Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
Another week of Climate Instability News
Information is not Knowledge...Knowledge is notWisdom
July 24, 2011
- Autobahn, Chuckles, COP17+, Horn of Africa, BBC Trust, Geoneutrinos
- Bottom Line, GFIs, Open Access, Cook, Post CRU
- Fukushima Note, Fukushima News, Fukushima Talk
- Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Methane
- Food Crisis, Food Prices, Food vs. Biofuel, Land Grabs, GMOs, Food Production
- Hurricanes, Monsoon, Temperatures, Aerosols, Ozone, Paleoclimate
- Extinctions, Anthropocene, Volcanoes, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Climate Refugees, Wacky Weather, Extreme Weather
- Wildfires, Sea Levels, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Sequestration, Geoengineering
- Journals, Other Docs , Misc. Science, DIY Science, Schneider, Oreskes, Spencer, Watson
- International Politics: Misc., Security, Green Peacekeepers, UN
- Law & Activism, Activism, Polls, Water Politics & Business, Predictions
- National Politics: America, BP Disaster, 2012, USAdmin, Congress, Al Gore
- Britain, Europe, Australia, Carbon War, Murray-Darling, New Zealand, India, Asia, South America
- Canada, Post G20, MVP, Pipelines, CWB, Mega Loads, Provincial Premiers
- Kanananskis, Wrong, Tar Sands Monitoring Plan, BC, Tar Sands, Ontario, North
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Apocalypso, Media, Books, Video, Courts, Betting
- Energy, Fracking, Coal, Oil & Gas, Fossil Fuel Corps, Pipelines, Peak Oil, Biofuel
- Solar, Nukes, Nuclear Waste, LENR, Grid, Efficiency, Cars, Energy Storage
- Joe's List, Carbon Lobby, TVMOB, Miscellaneous Climate, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, .sig
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- 2011/07/19: JoeMohr: (cartoon - Mohr) Toys discussing rainforest destruction ... and nipples
- 2011/07/24: TP:JR: (cartoons - various) Best Heat Wave Cartoons, Toles Gets "Hot and Bothered"
- 2011/07/22: uComics: (cartoon - Toles) Debt Debate
- 2011/07/21: TP:JR: (cartoon - Bagley) 500 Days of Summer: We're Having a Heat Wave, a Tropical -- and Subtropical -- Heat Wave
Oh great! A category for unintentionally funny prejudice:
- 2011/07/22: CDreams: Deadly Jihadist Haboobs Infiltrate Arizona
- 2011/07/22: Wonkette: Arizona Wingnuts Outraged To Hear Muslin Word [Haboob] Being Used On Teevee
And here's one to file under "Not clear on the concept":
- 2011/07/19: Guardian(UK): Heartland Institute launches a 'closed' climate change wiki
- 2011/07/19: CCP: Heartland Institute launches a 'closed' climate change wiki
Looking ahead to COP17 and future international climate negotiations:
- 2011/07/22: PlanetArk: Defying Climate Deal Like Appeasing Hitler: UK Minister
World leaders who oppose a global agreement to tackle climate change are making a similar mistake to the one made by politicians who tried to appease Adolf Hitler before World War Two, a British government minister said on Thursday. Energy and Climate Change Minister Chris Huhne said governments must redouble efforts to find a successor to the United Nations Kyoto Protocol on emissions, although it was unlikely that a breakthrough would be made at a conference later this year in Durban in South Africa. The global economic crisis has pushed the search for a legally binding treaty to limit planet-warming emissions down the political agenda and countries do not want to lose their competitive edge by going it alone on strict climate targets, he said. - 2011/07/20: BBC:RB: Climate: Fractures in the lobby?
The Horn of Africa drought and famine continues to be a major disaster:
- 2011/07/24: BBC: The Red Cross says it has delivered food into one of Somalia's worst hit drought areas, controlled by the Islamist militant group al-Shabab
- 2011/07/20: FAO: International emergency meeting to mobilize support
- 2011/07/23: UN: UN humanitarian fund gives millions for food aid across Horn of Africa
- 2011/07/22: DemNow: Horn of Africa Famine: Millions at Risk in "Deadly Cocktail" of War, Climate Change, Neoliberalism
- 2011/07/22: WiC: Ground your warplanes, save the Horn of Africa
- 2011/07/22: DVoice: Ground Your Warplanes: Save the Horn of Africa
- 2011/07/21: DerSpiegel: Famine in East Africa -- A Catastrophe in the Making
Aid workers have long been warning that a famine was approaching in East Africa. Now that it is here, they are struggling to feed millions of victims of what is said to be the worst drought since 1950. The situation is likely to get even worse. - 2011/07/22: DVoice: The Silent Humanitarian Crises Beyond East Africa
- 2011/07/22: Guardian(UK): USAid agency seeks assurances over Somalia famine relief effort
- 2011/07/20: CNN: What has caused the East Africa crisis? [doesn't mention global warming]
- 2011/07/22: UN: Somalia: Ban makes impassioned plea for help for famine-hit people
- 2011/07/22: BBC: Somali Islamists maintain aid ban and deny famine
Somalia's al-Shabab Islamists have denied lifting their ban on some Western aid agencies and say UN reports of famine are "sheer propaganda". The UN on Wednesday said that parts of Somalia were suffering a famine after the worst drought in 60 years. A spokesman for al-Shabab, which has ties to al-Qaeda and controls much of the country, accused the banned groups of being political. But the UN insists famine exists and it will continue its aid efforts. - 2011/07/22: CBC: African famine relief needs $40M from Canada
The head of Oxfam Canada says the Canadian government should donate at least another $18 million for east African famine relief as part of the United Nation's $1.6 billion effort. - 2011/07/22: al Jazeera: Al-Shabab says aid group ban remains in place
Islamist rebel movement rejects UN's famine claims and will not allow certain support groups into drought-hit Somalia. - 2011/07/21: Guardian(UK): Famine we could avoid
To pin the Somalia crisis on drought is wrong. This is an entirely predictable, man-made disaster - 2011/07/21: UN: Horn of Africa: UN steps up efforts to bring urgent relief to millions in need
- 2011/07/21: UN: When a food security crisis becomes a famine
- 2011/07/21: Guardian(UK): Somalia famine: UN to hold emergency meeting
- 2011/07/21: CBC: Somalia famine donations 'just trickling in'
- 2011/07/21: CBC: Famine in Africa: Global mismanagement of the first order
Let's grasp what's involved here -- lack of funds, lack of attention, lack of public understanding, all of which could soon translate into the absence of relief food, water, medicine and shelter that could make this a humanitarian debacle of the first order. But here is where I sympathize with all those frustrated to the point of almost throwing up their hands. I certainly don't blame the humanitarian workers trying to shake us out of our lethargy, nor the many victims of the drought, the small farmers and pastoralists who stand to be wiped out. My anger is aimed primarily at governments who aren't doing their jobs and who should have been anticipating a crisis such as this. What we are witnessing now in the Horn of Africa is global mismanagement on an astonishing scale. It is mismanagement not just for reasons of human empathy, but for allowing natural catastrophes to spread into ever widening waves of environmental decay, homelessness, disease and civil strife. - 2011/07/20: Guardian(UK): UN declares famine in Somalia
- 2011/07/20: Guardian(UK): Somalia famine: 'There is no longer any excuse for inaction'
- 2011/07/20: Guardian(UK): Food aid is needed desperately - but ultimately it is not the answer
- 2011/07/20: CNN: U.N. declares famine in Somalia; makes urgent appeal to save lives
- 2011/07/20: UN: UN declares famine in two regions of southern Somalia
- 2011/07/20: BBC: US 'to aid Islamist areas of famine-hit Somalia'
- 2011/07/20: Wunderground: Famine declared due to drought in Somalia; U.S. heat wave shifts east
- 2011/07/19: CCurrents: Crocodile Tears As Food Aid Blockade Continues In Horn of Africa
- 2011/07/18: CCurrents: East Africa's Drought: 11 Million Lives At Risk
- 2011/07/20: CSM: Why the UN declared a famine in Somalia (VIDEO)
- 2011/07/20: BBC: UN declares Somalia famine in Bakool and Lower Shabelle
- 2011/07/20: CBC: Somalia famine has killed tens of thousands
- 2011/07/20: al Jazeera: UN declares famine in parts of Somalia
United Nations says 3.7 million people 'now in crisis' and more than 10 million affected by worst drought in decades. - 2011/07/19: UN: UN steps up aid to victims of drought in Somalia
- 2011/07/19: CBC: Somalia drought aid hindered by armed groups
- 2011/07/19: al Jazeera: Size of crisis slows Somalia relief efforts
As aid trickles in, the magnitude of the Horn of Africa drought is impeding humanitarian agencies' effectiveness. - 2011/07/18: CBC: Somalia on verge of famine -- Drought, high food prices and conflict contribute to mounting crisis
- 2011/07/16: SwissInfo: Starvation and violence stalk Horn of Africa
Over 1.5 million Somalis have been forced to leave their homes because of the drought and fighting More than ten million people are caught up in the Horn of Africa crisis sparked by the worst drought in decades and compounded by intense fighting in Somalia. - 2011/07/18: SwissInfo: Swiss release more funds for Africa food crisis
Switzerland has released an additional SFr4 million ($4.9 million) in aid funds to support humanitarian efforts in the Horn of Africa. - 2011/07/20: BBCTrust: [link to 1 meg pdf] Review of impartiality and accuracy of the BBC's coverage of science
- 2011/07/21: BBCTrust: Trusting what you see and hear: the media's role in covering science accurately by Alison Hastings
- 2011/07/20: BBCTrust: BBC science coverage given "vote of confidence" by independent report
- 2011/07/22: TP:JR: False Balance Exposed: BBC Gives Too Much Weight to Fringe Views on Climate Change, Independent Review Finds. Duh.
- 2011/07/21: Independent(UK): Climate sceptics get too much air-time, BBC told
- 2011/07/22: TreeHugger: The BBC Gives Climate Skeptics Too Much Air Time, Says Inquiry
- 2011/07/22: HotTopic: BBC about to bite bullet on climate BS
- 2011/07/20: ScienceInsider: Review of BBC Science Coverage Finds Room for Improvement
- 2011/07/20: Guardian(UK): BBC gives too much weight to fringe views on issues such as climate change
A review of the BBC's science coverage has concluded that its drive for impartiality lends too much credence to maverick views on MMR, climate change and GM - 2011/07/21: DM:80B: Nuclear Decay Beneath Your Feet Accounts for Half of Earth's Heat Output
- 2011/07/17: NBF: Geoneutrinos confirm that half of the heat from the earth's interior is from the decay of Uranium and thorium
And on the Bottom Line:
- 2011/07/22: Grist: What's the real cost of not investing in clean energy?
What are the global financial institutions up to?
- 2011/07/18: SwissInfo: Swiss help developing countries reduce CO2
Switzerland has agreed to contribute SFr15 million ($18.5 million) to World Bank projects aimed at helping developing countries reducing carbon emissions. - 2011/07/22: ScienceInsider: Research Journal Pirate Finds a Crewmate [Swartz, Maxwell]
- 2011/07/20: Pastebin: Guerilla Open Access Manifesto
- 2011/07/21: Gawker: Crusading Nerd Liberates 18,000 Academic Journal Articles
- 2011/07/22: SlashDot: Release of 33GiB of Scientific Publications
John Cook and friends continue their point-counterpoint articles:
- 2011/07/24: SkeptiSci: Gripping video of Arctic sea ice melting away before your eyes by Daniel Bailey
- 2011/07/24: SkeptiSci: Rising Oceans - Too Late to Turn the Tide? by Badgersouth
- 2011/07/23: SkeptiSci: OA not OK part 9: Henry the 8th I was (*) by Doug Mackie
- 2011/07/22: SkeptiSci: Milankovitch Cycles by Chris Colose
- 2011/07/21: SkeptiSci: OA not OK part 8: 170 to 1 by Doug Mackie
- 2011/07/20: SkeptiSci: Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: William Kellogg by dana1981
- 2011/07/19: SkeptiSci: OA not OK part 7: Le Chatelier not good enough for ocean acidification by Doug Mackie
- 2011/07/19: SkeptiSci: Examples of Monckton contradicting his scientific sources
- 2011/07/19: SkeptiSci: China, From the Inside Out by Rob Honeycutt
- 2011/07/18: SkeptiSci: Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Wallace Broecker by dana1981
The Murdoch phone hacking scandal has given rise to a new round of CRU theft speculation:
- 2011/07/22: DeSmogBlog: Could News Corp. Double Agent Neil Wallis Be Behind Climategate Hacking?
- 2011/07/22: PSinclair: Romm and Olbermann -- Did NewsCorp Hack Climate Scientists?
- 2011/07/21: 350orBust: Murdoch-gate meets "Climate-gate"
- 2011/07/20: Current:KO: Keith: "When Murdoch-Gate Met Climate-Gate"
- 2011/07/21: CSW: Did Murdoch's News Corp hack the East Anglia CRU climate scientist e-mails?
- 2011/07/19: TP:JR: News Corp and the Hacked Climategate Emails: Time for an Independent Investigation
- 2011/07/19: TreeHugger: Did News of the World Hack into Climate Scientists' Emails?
A note on the Fukushima disaster:
It is evident that the Fukushima disaster is going to persist for some time. TEPCO says 6 to 9 months. Now the Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, says decades. We'll see. At any rate this situation is not going to be resolved any time soon and deserves its own section.
Not much good news coming out of Fukushima:
- 2011/07/21: JapanTimes: Plugging reactors no longer stated goal for TEPCO
- 2011/07/21: CCurrents: Plugging Fukushima Reactors No Longer Stated Goal for TEPCO
- 2011/07/22: TreeHugger: Japanese Cattle Fed Radioactive Hay From Fukushima Double Initial Estimates
- 2011/07/20: BBerg: Japan Bans Radioactive Cattle From Near Nuclear Plant as Pollution Spreads
- 2011/07/20: BBerg: Japan Won't Rule Out Possibility Radioactive Fukushima Beef Was Exported
- 2011/07/20: JEB: Four months after the tsunami ...
- 2011/07/20: PlanetArk: Japan Cites Fukushima Progress But Sees Long Road Ahead
- 2011/07/19: CNN: Japan bans beef shipment from Fukushima
- 2011/07/19: PlanetArk: Fukushima: 554 Cows Fed Contaminated Feed Shipped
- 2011/07/19: NatureNB: Progress comes slowly at Fukushima
- 2011/07/19: APR: Nuclear Energy in Japan: Tuesday
- 2011/07/19: BBC: Japan bans Fukushima beef shipments
- 2011/07/18: CNN: Japan scrambles to protect damaged reactor from Typhoon [Ma-on]
A "Very Strong" typhoon is on course to strike southeast Japan - Heavy rains could threaten damaged nuclear reactor no. 3 - Workers are building a "roof-like structure" to protect the reactor - 2011/07/18: BBerg: TEPCO Works to Cover Fukushima as [Typhoon Ma-on] Storm Nears
- 2011/07/18: PlanetArk: Japanese Contaminated Beef "Sold In And Around Tokyo"
- 2011/07/17: BBC: Japan plans to ban Fukushima beef
Japan's government is set to suspend all cattle shipments from Fukushima as concerns over radiation-tainted beef escalate. Senior Vice Health Minister, Kohei Otsuka, said beef from surrounding areas may also be affected. It comes after 136 cows were found to have consumed feed affected by radioactive cesium. - 2011/07/20: PSinclair: Arnie Gunderson: July 19 Fukushima Update -- Cores may Take 10 Years to remove
The Arctic melt continues to garner a lot of attention:
- 2011/07/23: ASI: SIE 2011 update 13: One step back, two steps...
- 2011/07/23: ASI: Death of a webcam
- 2011/07/21: BoingBoing: Why we need to keep an eye on the ice sheets
- 2011/07/20: GreenGrok: Sea Ice Was So Much Older Then
- 2011/07/21: ASI: 2011 Fram Strait Animation
- 2011/07/21: ASI: Northern Sea Route almost open
- 2011/07/20: Tamino: Ice Forecast Update
- 2011/07/20: CBC: Huge ice island near Labrador 'blew' scientist's mind
- 2011/07/20: ASI: New paper from Maslanik et al.
- 2011/07/19: HotTopic: Wet, wet, wet
- 2011/07/20: MGS: Making your own sea ice estimates
- 2011/07/20: RealClimate: Arctic sea ice discussions
- 2011/07/19: TP:JR: NSIDC: Early Sea Ice Melt Onset, Soaring North Pole Temperatures, Presage Rapid 2011 Summer Decline
- 2011/07/19: TreeHugger: Arctic Sea Ice Melt On Track To Set New Record Low in 2011
- 2011/07/18: ASI: NSIDC Arctic sea ice news mid-July 2011
- 2011/07/18: MGS: 2011 Sea Ice Outlooks
As for the charismatic megafauna:
- 2011/07/20: CBC: Marathon swims deadly for polar bear cubs
Polar bears forced to swim longer distances because of diminished sea ice off Alaska's coast may be paying a price in lost cubs, according to a U.S. study presented in Ottawa Tuesday. - 2011/07/19: PlanetArk: More Polar Bear Cubs Die As Arctic Ice Melts
That Damoclean sword still hangs overhead:
- 2011/07/21: ArsTechnica: Mass extinction easier to trigger than thought
The food crisis is ongoing. See Also:
- 2011/07/21: NYT: Farm Thieves Target Grapes, and Even Bees
- 2011/07/22: UN: Economic sanctions worsening hunger in Madagascar, UN expert warns
- 2011/07/20: CBS: Reading the world In a loaf of bread
- 2011/07/20: TreeHugger: Growing Water Deficit Threatening Grain Harvests by Lester Brown
- 2011/07/19: BPA: Weather and Corn Crop Conditions
- 2011/07/19: WiC: Christian Parenti: staff of life, bread of death
- 2011/07/17: TruthOut: Hunger Stalks California's Rural Communities
Food Prices are still problematic:
- FAO: World Food Situation - Food Price Indices
- 2011/07/19: FF: [Link to 5.3 meg pdf] What's Driving Food Prices in 2011? Demand shocks help drive 2011 commodity, food price increases
- 2011/07/20: TCoE: The forces behind higher food prices
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
- 2011/07/22: TP:JR: Food-Based Biofuels Are Helping Drive Up Food Prices
- 2011/07/19: Guardian(UK): Biofuel demand in US driving higher food prices, says report
Government support for ethanol has led to an increase in corn production and a steep rise in soybean imports - 2011/07/21: TP:JR: How Land Grabs for Biofuels Undermine Food Security
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
- 2011/07/20: NatureN: Transgenic grass skirts regulators -- Technological advances remove basis for government oversight of genetically modified crops
And how are we going to feed 9 billion?
- 2011/07/22: NBF: China Aquaculture up to 53.5 million tons in 2011
- 2011/07/22: DerSpiegel: Vertical Farming -- Can Urban Agriculture Feed a Hungry World?
Agricultural researchers believe that building indoor farms in the middle of cities could help solve the world's hunger problem. Experts say that vertical farming could feed up to 10 billion people and make agriculture independent of the weather and the need for land. There's only one snag: The urban farms need huge amounts of energy. - 2011/07/22: NatureNB: Agriculture network approves $1 billion research programmes
- 2011/07/20: Eureka: Plan to one day end the use of environmentally harmful chemicals on commercial crops developed
- 2011/07/20: Eureka: Seaweed as a rich new source of heart-healthy food ingredients
- 2011/07/19: EnergyBulletin: Starting down the permaculture path...
- 2011/07/18: SciAm:SS: Mythbusting 101: Organic Farming > Conventional Agriculture
- 2011/07/18: OregonLive: Global climate change: Permaculture works with, not against, ecosystems
Typhoon Ma-on grazed Japan, while Bret, Cindy and Dora stayed out at sea:
- 2011/07/22: Eureka: NASA catches 3 tropical cyclones at 1 time
- 2011/07/22: CBC: Hurricane Dora batters communities off Mexico -- Weakens to Category 2 but coastal areas on alert
- 2011/07/21: Eureka: NASA satellite video and images show Dora become a major hurricane
- 2011/07/21: Eureka: NASA sees Tropical Storms Bret and now Cindy frolic in North Atlantic
- 2011/07/20: Eureka: GOES satellite sees a triple header in the tropics -- System 99L looks ripe for development in the Atlantic
- 2011/07/21: CBC: Hurricane Dora strengthens as it moves from Mexico
- 2011/07/20: Eureka: Frigid cloud top temperatures show Hurricane Dora's power
- 2011/07/20: Eureka: NASA satellites confirm Tropical Storm Bret's heaviest rains on the eastern side
- 2011/07/19: Eureka: NASA satellites show heavy rainfall at southeastern coast of Japan [Typhoon Ma-on]
- 2011/07/20: CBC: Hurricane Dora intensifies along Mexican coast
- 2011/07/19: PlanetArk: Tropical Storm Bret Strengthens, Moves Out To Sea
- 2011/07/19: Eureka: Tropical Storm Dora bringing rough surf to southern Mexico -- NASA satellite sees Dora gaining strength
- 2011/07/19: Eureka: NASA's infrared satellite data shows warming cloud tops in Tropical Storm Bret
- 2011/07/19: CBC: Tropical storm Dora expected to become hurricane
Tropical Storm Dora is expected to intensify as it moves through the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Mexico and will likely become a hurricane later Tuesday. - 2011/07/18: PlanetArk: Tropical Storm Bret Forms Near Northern Bahamas
- 2011/07/18: Wunderground: Tropical Storm Bret forms near the northern Bahamas
- 2011/07/18: Eureka: GOES-13 movie catches Tropical Storm Bret form and intensify
And on the Monsoon front:
- 2011/07/22: CBC: Bangladesh monsoon floods kill 6 and displace 10,000
As for the temperature record:
- 2011/07/17: moyhu: NOAA for July - up from .497 to .579
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2011/07/22: BBC:RB: More sulphur trails from the stratosphere
Tiny aerosol particles in the atmosphere are perhaps the second most important way - after greenhouse gas emissions - in which human activities are changing the Earth's climate. - 2011/07/21: NOAANews: NOAA study: Increase in [aerosols] particles high in Earth's atmosphere has offset some recent climate warming
Regarding ozone:
- 2011/07/21: AutoBG: Toyota develops [a mesoporous two-line ferrihydrite (M2LFh)] breakthrough material that removes 95% of ozone from air
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2011/07/21: CCP: James E. Hansen and Makiko Sato: Earth's Climate History: Implications for Tomorrow
- 2011/07/21: CCP: James Hansen: Paleoclimate Implications: Accepted Paper and 'Popular Science'
- 2011/07/21: SciNow: Did Greenhouse Gases Unleash the Dinosaurs?
What's new on the extinction front?
- 2011/07/22: TreeHugger: Mass Extinctions: Now Easier Than Ever to Trigger!
- 2011/07/20: PlanetArk: American West's Whitebark Pine Risks Extinction: U.S.
Oh look! The Anthropocene came up again:
- 2011/07/22: SciAm:HoG: Time for a new epoch? - the Anthropocene
What's up with volcanoes this week?
- 2011/07/21: SciNow: A Bit of Shade for a Warming Planet
- 2011/07/21: SciNews: Small volcanoes add up to cooler climate -- Airborne particles help explain why temperatures rose less last decade
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
- 2011/07/20: USGS: Landsat Satellites Track Continued Missouri River Flooding
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2011/07/23: ERabett: Hot or Cold
- 2011/07/19: CCP: Mongolian herders on the steppes can no longer predict local weather but they know it is changing and believe it will get worse.
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2011/07/22: Eureka: Northwest Forest Plan has unintended benefit -- carbon sequestration
- 2011/07/18: TreeHugger: Forests Soak Up Tons Of Fossil Fuel Emissions, But Deforestation Releases Even More Than Thought
- 2011/07/18: MITNews: The tallest tree in the land
New model predicts maximum tree height across the United States; gives information about forest density, carbon storage. - 2011/07/21: UN: UN expert urges Maldives to tackle displacement caused by climate change
- 2011/07/21: TP:JR: Relocating Alaska Natives: The Climate is Changing Faster Than Disaster Management and Adaptation Policies
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
- 2011/07/19: CSM: Phoenix dust storm makes for dangerous driving and delays flights (Video)
A giant wall of dust rolled through the Phoenix area on Monday, turning the sky brown, creating dangerous driving conditions and delaying some airline flights. The dust, also known as a haboob in Arabic and around Arizona, formed in Pinal County and headed northeast, reaching Phoenix at about 5:30 p.m. The dust wall was about 3,000 feet high and created winds of 25 to 30 mph, with gusts of up to 40 mph, said Austin Jamison, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service. Visibility was down to less than a quarter-mile in some areas, he said. - 2011/07/22: TreeHugger: From Hot Nights To Dusty Days - Broken Weather Records Are The New Normal
- 2011/07/18: CDreams: Connecting Extreme Weather Dots Across the Map -- Talking about the weather isn't small talk any more
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2011/07/23: CBC: Quebec deaths linked to heat wave
- 2011/07/23: CBC: More than 100 wildfires burn in northern Ontario
- 2011/07/23: Wunderground: July 22, 2011: A day of records
- 2011/07/22: QuarkSoup: Brownouts in NYC
- 2011/07/22: CBC: Ontario evacuees scattered as fires rage -- Premier Dalton McGuinty returning to Ontario as fires rage
- 2011/07/22: Guardian(UK): Heatwave sweeps US claiming 22 lives
- 2011/07/22: CNN: Extreme heat settles over portions of [US] East Coast
Weather service: Triple-digit temperatures to remain across the eastern U.S. - Weather expected to cool off slightly beginning Sunday, forecasters say - About 100 concert-goers overcome by heat at Vans Warped Tour - One says she got "overheated and I got really dizzy" - 2011/07/22: PlanetArk: Midwest Turns Dry As Drought Worsens In Plains
- 2011/07/22: TreeHugger: How This Latest Heatwave Isn't Like Ones We've Had In The Past: Context & Nature
- 2011/07/22: TreeHugger: Record Nighttime High Temperatures Bigger Deal For Health, Crops, Climate Than Daytime Highs
- 2011/07/22: Wunderground: Intense heat wave bakes the Eastern U.S.
- 2011/07/19: NYT: Sizzle Factor for a Restless Climate
- 2011/07/22: BBC: US and Canada heatwave worsens in eastern regions
- 2011/07/22: CBC: Heat wave eases only slightly
- 2011/07/21: TCoE: Oh yes, there will be heat
- 2011/07/21: BBC: Heat-wave spreads across central and eastern US
A punishing heat-wave has settled over central and eastern parts of the US, pushing temperatures as high as 37C (99F) and causing up to 22 deaths. The National Weather Service warned of "dangerous" levels of heat and humidity creeping east, with no relief expected in eastern states until Sunday. As much as 50% of the US population was under a heat advisory, officials said. - 2011/07/21: CBC: Heat wave breaks daily records in Ontario, Quebec -- Toronto airport hottest spot in Canada
- 2011/07/21: CCP: Heidi Cullen, NYT: Sizzle Factor for a Restless Climate
- 2011/07/21: SMandia: Global Warming: Heat Waves (Yes) - Rollercoasters (No)
- 2011/07/21: TreeHugger: 1500+ Cattle Die From Extreme Heat In South Dakota
- 2011/07/21: TreeHugger: Why 107-degree Overnight Temps are Really, Really Bad News
- 2011/07/21: Wunderground: U.S. heat wave blamed for 22 deaths; Bret and Cindy no threat
- 2011/07/20: CSM: Heat wave: What's behind this summer's record heat?
- 2011/07/20: CBC: Worst heat to shift to central Canada
Tropical air mass shifts east, bringing relief to the west and higher temperatures to Ontario - 2011/07/20: CBC: Ontario forest fire evacuees could total 7,000
- 2011/07/19: CCP: Shock forecast: NOAA predicts heat index of 116 in Washington, D.C., Friday
- 2011/07/19: BBC: Heat-wave 'kills 13 people' across US heartland
- 2011/07/19: Wunderground:RR: Heat Waves (4) A Climate Case Study
- 2011/07/19: KSJT: Our Amazing Planet, NYTimes: Weathercasters, and how hot IS it?
- 2011/07/19: Wunderground: Midwest heat wave generates a heat index of 131° in Iowa; Bret no threat
- 2011/07/19: Baylor: Some Desert Birds Less Affected By Wildfires and Climate Change -- Fire and climate change increases food supply for some bird species
- 2011/07/19: BBC: East Africa drought: Power cuts in Tanzania
The Tanzanian authorities are imposing severe electricity rationing, to save the remaining water in its hydro-electric dams. - 2011/07/19: CBC: Sweltering heat breaks more records
Much of Canada and the U.S. are entrenched in extreme heat and humidity that are making people cranky and prompting them to crank up air conditioners and electricity demand. - 2011/07/19: CBC: Ontario wildfires force hundreds from homes -- Smoke causing difficulties as more than 100 blazes rage
- 2011/07/18: BBC: US warns of 'dangerous' heat-wave
US authorities have warned of a potentially deadly heat-wave passing over the middle of the country. In swathes of the Mid-west the heat index - how the weather feels - was due to top 38C (100F), officials said. The heat and humidity made the air in Newton in the US state of Iowa feel 52C (126F), weather reports said. The US National Weather Service warned of "the most significant heat-wave the region has experienced in at least the last five years". - 2011/07/18: PlanetArk: Worst Heatwave In Years Grips Midwest, Moving East
- 2011/07/17: JFleck: Worst since the Dust Bowl?
- 2011/07/18: CBC: Canadians brace for more heat
- 2011/07/18: CBC: Northern Ontario battles 92 wildfires as more loom
- 2011/07/17: CBC: Heat scorches Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec
Sea levels are rising:
- 2011/07/20: KPLU: Rising sea, stronger storms hammering West Coast shorelines
- 2011/07/14: UANews: Rising Oceans - Too Late to Turn the Tide?
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]. See Also:
- 2011/07/22: CBC: Northern Saskatchewan braces for high water -- Heavy downpours swell lake and rivers
- 2011/07/20: NASA: Landsat Satellites Track Continued Missouri River Flooding
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2011/07/22: SEasterbrook: Why I don't eat meat
- 2011/07/22: Guardian(UK): Greener pastures: How cows could help in the fight against climate change
- 2011/07/21: Maribo: Climate impact of different foods
- 2011/07/21: NBF: Ten Technologies that should have a big impact on Green house gas Emissions
- 2011/07/20: NBF: 700 million black carbon free cookers would save over one million lives per year, reduce birth defects and reduce global warming
- 2011/07/18: AlterNet: Meat Eater's Guide: Which Animal Products Have the Worst and Best Carbon Footprints?
Consider transportation & GHG production:
- 2011/07/23: CalcRisk: DOT: Vehicle Miles Driven decreased -1.9% in May compared to May 2010
- 2011/07/20: QuarkSoup: How America Just Lost One Million Jobs
- 2011/07/20: Grist: Largest commercial aircraft deal in history goes green
- 2011/07/20: BBC: American Airlines has announced multi-billion dollar orders for 460 new Boeing and Airbus planes
- 2011/07/19: EurActiv: IMO agrees efficiency measures for new ships
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) agreed to force energy efficiency design standards on new ships from 2013, but developing countries will probably delay implementation until 2017 or 2019. Forty-eight countries voted in favour of adopting a mandatory energy-efficiency design index (EEDI) for new ships at a meeting of the IMO's marine environment protection committee in London on Friday, while five were against and 12 abstained, sources said. More extensive market-based measures such as a levy on the heavily-polluting bunker fuels used by most ships, or their inclusion in carbon trading, were not discussed at the meeting. The deal does not contain any CO2 emissions reduction targets, and is eventually expected to slow rather than reduce the growth of maritime CO2 pollution. The IMO says that shipping currently accounts for around 3.3% of global carbon emissions, but other studies put the figure as high as 5%. - 2011/07/18: Guardian(UK): Maritime countries agree first ever shipping emissions regulation
But campaigners warn rules only apply to new ships replacing older ones -- and developing countries have six-year waiver - 2011/07/17: OSO: Treating Rail Transport as The Commons
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2011/07/22: PlanetArk: Ideal Carbon Capture Solution Years Off: Study
- 2011/07/20: ABC(Au): Scientists create carbon sponge
- 2011/07/19: USAToday: Carbon scrubbing condensers made on the cheap
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2011/07/21: TreeHugger: Bill Clinton says "Paint your roofs white!"
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2011/07/18: AGWObserver: New research from last week 28/2011
- 2011/07/22: ACPD: A method for evaluating bias in global measurements of CO2 total columns from space by D. Wunch et al.
- 2011/07/22: ACPD: Constraining the CO2 budget of the corn belt: exploring uncertainties from the assumptions in a mesoscale inverse system by T. Lauvaux et al.
- 2011/07/22: ACPD: The role of carbonyl sulphide as a source of stratospheric sulphate aerosol and its impact on climate by C. Brühl et al.
- 2011/07/22: ACPD: The MIPAS HOCl climatology by T. von Clarmann et al.
- 2011/07/20: GMD: The Fire INventory from NCAR (FINN): a high resolution global model to estimate the emissions from open burning by C. Wiedinmyer et al.
- 2011/07/22: TC: Dust from the dark region in the western ablation zone of the Greenland ice sheet by I. G. M. Wientjes et al.
- 2011/07/22: TCD: The multiphase physics of sea ice: a review by E. C. Hunke et al.
- 2011/07/21: TCD: An improved semi-empirical model for the densification of Antarctic firn by S. R. M. Ligtenberg et al.
- 2011/07/22: Science: (ab$) Atmospheric Carbon Injection Linked to End-Triassic Mass Extinction by Micha Ruhl et al.
- 2010/03/01: E&PSL (via doi): (ab$) A new chronology for the end-Triassic mass extinction by M.H.L. Deenen et al.
- 2011/07/01: ERL: Regional climate consequences of large-scale cool roof and photovoltaic array deployment by Dev Millstein & Surabi Menon
- 2011/07/22: CP: Deep ocean ventilation, carbon isotopes, marine sedimentation and the deglacial CO2 rise by T. Tschumi et al.
- 2011/07/19: CP: Enhanced climate variability in the tropics: a 200,000 yr annual record of monsoon variability from Pangea's equator by R. Y. Anderson
- 2011/07/18: CP: Impact of maximum borehole depths on inverted temperature histories in borehole paleoclimatology by H. Beltrami et al.
- 2011/07/19: CPD: A late Holocene pollen and climate record from Lake Yoa, northern Chad by A.-M. Lézine et al.
- 2011/07/18: CPD: The role of orbital forcing, carbon dioxide and regolith in 100 kyr glacial cycles by A. Ganopolski & R. Calov
- 2011/07/21: ACP: Relationship between cloud radiative forcing, cloud fraction and cloud albedo, and new surface-based approach for determining cloud albedo by Y. Liu et al.
- 2011/07/21: ACP: Extremely large anthropogenic-aerosol contribution to total aerosol load over the Bay of Bengal during winter season by D. G. Kaskaoutis et al.
- 2011/07/18: ACP: Large methane releases lead to strong aerosol forcing and reduced cloudiness by T. Kurtén et al.
- 2011/07/19: PLoS Biology: Darwin in Mind: New Opportunities for Evolutionary Psychology by Johan J. Bolhuis et al.
- 2011/07/19: PNAS: (ab$) Metabolic principles of river basin organization by Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe et al.
- 2011/07/19: PNAS: (ab$) Childbearing impeded education more than education impeded childbearing among Norwegian women by Joel E. Cohen et al.
- 2011/07/19: PNAS: (ab$) Inequality, communication, and the avoidance of disastrous climate change in a public goods game by Alessandro Tavoni et al.
- 2011/07/19: PNAS: (ab$) Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998-2008 by Robert K. Kaufmann et al.
- 2011/07/19: PNAS: (ab$) Predicting stochastic systems by noise sampling, and application to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation by Mickaël David Chekroun et al.
- 2011/07/19: PNAS: (letter$) Changes in ranges of large ocean fish by James Hemphill Brown
- 2011/07/19: PNAS: (letter$) Avoiding disastrous climate change is possible but not inevitable by Scott Barrett
- 2011/07/19: PNAS: (letter$) Reply to Sandgathe et al.: Neandertal use of fire by Wil Roebroeks & Paola Villa
- 2011/07/19: PNAS: (letter$) Timing of the appearance of habitual fire use by Dennis M. Sandgathe et al.
- 2011/07/18: GMDD: The 1-way on-line coupled atmospheric chemistry model system MECO(n) - Part 3: Meteorological evaluation of the on-line coupled system by C. Hofmann et al.
- 2011/07/18: OS: High frequency variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation by B. Balan Sarojini et al.
- 2011/07/18: TCD: Getting around Antarctica: new high-resolution mappings of the grounded and freely-floating boundaries of the Antarctic ice sheet created for the International Polar Year by R. Bindschadler et al.
- 2011/07/18: TC: The "tipping" temperature within Subglacial Lake Ellsworth, West Antarctica and its implications for lake access by M. Thoma et al.
- 2011/07/18: TCD: The impact of a seasonally ice free Arctic Ocean on the climate and surface mass balance of Svalbard by J. J. Day et al.
- 2011/06/30: GRL: (ab$) Major influence of tropical volcanic eruptions on the stratospheric aerosol layer during the last decade by J.-P. Vernier et al.
- 2011/07/13: PLoS One: Predicting Maximum Tree Heights and Other Traits from Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations by Christopher P. Kempes et al.
And other significant documents:
- 2011/07/21: EnviroCanada: [links to pdf sections] An Integrated Monitoring Plan for the Oil Sands
- 2011/07/20: BBCTrust: [link to 1 meg pdf] Review of impartiality and accuracy of the BBC's coverage of science
- 2011/07/19: FF: [Link to 5.3 meg pdf] What's Driving Food Prices in 2011? Demand shocks help drive 2011 commodity, food price increases
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2011/07/22: ABC(Au):TDU: Is science sacrosanct?
- 2011/07/22: BoingBoing: Lowercase theories, uppercase Theories, and the myth of global cooling
- 2011/07/20: ScienceInsider: Australia Resorts to Gunboat Climatology [in the Indian Ocean]
- 2011/07/20: Eureka: 80 percent of world climate data are not computerized
- 2011/07/20: TreeHugger: 80% Of World's Climate Data Not Computerized
- 2011/07/19: ABC(Au): CSIRO mounts $3m climate study -- how flood and drought patterns will alter due to climate change
- 2011/07/18: CCP: Stephan Lewandowsky: The difference between scientific debate and phoney talkfests
More DIY science:
- 2011/07/23: moyhu: Using RghcnV3 - a very simple TempLS
- 2011/07/22: moyhu: TempLS V2.2 and the June 2011 global average
Regarding Schneider:
- 2011/07/24: PeakEnergy: Steve Schneider's Climate View
Regarding Oreskes:
- 2011/07/18: CSM: Naomi Oreskes: fierce defender of climate change science -- and scientists
Regarding Spencer:
- 2011/07/18: Stoat: Spencer and the Mystery Journal
Regarding Watson:
- 2011/07/22: Tamino: How Not to Analyze Tide Gauge Data [P. J. Watson]
Meanwhile on the international political front:
- 2011/07/21: PlanetArk: Analysis: WTO Row Spotlights Nations Clamping Down On Resources
Countries from India and Indonesia to Russia are tightening their grip on natural resources as they limit exports to build up domestic industry in a trend that will spawn many challenges to World Trade Organization rules. Export barriers are tightening on commodities ranging from food and coal to iron ore and coveted rare earths that have critical roles in high-tech devices as countries harden positions on what they see as a sovereign right to development. - 2011/07/20: PlanetArk: Russia Offers Germany Gas, Rare Earths To Nudge China
Climate Change is a threat multiplier exacerbating existing conflicts in food, energy, water, race, ideology etc.:
- 2011/07/21: GEP: Climate Change, Security, and Small Island States
- 2011/07/24: Grist: Packing heat: Why violence boils over on a warming planet
- 2011/07/20: TBAS: The inadequate US response to a major security threat: Climate change
- 2011/07/21: ABC(Au): Climate change threatens world security: UN chief
- 2011/07/21: TreeHugger: Heat, Drought, Famine All Part of Coming 'Exponential' Increase Of Climate-Related Disasters
- 2011/07/21: BBC: Climate change 'threatens peace', UN official warns
Climate change poses a major threat to future peace and security, a senior UN official has warned. Achim Steiner from the UN Environment Programme said climate change would also "exponentially" increase the scale of natural disasters. His comments followed a UN declaration of famine in parts of Somalia. - 2011/07/19: CDreams: Soaring Food Prices, Wild Weather, Upheaval, and a Planetful of Trouble -- Reading the World In a Loaf of Bread
The proposal for the UNSC to create a climate change peacekeeping force has been made:
- 2011/07/20: Guardian(UK): UN security council to consider climate change peacekeeping
- 2011/07/20: EurActiv: UN Security Council to consider climate-change peacekeeping
A special meeting of the United Nations Security Council is due to consider whether to expand its mission to keep the peace in an era of climate change. Small island states, which could disappear beneath rising seas, are pushing the Security Council to intervene to combat the threat to their existence. There has been talk, meanwhile, of a new environmental peacekeeping force -- green helmets -- which could step into conflicts caused by shrinking resources. The UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-Moon, is expected to address the meeting on Wednesday. But Germany, which called the meeting, has warned it is premature to expect the Council to take the plunge into green peacemaking or even adopt climate change as one of its key areas of concern. - 2011/07/20: UN: Warning of climate change's threat to global security, Ban urges concerted action
While at the UN:
- 2011/07/21: FAO: New fund for livestock biodiversity management at FAO -- Will offer grants to developing countries
- 2011/07/21: Guardian(UK): UN countries divided over security council climate role
- 2011/07/21: PlanetArk: West, Russia Divided On U.N. Council Climate Role
- 2011/07/20: UN: UN requests more than $4 billion in humanitarian aid for the rest of this year
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2011/07/21: DVoice: Tim DeChristopher's Battle for Justice Is Our Battle
- 2011/07/22: EnergyBulletin: Green is the new red: An interview with Will Potter
- 2011/07/21: Guardian(UK): Mark Kennedy and Operation Pegasus
- 2011/07/21: Guardian(UK): Which police officer will take responsibility for the crisis in undercover policing?
- 2011/07/20: CCP: Greenpeace Twitter injunction backfires for Cairn Energy
- 2011/07/19: GP(UK): Cairn obtains legal interdict: 'Twitter ban' and 'gagging order' for Greenpeace
- 2011/07/20: OilChange: "Cowboy" Cairn Gags Greenpeace
Late on Monday night, Cairn obtained a draconian legal interdict (injunction) against Greenpeace, gagging the environmental group from posting Tweets and Facebook updates containing photos of the Edinburgh action. - 2011/07/19: BBC: Ratcliffe power station protesters cleared on appeal
The convictions of 20 protesters for trying to shut down the UK's second largest power station have been quashed by the Court of Appeal. The ruling came after it was revealed the group had been infiltrated by undercover police officer Mark Kennedy. They had been convicted of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass at the Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal-fired power station in Nottinghamshire. The 20 had received either community orders or conditional discharges. - 2011/07/22: Guardian(UK): Activists organise 'Camp Frack' in protest of shale gas drilling in UK
- 2011/07/20: CCP: Photos from occupation of Cairn Energy HQ by Greenpeace activists on July 18, 2011
- 2011/07/20: CCP: Activists Block Mining Operations on Coal River Mountain
- 2011/07/18: TarSandsAction: Off to a strong start -- over 1000 people signed up
- 2011/07/18: CCP: Tar Sands Action in Washington, DC: Off to a strong start...
- 2011/07/18: BBC: Greenpeace stage 'polar bear' protest at Cairn Energy
Dozens of activists dressed as polar bears are protesting inside the headquarters of a Scottish firm involved in Arctic oil exploration. Greenpeace said about 60 campaigners had barricaded themselves in at Cairn Energy's offices in Edinburgh. They are demanding the company publishes details of how it would respond to an oil spill. - 2011/07/22: BBC: US heatwave raises climate complexity
- 2011/07/18: GreenGrok: Global Warming: Inside the American Psyche
- 2011/07/20: TP:JR: Poll: 59% Of Americans Support Repealing Fossil-Energy Subsidies To Reduce Deficit
- 2011/07/21: AutoBG: New survey finds the majority of likely US voters do not want an increase in gasoline tax
- 2011/07/18: ABC(Au): More pain for Labor in latest poll
- 2011/07/18: PlanetArk: Australia Voters Hostile To Carbon Policy, PM - New Poll
Regarding Water Politics and Business:
- 2011/07/21: KSJT: ClimateWire: The Colorado basin is aflood. But the river still stops shy of the sea. What gives?
- 2011/07/14: CoC: Maude Barlow addresses Assembly of First Nations convention, supports First Nations calls for internationally recognized human right to water
- 2011/07/20: BBC: Ecolab buys water management firm Nalco for $5.4bn
US disinfectant manufacturer Ecolab has agreed to buy water management firm Nalco for $5.4bn (£3.4bn). It represents a bet that the US water management business will grow strongly due to global pressures on fresh water supplies and new environmental rules. - 2011/07/15: NPR: Why The Colorado River Stopped Flowing
Who's making predictions this week?
- 2011/07/18: CSW: NOAA Climate Prediction Center U.S. Hazards Assessment for July 18-29
- 2011/07/17: TCoE: US weather hazards ahead
And on the American political front:
- 2011/07/22: AutoBG: CARB approves extension of clean vehicle rebates
- 2011/07/21: RRapier: The SPR as a National Piggy Bank
- 2011/07/22: DVoice: Ground Your Warplanes: Save the Horn of Africa
- 2011/07/22: CCP: Climate Change: Is the US Fiddling while It Burns?
- 2011/07/22: Guardian(UK): Michael Bloomberg got New Yorkers to quit smoking. Can he shut down coal?
- 2011/07/21: Grist: Minor threat: Our lame response to climate change
- 2011/07/21: BBerg: Koch, Exxon Mobil Among Corporations Helping Write State Laws [ALEC]
- 2011/07/22: DeSmogBlog: Koch Brothers And ExxonMobil Join Forces To Fight RGGI With Copy-Paste State Legislation
- 2011/07/21: AlterNet: 2011 Has Already Seen A Record Number of Anti-Abortion Laws--And It's Only Half Over
- 2011/07/21: TP:JR: Koch And Exxon Pay To Write State Legislation Repealing Climate Change Laws [ALEC]
- 2011/07/21: TP:JR: Mayor Bloomberg Gives $50 Million to Sierra Club Anti-Coal Campaign Because Coal Plants Kill People and Harm Our Kids
- 2011/07/21: CCP: Nick Sundt, WWF: Dangerously Unprepared: Congressional Budget Cuts are Leaving Americans Vulnerable to Climate Extremes
- 2011/07/21: PlanetArk: NY Power Plant Water Rule Threatens Indian Point Reactors
- 2011/07/20: TP:JR: It's Not the Heat, It's the Stupidity: Limbaugh Calls Heat Index a Liberal Government Conspiracy
- 2011/07/20: QuarkSoup: How America Just Lost One Million Jobs
- 2011/07/19: TheHill: GAO: States underreporting violations of drinking-water standards
- 2011/07/20: Grist: Limbaugh: Heat index is a liberal government conspiracy
- 2011/07/20: Grist: Banks inflate solar value for tax credit
- 2011/07/20: BPA: KC Fed Report: Equipment Sales Loans Plunge, Input Cost Loans Surge, and Farm Loan Delinquency Rates are Heading Upwards
- 2011/07/19: NYT: Wrapped Up in Politics, Granddaddy of Cap-And-Trade Plans Has an Uncertain Future
- 2011/07/20: LA Times: A carbon dioxide escape hatch
American Electric Power is tabling plans to complete a commercial-scale carbon capture system at a coal-fueled power plant in West Virginia. - 2011/07/19: UCSUSA: Midwest Economy Would Get Boost From Clean Energy Investment, Study Finds
By Adopting Stronger Renewable Energy and Efficiency Targets, States in Region Would Create Jobs and Save Consumers Money - 2011/07/19: TreeHugger: Energy Star Releases New "Most Efficient" Label
- 2011/07/18: CSM: Report: More Americans have green jobs than oil or gas jobs
- 2011/07/17: WashEx: As ethanol's ravages grow, phony 'reform' emerges
- 2011/07/18: CSW: State of the Climate report: Multiple climate indicators give an "unmistakable signal that there is warming from the top of the atmosphere to the bottom of the oceans"
- 2011/07/17: Maribo: Eliminating the US corn ethanol subsidy is no panacea
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics:
- 2011/07/22: EnvEcon: "Senators unveil bill to funnel oil-spill penalty money to Gulf"
- 2011/07/20: TTU: Texas Tech Toxicologists Find Weathered Crude Oil Less Toxic to Bird Eggs -- Researchers studied effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on mallard duck eggs
- 2011/07/18: NSF: Chemical Make-up of Gulf of Mexico Plume Determined -- Fluid sample collected directly from broken riser at Macondo well
- 2011/07/18: ProPublica: Spillionaires Revisited: Gov't Official's Associates Got Big Contracts After the BP Oil Spill
- 2011/07/18: ProPublica: Corrected: BP's Broken Alaska Pipeline Not the Same as Corroded Line Identified Last Year
So, do you want a corporate dweeb, or a sociopathic corporate dweeb? Your choice:
- 2011/07/22: DM:JLW: Romney Plays to His Denialist Base: "I Don't Think Carbon Is a Pollutant"
- 2011/07/21: AlterNet: The 5 Craziest Things Spouted by the GOP Presidential Hopefuls ... Just This Week
- 2011/07/20: TP:JR: Does Romney Believe Global Warming Harms Humans? Depends on What the Meaning of the Word "And" Is --- And What BS Means, Too.
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2011/07/23: TP:JR: Amidst Monster Heat Wave, Time to Get Serious About Smog
- 2011/07/22: Grist: A body of evidence for bodily harm from air pollution
- 2011/07/22: ScienceInsider: U.S. Needs to Do a Better Job of Charting Ecosystem Trends: White House Panel
- 2011/07/22: CCP: State Department rushes toward judgment on Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline
- 2011/07/22: TPM: Obama Administration Tests The Waters With Ocean Power Startups
- 2011/07/22: TP:JR: Power Companies: 'The Time Is Now' for Air Toxics Rule
- 2011/07/22: AutoBG: EPA proposes strict ground-level emissions regulations for jumbo-sized commercial aircraft
- 2011/07/20: CSW: EPA review of mountaintop removal permits is not a job-killing 'permitorium': pushing back at a House Oversight hearing
- 2011/07/20: TP:JR: Car Makers Oppose Fuel Standards that Would Save Consumers $150 Billion
- 2011/07/20: PlanetArk: U.S. Government To Install Fuel Cells At 8 Military Posts
- 2011/07/20: DM:JLV: The Department Of Energy Could Use A Little Emotion In Its Energy Conservation Campaign
- 2011/07/20: TreeHugger: US Gov Unveils Crazy Propaganda Videos that Claim Using Less Energy Saves Money
- 2011/07/19: PlanetArk: U.S. Nuclear Chief [Gregory Jaczko] Urges Rapid Overhaul Of Rules
- 2011/07/19: PlanetArk: No More Oil To Spill From Montana Pipeline: EPA
- 2011/07/18: AutoBG: Report: Automakers airing ads attacking proposed 56 mpg fuel standard
- 2011/07/18: APR: NRC Chairman Jaczko - Speech at NPC
- 2011/07/18: EnvEcon: 316(b) is heating up again (pun intended)
- 2011/07/18: EnvEcon: "Prevailing Academic View on Compliance Flexibility under § 111 of the CAA"
- 2011/07/18: NOAANews: NOAA, the U.S. Department of Energy and private partners launch project to reduce the cost of energy, including wind energy
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2011/07/23: CSW: House blocks another attempt to re-establish the Office of Technology Assessment
- 2011/07/23: CSM: Heat wave: federal program to help needy pay cooling bills is broke
- 2011/07/22: CCP: Brad Johnson: As Oklahomans Die, Inhofe Mocks Killer Heat Wave
- 2011/07/22: TP:JR: GOP Demagoguing Raises Cost of Meeting EPA Standards
- 2011/07/22: CSW: Dangerously Unprepared: Congressional Budget Cuts are Leaving Americans Vulnerable to Climate Extremes
- 2011/07/21: RawStory: House panel votes to bar foreign climate change funding
- 2011/07/21: CCP: House Subsidies Supporters Receive Over $1.2 Million from Big Oil in First Six Months of 2011
- 2011/07/20: Google:AFP: US panel backs Canadian oil pipeline
A US congressional committee on Wednesday voiced support for an extension of a Canadian oil pipeline, saying it offered a stable source of energy despite concern by environmentalists. The Republican-led House Foreign Affairs Committee voted 30 to 14 to approve a text saying that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "should promptly authorize" the 1,661-mile (2,673-kilometer) Keystone XL project. - 2011/07/20: CCP: Rep. Waxman Urges Secretary Chu to Lead National Campaign to Educate the Public on Climate Change
- 2011/07/20: TP:JR: Health for Sale: House EPA Bill Allows Pollution and Supporters Get Big Oil Donations
- 2011/07/19: TP:JR: GOP Embraces Cap and Trade -- Away The Country's Future
- 2011/07/18: SeattlePI: Light bulb efficiency becomes GOP jihad
- 2011/07/18: Grist: Republicans: We must protect children from energy efficiency
- 2011/07/18: TreeHugger: GOP Rep Seeks to Stop Kids from Learning about Energy Efficiency
Al Gore's Climate Reality Project is still getting some press:
- 2011/07/22: ERW: Al Gore returns with new climate campaign
- 2011/07/18: DM:CCM: Climate Skeptics' Unending Al Gore Bash Fest
A word count of all the skeptical articles showed that nearly 40% of them mention Gore in one fashion or another. - 2011/07/22: Guardian(UK): Activists organise 'Camp Frack' in protest of shale gas drilling in UK
- 2011/07/22: Guardian(UK): Chris Huhne orders inquiry into fossil fuel lobby influence over Tory MEPs
Groups may have swung crucial vote on ambitious carbon target, says energy and climate change minister - 2011/07/22: PlanetArk: Defying Climate Deal Like Appeasing Hitler: UK Minister
World leaders who oppose a global agreement to tackle climate change are making a similar mistake to the one made by politicians who tried to appease Adolf Hitler before World War Two, a British government minister said on Thursday. Energy and Climate Change Minister Chris Huhne said governments must redouble efforts to find a successor to the United Nations Kyoto Protocol on emissions, although it was unlikely that a breakthrough would be made at a conference later this year in Durban in South Africa. The global economic crisis has pushed the search for a legally binding treaty to limit planet-warming emissions down the political agenda and countries do not want to lose their competitive edge by going it alone on strict climate targets, he said. - 2011/07/21: Guardian(UK): Black-cab drivers encouraged to become green ambassadors
- 2011/07/20: NatureN: Budget cuts bite for UK physical sciences
- 2011/07/19: Guardian(UK): 'Nudge' is not enough, it's true. But we already knew that
- 2011/07/19: OilDrum: The coming UK energy meltdown
- 2011/07/19: BBC: Major offshore oil and gas leaks fall over year [in UK]
Offshore oil and gas leaks that could potentially lead to a major incident have fallen, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has said. It said there were 73 major or significant hydrocarbon releases in 2010/11, compared with 85 in 2009/10. - 2011/07/18: Guardian(UK): Labour could start a green industrial revolution
- 2011/07/18: Guardian(UK): If it really wants to cut carbon, why is the coalition issuing licences to drill? [Monbiot]
Pledges to curb reliance on fossil fuels are hard to square with prospecting for more oil and gas and pushing dirty coal plants - 2011/07/20: BizGreen: EU powers ahead with 'sustainable' biofuel certification schemes
- 2011/07/19: EUO: EU urged not to fund coal mine project in Serbia
A pending decision by the European Bank for Development and Reconstruction (EBRD) to pay 80 million euros for the expansion of Serbia's largest coal mine has caused uproar among environmentalist groups and the local community. - 2011/07/19: PlanetArk: Deeper EU Climate Target Not Out Of Reach: Barclays Capital
- 2011/07/19: PlanetArk: Nuclear Phaseout To Hand Kremlin A Win In Germany
- 2011/07/19: BBC: EU Commission tightens rules for biofuel use
The European Commission has approved seven schemes set up to ensure that biofuels used in the EU are produced in an environmentally sustainable way. Biofuel companies can either seek certification from one of these schemes or from a similar national scheme. Biofuels are part of the EU strategy to cut CO2 emissions. But the crops are controversial. In some countries they have replaced forests, harming biodiversity. They are also seen as rivals to food crops. - 2011/07/23: ABC(Au): Prime Minister Julia Gillard has arrived in Tasmania to help formulate a lasting forestry peace deal
- 2011/07/22: ClimateShifts: Impassioned Turnbull defends climate change science
- 2011/07/22: ABC(Au): Action group backs coal seam gas bans
The Caroona Coal Action Group says it welcomes the New South Wales Government's new regulations on coal and coal seam gas exploration and mining. Energy and Resources Minister Chris Hartcher has announced a ban on the use of B-TEX chemicals during coal seam gas drilling and the extension of a ban on the controversial fracing process until the end of the year. - 2011/07/22: ABC(Au): Turnbull denies climate science dig at Abbott
- 2011/07/21: EurActiv: Doubts cloud launch of EU biofuels sustainability schemes
The EU's approval of a first batch of seven sustainability schemes for biofuels marked a "big step" towards climate-friendly transport, Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger said on 19 July, but reactions have been mixed. - 2011/07/21: ABC(Au): Turnbull takes shot at climate change deniers
- 2011/07/21: Deltoid: Australia lagging the world in climate action
- 2011/07/20: ABC(Au): Abbott to outline emissions policy
Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott will allow power companies to decide their own emissions level. - 2011/07/20: ABC(Au): Abbott promises Hazelwood will not close
The Federal Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, says a Coalition government would allow power companies to decide their own emissions levels. - 2011/07/20: ABC(Au): Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has been forced to clarify another contradictory climate change statement - this time on why he claimed yesterday he had never supported a carbon price
- 2011/07/19: ABC(Au): Abbott moves to clarify 'crazy' carbon comment
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott appears to have executed his second policy U-turn in 24 hours, affirming the Opposition's emissions reduction target as 5 per cent despite describing the figure yesterday as "crazy". Mr Abbott told a public forum of retirees on the Gold Coast yesterday the emissions reduction target of 5 per cent below 2000 levels was "crazy" because China will be pumping out far more pollution. However, both the Government and the Opposition support the 5 per cent target. - 2011/07/19: ABC(Au): Gillard seizes on Abbott's 'crazy' carbon comment
Prime Minister Julia Gillard has challenged Tony Abbott to explain why he described his own party's emissions reduction target as "crazy". - 2011/07/19: ABC(Au): Coalition promises power stations future
The Federal Opposition says no Latrobe Valley power stations would be shut down under its climate change policy. The Government has announced a tender process to shut down 2,000 megawatts of coal-fired power by 2020, under its carbon price plan. - 2011/07/19: Independent(UK): Carbon tax makes Gillard Australia's least wanted
Her green agenda has made the nation's PM its least popular leader in decades. - 2011/07/18: ABC(Au): Fears Illawarra to miss out on green energy investment
- 2011/07/18: ABC(Au): More pain for Labor in latest poll
Now that the Australian carbon plan has been released, the wrangling is moving into high gear:
- 2011/07/20: ABC(Au):TDU: Questions the media should be asking in the carbon tax debate
- 2011/07/22: ABC(Au):TDU: Respect the science. Respect the Turnbull
- 2011/07/22: ABC(Au): Oakeshott welcomes call for carbon tax debate
Independent Lyne MP Rob Oakeshott has responded enthusiastically to calls from a neighbouring MP to debate the carbon tax. The Nationals' MP for Cowper, Luke Hartsuyker, is calling for a local debate on the Federal Government's proposals to reduce carbon emissions. - 2011/07/21: ABC(Au): [Regional Development Minister Simon] Crean says carbon tax to bring rewards
- 2011/07/21: ABC(Au): Industry launches anti-carbon tax campaign
- 2011/07/20: ABC(Au): The Australian Coal Association has launched a new advertising campaign to highlight the impact of the carbon tax on Illawarra mines
- 2011/07/18: CCurrents: Australian Carbon Price Scheme Is Deceitful Climate Change Inaction [Polya]
- 2011/07/19: ABC(Au): Dairy industry fears carbon tax squeeze
The South Australian Dairyfarmers Association says it is bracing for the fallout from projections by Dairy Australia that South Australian farms will be paying between $15,000 and $20,000 per year extra for the carbon tax. - 2011/07/18: ABC(Au): The Australian Workers Union (AWU) has backed the Government's carbon price plan...
- 2011/07/18: ABC(Au): Prime Minister Julia Gillard has accused Opposition Leader Tony Abbott of scaremongering over the future of the South Australian steel industry
- 2011/07/18: PlanetArk: Australia Voters Hostile To Carbon Policy, PM - New Poll
After a 10 year drought and recent massive flooding, water usage planning is controversial and difficult:
- 2011/07/22: ABC(Au): Green group says basin plan comes down to gigalitres
- 2011/07/21: ABC(Au): Push for pipeline to cut Lake Albert salinity
- 2011/07/21: ABC(Au): Salinity halved as Murray recovers from drought
- 2011/07/19: ABC(Au): Authorities promise close watch on desal plant brine
Scientists say there will be close monitoring near Adelaide's desalination plant at Lonsdale to ensure the marine environment is protected. - 2011/07/19: ABC(Au): Irrigators' interest strong in water buybacks
- 2011/07/18: ABC(Au): Safety fears spark Ibis Dam release
And in New Zealand:
- 2011/07/18: HotTopic: SOS roadshow comes to Hamilton
While in the Indian subcontinent:
- 2011/07/22: CCurrents: POSCO Needs Immediate Rethink Or Recall
- 2011/07/19: NBF: India plans to start exporting nuclear reactors and Indian Tumalapalli has 150,000 tons of uranium
- 2011/07/19: BBC: India: 'Massive' uranium find in Andhra Pradesh
- 2011/07/17: CBC: India courts Canada on nuclear partnership -- Deal could be ratified this fall
India is pursuing a potentially lucrative partnership with Canada to sell nuclear reactors in new markets, The Canadian Press has learned. India's ambitious aspiration, if realized, would represent a dramatic new phase in a landmark agreement it signed last year with Canada on civilian nuclear co-operation. The deal -- announced last year in Toronto by prime ministers Stephen Harper and Manmohan Singh -- will eventually clear the way for Canadian uranium to be exported to India once Parliament ratifies it, possibly this fall. - 2011/07/19: Grist: What's the legal status of a country that gets swallowed by the ocean?
- 2011/07/18: NYT: On Nauru, a Sinking Feeling
And South America:
- 2011/07/21: BBC: Ecuador president 'to donate $40m libel damages'
The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, has said he won't keep "one cent" of the $40m (£24m) he received after a libel suit against El Universo, the main opposition newspaper. Mr Correa has vowed to donate all the money to a government environmental project. - 2011/07/21: BBC: Police in Brazil have indicted three people for the killing of a couple of prominent environmental activists in the Amazon three months ago
In Canada, neocon PM Harper, continues his do-nothing policy:
- 2011/07/20: PostMedia: Black day for green jobs: Feds prepare to cut environmental agency
The federal government will slash funding to the environmental agency that evaluates potentially harmful policies and projects before they get the green light. And if the trend in declining funds and employees continues, Canada could experience a series of environmental disasters, as government loses access to valuable information about proposed resource projects - whether it's shale gas extraction, offshore drilling or big hydroelectric projects, critics say. The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency is looking at a 43.1 per cent cut in spending, dropping from $30 million in 2011-12 to $17.1 million in 2012-13, according to the agency's planning documents. - 2011/07/20: PostMedia: Feds failing to protect biodiversity, putting economic health in jeopardy
Biodiversity is deteriorating at an "unprecedented rate" due to urban and industrial development that's putting Canada's economic and ecological health in jeopardy, Environment Minister Peter Kent was warned in newly-released "secret" briefing notes. The dire advice, submitted to the minister when he took over the environment portfolio in January said that measures taken by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservative government since 2006 to protect Canada's natural capital had failed to stop declines in a wide variety of species and ecosystems that provide clean water, clean air and food, among other services. "Biodiversity is being lost at an unprecedented rate due to drivers, or major threats, which include habitat loss and fragmentation, invasive species, climate change, over-exploitation of resources, and pollution," said the briefing notes, released through an access to information request and labeled under the "secret" classification. - 2011/07/20: CBC: Boost African food aid, [Oxfam Canada] agency urges Canada
- 2011/07/19: G&M: Harper gears up for another round of Arctic chest-thumping
Next month, as he has every summer since becoming Prime Minister, Stephen Harper will travel to the Arctic, trumpeting his Conservative government's resolve to assert Canadian sovereignty in the Far North against all comers. Little of what he says will accord with reality. But it will all make for splendid political theatre, which is the whole point. - 2011/07/17: MediaCoop: G20 Documents explore surveillance and undercover operations
Further on the MVP:
- 2011/07/18: CBC: Korean firm [Korea Gas Corp. aka Kogas] a possible Mackenzie pipeline bidder
Korea's state-owned natural gas company may be interested in snapping up Royal Dutch Shell PLC's stake in the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline, an energy consultant said Monday. - 2011/07/18: NatGeo: Pipeline Through Paradise
Why oil sands, a sunken ferry, and the price of oil in China have the Great Bear Rainforest in an uproar. - 2011/07/23: WpgFP: Loss of wheat board probably a mixed bag -- But glowing forecasts don't mesh with reality
About those mega loads for the tar sands:
- 2011/07/21: Grist: Judge: Tar-sands equipment can't travel on Montanan backroads
- 2011/07/19: STimes: Judge stops transport of megaloads through Western Montana
The provincial premiers met in Vancouver this week:
- 2011/07/19: CBC: Canada's premiers meet in Vancouver -- Health care, Asian trade issues on the table
- 2011/07/20: PostMedia: Energy, trade to dominate agenda at premiers' meeting -- Christy Clark aims to raise 'national literacy about Asia Pacific'
- 2011/07/20: CBC: Premiers meet with aboriginal leaders to kick off conference
- 2011/07/21: PostMedia: Energy spat looms over premiers' meeting
McGuinty takes aim at oil and gas subsidies, challenges federal government to support clean energy in Ontario An East-West energy battle is brewing among Canada's premiers at the annual Council of the Federation conference being held in Vancouver. As the country's 13 provincial and territorial premiers gather to discuss a number of agenda items - including exporting Canada's resource riches to lucrative Asian markets - Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty said he's tired of his province subsidizing Western Canada's oil and gas industry. - 2011/07/20: POGGE: I'll be happy to clarify that for you, Premier Wall
The Kanananskis talks generated a lot of noise:
- 2011/07/21: Tyee: Bruce Carson's Fingerprints on 'National Energy Strategy' -- Kanananskis agreement was framed by former Harper top aide before scandals, investigation
- 2011/07/19: PI: Pembina reacts to outcome of energy ministers' meeting in Kananaskis
- 2011/07/21: G&M: Quebec drives a wedge into national energy plan
Just days after energy ministers met in Alberta to lay the foundations for a national energy strategy, an accord is already running into roadblocks. Quebec is pledging its opposition to a national plan, while Ontario and Alberta openly bicker about endorsing the oil sands as a sustainable supplier of energy. - 2011/07/22: PostMedia: Corbella: Oil is not subsidized at all, Mr. McGuinty
- 2011/07/21: CBC: Ontario Premier McGuinty pulls out of Vancouver meeting -- Premiers focus on economy at Thursday meeting
Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty is leaving the annual first ministers gathering in Vancouver to attend to the forest fires burning across a large swath of his province. - 2011/07/20: PostMedia: Comprehensive environmental monitoring plan on deck for oilsands
- 2011/07/20: BLongstaff: The energy ministers' Orwellian statement
- 2011/07/20: SixthEstate: Canadian Environment Ministers Agree: Oil is an Infinite Resource
- 2011/07/20: PostMedia: Energy ministers endorse plan to turn Canada into energy superpower
- 2011/07/20: 350orBust: Big Oil-Funded Meeting of Canadian Energy Ministers Ends: Did They Get What They Paid For?
- 2011/07/19: CBC: Energy ministers to seek new oil markets
Canada's energy ministers ended two days of annual talks Tuesday in the Kananaskis resort in the Alberta Rockies announcing they have agreed to work together on opening up new markets to Canadian crude oil. They also agreed to work on streamlining the process for approving energy projects. - 2011/07/19: 350orBust: Canada, A PetroState? The Face Of Climate Corruption in Canada
- 2011/07/18: CBC: National energy strategy on agenda at Alberta talks
Here is a statement from the conference that deserves note for its wrongheadedness:
- 2011/07/19: ChronicleHerald: Energy minister says oilsands can be developed sustainably
A tar sands monitoring plan has been released:
- 2011/07/21: EnviroCanada: [links to pdf sections] An Integrated Monitoring Plan for the Oil Sands
- 2011/07/23: NatureNB: Canada releases tar sands monitoring plan
- 2011/07/22: DawgsBlawg: Our "world class" tarsands PR monitoring plan
- 2011/07/21: PostMedia: Harper government unveils 'world-class' oilsands monitoring plan
Federal Environment Minister Peter Kent unveiled a sweeping oilsands monitoring plan on Thursday, but there were quick calls for development to slow while the environmental results are tabulated - and some question who will be picking up the $50-million yearly tab for the program. - 2011/07/21: G&M: Why oil sands monitoring is still a long way off
- 2011/07/21: CBC: Expanded oilsands monitoring planned
In BC, the stage is set. Now what will Clark and Dix do?
- 2011/07/22: Tyee: BC's Strange Business of Carbon Offsets -- Hospitals and schools must pay the Pacific Carbon Trust, but what are they really buying?
- 2011/07/22: WCEL: "No 'elsewhere' to go"
Dene Tha' First Nation Challenges the Sale of Oil and Gas Parcels on their Traditional Territory - 2011/07/14: AlterNet: How the Toxic Tar Sands Industry Fuels the Ubiquitous Aluminum Can
- 2011/07/20: BBC: Chinese state oil company CNOOC has agreed to buy Canadian oil sands producer OPTI for $2.1bn (£1.3bn)
- 2011/07/20: CBC: China's CNOOC buying Canadian oilsands producer [Opti Canada Inc. for $2.1 billion US.]
- 2011/07/18: PostMedia: Alberta oil jobs flowing away as bitumen processed out-of-country
Government projections show the percentage of the province's bitumen upgraded by Albertans will plunge as low as 50 per cent in coming years, shattering Premier Ed Stelmach's five-year-old promise to keep upgrading jobs at home. - 2011/07/22: TRSSaStT: On the Green Party platform
- 2011/07/22: Enviralment: American Renewable Energy Firm says Green Energy Act Violating NAFTA [Ontario FIT]
- 2011/07/22: Envirogy: Japan Forces Shutdown Of "Illegal" Canadian Green Energy Plan [Ontario FIT]
- 2011/07/22: CBC: Ontario Premier McGuinty to visit scorched north
- 2011/07/21: CBC: Part of Thunder Bay airport roof blows off and crushes cars
- 2011/07/21: CBC: Ontario power grid 'ready' for record heat
- 2011/07/21: TStar: Suzuki warns Tory scheme to cancel green energy plans is 'absolute insanity'
In the North:
- 2011/07/19: G&M: Despite setbacks, the North sees energy as its future
The future of the Northwest Territories is one that relies on energy -- vast deposits of oil and gas that remain largely untapped, stranded in remote areas. - 2011/07/22: CCurrents: Corporatism or Survival on Earth?
- 2011/07/21: Guardian(UK): No, Greens must not cosy up to capitalism. They must resist it -- We need a sustainable society and culture with ecological values at its heart
- 2011/07/18: CCurrents: Cessation Of Growth: Voluntary And Coercive Population Control
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2011/07/20: AlterNet: The World at 7 Billion People: How Much More Growth Can the Planet Support?
- 2011/07/21: AlterNet: 2011 Has Already Seen A Record Number of Anti-Abortion Laws--And It's Only Half Over
- 2011/07/21: LA Times: The world's biggest problem? Too many people
Our unsustainable population levels are depleting resources and denying a decent future to our descendants. We must stop the denial. - 2011/07/19: Grist: Free birth control? We're getting closer ...
- 2011/07/19: Grist: Anti-gay-marriage pledge calls for 'robust childbearing'
- 2011/07/19: TMoS: Putting Population In Perspective
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2011/07/21: CCurrents: Getting Out of Dodge: A Choice of Routes
- 2011/07/20: EnergyBulletin: Liberation from civilization!
As for how the media handles science:
- 2011/07/22: DM:JLW: Washington Examiner Defends Light Bulb Misinformation... with More Misinformation
- 2011/07/22: Deltoid: The Australian's War on Science 65: Stuart Rintoul misrepresents a scientific paper
- 2011/07/21: MTobis: Speaking of Media
- 2011/07/20: Deltoid: The Australian's War on Science 64: Respect The Science!
- 2011/07/19: TCoE: Auntie Beeb gets one right
- 2011/07/19: TP:JR: Led by Murdoch Outlets, Conservative Media Misled Light Bulb Consumers 40 Times In 7 Months
- 2011/07/18: TP:JR: Connecting the Dots from News Corp Scandal to the Dangerous Lies of Fox News and the Wall Street Journal
Here is something for your library:
- 2011/07/24: Guardian(UK): [Book Review] _The God Species: How the Planet Can Survive the Age of Humans_ by Mark Lynas
- 2011/07/20: HotTopic: [Book Review] _Kivalina: A Climate Change Story_ by Christine Shearer
- 2011/07/12: AlterNet: [Book Excerpt] _Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence_ by Christian Parenti
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2011/07/23: PSinclair: 2000 Year Old Food Forest
- 2011/07/23: ERabett: Texas
- 2011/07/24: PSinclair: Inner City Agriculture
- 2011/07/21: GG&G: Cool Heat Wave Video
- 2011/07/22: PSinclair: Romm and Olbermann -- Did NewsCorp Hack Climate Scientists?
- 2011/07/21: PSinclair: Animation: July 13-21 2011 heat wave
- 2011/07/20: CCP: Climate scientist Dr. Andrew Weaver talks about the tar sands and our obligations to future generations
- 2011/07/20: PSinclair: Arnie Gunderson: July 19 Fukushima Update -- Cores may Take 10 Years to remove
- 2011/07/20: JEB: Four months after the tsunami ...
- 2011/07/19: PSinclair: Barton's Bonehead Bulb Bill Back. Zombie Legislation rises again.
- 2011/07/19: TreeHugger: A Former Coal Mining Community Fights for Environmental Justice (Video)
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2011/07/23: AutoBG: Navistar sues EPA over Clean Air Act's diesel emissions rules
- 2011/07/22: EurActiv: Russia takes Bulgaria to court over delayed nuclear plant
Russia is trying new tactics by taking Bulgaria to court in a bid to speed up construction of the Belene nuclear power plant, the first in the EU that is fully reliant on Russian technology. Dnevnik, EurActiv's partner in Bulgaria, reports. - 2011/07/22: EurActiv: Steelmakers sue EU over carbon market rules
European steelmakers said they started legal action on Thursday (21 July) to overturn the way the sector has been included in the European Union's carbon market. - 2011/07/22: PlanetArk: Steelmakers Sue EU Over Carbon Market Rules
European steelmakers said they started legal action on Thursday to overturn the way the sector has been included in the European Union's carbon market. Industry body Eurofer says the rules for the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) do not set a fair benchmark for allowing the industry's most efficient 10 percent of factories to get all their pollution permits for free after 2013. - 2011/07/22: TreeHugger: Kansas City Sues Feds For Moving EPA Headquarters to the Burbs
- 2011/07/21: Grist: Judge: Tar-sands equipment can't travel on Montanan backroads
- 2011/07/19: STimes: Judge stops transport of megaloads through Western Montana
- 2011/07/19: LA Times: EPA is sued over smog in Los Angeles Basin
Environmental and public health groups say the EPA missed a deadline to, in effect, determine whether the ozone level is hazardous -- thereby failing to force officials to crack down on pollution. - 2011/07/22: MGS: Reconsidering forecasts and wagers
- 2011/07/21: MGS: Sea Ice Wagers
Developing a new energy infrastructure is a fundamental challenge of the current generation:
- 2011/07/23: Grist: How to power homes with 100% clean and increasingly local power
- 2011/07/22: VoxEU: Opening Pandora's box: A new look at the industrial revolution
Before the industrial revolution, economists considered output to be fundamentally constrained by the limited supply of land. This column explores how the industrial revolution managed to break free from these shackles. It describes the important innovations that made the industrial revolution an energy revolution. - 2011/07/21: OilDrum: Galactic-scale energy: Part 1
- 2011/07/21: NBF: Basic Roadmap to Kardashev Level Two
- 2011/07/20: PlanetJ: The Folly of Investing in Natural Gas
- 2011/07/20: Grist: Everything that's wrong with our oil-soaked industrial economy, in one amazing poster
- 2011/07/20: BPA: A Promising New Boulder Company: Cool Energy Inc. Manufactures Stirling Engine Renewable Energy Systems
- 2011/07/18: EnergyBulletin: Failure and Heroism at the IEA
- 2011/07/18: EnergyBulletin: The new austerity and the EROI squeeze
- 2011/07/18: EnergyBulletin: Galactic-scale energy
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifer for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2011/07/21: DeSmogBlog: Shell Forced to Retract "Misleading" Fracking Adverts in South Africa
- 2011/07/20: PlanetArk: Insight: New York Natgas Drilling Rules: More Bark Than Bite?
- 2011/07/20: PeakEnergy: BHP's shale gas play ticks all the boxes?
- 2011/07/19: TreeHugger: Part of New York State's Fracking Regulations Already Trails Industry Practice
- 2011/07/19: TreeHugger: New Rules Would Allow Fracking Within 1,000 Ft of NYC's Main Water Supply Tunnels
- 2011/07/18: KSJT: NYTimes Public Editor: Big shale gas & oil "Ponzi scheme" story has holes in it
- 2011/07/18: PlanetArk: Texas First State To Enact Hydrofracking Rules
- 2011/07/18: OilChange: Shale Gas Investment is "Eye-Watering"
On the coal front:
- 2011/07/22: PlanetArk: Bloomberg, Sierra Club Make $50 Million Anti-Coal Move
- 2011/07/21: Grist: Blockbuster news for the anti-coal movement: Bloomberg is all in
- 2011/07/20: BBC: BHP Billiton coal output up but not at pre-flood levels
On the gas and oil front:
- 2011/07/22: BBerg: Closing oil prices Friday
OIL (US$/bbl)
Nymex Crude Future...99.87
Dated Brent Spot....118.29
WTI Cushing Spot.....99.64 - 2011/07/22: PlanetArk: BP Solar To Stop Panel Sales, Focus On Projects
And in pipeline news:
- 2011/07/21: Missoulian: After spill, federal officials not sure how many pipelines cross rivers, streams in U.S.
- 2011/07/21: DeSmogBlog: NY Times Editorial Urges Obama Administration To Reject Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline
- 2011/07/20: Google:AFP: US panel backs Canadian [Keystone XL] oil pipeline
- 2011/07/20: CBC: Pembina pipeline leaks 1,300 barrels of crude
- 2011/07/18: TP:JR: BP Spills 2,100 to 4,200 Gallons of Oil in Arctic Tundra
- 2011/07/19: TP:JR: An Oil Spill Runs Through It: Montana Suffers Another Pipeline Rupture
- 2011/07/19: OilChange: Two More Oil Spills...
- 2011/07/18: PlanetArk: Exxon: Ruptured Pipeline Carried Tar Sands Crude
- 2011/07/18: TreeHugger: Ruptured Pipeline in Yellowstone River Oil Spill Regularly Carried Tar Sands Oil
- 2011/07/18: TreeHugger: BP Pipeline Spills Oil Onto Alaskan Tundra
Yes we have a peak oil sighting:
- 2011/07/21: CCurrents: The Peak Oil Crisis: Reality On Hold
- 2011/07/22: EnergyBulletin: Peak research
- 2011/07/21: EnergyBulletin: The peak oil crisis: reality on hold
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2011/07/20: NBF: Los Alamos discovery makes biomass cellulose five times easier to attack which could unlock switchgrass biofuel
- 2011/07/20: Eureka: Researchers find potential key for unlocking biomass energy -- LANL molecular model helps expose cellulose weakness
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2011/07/22: TreeHugger: World's Largest (400MW) Solar PV Farm Planned for Somewhere in USA
- 2011/07/22: Eureka: Shining a light on the elusive 'blackbody' of energy research -- Boston College researchers' designer material has potential applications for thermophotovoltaics
- 2011/07/22: TreeHugger: Italy Now in Second Place in World Solar PV Rankings
- 2011/07/18: UCSD:JS: Solar Panels Keep Buildings Cool
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2011/07/21: DerSpiegel: New Reactor in Tennessee -- Safety Concerns Cloud US Nuclear Renaissance
Watts Bar 2, the US's newest nuclear power plant, is being built in Tennessee and is expected to go online next year. It has a history of safety concerns that goes back decades. Nevertheless, many local people support nuclear power and are welcoming the reactor with open arms. - 2011/07/21: NBF: China and Russia working on fast neutron reactors
- 2011/07/19: EnergyBulletin: Nuclear delusions
- 2011/07/18: Grist: Nuclear power's new marketing strategy: hide behind some windmills
- 2011/07/18: BBC: £20m tool to be used to dismantle nuclear site
A 16-piece tool dubbed the world's most sophisticated Swiss Army knife is to help dismantle the Dounreay Fast Reactor (DFR) in Caithness. The device cost £20m to design and build and will operate in highly radioactive conditions inside Dounreay's landmark Dome. Its detachable tool bits cost £100,000 each and weigh between 37-93kg. They will cut and grab 977 metal rods once used to "breed" plutonium from uranium. - 2011/07/22: MLynas: Good reasons not to waste nuclear 'waste'
- 2011/07/20: EurActiv: EU agrees to bury nuclear waste in secure bunkers
- 2011/07/20: PlanetArk: EU Agrees To Bury Nuclear Waste In Secure Bunkers
Radioactive waste from Europe's 143 nuclear reactors must in future be buried in secure bunkers, ministers from EU member states agreed on Tuesday. The new rules force national nuclear authorities to draw up disposal plans by 2015, which will be vetted by Europe's energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger. - 2011/07/21: NBF: Rossi Self Sustaining One Megawatt Energy Catalyzer Reactor
- 2011/07/19: NBF: Defkalion makes more Rossi Energy Catalyzer announcements
More people are talking about the electrical grid:
- 2011/07/20: Grist: The dirty little secret behind the 'transmission debate'
- 2011/07/18: Tyee: Northwest Power Line Grows, So Does Controversy
Gov't says extending grid beyond 2009 plan will lower greenhouse emissions. Critics see a boost to mining -- and emissions. - 2011/07/20: PeakEnergy: Cutting peak energy demand could ease pressure on rising electricity costs
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2011/07/22: AutoBG: Survey: Consumers prefer gasoline vehicles, EVs come in dead last
- 2011/07/20: TP:JR: Car Makers Oppose Fuel Standards that Would Save Consumers $150 Billion
- 2011/07/20: AutoBG: Say goodbye to Green Vehicles and its three-wheeled electric Triac
- 2011/07/20: AutoBG: Automakers unhappy with California's proposed zero-emissions vehicle regulations
- 2011/07/19: CleanBreak: This fuel-cell forklift thing may be catching on after all...
- 2011/07/19: SlashDot: Gov't Funded Electric Car Company [Green Vehicles] Goes Out of Business
As for Energy Storage:
- 2011/07/20: PeakEnergy: How ultracapacitors work (and why they fall short)
- 2011/07/20: AutoBG: Drops of water added to silicon-air batteries increase discharge capacity by... 40%!
- 2011/07/17: NBF: Development of Porous Aluminum "Aluminum-Celmet" can increase battery capacity by 50-200%
Joe Romm posts a daily list of top energy and climate stories:
- 2011/07/23: TP:JR: Global News Roundup...
- 2011/07/22: TP:JR: July 22 News...
- 2011/07/21: TP:JR: July 21 News...
- 2011/07/20: TP:JR: July 20 News...
- 2011/07/18: TP:JR: Global News Roundup...
- 2011/07/19: TP:JR: July 19 News...
- 2011/07/18: TP:JR: July 18 News...
Other (weekly) lists:
- 2011/07/19: BPA: Agriculture News
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2011/07/23: QuarkSoup: He Said, They Said
- 2011/07/23: CCP: The Case of Patrick Michaels
- 2011/07/23: TPL: How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic
- 2011/07/23: Stoat: Watts the Denialist
- 2011/07/22: QuarkSoup: Anthony Watts Denies His Mother Ever Existed
- 2011/07/24: ITracker: Breaking: Yes, Anders Behring Breivik is the first climate denier mass murderer
- 2011/07/21: ITracker: Minor myths: most deniers accept that global warming is happening
- 2011/07/21: Deltoid: Did Monckton have breakfast with ABC chairman Maurice Newman?
- 2011/07/20: TP:JR: It's Not the Heat, It's the Stupidity: Limbaugh Calls Heat Index a Liberal Government Conspiracy
- 2011/07/20: Grist: Limbaugh: Heat index is a liberal government conspiracy
- 2011/07/20: DeSmogBlog: Light Bulb Madness: A New Case Study in Right Wing Misinformation
- 2011/07/19: Stoat: The greenhouse effect is not the effect that warms greenhouses
- 2011/07/18: TP:JR: Sorry, Deniers, the Earth Just Keeps Warming -- Thanks to Us
- 2011/07/18: ClimateShifts: Denialism, Galileo and the "truth".
- 2011/07/18: BCLSB: Manufacturing Bullshit
- 2011/07/17: CCP: Peter Gleick: More Climate B.S. from Patrick Michaels at Forbes: Hiding the Energy Imbalance of the Planet
- 2011/07/17: MGS: How large a conspiracy?
TVMOB has been building his infamy:
- 2011/07/23: BBickmore: The Debate Monckton Won't Have
- 2011/07/23: TP:JR: Peer Pressure: House of Lords Tells Climate Denier Monckton to "Cease and Desist" Claim He's a Member
- 2011/07/20: ABC(Au):TDU: Debating Lord Monckton
Let's face it, if the House of Lords can't convince him that he is not a member of that house then what hope does a sincere scientist have of convincing him, or the audience, that the complex science is right and the entertaining guy with some tricky questions is wrong. - 2011/07/22: ClimateShifts: Monckton threatens to sue ABC, calls chairman a 'shrimp'
- 2011/07/20: BBickmore: The Monckton Files: If the Shoe Fits...
- 2011/07/19: DeSmogBlog: Students Get Lobby Group Material From Chris de Freitas in Climate 101 Lectures
- 2011/07/19: ABC(Au): House of Lords takes Monckton to task
- 2011/07/19: BBC: Viscount Monckton warned off Lords membership claim
UKIP climate change spokesman and deputy leader Viscount Monckton has been warned to stop calling himself a member of the House of Lords. It follows an interview he gave to Australian radio in which he said he was a member "but without the right to sit or vote". But he was told not to repeat the claim by the Clerk of Parliaments. In a letter David Beamish told him: "you are not and have never been a Member of the House of Lords". Legislation in 1999 ended the link between holding a hereditary peerage and being a member of the Lords. Viscount Monckton inherited his title from his father who died in 2006 - who had been a member of the House of Lords until 1999, when the legislation was introduced. - 2011/07/17: ABC(Au):BB: The Lord Monckton roadshow
- 2011/07/18: Deltoid: Background Briefing on Monckton
- 2011/07/18: DeSmogBlog: Monckton Sent "Cease and Desist" Letter by the House of Lords
- 2011/07/18: Guardian(UK): Climate sceptic Lord Monckton told he's not member of House of Lords
- 2011/07/18: BBickmore: The Monckton Files: House of Lords Recap
- 2011/07/18: PSinclair: Monckton: I'm a member of Parliament. I've cured HIV. There is no Global Warming.
- 2011/07/18: JQuiggin: Yet more Monckton
- 2011/07/18: ERabett: Letter, We Get Letters. . .
- 2011/07/18: Deltoid: House of Lords open letter to Monckton: you are not a member!
- 2011/07/18: TMoS: Global Warming is Real, It's Lord Monckton Who's a Fake
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2011/07/24: TSoD: Statistics and Climate - Part One
- 2011/07/22: AFTIC: Ever wonder...?
- 2011/07/22: MTobis: Rural North America
- 2011/07/22: 350orBust: Nobel Laureate: It is the People Who Must Stand Up For the Environment, Make Their Leaders Change
- 2011/07/21: SEasterbrook: Feel the future
- 2011/07/21: EnergyBulletin: Living at the edge of the world
- 2011/07/21: PlanetArk: Analysis: Climate Bill Mounts As Dash For Gas Speeds Up
- 2011/07/20: ClimateSight: Is There Consensus?
- 2011/06/09: Grist: How to stay cool for next to nothing
- 2011/07/19: NYT:PK: The Answer, My Friend
- 2011/07/18: Grist: Bill McKibben interview
- 2011/07/18: SMandia: Put a Chill on Your High Electric Bill
- 2011/07/18: Grist: Study: Earth losing its climate change defenses
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Wiki: Kardashev scale
- The Apollo-Gaia Project
- "Mean Joe Green's" environmental cartoons
- EdGCM, a research-grade Global Climate Model (GCM)
- CCC: Clear Climate Code
- OpenTemp -- An Open Analysis of the Historical Temperature Record
- Climate Institute
- D-HW: Demon-Haunted World
- Wood Heat Organization
- AGWObserver: Anti-AGW papers debunked
- TEC: The Energy Collective
- Wiki: Aneutronic fusion
- FF: Food Freedom
Autobahn Note:
In case you have been looking for my home page, Autobahn has a hardware (and possibly a motivation) problem. Posts will resume there if and when they get it together.
More in the black humour vein:
A review of BBC science coverage has emerged:
Here is a report with a high potential for being miscontrued. Watch what develops:
Open Access activists are causing a stir (among publishers):
And of course, the pundits. lobbyists and politicians have a lot to say:
So, are these land grabs Colonialism V2.0?
Climate refugees are becoming an issue:
This week in extreme weather:
What are the activists up to?
Polls! We have polls!
While in the UK:
And in Europe:
Meanwhile in Australia:
And elsewhere in Asia:
The G20 controversy lingers:
The battle over the Keystone XL and Northern Gateway pipelines rages on:
A mention of the Wheat Board:
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
In Ontario, upcoming election issues are appearing:
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
Among the non-members of Gamblers Anonymous:
In the gas and oil corps:
Nuclear waste storage requires long term thinking:
The Rossi Energy Catalyzer keeps coming up:
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk(which includes some quotations), An overview of my writing is available here.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
I notice moyhu has set up a monster index to old AWoGWN on AFTIC."A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit." -Greek proverb
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Hey Coby,
This Forbes article has been hitting the interwebs today.
It was written by one of the Heartland Institute's executives and essentially says that NASA has debunked the "alarmist" computer models. Any thoughts on it?
Thanks for the link, Cop.
First off, it was Roy Spencer using NASA data--not NASA itself.
Second, Dr. Spencer has a track record of flying head long into scientific consensuses, such as his adamant insistence that Intelligent Design and the Biblical account of creation is as believable as Darwinism.
That being said,
(1) I sincerely *hope* he's right.
(2) We must always be open to the possibility that even an inductive reasoner such as Dr. Spencer *is* in fact, right. He has been on the make for the disproof of AGW for a decade, which hurts my assessment of his objectivity but does not necessarily disprove him.
(3) If he is right, the truth will eventually penetrate the scientific community. I admit to my doubts given his track record, but again, we must be open to anything.
You answered your own question at post #1.
It was written by one of the Heartland Institute's executives - therefore it is nothing more than disengenuous, lying, cherry-picked, pseudo-science, crap.
And I say that without even hurting my brain by looking at it.
Sorry â I should not have dismissed the study so easily, despite the complete lack of credibility of the source. Letâs see what other climate scientists think of the work:
â....mainstream climate scientists dismissed the research as unrealistic and politically motivated....â
â...It is not newsworthy," Daniel Murphy, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) cloud researcher, wrote in an email to LiveScience....â
â..."He's taken an incorrect model, he's tweaked it to match observations, but the conclusions you get from that are not correct," Andrew Dessler, a professor of atmospheric sciences at Texas A&M University, said of Spencer's new study....â
â..."I cannot believe it got published," said Kevin Trenberth, a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research....â
â...."If you want to do a story then write one pointing to the ridiculousness of people jumping onto every random press release as if well-established science gets dismissed on a dime," Gavin Schmidt said. "Climate sensitivity is not constrained by the last two decades of imperfect satellite data...â
â...Other researchers pointed to flaws in Spencer's paper, including an "unrealistic" model placing clouds as the driver of warming and a lack of information about the statistical significance of the temperatures observed by the satellites. Statistical significance is the likelihood of results being real, as opposed to chance fluctuations unrelated to the other variables in the experiment....â
â....Spencer agreed that his work could not disprove the existence of manmade global warming....â