allege
- 2013/07/12: UCSUSA:B: Fracking or Hydraulic Fracturing? What's in a Name?
- 2013/07/10: Resilience: Explosion Rocks Natural Gas Drilling Well in Marcellus Shale, Workers Seriously Injured
- 2013/07/09: Grist: Explosion at West Virginia fracking site seriously injures four
- 2013/07/09: UCSUSA:B: Where Is the Scientist?
- 2013/07/08: CSM: Fracking ban halts first shale gas project in Spain
- 2013/07/09: WSWS: Scientific study confirms groundwater contamination by hydraulic fracturing
- 2013/07/08: Resilience: Fracking Independence Day
- 2013/07/07: CassandrasLegacy: The shale gas revolution: is it already over?
On the coal front:
On the gas and oil front:
- 2013/07/12: BBerg: Closing oil prices Friday
OIL (US$/bbl)
Dated Brent Spot....108.81
WTI Cushing Spot....105.95 - 2013/07/11: EarlyWarning: Monthly Oil Supply Graphs
- 2013/07/11: NBF: US All liquids oil production at 11.99 million barrels per day and crude oil at 7.4 million bpd
- 2013/07/09: ICN: Mich. Officials Step Up Scrutiny of Enbridge After Water Law Violations
Regulators and landowners say Enbridge violated their trust by not reporting a geyser of oily water that had spewed from a damaged pipe into a creek. - 2013/07/08: Grist: Colorado's oil and gas boom is polluting the state's air
- 2013/07/08: UpstreamOnline: Statoil 'time lag' on Njord leak
Statoil has been hauled over the coals by Norway's Environment Agency (EA) for failing to report a leak of pollutive chemicals on the seafloor beneath its Njord field until more than two years after it was discovered.
Most of some 3400 tonnes of chemicals and oily water that were injected into the reservoir of the Norwegian Sea field over a period from 1999 to 2006 spilled onto the seabed due to a leakage in an injection well, Statoil has found. - 2013/07/09: BBC: Royal Dutch Shell has announced that it has appointed downstream director Ben van Beurden as its new chief executive
In the gas and oil corps:
And in pipeline news:
A rush of American triumphalism pervades the energy independence PR campaign. Think it will last?
- 2013/07/11: OGFJ: Forecasting shale oil production
- 2013/07/09: CCP: Shale oil Ponzi scheme: Harvard study confirms shale is a fracking treadmill
Yes we have peak everything:
- 2013/07/11: Platte:B: IEA hedges bets on new 20-year supply peak in non-OPEC oil
- 2013/07/09: Salon: Peak oil's death has been greatly exaggerated
- 2013/07/10: Resilience: Peak Water: What Happens When the Wells Go Dry? by Lester Brown
- 2013/07/11: Resilience: Stanford researchers say 'peak oil' concerns should ease
- 2013/07/11: Resilience: 2/3 of Egypt's oil is gone 20 years after its peak
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2013/07/12: RTCC: EU votes to cut carbon emissions from biofuels
The EU will cap the use of food-based biofuels but accelerate the production of "advanced" biofuels - 2013/07/10: HDaily: A brief history of biofuels, from the Civil War to today
- 2013/07/07: BBerg: Biofuel Investments at Seven-Year Low as BP Blames Cost
Europe's biggest oil companies are scaling back work on the next generation of biofuels, a setback for the effort to create a gasoline substitute that doesn't drain the food supply.
BP Plc and Royal Dutch Shell Group Plc have halted funds for four separate ventures because the technology to produce fuel from woody plants and waste won't be economical until 2020 or beyond, executives at both companies said in interviews.
