"On vacation" open thread, play nice!

So I will be in Fiji for a one week stop over on my way home from Tasmania to Vancouver and I do not expect to have much internet access and/or time. I think I will schedule a few "Climate Crock" posts for edumusement but otherwise no one will be minding the store here. (that unfortunately includes this Monday's "Another week of GW news" which will have to go up asap the week after next.)

So feel free to raise any topics for discussion here but try to play fair (that goes double for all you Turkish spampots out there!).


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Oh! You lucky bastard!

Have a safe trip; try to minimize your greenhouse gas signature on that trans-Pac flight, Coby. (Try not to fart in the biffy--methane and all . . .)

I'll try to keep my own profile low in the meantime. Just read another post from Oz . . . I make friends fast don't I?


Last time I was in Fiji, getting Internet access was no problem, and that was in 2005. But of course you will use researching impacts of climate change as a excuse for spending all your time diving in the coral reefs...

By Lassi Hippeläinen (not verified) on 05 Nov 2009 #permalink

So I will be in Fiji for a one week stop over on my way home from Tasmania to Vancouver and I do not expect to have much internet access and/or time. I think I will schedule a few "Climate Crock" posts for edumusement but otherwise no one will be minding the store here. (that unfortunately includes this Monday's "Another week of GW news" which will have to go up asap the week after next.)

So feel free to raise any topics for discussion here but try to play fair (that goes double for all you Turkish spampots out there!).

I'm feeling decidedly sad tonight. There's just been an interesting program on ABC (Australia) about how infected with climate change denialism the Liberal Opposition party is. Of course I've known this before now, but to hear all the totally cringeworthy comments by normally astute and sensible politicians is really disturbing. Denialism seems to have spread like a virus through the party. I can't believe denialists stand a very real chance of scuppering Australia's efforts at climate change mitigation. Granted, the CPRS is a dog anyway, but at least it was something.

Very disappointing.

I just hope the same thing doesn't happen in America, although I fear it will.


Now there, Coby kindly asked the Turkish spambots to play nice, and *Ding*, one (#3) shows up and doesn't play nice.