The answer my friend...:
- 2013/07/12: DerSpiegel: Eco-Blowback: Mutiny in the Land of Wind Turbines
Germany plans to build 60,000 new wind turbines -- in forests, in the foothills of the Alps and even in protected environmental areas. But local residents are up in arms, costs are skyrocketing and Germany's determination to phase out nuclear power is in danger. - 2013/07/12: BBerg: EU Offshore Wind Installation Rate Doubles as Siemens Leads Way
- 2013/07/11: RTCC: UK reveals plans for world's largest offshore wind farm
- 2013/07/11: ABC(Au): Wind farms spark fire fighting concerns
- 2013/07/10: KSU: Wind power does not strongly affect greater prairie chickens, seven-year study finds
- 2013/07/10: SusBiz: Sioux Tribes Collaborate on Biggest US Wind Farm
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2013/07/14: CleanTechnica: Thin-film PV Breakthrough Could Cut Solar Costs By One Third
- 2013/07/12: Grist: Solar installations soar in California
- 2013/07/12: RTCC: MIT pioneers world's thinnest solar cell
- 2013/07/12: CleanTechnica: Solar PV To Hit Grid Parity, $134 Billion Annual Revenue By 2020
- 2013/07/11: CleanTechnica: California Solar Initiative Shines With 391MW-Installed Record Year
- 2013/07/10: RTCC: Records set to be smashed as Germany's solar output soars
- 2013/07/10: Eureka: Dye-sensitized solar cells rival conventional cell efficiency [15%]
- 2013/07/09: CleanTechnica: Solar Costs & Grid Prices On Collision Course
- 2013/07/09: CleanTechnica: US Passes 10 GW Installed Solar PV Capacity Milestone
- 2013/07/09: Grist: This boat circled the globe on sun power alone
- 2013/07/08: CleanTechnica: World Solar PV Market To Hit 45 GW In 2014, Deutsche Bank Forecasts
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2013/07/13: Xinhuanet: Planned S China nuclear fuel project canceled
Guangzhou - A planned nuclear fuel processing project in south China's Guangdong Province has been canceled following local residents' opposition, local authorities said Saturday. - 2013/07/13: PLNA: China Abandons Construction of Nuclear Fuel Processing Plant
- 2013/07/12: CSM: Nuclear power tries its sea legs - Russia's floating nuclear power plant in 2016
- 2013/07/11: Guardian(UK): Nuclear renaissance was just a fairy tale
The promise of cheap, low-carbon power -- with 31 new reactors in the US -- was based on rhetoric and obedience. Anyone who doubts that should read the new status report on the industry - 2013/07/11: WNR: [links to pdfs] The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013
- 2013/07/11: WpgFP: Cost of refurbishing Point Lepreau nuclear plant could be $3.3 billion: PMO memo
- 2013/07/10: CCurrents: Bangladesh: Rooppur Nuclear Plant Unsafe, Not Viable
- 2013/07/08: ERabett:JF: Nuclear Meltdown at The Nation: Round Two
- 2013/07/08: NBF: Prospects and Issues for SMRs Deployment
- 2013/07/02: RenewEcon: 'Intermittent & unpredictable': Nuclear reactor fails during heatwave
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), one of California's major electric utilities, shut down its 1,122 MW Unit #1 at its Diablo Canyon nuclear plant last week just as the state prepared for a serious heat wave.
Feed-In-Tariffs are being variously implemented around the world:
- 2013/07/12: BBC: German tariffs make green energy too expensive to store
Researchers in Germany who are working on ways of storing renewable energy say their plans are being hampered by feed-in tariffs.
The subsidies have encouraged thousands of householders to become energy producers by investing in solar and wind power.
But one leading scientist told the BBC that these same tariffs make efforts to store green electricity uneconomic. - 2013/07/08: CleanTechnica: UK Feed-in Tariff Generated Nearly 380,000 Renewable Installations In Three Years
Like a mirage, the dream of a Hydrogen Economy shimmers on the horizon:
- 2013/07/11: AutoBG: Japan sets up hydrogen 'task force' to advance fuel-cell infrastructure
- 2013/07/08: BBC: Rust promises hydrogen power boost
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2013/07/12: CCurrents: Wasting Energy On Outdoor Lighting When It Isn't Dark Outside
- 2013/07/11: EurActiv: IEA: Transport efficiency gains could save $70 trillion by 2050
Improving the energy efficiency of urban transport systems could save as much as $70 trillion (E54.6 trillion) in spending on vehicles, fuel and transport infrastructure by mid-century, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA). - 2013/07/11: Resilience: IEA: Improve energy efficiency of urban transport systems
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2013/07/13: AutoBG: Average new-car fuel economy figures continue record pace
- 2013/07/12: CleanTechnica: Better Place Sold To Sunrise Group For $12 Million
- 2013/07/10: AutoBG: Electric vehicles prove more popular when green energy is available
- 2013/07/09: AutoBG: Plug In America declares 100,000th sold in US an i-MiEV in Alabama
- 2013/07/09: TreeHugger: Netherlands to build world's largest network of EV fast-charging stations
- 2013/07/07: NBF: Next generation Hybrid Honda Fit will get 84.7 mpg US and mpg equivalent ratings of electric and plug in cars
As for Energy Storage:
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2013/07/05: BizGreen: In the board room, climate sceptics are nowhere
Media Matters is right, serious business leaders have no time for climate denial
Joe Romm posts a daily list of top energy and climate stories:
- 2013/07/12: TP:JR: July 12 News...
- 2013/07/11: TP:JR: July 11 News...
- 2013/07/10: TP:JR: July 10 News...
- 2013/07/09: TP:JR: July 9 News...
- 2013/07/08: TP:JR: July 8 News...
Other (weekly) lists:
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2013/07/10: PoliticsRespun: Climate Change Denial Affirmations
- 2013/07/11: HotWhopper: More weird conspiracy theories at WUWT
- 2013/07/10: UCSUSA:B: Koch-Funded Group Misleads Georgia on Solar
- 2013/07/09: TP:JR: Koch Brothers Fund Effort To Undermine Tea Party Support Of Solar Energy in Georgia
- 2013/07/10: MediaMatters: Patrick Michaels: Cato's Climate Expert Has History Of Getting It Wrong
- 2013/07/11: Grist: Send this crazy graph to the climate deniers you know
- 2013/07/12: WottsUWT: The Spectator: How accurate is the Met Office?
- 2013/07/12: JQuiggin: Bolt, ten years on
- 2013/07/12: DeSmogBlog: Murry Salby: Galileo? Bozo? Or P.T.Barnum?
- 2013/07/12: DeSmogBlog: Climate Sceptic Professor [Dr Murry Salby] Sacked From Australian University Was Banned By National Science Foundation For "Deceptive Conduct"
- 2013/07/09: Guardian(UK): Charles Krauthammer's flat-earther global warming folly
- 2013/07/09: DeSmogBlog: Australian University Dumps Bob Carter, Advisor To Multiple Global Climate Science Denial Groups
- 2013/07/14: HotWhopper: Climate Wars Linger: Anthony Rallies the Lynch Mob Again to Attack Michael Mann and Global Warming
- 2013/07/08: WottsUWT: Watt about evidence versus consensus?
- 2013/07/08: WtD: WUWT attacks WtD: I learn the only thing to fear from the sceptics is your own fear
- 2013/07/08: SMandia: Twitter Drive-By Shooting: Whew! Just Blanks (As Always)
- 2013/07/08: WtD: Anthony Watts: dishonest misrepresentation of sea-ice graphs, no surprise there...
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2013/07/13: Tyee: Bursting Our Petroleum Power Bubble
Humankind's mess stems from a lack of meaningful, sustainable work, says master painter Robert Bateman - 2013/07/10: SixthEstate: Climate Change Mitigation and the Tyranny of Small Minds
- 2013/07/12: RTCC: John Ashton Q&A: 'The USA is still a climate follower, not a leader'
Former UK climate envoy answers your questions on Obama, China, David Cameron, loss and damage and World Bank funding for coal plants - 2013/07/12: TMoS: If Only We Weren't Lashed Tightly to Fossil Fuels, We Might Save the World
- 2013/07/11: Guardian(UK): Hope family research finds recessions make climate change costlier
A new study by Chris and Mat Hope suggests that we are badly underestimating the costs of climate change - 2013/07/12: S&R: Words Matter: industrial climate disruption is not a religion
- 2013/07/14: AFTIC: Catching up...
- 2013/07/05: NatureBatsLast: Climate-change summary and update
- 2013/07/08: Guardian(UK): Global Warming and Economists - SuperFreakonomics is SuperFreakingWrong
- 2013/07/08: DD: Global warming and economists -- SuperFreakonomics is SuperFreakingWrong
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- 1250 Now
- EarthRights
- CP&O: Climate, People & Organizations
- SciLogs - The daily storyline of science
- Global CCS Institute
- Wiki: Anoxic event
- Bluedaze: Drilling Reform - Texas Sharon
- Antarctic Glaciers
- Only Zero Carbon
- NatureBatsLast
- PEARL: Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Laboratory
- Stefan Rahmstorf - List of Publications
- JEB: James' Empty Blog
- Konrad Steffen Research Group, CIRES/University of Colorado
- NASA:GSFC: ICESat (Ice, Cloud,and land Elevation Satellite)
Low Key Plug
- Global Warming Links
- Global Warming News Archive
- Energy
- Energy News
- Environmental Issues
- ---
- H.E. Taylor (homepage)
My first novel _Water_ was published in May 2007.
An Introduction is available.
My most recent novel _The Bottleneck Years_ is being serialized online atmy siteand on AFTIC at Table of Contents
If you want further information, see A Gentle Introduction.
If you want a copy, see The Deal.
An overview of my writing is available here.
A Simple Plea
Webmasters, web coders and content providers have mercy on your
low bandwidth brethren.
Because I am on dial-up, I am a text surfer -- no images, no javascript
and no flash.
When you post a graphic, will you please use the alt text field ...
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P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
I notice moyhu has set up a monster index to old AWoGWN on AFTIC."I'm frankly not that hopeful about Calgary. We have a lot of
people down there who still think that the Earth is only 6,000
years old, too. Despite lots of evidence to the contrary. It's
one thing to be misinformed people who can evaluate new evidence, but I think we have a lot of people down there who are straight
ideologues." -Prof. David Schindler.
Last modified July 14, 2013
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So many links here it's almost too much. Here's another one I like: