Sipping from the internet firehose...
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
Another week of Climate Disruption News
Information overload is pattern recognition
June 7, 2009
- Chuckle, Top Stories:Bonn, UNFCCC Meetings, Ethanol Summit, FAO Meeting,
- Melting Arctic, Geopolitics, Antarctica, Open Access, Late Comments
- Food Crisis, Food vs. Biofuel, Food Production
- Hurricanes, GHGs, Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle, Temperatures, Paleoclimate, ENSO, Glaciers, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Corals, Climate Refugees, Wacky Weather, Wildfires, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering, Adaptation
- Journals, Misc. Science, Pielke, Thomas Berry
- Kyoto, Carbon Trade, Optimal Carbon Reduction Strategy
- Politics:International, Protectionism
- America, Obama, Britain, Europe, Australia, India, China, Japan, Asia, Brazil, Middle East, Africa, Canada
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Apocalypso, Media, Books, Video, Courts
- Energy, Wind, Solar, Coal, Biofuel, Nukes, Peak Oil, Efficiency, Cars, Business, Greenwashing, Joe's List
- Carbon Lobby, Miscellaneous Climate, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, .sig
- 2009/06/01: uComics: (cartoon - Wiley) Remind you of anyone?
- 2009/06/03: uComics: (cartoon - Wiley) Pre-Conceptual Science (cont'd)
The UNFCCC talks in Bonn are generating a lot of news and comment:
- 2009/06/05: NatureTGB: Two gorillas walk into a UN climate meeting...
- 2009/06/05: NewScientist: Poor countries could be paid to go nuclear
- 2009/06/05: PlanetArk: Pacific Islands Seek Low-Cost Storm Protection
- 2009/06/05: Grist: Powerful injustice at the Bonn climate talks
- 2009/06/06: People's Daily: Developed countries responsible for climate change: Chinese expert
- 2009/06/03: CFO: Emission reduction pledges not ambitious enough - UNFCCC chief [Yvo de Boer]
- 2009/06/02: Grist: Nicholas Stern's heresy: conceding the West's climate burden
- 2009/06/01: ClimateP: US responsible for 29% of carbon dioxide emissions over past 150 years, triple China's share
- 2009/06/05: Reuters: China commentary chides rich nations on climate change
China's official news agency has accused rich countries of shirking their duty to fight climate change and seeking to divide developing countries, warning that negotiations for a new global climate pact face deep disputes. - 2009/06/04: Reuters: Pacific islands seek low-cost storm protection
- 2009/06/05: JakartaPost: RI against binding emissions cuts for developing nations
- 2009/06/01: CCurrents: Copenhagen: Slipping Past A Tipping Point
- 2009/06/04: NatureCF: A place at the table? International organizations are calling for fisheries to be included in a new global deal on climate change
- 2009/06/04: PlanetArk: Mexico Sees Support For U.N. Climate Finance Plan
A Mexican proposal to raise billions of dollars to fight climate change is winning backing in talks on a new U.N. treaty, paradoxically because no one really likes it, a Mexican official said on Wednesday. "It has something for everyone, although everyone will dislike part of it. That's the beauty of the proposal," Fernando Tudela, Undersecretary of Planning and Environmental Policy, told Reuters on Wednesday. "It could be an area of consensus because nobody likes 100 percent of it," he said on the sidelines of June 1-12 U.N. climate talks in Bonn working on a new U.N. climate treaty due to be agreed in Copenhagen in December. The "Green Fund" plan would oblige all governments to pay in cash based on a formula reflecting the size of each nation's gross domestic product, greenhouse gas emissions and population. That could ensure that rich nations in Europe or North America, with the longest history of industrial use of fossil fuels, pay most. Cash would be paid mostly to poor countries at risk from droughts, floods, heatwaves or rising seas. - 2009/06/04: Grist: Deforestation & Adaptation Texting for Copenhagen -- Part 3: Draft negotiating text proposed for Copenhagen agreement
- 2009/06/03: Reuters: U.N. climate treaty talks to go down to wire
- 2009/06/03: CFO: Emission reduction pledges not ambitious enough - UNFCCC chief, Yvo de Boer
- 2009/06/04: JakartaPost: RI advocates ocean issues at Bonn talks
Indonesian delegates attended the Bonn climate conference in Germany this week with a clear agenda of ensuring ocean issues are incorporated into climate talks to help save millions of coastal people from the brunt of global warming. - 2009/06/04: EarthTimes: Advisor [to Swedish PM, Lars-Erik Liljelund]: Industrialized countries need to agree on emission cuts
- 2009/06/04: TP:WonkRoom: Todd Stern: 'We Can't Rewrite The Last Eight Years'
- 2009/06/03: EurActiv: Poor countries 'unable' to absorb climate funding, EU warned
While governments haggle over the amounts needed to finance climate adaptation in developing countries in order to close a global agreement later this year, concerns are being raised that the demand side of adaptation has been ignored. If climate negotiators continue to have hang ups over the question of how much funding is needed for adaptation, they will fail to address the other key issue of establishing a mechanism to ensure that adaptation actually takes place, Philip Mikos, head of unit at the European Commission's development department, told a Development Policy Forum roundtable on 29 May. - 2009/06/03: UN: Latest round of climate talks 'progressing well' - UN
- 2009/06/03: NatureCF: Bonn: Text welcomed, but targets still contested
- 2009/06/03: Grist: The texty road to a climate deal -- Part 2: Draft Negotiating Text Proposed for Copenhagen
- 2009/06/02: Google:AFP: Alarm raised over forest plan to fight climate change
An ambitious plan to fight climate change by making polluters pay to preserve forests has come under a cloud, with some environmentalists calling it unworkable and dangerous. The plan, known as Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD), is being pushed as a key element for a new global agreement to fight climate change after the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012. - 2009/06/02: Reuters: China to act on climate, warns of "unfair" demands
- 2009/06/02: BBC: [Todd Stern] American climate negotiator's pledge on energy
America's chief climate negotiator has pledged billions of dollars a year to help developing countries acquire clean energy and adapt to climate change. Todd Stern said it was morally right for rich nations to help the poor on climate change. - 2009/06/02: PlanetArk: Rich Nations Promise $100 Billion Per Year Aid to Poor Nations in Climate Fight
- 2009/06/01: CSM: World's next big climate pact begins to take shape
This week, negotiators from 182 countries meet in Bonn, Germany to lay the groundwork for a post-Kyoto climate regime. - 2009/06/02: Xinhuanet: Second UN climate talks opens in disputes in Germany
- 2009/06/01: BizGreen: Carbon target impasse continues as Bonn talks kick off
- 2009/06/01: TerraDaily: Climate Change Meet Set To Begin Work On Pact As Draft Released
- 2009/06/01: TerraDaily: Climate talks must tackle ocean acidification: scientists
- 2009/06/04: PhysOrg: Carbon payments payments could protect orangutans, pygmy elephants in Borneo
- 2009/06/01: Yahoo: Draft text at UN climate talks survives first outing
The draft of a negotiating text for a new pact on climate change survived its first hearing at UN talks on Monday, providing a boost on a road still strewn with many obstacles, delegates and officials said. Despite criticism from the United States and others, the document was "basically welcomed as a good starting point for the negotiations," said Michael Zammit Cutajar, who framed the text. The June 1-12 meeting in Bonn gathers a 192-country forum tasked with steering the world to a new treaty that will whip the threat from global warming. - 2009/06/01: IPSNews: Climate Change: Four Tough Nuts To Crack
The world is on track towards negotiating a solid deal in Copenhagen at the end of this year, Yvo de Boer, the UN's top climate change official, told reporters at the opening of a 12-day conference in Bonn Monday. [...] The four essentials, as he termed them, are: clarity on how much industrialised countries would reduce their emissions up to 2020; clarity on what developing countries would do to limit the growth of their emissions; stable finance from industrialised nations for the developing world to mitigate climate change and adapt; and a "governance regime". - 2009/06/02: EurActiv: UN negotiators grudgingly accept draft climate treaty
Meeting in Bonn for a second round of talks, rich and poor countries yesterday (1 June) criticised the initial negotiating text of a new United Nations climate treaty, but grudgingly accepted it as the basis for six months of arduous negotiations. - 2009/05/27: IGHiH: 71 arrested in Copenhagen resisting World Business Summit on Climate Change
- 2009/06/01: UN: Discussions on negotiating texts on pact to combat global warming kick off - UN
- 2009/06/01: M&G(Za): Climate change forum set to begin work on pact
- 2009/05/31: Google:AFP: Climate change: 'Bali Road Map' seeks compass
Gruelling efforts to craft a pact on climate change enter a crucial phase on Monday when the 192-nation UN forum takes its first look at a draft text for negotiations. The 12-day huddle in the German city of Bonn under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) means that, after 18 months of swapping visions, the process will at last get down to the gritty stuff. Little more than six months are left before the "Bali Road Map", launched in Indonesia in 2006, reaches its supposed destination at a Copenhagen summit: an accord that will transform global warming from a monster into a manageable problem. - 2009/06/01: FinExpress: India can suggest changes in the first climate treaty text: UNFCCC
A crucial round of global climate change talks begins between high officials of 170 countries in Bonn today. The talks are important because the first negotiating text is on the table now. It's the second round of a series of five rounds leading up to the UN Climate Change Conference to be held in Copenhagen in December. - 2009/06/01: EarthTimes: UN climate change talks under way in Bonn
- 2009/06/01: EarthTimes: Demonstrators rally in Bonn as climate change talks begin
- 2009/06/01: Reuters: India says US domestic policy crucial to climate deal [Dinesh Patnaik interview]
U.S. domestic policy on curbing carbon emissions is crucial for a global climate deal this year, a top Indian negotiator said on Monday, adding rich countries also had to provide a commitment on funding for poorer nations. Dinesh Patnaik said there was a good chance of success at a negotiating session in Germany starting this week as part of efforts to seal a new climate pact in Copenhagen in December. - 2009/06/01: SwissInfo: Swiss help forge climate treaty
A Swiss delegation is in Bonn to help draft the treaty on greenhouse gases due to be passed by the climate conference in Copenhagen in December. Some 3000 delegates from all over the world started their meeting on Monday to try to find an agreed text to replace the Kyoto Protocol, which runs out in 2012 - 2009/06/04: EarthTimes: More climate talks planned ahead of Copenhagen summit
Three more rounds of climate-change talks will be held ahead of a major conference in Copenhagen in December, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) said Thursday. The meetings are in addition to a current round which began Monday in the German city of Bonn as part of efforts to agree on tough new limits to global emissions of greenhouse gases. There will be another session in Bonn from August 10-14 as well as a meeting in Bangkok from September 28 - October 9 and one in Barcelona from November 2-6, the UNFCCC said. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen from December 7-18 is intended to sign off on a successor to the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. - 2009/06/05: EnergyBulletin: Ethanol Summit 2009 and President Clinton by Kjell Aleklett
- 2009/06/04: TreeHugger: Biofuels Produced at the Expense of Tropical Forests Are No Victory: Bill Clinton Tells Brazil
And the FAO held a meeting in Tunis:
- 2009/06/01: UN: Experts from 120 countries meet in Tunis for UN-backed plant diversity forum
Delegates from some 120 countries today opened a United Nations-supported meeting in Tunis to discuss plant genetics and food resources, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said. - 2009/06/03: ENN: Energy Leaders Launch Efficiency Partnership
Energy ministers from the world's largest economies have formally launched the first high-level body focused exclusively on advancing energy efficiency worldwide. While several international forums exchange energy advice, the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation seeks to elevate that information to a level that affects policymaking. - 2009/06/05: ClimateP: New NSIDC director Serreze explains the "death spiral" of Arctic ice, brushes off the "breathtaking ignorance" of blogs like WattsUpWithThat
- 2009/06/06: QuarkSoup: Arctic Sea Ice
- 2009/06/06: CCP: Jakobshavn Glacier's upstream region, southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet, appears to have accelerated melting
- 2009/06/04: CCP: Arctic Sea Ice Conditions, Part II: June 4, 2009 -- Much, much worse than last year at this time
- 2009/06/03: CCP: NSIDC: June 3, 2009 -- Arctic Sea Ice Melt Season Gains Momentum
- 2009/06/03: CCP: Arctic Sea Ice Conditions, June 3, 2009 -- catching up with 2007
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
- 2009/06/01: KSJT: Ah HA - Nat'l Geo tells Tracker why US Geological Survey didn't publicize those supposedly new stats on Arctic oil & gas [It was old news?]
- 2009/06/01: NewScientist: Rules of high seas could lead to Arctic 'pole of peace'
While in Antarctica:
- 2009/06/04: KSJT: Science News, Times, BBC, etc: Tractor-hauled radars reveal an Antarctic before the ice
- 2009/06/04: ENN: Ancient Antarctic Mountains Found Under Miles of Ice
- 2009/06/04: CBC: Antarctic land mass may look like parts of Europe, research suggests
- 2009/06/03: NewScientist: How Antarctica grew its ice -- and lost its hanging gardens
- 2009/06/03: PhysOrg: Ghost alps of Antarctica are glimpsed after 14 million years
- 2009/06/03: BBC: Origin of Antarctic ice revealed
Incredible peaks and valleys, buried beneath ice for 14 million years, have revealed evidence of how the East Antarctic ice sheet first formed. Scientists used radar to map an area of the Gamburtsev mountains - believed to be the point of origin of the ice. The region would have been cold enough for the first glacier to form. - 2009/06/03: NatureN: Open-access publishing gains another convert -- University College London joins rapidly growing throng
- 2009/06/03: ScienceInsider: Major U.K. University [University College London] Goes Open Access
- Free Science News
- Free Science Sources
Late comment on the GHF report:
- 2009/06/04: Time: The Human Cost of Climate Change
- 2009/06/01: NatureTGB: Quantifying the unquantifiable: global warming's elusive death toll
- 2009/06/01: KSJT: Reuters: Climate change's health toll large, but hard to quantify. Lots of other ink: Global warming kills 300,000 yearly!
Late comment on that Laureate confab:
- 2009/06/03: TreeHugger: Nobel Winners: Global Climate Change Poses Threat of "Similar Proportions" to Thermonuclear Weapons
Sol, redux:
- 2009/06/01: PhysOrg: New Solar Cycle Prediction
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2009/06/05: GG&G: Extreme heat, historical heat tolerance, and implications for climate change
- 2009/06/01: ABC(Au): [transcript] Back To Earth - Dr Maarten Stapper interview [food]
- 2009/06/05: WFP: World Leaders Brainstorm On How To Manage Grain Supply
Leaders from around the world are in St. Petersburg this weekend to discuss ways to manage the supply of staple grains that feed the planet. It's a critical question for WFP, the world's largest buyer and distributor of food assistance. - 2009/06/06: AlterNet: California's Water Woes Threaten the Entire Country's Food Supply
- 2009/06/04: FAO: Global food supply gradually steadying -- But shocks could still be in store
- 2009/06/04: ClimateP: A Stormy Forecast for U.S. Agriculture
- 2009/06/03: PhysOrg: Climate change models find staple crops face ruin on up to 1 million square km of African farmland
A new study by researchers from the Nairobi-based International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and the United Kingdom's Waen Associates has found that by 2050, hotter conditions, coupled with shifting rainfall patterns, could make anywhere from 500,000 to one million square kilometers of marginal African farmland no longer able to support even a subsistence level of food crops. However, the land, on which some 20 to 35 million people currently live, may still support livestock. - 2009/06/06: PhysOrg: Medvedev slams biofuel producers at grain summit
- 2009/05/26: BWeek: The Ethanol Lobby: Profits vs. Food
If the ethanol lobby really believes in the biofuel, why are there so few E85 pumps in corn-growing states? - 2009/06/06: UN: Top UN official [FAO head, Jacques Diouf] calls for bolstered global governance system for world food security
- 2009/06/05: PhysOrg: Skyscraper greenhouses to sprout in crowded cities: expert [Hans Hassle, Plantagon VP]
- 2009/06/01: FAO: Climate change talks mustn't forget fisheries
- 2009/06/03: FAO: Agriculture is essential for facing climate change
- 2009/06/05: CBC: How much fertilizer can a river take? P.E.I. asks
- 2009/06/04: UN: Global cereal production continues to reach unexpected highs - UN [FAO] report
- 2009/06/04: TreeHugger: Is This The Future of Food?
- 2009/06/02: PlanetArk: Farm groups counter call for GMO wheat
Farm and environment groups opposed to genetically modified wheat are countering a call from other farm organizations for biotech companies to commercially develop it. Fifteen groups in the top wheat-exporting countries of Canada, the U.S. and Australia released a joint statement of opposition to GMO wheat on Monday. It follows the May 14 call by GM wheat supporters in the three countries for synchronized production of GM wheat. - 2009/06/04: RigZone: Waiting for the Blow: GOM [Gulf of Mexico] Rig Fleet Preps for Hurricane Season
- 2009/06/03: CCurrents: Cyclone Aila Continues To Impact -- The Lives Of Thousands In Bangladesh
- 2009/06/04: Wunderground: Average hurricane season foreseen by TSR
- 2009/06/02: CSW: It's now open season for hurricanes: How we can make our coasts more resilient?
- 2009/06/02: Wunderground: Average hurricane season foreseen by CSU and NOAA
- 2009/06/02: WWLTV: New Orleans' new hurricane command center in disrepair
When hurricanes threaten emergency operations centers, or EOC's, across the state are the nerve centers for first responders and emergency managers. It's where they come together to make key decisions for public safety. That won't be happening anytime soon inside the space that is designated to become the New Orleans' new emergency operations center. Located on the ninth floor of City Hall, it's mostly empty aside from some wires hang from the ceiling, and piles of broken concrete sitting on the floor. It was supposed to be ready by Monday, the first day of hurricane season. - 2009/06/01: KSJT: AP: New York City officials thinking about a barrier to repel hurricane-propelled tidal surges
- 2009/05/31: ClimateP: Nature: Hurricanes ARE getting fiercer -- and it's going to get much worse
- 2009/05/31: PhysOrg: Hurricane barriers floated to keep sea out of NYC
- 2009/06/01: PhysOrg: Atlantic and East Pacific Ocean Hurricane Seasons Begin for 2009
- 2009/06/01: Wunderground: Hurricane season begins today; normal June activity expected
- 2009/06/01: SciDaily: Positive Feedback Hint Between Tropical Cyclones And Global Warming
Tropical cyclones could be a significant source of the deep convection that carries moist air upward to the stratosphere, where it can influence climate, according to Harvard University researchers David M. Romps and Zhiming Kuang. - 2009/06/04: TreeHugger: Burning Down The House: 39% Increase In Global CO2 Emissions Projected By 2030
- 2009/06/01: ClimateP: US responsible for 29% of carbon dioxide emissions over past 150 years, triple China's share
- 2009/05/31: MongaBay: US responsible for 29 percent of greenhouse gas emissions over past 150 years
And in the carbon cycle:
- 2009/06/05: KSJT: NYTimes, Oregonian, BBC, CBS-Montana: Hey, those cows belch. Methane! Poop too. More methane! Hmmmmm
And the nitrogen cycle:
- 2009/06/04: MongaBay: Burning fossil fuels is disrupting nitrogen cycle
- 2009/06/04: PhysOrg: New proxy reveals how humans have disrupted the nitrogen cycle
As are the temperatures:
- 2009/06/04: QuarkSoup: RSS: This May Much Warmer than Last
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2009/06/05: KSJT: LATimes, BBC, etc: Thanks heavens for the waters on the Earth. And for the first big Greenhouse effect. (And think asteroids...)
- 2009/06/02: CCP: Sediment cores from Siberia's Lake El'gygytgyn yield unique Arctic climate data (36,000 kya), 30 times older than Greenland's
- 2009/06/01: SciDaily: 53 Million-year-old High Arctic Mammals Wintered In Darkness
While on the el Niño/la Niña [ENSO] front:
- 2009/06/04: NOAA:NCEP: El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion
Synopsis: Conditions are favorable for a transition from ENSO-neutral to El Niño conditions during June - August 2009 - 2009/06/05: AbqJournal: El Nino Might Drench Your Plans in New Mexico
- 2009/06/05: Wunderground: El Niño Watch issued by NOAA; Western Caribbean development next week?
- 2009/06/05: CCP: NOAA: ENSO Alert System Status for June 4, 2009 -- El Niño Watch
- 2009/06/04: ClimateP: Breaking: NOAA puts out "El Niño Watch," so record temperatures are coming and this will be the hottest decade on record
Glaciers are melting:
- 2009/06/04: Guardian(UK): Himalayan glaciers disappear as world warms up (11 pictures)
- 2009/06/04: Guardian(UK): Captured on camera: 50 years of climate change in the Himalayas
Series of before and after panoramas of Imja glacier taken five decades apart highlights dramatic reduction of Himalayan ice - 2009/06/03: GreenGrok: Day After Tomorrow Not Any Time Soon
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
- 2009/06/05: NatureTGB: NASA background checks court fight continues
- 2009/06/05: PhysOrg: ESA extends Envisat satellite mission
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2009/06/07: Guardian(UK): Weeds damage homes as the climate warms
- 2009/06/06: PhysOrg: Researchers develop the first climate-based model to predict Dengue fever outbreaks
- 2009/06/05: Eureka: Researchers develop the first climate-based model to predict Dengue fever outbreaks
Scientists use climate variables and vegetation indices to predict and mitigate Dengue epidemics in the American tropics - 2009/06/05: MLive: Study: Climate change altering [Great] lake levels
- 2009/06/02: TerraDaily: Former Soviet bloc in firing line of climate change: World Bank
- 2009/06/03: EarthTimes: UN: Climate change puts security of small islands at risk
- 2009/06/03: PhysOrg: Ancient mammals shifted diets as climate changed
- 2009/06/03: PhysOrg: Changing climate likely to make 'super weed' [phragmites australis] even more powerful
- 2009/06/02: Yahoo: Former Soviet bloc in firing line of climate change: World Bank
- 2009/06/02: BBerg: Poland, Hungary May Become More Like Sicily in Global Warming
- 2009/06/03: ENN: Analysis Finds Elevated Risk From Soot Particles in the Air
- 2009/06/01: BBC: Dolphin and whale climate fears
More dolphins, porpoises and whales could be at risk from the effects of climate change than was previously thought, a new study has claimed - 2009/06/01: Science:SI: Science Academies Warn of Ocean Acidification
- 2009/06/01: PhysOrg: Whales and dolphins in hot water
- 2009/06/01: PlanetArk: Climate Health Costs: Bug-Borne Ills, Killer Heat
- 2009/06/01: Eureka: Time series identify population responses to climate change -- Statistical analyses reveal biological influences varying across animals' ranges
- 2009/05/29: UBC: Elevated Water Temperature and Acidity Boost Growth of Key Sea Star Species, UBC Researchers
- 2009/06/01: Salon: The seldom-seen devastation of climate change
A NASA climatologist [Gavin Schmidt] explains why global warming is more than starving polar bears, and skeptics are simplistic. - 2009/06/01: Telegraph(UK): CO2 levels may cause underwater catastrophe
Changes to the ocean caused by carbon dioxide emissions could lead to an "underwater catastrophe", damaging wildlife, food production and livelihoods, scientists are warning. - 2009/05/31: Reuters: Climate change turning seas acid: scientists
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2009/06/05: DotEarth: How Carbon Markets Can Make Both Economic and Ecological Sense
- 2009/06/05: PlanetArk: Modest Carbon Price Could Save Borneo Forests: Study
- 2009/06/05: DM:80B: Saving the Rainforest Could Make Economic Sense
- 2009/06/05: ENN: Study finds forest conservation in Indonesia could be as profitable as palm oil plantations
- 2009/06/05: SciDaily: Carbon Payments [REDD] Help Protect Threatened Tropical Mammals
- 2009/06/05: BBC: Rainforest is worth more standing
The Indonesian rainforest is worth more standing than felled say researchers. A new analysis has shown that payments to reduce carbon emissions from the forests could generate more income than palm oil production on deforested land. Protecting the forests could become profitable under a proposed scheme called Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD). - 2009/06/05: Guardian(UK): [Letters] Brazil's actions are combatting Amazon deforestation
- 2009/06/02: MongaBay: Brazil's plan to save the Amazon rainforest
- 2009/06/01: TreeHugger: Global Shoe Brands May Be Unwittingly Causing Deforestation in the Amazon: New Greenpeace Report Says
Things are getting real in the Peruvian Amazon:
- 2009/06/07: BBC: Peru army imposes Amazon curfews
Peru's army has set up checkpoints and imposed curfews in the jungle state of Amazonas after clashes between police and indigenous protesters. At least 22 police and nine protesters have died, officials say. Protesters say 30 indigenous Indians are dead. The trouble began on Friday near Bagua with protesters angry at plans to drill for oil and gas on ancestral land. - 2009/06/05: BBC: Deadly clashes in Peru's Amazon
At least 31 people have died in clashes in Peru between the security forces and indigenous people in the Amazon region. Those killed included at least 22 tribesmen and nine policemen. [...] indigenous groups began a protest campaign in April. They are opposed to plans by the government of President Alan Garcia to open up communal jungle lands for oil exploration, logging, mining and large-scale farming. - 2009/06/05: Guardian(UK): Peruvian police fire on unarmed indigenous tribes' oil and gas protest -- Both sides report at least 30 deaths and many more injured
Corals are dying:
- 2009/06/02: Maribo: Coping with Commitment: New study on the challenge facing coral reefs
- 2009/05/31: CanWest: Coral Danger -- Environmental group launches expedition to assess danger to coral from trawler gear
Climate refugees are becoming an issue:
- 2009/06/03: TerraDaily: 160 Syrian villages deserted due to climate change: study
- 2009/06/03: ABC(Au): Indonesia's rent-an-island answer to climate change
Indonesia is considering renting some of its islands to climate change refugees. The Indonesian Maritime Minister's proposal comes as a report this week reinforces the need to accommodate forecast increasing numbers of people displaced by climate change. - 2009/06/03: Grist: Melting ice could lead to massive waves of climate refugees
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
- 2009/06/07: KXMC: Snow falls in western ND, in June -- the first time in nearly 60 years
- 2009/06/05: EarthTimes: Death toll rises to 22 after severe storm in central China
- 2009/06/04: EarthTimes: Storm kills 16, injures 46 in central China
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2009/06/06: CBC: Crews work to contain rapidly spreading Lillooet, B.C., fire -- Separate blaze in Smith River is five per cent contained, officials say
- 2009/06/04: CBC: Northern B.C wildfire closes Alaska Highway to Yukon -- 60 people evacuated from 3 communities
- 2009/06/05: CBC: Heat and wind continue to fan B.C. wildfires
- 2009/06/01: CBC: 70 fighting big [forest] fire near Canwood, Sask.
And speaking of floods & droughts:
- 2009/06/05: ABC(Au): Drought worsens as El Nino threatens
- 2009/06/06: NewScientist: Drastic action may be needed over US flood risk
- 2009/06/05: CBC: Northern B.C. residents brace for flooding
- 2009/06/04: FresnoBee: Valley faces more cuts in water deliveries -- Plan to save fish would drop delta water delivery.
- 2009/06/05: Guardian(UK): US urged to abandon ageing flood defences in favour of Dutch system
The US must adopt an integrated model of water management like the Netherlands, says New Orleans senator Mary Landrieu - 2009/06/04: WSJ:EnvCap: Thirsty: Desalination Plants and Water Needs in California
- 2009/06/03: UN: Some 12,000 households hit by floods in northern Afghanistan, UN reports
- 2009/06/03: NewScientist: Dams leave some [African] farmers high and dry
- 2009/06/03: SciDaily: Predicting Droughts With Greater Certainty
- 2009/06/02: MiamiHerald: May's record rainfall soaks South Florida drought -- The wet season arrived with a historically soggy splash and erased most drought impacts
- 2009/06/03: MiamiHerald: U.S. tries to reduce flood risk in Haiti -- The U.S. government is spending money to help Haiti's crumbling hillsides
- 2009/06/02: UN: Continued flooding leaves thousands of Tajiks in need of urgent aid, UN reports
- 2009/06/01: TerraDaily: Drought-hit LA, San Diego impose water ban
- 2009/06/01: Reuters: Study finds climate change boosts Tex storm flood risk
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2009/06/05: TerraDaily: Nurturing forests, peatlands will attack global warming: UNEP
- 2009/06/05: NYT: Greening the Herds: A New Diet to Cap Gas
- 2009/06/03: ENN: Agriculture Holds Key to Solving Global Warming
Agriculture, so often cited as a factor in global decline - for claiming natural grasslands that store carbon, soil erosion and pesticide runoff - could become a big part of the solution to global warming, according to a hopeful report by Worldwatch Institute released today. - 2009/06/03: BioEnergyBiz: Biofuels could cut jet emissions by 65%, says Air New Zealand
The replacement by biofuels of half of the jet fuels now being burned could cut airlines' greenhouse gas emissions by 60-65%, claimed Air New Zealand. The airline suggested that the finding, one of the main conclusions just released following a test flight and studies with aircraft-maker Boeing, engine- maker Rolls-Royce and biofuel producer UOP, justifies a move towards certifcation of bio-derived jet fuel. - 2009/06/02: NatureCF: Shipping emissions up in the air
- 2009/06/02: AutoBG: A single container ship may emit as much as 50 million cars
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
- 2009/06/05: Grist: Recession redirects a green-building pioneer
- 2009/06/05: WorldChanging: Better Buildings Soon? Energy And Climate Bill Would Set National Energy Codes
- 2009/06/04: ClimateP: Better buildings soon? Energy and climate bill would set national energy codes
- 2009/05/31: STimes: Jason McLennan is setting the pace to create the greenest building ever
- 2009/06/03: GBE: Zero Energy Houses Creating a New Design Vernacular
- 2009/06/02: ClimateP: What is a city of the future?
- 2009/06/02: PlanetArk: Philadelphia creates green jobs to weatherize row houses
- 2009/06/01: CleanTech: USGBC seeks help to close performance gap in buildings
Forthcoming LEED for Health Care could be the key to understanding project performance, shaping future versions of LEED, says Gail Vittori of the U.S. Green Building Council. - 2009/06/01: USAToday: Prefab homes sprout green designs, improve affordability
And on the carbon sequestration front:
- 2009/06/05: TreeHugger: Stopping Deforestation, Greening Agriculture Better Than Carbon Capture & Storage, UNEP Report Says
- 2009/06/05: G&M: Carbon capture no 'silver bullet'
Minister acknowledges what critics have said all along: Technology has limited use in bitumen mining The much-touted carbon capture and storage technology is not the answer to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from oil sands projects in northeastern Alberta, Environment Minister Jim Prentice says. While Ottawa and Alberta are spending billions of dollars on CCS demonstration projects, the minister yesterday acknowledged what critics have said all along: The technology has limited application at the energy-intensive mines and in situ projects that extract the bitumen from the ground. However, CCS could play a major role in virtually eliminating carbon dioxide emissions from upgraders that process the bitumen into synthetic crude oil, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of oil sands projects over all. - 2009/06/02: CCD: Geo-engineering: Denial on a global scale
Dr Adam Corner argues that geo-engineered solutions to climate change are 'capitalism's ultimate parlour trick -- .an impressive leap from a desperate denial of the causes of climate change, to a triumphant denial of the consequences' - 2009/06/01: NYT:GreenInc: Tweak the Planet to Curb Warming? Not Yet
While on the adaptation front:
- 2009/06/07: SciDaily: Nature Parks Can Save Species As Climate Changes
- 2009/06/03: Guardian(UK): Learning to live with climate change will not be enough
A leading environmentalist explains why drastically reducing carbon dioxide emissions now will be easier, cheaper, and more ethical than dealing with runaway climate destabilization later. - 2009/06/01: PhysOrg: Nature parks can save species as climate changes
Retaining a network of wildlife conservation areas is vital in helping to save up to 90 per cent of bird species in Africa affected by climate change, according to scientists. - 2009/06/02: MongaBay: Network of parks can save Africa's birds in warmer world
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2009/06/03: CP: Late Quaternary vegetation-climate feedbacks by M. Claussen
- 2009/06/03: CP: Impacts of land surface properties and atmospheric CO2 on the Last Glacial Maximum climate: a factor separation analysis by A.-J. Henrot et al.
- 2009/06/03: CPD: Variations in mid-latitude North Atlantic surface water properties during the mid-Brunhes: Does Marine Isotope Stage 11 stand out? by A. H. L. Voelker et al.
- 2009/06/02: PLoS One: Coping with Commitment: Projected Thermal Stress on Coral Reefs under Different Future Scenarios by Simon D. Donner
- 2009/06/06: VoxEU: Does climate change affect economic growth? by Melissa Dell et al.
Hot countries tend to be poorer, but debate continues over whether the temperature-income relationship is simply a happenstance association. This column uses within-country estimates to show that higher temperatures have large, negative effects on economic growth -- but only in poor countries. The findings are big news for future global inequality. - 2009/05/23: GRL: Model projected changes of extreme wind events in response to global warming by G. Gastineau & B. J. Soden
- 2009/05/21: GRL: Rapid change in freshwater content of the Arctic Ocean by M. G. McPhee et al.
- 2009/06/03: ACP: The zonal structure of tropical O3 and CO as observed by the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer in November 2004 - Part 2: Impact of surface emissions on O3 and its precursors by K. W. Bowman et al.
- 2009/06/03: ACP: The zonal structure of tropical O3 and CO as observed by the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer in November 2004 - Part 1: Inverse modeling of CO emissions by D. B. A. Jones et al.
- 2009/06/03: ACP: Ice supersaturations and cirrus cloud crystal numbers by M. Krämer et al.
- 2009/06/03: ACP: Evidence for Asian dust effects from aerosol plume measurements during INTEX-B 2006 near Whistler, BC by W. R. Leaitch et al.
- 2009/06/02: ACP: Inter-comparison of four different carbon monoxide measurement techniques and evaluation of the long-term carbon monoxide time series of Jungfraujoch by C. Zellweger et al.
- 2009/06/03: ACPD: Impact of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide on the regional radiation budget by A. P. Vasilkov et al.
- 2009/06/02: ACPD: Vehicular emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from a tunnel study in Hong Kong by K. F. Ho et al.
- 2009/06/02: PNAS: Biogenic carbon and anthropogenic pollutants combine to form a cooling haze over the southeastern United States by Allen H. Goldstein et al.
- 2009/06/01: TAMU: [link to pdf] Estimating the Influence of Projected Global Warming Scenarios on Hurricane Flooding
Before we get into politics, there was some science done:
- 2009/06/04: ENN: Huge Waves Detected in Atmosphere
The Pielke fan clubbe is back:
- 2009/06/03: BSD: And, Roger's back to his old tricks
- 2009/06/01: CSW: Michael MacCracken's review of Roger Pielke, Sr.'s May 14 climate talk to the Marshall Institute
- 2009/06/01: BSD: Dog bites man, and Roger Pielke Jr. goes about things wrong
Thomas Berry obit:
- 2009/06/02: Grist: On the passing of Father Thomas Berry, noted ecological thinker
- 2009/06/04: DotEarth: The Great Worker
Meanwhile on the Kyoto front:
- 2009/06/01: BizGreen: CDM to investigate including forestry and CCS projects
Executive board of UN-backed initiative looking into a raft of reforms intended to streamline and extend offsetting scheme - 2009/06/05: UN: Ban urges people everywhere to press leaders to agree on new climate treaty
- 2009/06/05: UN: Climate change tops Ban's talks with officials from US, Japan
- 2009/06/04: PlanetArk: Small Islands Win UN Vote On Climate Change Security
Small Pacific islands vulnerable to rising sea levels won a symbolic victory at the United Nations on Wednesday with the passage of a resolution recognizing climate change as a possible threat to security. The non-binding resolution, passed by consensus by the General Assembly, may help put climate change on the agenda of the more powerful U.N. Security Council, which deals with threats to international peace and security. - 2009/06/03: EarthTimes: UN urges unity in combating climate change
- 2009/06/02: UN: UN allocates over $6 million for Madagascar aid efforts
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2009/06/04: Reuters: Forest carbon market already shows cracks
- 2009/06/04: Forbes: Calculating The True Cost Of Carbon
U.S. firms produce from $60 billion to $80 billion worth of carbon annually but don't pay for it. What the carbon market could mean to investors. - 2009/06/01: PlanetArk: Leave Carbon Price, Speculators Alone, Say Traders
The debate over the optimal strategy [carbon trading, carbon offsets, auction vs. allocation, and/or a carbon tax] to use in dealing with GHGs continues:
- 2009/06/06: TreeHugger: Is the Media Waking Up to the Trouble With Offsets?
- 2009/06/04: EnvFin: Cap and trade would slash profits for US utilities - study
- 2009/06/05: FTimes:WB: The con is on: how carbon credits neuter Cap & Trade
- 2009/06/04: SciAm: Is a Popular Carbon-Offset Method [CDM] Just a Lot of Hot Air? A popular carbon-offset scheme may do little to cut emissions
- 2009/06/02: OilChange: Carbon Offsetting is "Fundamentally Flawed"
- 2009/05/31: NYT: Carbon Offsets: A Small Price to Pay for Efficiency
Meanwhile on the international political front:
- 2009/06/05: SolveClimate: China's Smart Grid Ambitions Could Open Door to US-China Cooperation
- 2009/06/03: TerraDaily: US climate envoy to seek China commitment
- 2009/06/03: USNWR: A China-U.S. Partnership on Global Warming -- Experts say there is room to collaborate on new technologies
- 2009/06/04: WSJ:EnvCap: China Challenge: How Can U.S., China Tackle Climate Change?
- 2009/06/03: TP:WonkRoom: Todd Stern: The U.S. And China Need A 'Genuine, Collaborative Partnership On Climate Change And Clean Energy'
Accusations of protectionism are rising:
- 2009/06/07: CBC: Canadian mayors pass anti-'Buy American' resolution
- 2009/06/06: Reuters: Canadians angered over "Buy American" rule
- 2009/06/05: PlanetArk: Foreigners Swept Aside As Wind Power Blows Through China
Late coverage of Pelosi's trip to China:
- 2009/06/02: Yahoo: Pelosi upbeat on US-China climate cooperation
And on the American political front:
- 2009/06/02: C411: First Shot Fizzles in the "Economic War on the Midwest"
- 2009/06/02: C411: Let's Just Give Up -- That, in a nutshell, is Jim Manzi's prescription for climate change...
- 2009/06/05: ThinkP: West Virginia declares bituminous coal the official state rock
- 2009/06/05: WaPo: FAA Could Close 20 Weather Offices
- 2009/06/03: MTobis: "Green Star State"
- 2009/06/04: Forbes: Calculating The True Cost Of Carbon
U.S. firms produce from $60 billion to $80 billion worth of carbon annually but don't pay for it. What the carbon market could mean to investors. - 2009/06/03: NEN: Best energy tax credits
- 2009/06/02: ThinkP: George Allen officially launches his 'industry-backed anti-regulatory group.'
- 2009/06/03: WSJ:EnvCap: China Syndrome: Will the U.S. Go It Alone on Climate Change?
- 2009/06/03: StarTelegram: Electric firms thwart solar, consumer protection bills in Texas Legislature
- 2009/06/01: TP:WonkRoom: Global Boiling: A Stormy Forecast For Agriculture
- 2009/06/01: QCTimes: Vilsack urges farmers to embrace carbon emissions cap
- 2009/06/01: Reuters: Give agriculture a shot at carbon credits: spokeswoman
U.S. agriculture should be allowed, as part of a climate-change bill being drafted in the U.S. House, to earn money for carbon offsets, a spokeswoman for Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said on Monday. At present, the bill is silent on a role for farms and forests in controlling emissions of greenhouse gases. Under House rules, the Agriculture Committee and seven other committees now have a chance to modify the bill. - 2009/06/01: HoustonChronicle: Global warming warning out for Texas
- 2009/06/01: Grist: Green sector creates 50 percent of new jobs
- 2009/06/01: WSJ:EnvCap: Texas Kills Solar Bill on Last-Minute Motion
The sun isn't shining in Texas this morning. A bill in the Texas legislature to create a $500 million rebate program for utility-scale and small-scale solar installations -- and jumpstart a Texas solar industry -- died late on Friday night on a procedural maneuver. Several people who followed the bill closely said it wasn't voted down on the merits. It was derailed on a picayune legislative point about whether two bills should be melded together. The point, raised by Houston Democrat Sylvester Turner, was turned away, but by then it was too late. The clock had run out. In all likelihood, this means the Lone Star State won't be able to create any solar incentives until 2011. - 2009/06/05: ClimateP: Obama on climate action: "We're going to have to make some tough decisions and take concrete actions if we are going to deal with a potentially cataclysmic disaster"
- 2009/06/01: IR^2: Obama's Secret Meeting With the Oil Industry
- 2009/06/05: TerraDaily: Obama 'optimistic' US can lead on climate change
- 2009/06/05: TP:WonkRoom: Obama: Global Warming Is A 'Potentially Cataclysmic Disaster'
- 2009/06/04: Guardian(UK): Barack Obama seeks US-Chinese deal on global warming
- 2009/06/03: ClimateP: Stop the presses! (Stop the servers?) Nancy Sutley: Obama to stake political prestige on passing US climate bill
- 2009/06/03: NEN: The making of the Obama Energy Plan
Summary: A July 8, 2008, meeting between Presidential candidate Barack Obama and a group of energy experts is reported by the Washington Post to have had much to do with the formation of the energy policy that guided the candidate to the Presidency and continues to guide the administration's decisions. - 2009/06/02: Guardian(UK): Obama to stake political prestige on passing US climate bill
Congressional leaders working against a six-month deadline to pass a sweeping package of environmental legislation before global climate change talks begin in Copenhagen in December - 2009/05/31: LA Times: Obama walks a fine line over mining -- Environmentalists feel betrayed by the EPA's decision not to block new mountaintop mining projects
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2009/06/06: CCurrents: Obama Administration Targets Environmental And Animal Rights Activists As Eco-Terrorists
- 2009/06/03: RigZone: US Interior to Collect Billions from New O&G Fees in 2010
- 2009/06/04: NEN: Ocean energy R&D cut while sun, wind, geothermal R&D get boosts
Summary: Wave and tidal energy backers in the Pacific Northwest are gearing up for a lobbying effort in response to research and development funding cuts in the Obama administration's most recent budget. Solar energy R&D got an 82% boost, wind power R&D got a 36% boost and geothermal energy got a 14% increase in R&D funding but wave and tidal energies were reduced 25% from $40 million to $30 million. In addition, none of the $16.8 billion stimulus bill money assigned for New Energy and Energy Efficiency will go to wave and tidal power. - 2009/06/02: Reuters: Canada oil group [CAPP] cheers U.S. oil sands stance [U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu's comments]
- 2009/06/03: NatureTGB: Chu and tar sands
- 2009/06/02: Guardian(UK): Profile: Nancy Sutley
Chairwoman of Council on Environmental Quality defines her mission as translating Obama's green agenda across government agencies, preserving natural heritage and putting science at the heart of decision-making - 2009/06/02: PlanetArk: U.S. climate bill best bet to take enviro lead: Chu
The U.S. climate change bill making its way through Congress is the best legislative bet to help the country take the lead in tackling global warming on the world stage, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu said on Monday. - 2009/06/01: Reuters: Technology seen key to oil sands: Chu
U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu said on Monday he believes technology can solve environmental problems associated with Canada's oil sands and that the huge nearby resource contributes to U.S. energy security.
Chu told the Reuters Global Energy Summit that the balance between the environmental impact from the huge energy resource in northern Alberta and its importance to U.S. energy supply is a complicated one that will require solutions from the industry.
Environmental groups have mounted major campaigns to get the message out to Americans that the expansion of Canada's oil sands industry threatens to intensify global warming, deforestation and damage to water resources.
"It's a complicated issue, because certainly Canada is a close and trusted neighbor and the oil from Canada has all sorts of good things. But there is this environmental concern, so I think we're going to have to work our way through that," he said. "But I'm a big believer in technology."
Canada is the largest foreign supplier of oil to the United States and its oil sands represent the biggest deposits of crude outside the Middle East. - 2009/06/02: WSJ: Ethanol's Grocery Bill -- Two federal studies add up the corn fuel's exorbitant cost
The Obama Administration is pushing a big expansion in ethanol, including a mandate to increase the share of the corn-based fuel required in gasoline to 15% from 10%. Apparently no one in the Administration has read a pair of new studies, one from its own EPA, that expose ethanol as a bad deal for consumers with little environmental benefit - 2009/05/31: ClimateP: Van Jones on Clean Energy Jobs from "humble hard-working energy efficiency"
- 2009/05/29: DTN_PF: Vilsack to Advocate For Changes in Climate Bill
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2009/06/06: Grist: Industry Defends Federal Loophole for Drilling Before Packed Congressional Hearing
In a packed and sometimes contentious hearing on Capitol Hill Thursday, representatives of the oil and gas industry and their state regulators vigorously defended the practice of injecting toxic fluids underground without federal regulatory oversight. The House Energy and Minerals subcommittee called the hearing to explore the economic and environmental risks associated with the practice, called hydraulic fracturing, after a string of reports of water contamination related to drilling across the country were reported by ProPublica. Hydraulic fracturing is currently exempted from the Safe Drinking Water Act, but both the House and Senate are drawing up legislation that would close the Bush-era loophole and reinstate the Environmental Protection Agency's authority over the fracturing process. - 2009/06/06: Grist: Renewables industry protests weak RES proposals in Congress
- 2009/06/05: PlanetArk: U.S. Lawmakers Seek More Nuclear Power In bill
- 2009/06/03: ThinkP: Inhofe's Strategy To Block EPA Regulation Of Greenhouse Gases: 'We Can Stall That Until We Get A New President'
- 2009/06/03: ThinkP: GOP Congressmen Smear Green Collar Workers, Claim Their Jobs Are 'Paper Mâché,' 'Subprime,' 'Gangrene'
- 2009/06/03: McClatchyDC: Strange political bedfellows unite on black carbon
Wrangling over the Waxman-Markey climate bill is ongoing:
- 2009/06/05: PlanetArk: U.S. House Puts Climate Bill On Quick Pace For Passage
- 2009/06/05: HillHeat: More House Chatter About Waxman-Markey
- 2009/06/05: CSW: House Science Cmte approves National Climate Service provisions for inclusion in Waxman-Markey bill
- 2009/06/05: WorldChanging: Better Buildings Soon? Energy And Climate Bill Would Set National Energy Codes
- 2009/06/05: SolveClimate: Gaping Hole in Climate Bill Would Give Polluters More License to Pollute
- 2009/06/05: TechRev:PE: Loopholes in the Climate Bill -- Some powerful industries may yet find ways to shift the burden of reducing emissions to others
- 2009/06/06: EnergyBulletin: What a bleeping joke
- 2009/06/06: AlterNet: Why Does the Much-Touted Climate Bill Look Like It Was Stolen From the Republican Playbook?
- 2009/06/05: SolveClimate: Climate Bill Effectively Zeros Renewable Energy Standard
The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and other advocates are becoming increasingly concerned about the House Waxman-Markey energy and climate bill and its companion in the Senate for a host of reasons. Among the most dramatic changes made by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce is the "Combined Efficiency and Renewable Energy Standard," or CERES as people are starting to call it. It's clear that President Obama's campaign pledge to "create millions of new green jobs" by ensuring that 25 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2025 is not being realized in this legislation. - 2009/06/02: CFO: The Cost of Climate Change
A new study predicts the higher cost of carbon, as proposed in Congress, would hurt the earnings of 14% of the S&P 500. - 2009/06/05: WaPo: High-Stakes Quest for Permission to Pollute -- Interest Groups Press Congress for Cap-and-Trade Allowances in Climate-Change Legislation
- 2009/06/04: TreeHugger: $500 Million in Waxman-Markey Goes to Clean Coal Administrative Expenses?!?
- 2009/06/03: MWatch: Green-energy gurus not holding breath on CO2 rules -- Process is certain to be lengthy and laborious
Although the Waxman-Markey energy bill in Congress has made some major strides toward becoming sweeping greenhouse-gas regulations, proponents of new carbon-dioxide emissions rules don't expect any major moves from Washington in the near term. Stephen Ward, chief of staff for Senate Energy Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M, said Wednesday that lawmakers fear a ratepayer backlash, followed by a stampede to repeal future carbon-dioxide laws if the costs get passed too quickly onto businesses and consumers. - 2009/06/03: RollCall: Leadership Sets Key Deadline for Climate Change
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is kick-starting movement on the controversial climate change bill, with leadership setting a June 19 deadline for committee action. - 2009/06/04: Reuters: U.S. House puts climate bill on quick pace for passage
- 2009/06/03: TheHill: Speaker issues ultimatum on climate
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday issued an ultimatum to her committee chairmen: move climate change legislation by June 19 or risk losing jurisdiction over the bill. By imposing the deadline, Pelosi (D-Calif.) is asserting her authority over Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) and Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson (D-Minn.), among others, in an effort to unhinge her signature issue, which has been mired in intra-party politics. - 2009/06/03: ClimateP: Rangel agrees to June 19 deadline for climate bill from House Ways and Means, Ag Chair Peterson says "We're not trying to stop this bill."
- 2009/06/03: ClimateP: Waxman-Markey climate bill taken off the fast track by House leaders
- 2009/06/03: BBerg: Waxman Irks Allies by Bargaining With Companies on Climate Bill
- 2009/06/03: ThinkP: Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mi): Waxman-Markey legislation is 'hazardous waste.'
- 2009/06/03: ThinkP: Rep. [Todd] Akin (R-Mo) Argues Against Curbing Emissions: I Don't Want To Stop The Seasons From Changing
- 2009/06/03: WSWS: Climate bill a giveaway to big business
- 2009/06/02: ClimateP: A useful summary of Waxman-Markey
- 2009/06/02: ClimateP: Cheerleading for Waxman-Markey -- not!
- 2009/06/02: HillHeat: Prospects For Waxman-Markey In House Committees
- 2009/06/02: NEN: Allowances -- costs, benefits & the energy/climate bill
Summary: The allocation of allowances will likely be the most important and controversial aspect of the energy/climate legislation that just emerged from the House Energy and Commerce Committee and is moving forward to face the rest of the House Committees on its way to a vote by the full House and an eventual meeting with comparable Senate legislation - 2009/06/02: NYT:CW: Dems weigh climate floor debate before July 4
- 2009/06/01: Grist: Don't hate, innovate -- Boost innovation investments to make Waxman-Markey bill a game-changer
- 2009/06/01: CincinnatiEnquirer: Cap-and-trade may hinge on farm vote
- 2009/06/01: SolveClimate: Climate Bill Offers Big Loopholes for TVA
While in the UK:
- 2009/06/02: Guardian(UK): UK carbon offset schemes 'failing to reduce emissions'
Expansion of carbon offsetting and clean development mechanism is locking developing nations into a high-carbon path, [FOE] report warns - 2009/06/01: Guardian(UK): MPs attack shipping industry's 'irresponsible' inaction on emissions
International Maritime Organisation also criticised as 'not fit for purpose' by Commons committee - 2009/06/05: EurActiv: EU finance chiefs mull climate funding for poor nations
- 2009/06/06: EarthTimes: Spain sets high hopes on energy from wind and sun
- 2009/06/04: Xinhuanet: EU calls for urgent, ambitious global action on climate change
- 2009/06/03: PlanetArk: Green Energy Goal To Boost EU Jobs, Economy: Study
The European Union will boost economies and create an additional 410,000 jobs if the bloc meets its target of getting one fifth of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, a new report shows. The 27-country bloc will boost gross domestic product (GDP) by a quarter of 1 percent in the process, the study prepared for the European Commission's energy department said. - 2009/06/01: ClimateP: Europe poised to meet Kyoto target: Does this mean the much-maligned European Trading System is a success?
- 2009/06/01: PlanetArk: EU On Track For Climate Goal, Despite Spain, Italy
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2009/06/05: PlanetArk: Australia Carbon Trade Laws Pass Lower House
- 2009/06/04: ABC(Au): Environment measures have saved Newcastle 'millions'
Newcastle Council says the introduction of environmentally friendly measures across the city has saved it millions of dollars. - 2009/06/04: ABC(Au): Fielding undecided on human link to climate change
A spokesman for Steve Fielding says the Family First senator is still making his mind up whether climate change is caused by human activity. - 2009/06/04: ABC(Au): Wong adamant on June carbon vote
Climate Change Minister Penny Wong says the Government will not back away from putting its carbon trading scheme to the Senate this month. - 2009/06/03: ABC(Au): Climate scheme won't hurt economic revival: [Treasury Secretary, Ken] Henry
The Treasury Department Secretary has told a parliamentary committee he does not expect an emissions trading scheme will hamper Australia's economic recovery. Several Coalition MPs and business groups have called on the Government to hold off an introducing an emissions trading scheme (ETS) until the economy recovers. - 2009/06/03: ABC(Au): Carbon scheme 'like a GST from hell'
One of Australia's most eminent economists says the Federal Government's planned emissions trading scheme is like a 'GST from hell' that is bound to fail economically and environmentally. Geoff Carmody, a co-founder of Access Economics, says the Government's Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme should target consumers, not producers. - 2009/06/03: ABC(Au): [Victoria's] Premier [John Brumby] confident of 'net positive impact' from ETS
- 2009/06/03: ABC(Au): The Federal Opposition's resources spokesman, Ian Macfarlane, says the Government's carbon pollution reduction scheme puts future liquified natural gas projects at serious risk
- 2009/06/03: ABC(Au): Greens MP Mark Parnell says the South Australian Government must put its renewable energy target into legislation or he will look to do it
- 2009/06/03: ABC(Au): Federal Opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull has kicked off the debate against the Government's emissions trading scheme by moving an amendment to delay the bill
- 2009/06/02: ABC(Au): Plans to increase South Australia's renewable energy output target to 33 per cent by 2020 will be outlined in this week's South Australian Budget
- 2009/06/02: ABC(Au): The head of gas company Woodside is urging the Federal Government to hold off on passing its carbon pollution reduction scheme
- 2009/06/02: ABC(Au): Grazing change needed to stop tree crisis
Million of hectares of Australian grazing lands could be treeless within decades unless there is a change in the way animals are managed on them, say researchers. - 2009/06/02: ABC(Au): Grazing 'killing millions of trees'
A new study has found tens of millions of trees will die in grazing areas in southern Australia in the coming decades, reducing wildlife habitats and water infiltration. - 2009/06/02: BBerg: [Aus ETS] Carbon Plan Puts Unfair Burden on LNG, Woodside Says
- 2009/06/03: BNC: SA sets a 33% renewables by 2020 target
- 2009/06/01: ABC(Au): Joyce denies split with 'no-policy' Turnbull
Nationals Senate Leader Barnaby Joyce denies he has opened up a split within Coalition ranks over the Government's carbon trading scheme. Senator Joyce says he remains staunchly against any carbon trading scheme despite Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull confirming that the Coalition will eventually support one. But Senator Joyce says he has not split the Coalition, because he says Mr Turnbull does not yet have a policy. - 2009/06/01: PlanetArk: Business [mining and manufacturing sectors] Divided Over Australia's Carbon Trade Laws
And in India:
- 2009/06/02: SolveClimate: India Floats Plan to Add 200 Gigawatts of Solar Power
- 2009/06/01: PlanetArk: India To Quantify Climate Benefits From Poverty Project
- 2009/06/01: TreeHugger: India's Draft Solar Power Plan Sees 200,000 MW Installed by 2050
While in China:
- 2009/06/05: ABC(Au): The Chinese Government says it is considering taxing polluting businesses in a bid to improve the environment in the nation, one of the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gases.
- 2009/06/05: PhysOrg: China: Will ensure stimulus protects environment
- 2009/06/05: Guardian(UK): China promises economic stimulus plan will protect environment
- 2009/06/03: PlanetArk: China Warms To Greener Refrigerators And Air-Conditioners
China aims to save 75 terawatt hours of power per year, the equivalent of 75 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, by promoting energy-efficient air-conditioners and other home appliances. The government plans to raise the market shares of such appliances to over 30 percent by 2012 by subsidizing sales, the National Development and Reform Commission said. - 2009/06/02: GreenGrok: China's Carbon Intensity: A Roller Coaster Ride
- 2009/06/02: BBerg: China to Invest $14.6 Billion in Wind Power by 2010
- 2009/06/02: FTimes: Climate focus turns to Beijing
- 2009/06/01: People's Daily: Power consumption continues to drop, oil sales set new high
Statistics released by the State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) reveals that starting from October 2008 China's power consumption has experienced negative growth for six consecutive months. [...] In April, the sales volume of refined oil in China reached 17.341 million tons, setting a new record for this year. In that month, five companies -- PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, Sinochem and Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum -- reported an average profit increase of 44.8 percent year-on-year. In the first quarter of this year, the output of coal in China rose 6.3 percent year-on-year. In April, China's raw coal output was up 7.9 percent year-on-year. - 2009/06/05: PDDNet: Aso, ministers fail to agree on Japan's midterm emissions target
Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso and five Cabinet ministers concerned failed to reach a consensus Friday on a national midterm emissions reduction target despite the prime minister's plan to announce it next Wednesday. The differences emerged chiefly between the Environment Ministry's hope to set an ambitious target and the industry ministry's demand for a lower target. - 2009/06/01: PlanetArk: Interview - [Japan's No. 3 power utility] Chubu [Electric Power] To Double Coal Trading Volumes
- 2009/06/01: PlanetArk: Japanese May Balk At Cost Of 25 Pct Carbon Cut - PM [Taro Aso]
- 2009/06/01: Asahi: Global warming to hit Japan hard
- 2009/06/01: Yahoo: Japan to choose on climate: lose face or lose money
And elsewhere in Asia:
- 2009/06/05: Republica: It matters to us and to the 1.5 billion people in Asia: Dixit
- 2009/06/01: PlanetArk: South Korea's Lee Calls For Green, Free-Trade Asia
And in Brazil:
- 2009/06/01: PlanetArk: Brazil Environment Minister Says Lacks Support [exactly one year after his predecessor resigned for the same reason]
As if the Middle East needed another spark:
- 2009/06/: IISD: Rising Temperatures, Rising Tensions: Climate change and the risk of violent conflict in the Middle East
- 2009/06/02: Reuters: Climate change threatens Middle East stability: study
- 2009/06/02: Yahoo: 160 Syrian villages deserted 'due to climate change'
Some 160 villages in northern Syria were deserted by their residents in 2007 and 2008 because of climate change, according to a study released on Tuesday. The report drawn up by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) warns of potential armed conflict for control of water resources in the Middle East. "The 2007/8 drought caused significant hardship in rural areas of Syria. In the northeast of the country, a reported 160 villages have been entirely abandoned and the inhabitants have had to move to urban areas," it said. In Syria and also in Jordan, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, "climate change threatens to reduce the availability of scarce water resources, increase food insecurity, hinder economic growth and lead to large-scale population movements," the report said. - 2009/06/04: AllAfrica:Fahamu: Africa: Biofuels And Neo-Colonialism
- 2009/06/04: NatureCF: Africa's challenging climate game-plan
- 2009/06/02: NatureN: African ministers lay out climate-change policy -- Common vision still lacks specifics
In Canada, minority neocon PM Harper, continues his do-nothing policy:
- 2009/06/01: TStar: Ottawa voiceless on climate change
Ontario moved ahead last week with plans to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Quebec announced a similar scheme two weeks earlier. British Columbia is already on board, and Manitoba is up next. The intensive preparations in provincial capitals would be laudable if not for the reality that something is sorely missing: a truly national response to the global spectre of climate change. After more than three years in power, the federal Conservative government is still spinning its wheels on greenhouse gas emissions, not knowing which way to go. The result is policy paralysis in Ottawa at a time when other governments are taking the lead -- not just provincially, but in Washington and around the world. - 2009/06/03: CanWest: Minister under fire [from shipping industry] for environment bill
And in the mouse and elephant department:
- 2009/06/07: CBC: Canadian mayors pass anti-'Buy American' resolution
- 2009/06/06: Reuters: Canadians angered over "Buy American" rule
In BC, it's back to politics as usual:
- 2009/06/05: BCLocalNews: New backers for B.C. wind farm
- 2009/06/04: CBC: Heat wave means more smog and fire warnings for B.C.'s South Coast
Ontario has it's Green Energy Act, now comes the implementation:
- 2009/06/03: CanWest: Cap-and-trade is coming
A cap-and-trade system won't come to Ontario, the government says, before 2012. The delay is, perhaps, understandable. There are many details yet to be worked out, and it makes sense to time the implementation to coincide with an expected North America-wide system. All the same, the sooner the Ontario government can give industry a clear idea of what the new economy will look like, the better it will be for the province's economy in the meantime. A recession is no time to let uncertainty linger. - 2009/06/05: KSJT: Edmonton Journal: Professor trying to find a way to put forests back where oil used to fill the sand
- 2009/06/05: G&M: Carbon capture no 'silver bullet'
Minister acknowledges what critics have said all along: Technology has limited use in bitumen mining The much-touted carbon capture and storage technology is not the answer to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from oil sands projects in northeastern Alberta, Environment Minister Jim Prentice says. While Ottawa and Alberta are spending billions of dollars on CCS demonstration projects, the minister yesterday acknowledged what critics have said all along: The technology has limited application at the energy-intensive mines and in situ projects that extract the bitumen from the ground. However, CCS could play a major role in virtually eliminating carbon dioxide emissions from upgraders that process the bitumen into synthetic crude oil, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of oil sands projects over all. - 2009/06/03: CanWest: CAPP [Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers] fears environmental concerns could slow shale [natural gas] development
- 2009/06/04: CBC: Petro-Canada shareholders approve merger with Suncor
- 2009/06/02: Reuters: Canada oil group [CAPP] cheers U.S. oil sands stance [U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu's comments]
- 2009/06/02: G&M: Oil sands 'back in black,' crude nears $70 -- Rising prices and falling costs expected to revive stalled projects
While elsewhere in Alberta:
- 2009/06/02: CBC: Alberta passes law allowing parents to pull kids out of class
Written notice required when sex, sexual orientation, religion are covered - 2009/06/02: BCLocalNews: Mayors renew carbon tax-for-transit call
- 2009/06/01: PlanetArk: Analysis: Canada's Fuel Cell Sector Hungry For Help
- 2009/06/04: CBC: 3 Nunavut communities vie for High Arctic research station post
Three Nunavut communities are stepping up this week to impress federal officials that are deciding where Canada's world-class High Arctic research station will be based. The hamlets of Cambridge Bay, Resolute Bay and Pond Inlet were shortlisted earlier this year as potential host communities for the research facility. - 2009/06/06: MTobis: The Economic Crisis and the Limits to Growth
- 2009/06/06: OilDrum: From a Failed Growth Economy to a Steady-State Economy [Herman E. Daly lecture]
- 2009/06/04: Examiner: On American sustainability: anatomy of societal collapse
- 2009/05/28: CDreams: The 8 Green Steps to Solartopia
And in the realm of neo-classical economics:
- 2009/06/03: ClimateP: Nobelist Krugman slams Reaganite Feldstein on global warming economics
- 2009/06/03: TP:MYglesias: Prestige Cross-Pollination [Feldstein]
- 2009/06/03: EconView: "Benefit-Cost Analysis is No Help" -- How much should we spend to prevent global warming?
- 2009/06/01: Grist: Martin Feldstein uses Washington Post op-ed page for cap-and-trade scare-mongering
- 2009/06/01: EconView: Feldstein Hates Cap and Trade
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2009/06/01: Examiner: Part 1: Hyper-population growth--how far down the gopher hole?
- 2009/05/31: GreenLeft: Ten reasons why population control can't stop climate change
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2009/06/01: EnergyBulletin: Red Cliffs and collapse
As for how the media handles the science of climatology:
- 2009/06/06: PeakEnergy: Funniest award of the week
The Australian reports that they have won an award from the APPEA: Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association - 2009/06/04: CJR: Foolish Fusion -- Explanatory science journalism is becoming rarer than a nuclear reaction
- 2009/06/04: TP:WonkRoom: 'Bizarre': Prominent Science Journalist Rebukes NYT's Profile Of Climate Denier Freeman Dyson
- 2009/06/01: ClimateP: Memo to Washington Post: Editorial page editor Fred Hiatt just recycled a right-wing WSJ op-ed. If you won't fire him, could you move him over to obits where he can't hurt anyone?
Here is something for your library:
- 2009/06/06: FTimes: [Book Review] _Why Your World is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: What the Price of Oil Means for the Way We Live_ by Jeff Rubin
- 2009/06/04: IR^2: [Book Review] _Green Algae Strategy: End Oil Imports And Engineer Sustainable Food And Fuel_ by Mark Edwards
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2009/06/04: Grist: 'The Next Wave' chronicles the climate change refugees
- 2009/06/04: IoD: It's the end of the world as we know it (annotated)
- 2009/06/04: ABC(US): Earth 2100: This Century Our Last?
- 2009/05/29: ABC(US): 'Earth 2100': the Final Century of Civilization?
Planet at Risk: Experts Warn Population Growth, Resource Depletion, Climate Change Could Bring Catastrophe in Next Century - 2009/06/05: NatureTGB: NASA background checks court fight continues
- 2009/06/04: PhysOrg: Environmentalists plan suit to protect ice seals
- 2009/06/06: PhysOrg: EPA sued over claims of air pollution in West
- 2009/06/05: WarmingLaw: CBD: Whether "Ringed," "Bearded," or "Spotted"... the Arctic Seal is Also "Endangered"
- 2009/06/04: AlterNet: The Amazon vs. Big Oil: Chevron Faces Possible $27 Billion Dollar Damages Claim
Developing a new energy infrastructure is a fundamental challenge of the current generation:
- 2009/06/07: SciDaily: Surprising Green Energy Investment Trends Found Worldwide
- 2009/06/07: PeakEnergy: 525-MW Austrian Pumped Storage Plant Opened
- 2009/06/07: PeakEnergy: Britain leads in marine energy race, lags in wind
- 2009/06/04: McClatchyDC: Eco-friendly energies like solar and wind need more federal help to battle oil, coal
- 2009/06/05: NEN: Turn sun and wind into natural gas?
- 2009/06/04: ClimateP: Goldman Sachs: Oil's going to $85 by year end
- 2009/06/03: ClimateP: Climate action game changer, Part 1: Is there a lot more natural gas than previously thought?
- 2009/06/04: ENN: Brazil approves Amazon hydro-power dam
- 2009/06/04: BBerg: Goldman Raises Year-End Crude Forecast by 31% to $85
- 2009/06/01: JVail: The Renewables Hump 3: The Target
- 2009/06/02: NewScientist: Methanol challenges hydrogen to be fuel of the future
- 2009/06/02: NewScientist: Hot rock power scheme could brew trouble in Eden [geothermal]
- 2009/06/02: Guardian(UK): We've got no choice but nuclear power and carbon-capture technology, says Jeffrey Sachs
- 2009/06/01: Grist: We've got no choice but nukes and carbon-capture tech, says Jeffrey Sachs
- 2009/06/02: EarthTimes: Germany inaugurates geothermal power plant
- 2009/06/02: EarthTimes: Study: Renewables to create 410,000 extra jobs in EU by 2020
- 2009/06/01: Salon:HTWW: Return of the oil price spike
- 2009/06/01: RAvent: It's 2007 All Over Again [oil prices]
- 2009/06/01: KSJT: Various Roundabout Ink: Of the megalaser NIF, clean energy, and super nukes that zap nuclear waste to make it into super fuel
- 2009/06/01: NEN: Cutting edge sun
The UNEP says investment in renewables is now outstripping that in fossil fuels:
- 2009/06/05: TreeHugger: Green Milestone: More Cash Going to Green Power Than Fossil Fuels, Says U.N.
- 2009/06/04: ENN: Green energy overtakes fossil fuel investment, says UN
- 2009/06/03: UNEP: Economic Crisis Hits EU and US Clean Energy As Emerging Economy Investments Rise 27% to $36 billion
However Renewables Draw More Investment than Fossil-Fueled Energy Technologies in '08 -- Geothermal Sees Fastest Growth - Wind Power Tops Overall Investment, Solar Posts Largest Gains - 2009/06/03: UN: Clean energy takes lion's share of funding from fossil fuels in 2008 - UN report
- 2009/06/03: FTimes: Feeling the heat
[...] Investment in renewable energy worldwide dropped by $13.3bn (£8bn, 9.3bn euros) in the first quarter of 2009, down 53 per cent compared with the same period in 2008. [...] But the problems of Germany's solar workers also reflect a broader trend in the renewable energy industry. Europe was once the manufacturing hub of renewable energy components. European governments poured billions into subsidies to encourage utilities and householders to take up the technology, and the renewables market was the biggest in the world. That is changing. The US and China have begun to outstrip Europe in renewable energy, both generation and manufacturing. Last year, the US overtook Germany to become the country producing the most wind energy. China added more wind capacity than any country but the US. China also overtook Japan as the biggest manufacturer of photovoltaic components, silicon cells that convert sunlight to electricity and are the building blocks of solar panels. - 2009/06/03: EarthTimes: Recession shrinks new investment in clean energy in 2008 - UN
Hurt by the global financial and economic crisis, the world invested a total of 155 billion dollars in 2008 in new money into the sustainable energy market, just 5 per cent more than it did in 2007, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said in a study released on Wednesday. Developed countries in North America and Europe either slowed down or drastically dropped new investment in clean energy while China, Brazil and other emerging economies increased theirs to 36 billion dollars or a rise of 27 per cent in 2008 over the previous year, UNEP said. A total of 147 billion dollars in new investment was made by all countries in 2007 before recession hit. - 2009/06/03: Eureka: UNEP report details surprising green energy investment trends worldwide -- Economic crisis hits EU and US clean energy but emerging economy investments rise
- 2009/06/03: WSJ:EnvCap: Renewable-Energy Investments Top Traditional Investments, Report Finds
The answer my friend...:
- 2009/06/05: BBC: Floating wind turbine launched
The world's first floating wind turbine is to be towed out to sea this weekend. Statoil's Alexandra Beck Gjorv told the BBC the technology, the Hywind, to be put off Norway's coast - "should help move offshore wind farms out of sight". And it could lead to offshore wind farms eventually being located many miles offshore, away from areas where they cause disruption, Ms Gjorv added. - 2009/06/03: ABC(Au): Silverton wind farm gets go ahead
The official go ahead has been given to start building Australia's biggest wind farm in the far west of New South Wales. - 2009/06/01: NEN: Small wind gets bigger
Summary: The AWEA Small Wind Turbine Global Market Study, Year Ending 2008 reports the U.S. small wind market grew 78% last year and predicts even more growth going forward on the strength of new federal incentives and rising electricity prices. - 2009/06/01: BBC: Ranchers driving wind revolution
Texan cattle rancher Mike Baca seems an unlikely evangelist for the American green revolution. When he voices a visceral dislike of the "Washington liberals" there seems to be little hint of the environmentalist beneath the cowboy hat and saucer-sized belt-buckle. But Mike is proof that renewable energy now unites the partisan debate on climate change. Many Republicans sceptical of climate science support a major expansion of renewables to ease their nation's dependence on foreign oil. In Mike's case, the tantalising prospect of pocketing hundreds of thousands of dollars from wind turbines on his ranch proves an extra incentive. - 2009/06/07: EarthTimes: Japan boosts solar-cell technology
- 2009/06/05: TreeHugger: New Flexible Solar Panels on Stainless Steel Manufactured Up To a Mile Long
- 2009/06/03: NYT:GreenInc: Bigger Role for Concentrating Solar Power?
- 2009/06/03: KSJT: Sacramento Bee: Up on the rooftop - are solar panels really a big part of the solution to energy?
- 2009/06/03: PlanetArk: Suntech Sees U.S. Solar Tripling In 2010
- 2009/06/03: PeakEnergy: Masdar Connects 10-MW PV Plant To Grid [in Abu Dhabi]
- 2009/06/02: SacBee: Rooftop solar just a small part of energy solution, experts say
- 2009/06/02: SacBee: Rooftop solar just a small part of energy solution, experts say
- 2009/06/01: Reuters: Falling silicon [polysilicon] prices pressure thin-film solar
- 2009/06/02: PeakEnergy: Concentrated solar power could generate 'quarter of world's energy'
- 2009/06/01: TreeHugger: Solar Power Vocab: Single & Dual Axis Solar Trackers
And in the clean coal saga:
- 2009/06/06: TreeHugger: Scary Aquatic Pollution Bill Almost Passes in Tennessee and This May Only Be Round 1
- 2009/06/01: PRWatch: Hot Air from the Firm Behind "Clean Coal"
- 2009/06/04: TreeHugger: Hurray! Judge Orders Hyper-Polluting Indiana Coal Plant to Shut Down 40% of Units
- 2009/06/03: Grist: Black Tide -- Must-read new story on the Tennessee coal ash disaster and the myth of "clean coal"
- 2009/06/01: AlterNet: Carbon Capture Can't Make Coal Clean
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2009/06/05: Eureka: 'Smart' process may boost economics of biofuel production -- PNNL's 1-step method converts cellulose into chemical feedstock for fuels and plastic
- 2009/06/04: AllAfrica:Fahamu: Africa: Biofuels And Neo-Colonialism
- 2009/06/04: PlanetArk: Competitors Behind Palm Oil Slurs: Industry Boss
Western countries are using climate change as an excuse to constrain palm oil production in Asia because it competes with Western business interests, Indonesia's palm oil industry chief said on Wednesday. Indonesia and Malaysia produce most of the world's palm oil -- a product used in cooking, chocolate, cosmetics and as a biofuel -- but vast areas of forest have been cleared in both countries since the 1980s to fuel a boom in palm oil production. - 2009/06/04: TreeHugger: Pay No Attention to the Whining Indonesian Palm Oil Industry: The Deforestation, Climate Change & Biodiversity Concerns Are Genuine
- 2009/06/02: Guardian(UK):Reuters: Oil giants bet big on Brazil ethanol
- 2009/06/02: PlanetArk: Brazil to invest in ethanol workers, environment
- 2009/06/01: ASA: Ethanol Production Could Jeopardize Soil Productivity
Crop residues are viewed as a low cost and readily available source for ethanol production, but are we jeopardizing the long-term productivity of prairie soils? - 2009/06/01: PlanetArk: Palm Oil Could Scuttle Forest Carbon Plan: Experts
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2009/06/05: WSJ:EnvCap: New Nukes: Thorium Power and the Nuclear Renaissance
Yes we have peak everything:
- 2009/06/05: TreeHugger: Goodbye Fossil Fuel Dependence, Hello Rare Earth Dependence!
- 2009/06/05: ABC(Au): World oil supply has peaked: expert [Professor Kjell Aleklatt]
- 2009/06/05: EnergyBulletin: The peak oil crisis: watching a mega-crisis
- 2009/06/03: SciAm: Phosphorus Famine: The Threat to Our Food Supply
This underappreciated resource--a key component of fertilizers--is still decades from running out. But we must act now to conserve it, or future agriculture could collapse - 2009/06/02: OilDrum: The Fifth Problem: Peak Capital
- 2009/06/03: Tyee: Jeff Rubin's Shrinking World
- 2009/06/02: G&M: First, there was expensive oil by Jeff Rubin
If indeed oil, and not subprime mortgages, lies at the heart of our current economic malaise, we may be sicker than we know - 2009/06/01: Guardian(UK): Electricity figures show energy efficiency isn't working
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2009/06/04: PhysOrg: Improving Plug-In Electric Cars
- 2009/06/05: PhysOrg: Mitsubishi rolls out zero-emission electric minicar ["iMiEV"]
- 2009/06/05: BBerg: Mitsubishi Motors to Preempt Rivals' Electric Cars
- 2009/06/04: Tyee: Electric Cars Need a Jump Start -- They're where cell phones were in 1985, says one backer. Must we wait that long?
- 2009/06/04: PhysOrg: Defying recession, Japan's green cars surge in popularity
- 2009/06/04: DM:80B: What Does GM's Bankruptcy Mean for Its Much-Hyped Electric Car?
- 2009/06/04: NEN: GM & Obama hopes ride with Volt
- 2009/06/02: BizInsider: American Cars Aren't American Anymore
- 2009/06/04: BBC: UK car sales fell by 24.8% in May compared with the same month last year, the latest industry figures have shown
- 2009/06/04: CBC: Toyota predicts hybrids will remain best green car
A Toyota executive [Masatami Takimoto] overseeing research said Thursday a battery breakthrough is needed for electric vehicles to become mainstream, and hybrids will remain the best "green" car choice for some time. - 2009/06/02: Reuters: Canadian auto sales record worst May since 1999
Industry-wide sales down 16.5 percent -- Sales have fallen for seven consecutive months - 2009/06/03: BaselineScenario: Help: Why Are SUVs More Profitable?
- 2009/06/02: BRitholtz: Auto Sales: Worse and Worser
- 2009/06/02: CalcRisk: Graphs: Auto Sales in May
- 2009/06/02: CalcRisk: Ford Sales Off 24.2% in May
- 2009/06/02: CalcRisk: GM May U.S. vehicle sales off 29%, Toyota off 40.7%
- 2009/06/02: CBC: Magna wants to build electric car in Canada
- 2009/06/02: PlanetArk: The big American gas-guzzler: Down but not out
- 2009/06/02: Guardian(UK): What's bad for General Motors is good for the world
The US gasoline-industrial complex has had its day. In Asia's frontiers of globalisation the green machine is pulling away
Some companies go bust Âbecause of bad management, and some get crushed by unrelenting Ârecession. But once in a while you get a business whose death is about much more than supply chains or sales targets; it sounds the death knell for an entire era. And the funeral bells surely tolled this week when General Motors filed for bankruptcy. - 2009/06/02: PeakEnergy: Zenn / EEStor update - test verifies ultracapacitor technology
- 2009/06/01: GreenGrok: GM Declares Bankruptcy
- 2009/06/01: OilChange: The End of the Road [GM]
- 2009/06/01: AutoBG: Electrification of vehicles will be key to Magna's future
- 2009/06/01: AutoBG: GM: Volt will survive our bankruptcy
Cash-for-Clunkers, aka Scrappage, Plans are being legislated and argued around the world:
- 2009/06/05: CBC: Support car sales with $350M 'scrappage' program, auto industry pleads [Canada]
- 2009/06/01: CNN: 'Cash for clunkers' rolling in Senate
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2009/06/04: EnvFin: Financial firms 'worst' at climate disclosure -- studies
- 2009/06/05: Guardian(UK): Newspapers must stop taking advertising from environmental villains
- 2009/06/04: PlanetArk: Companies Not Disclosing Climate Risks: Studies
- 2009/06/04: CSW: How can we manage climate change risks in the private sector if companies won't say what they are?
- 2009/06/04: OilChange: Shell's Operations Present "Climate Risk" to Investors
- 2009/06/03: Guardian(UK): Big business 'failing to disclose climate risks' to investors
Leading companies are offering only minimal information to shareholders on how global warming might affect their bottom line, research shows - 2009/06/02: TreeHugger: Dell Running 9 Facilities on 100% Renewable Energy
Meanwhile in the greenwashing chronicles:
- 2009/06/01: DeSmogBlog: Ad firm touts its "clean coal" persuasion work
Joe Romm posts a daily list of top energy and climate stories:
- 2009/06/05: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for June 5th -- UK to double Kyoto target with 23% GHG cut below 1990 levels, China's wind industry booms
- 2009/06/04: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for June 4th: Clean energy funding trumps fossil fuels for first time, Climate change threatens Mideast stability
- 2009/06/03: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for June 3rd: European climate and energy policy boosts growth, Rise of a Chinese 'low-carbon' dragon?
- 2009/06/02: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for June 2nd: The seldom-seen devastation of climate change, Spain's high-speed rail offers guideposts for U.S.
- 2009/06/01: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for June 1st: Next Steps for Waxman-Markey, climate change turning seas acid
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2009/06/07: Deltoid: Always click on the links
- 2009/06/06: ClimateP: WattsUpWithThat labels people who advocate putting a price on global warming pollution as "criminal," the same as "murdering people"
- 2009/06/04: ClimateP: The Audacity of Nope: George Will embraces the anti-environmentalism -- and anti-environment -- message of The Breakthrough Institute
- 2009/06/04: ClimateP: Marc Morano's banner headline: "Did global warming help bring down Air France flight 447?"
- 2009/06/04: Stoat: Death and Disaster -- Or, Pielke versus the world.
- 2009/06/05: Deltoid: Lambeck on Plimer
- 2009/06/04: HotTopic: Climate alarmist spouts nonsense [Avery]
- 2009/06/05: HotTopic: Such ignorance must not be allowed to go uncontradicted
- 2009/06/02: MObjectivist: The Role of Geology [Pilmer]
- 2009/06/01: PRWatch: Hot Air from the Firm Behind "Clean Coal"
- 2009/06/06: PRWatch: Exxon Just Can't Quit the Climate Skeptics
- 2009/06/02: PRWatch: The Heartland Institute's Quest for "Real Science" on Global Warming
- 2009/06/05: Guardian(UK): 'Global warming is baloney' signs put the heat on Burger King
- 2009/06/05: Guardian(UK): Have it your way: Burger King franchise cites cockroaches and Oz in defence of 'global warming is baloney' signs
- 2009/06/03: TWTB: Reliable sources: Climate Realists, Craig Idso, ocean acidification edition
- 2009/06/02: TWTB: The denialfest so nice they held it twice?
- 2009/06/04: Deltoid: Overland articles available on line
- 2009/05/28: NRNS: Bate and Switch: How a free-market magician manipulated two decades of environmental science
- 2009/06/03: Deltoid: Roger Bate, in depth [denial]
- 2009/06/02: Deltoid: The Australian wins another award for its War on Science
- 2009/06/03: OilChange: Shell Under Fire on all Sides
- 2009/06/03: JKB: The Great Global Warming Swindle : unraveling the lobby and the flaws
- 2009/06/02: Deltoid: Increasing Piñata Albedo
- 2009/06/02: BCLSB: More Shuffling The Deck Chairs On The Good Ship Denial
- 2009/06/01: DeSmogBlog: Denier Conference Readies for Round Three
- 2009/06/02: ThinkP: Burger King distances itself from franchise's 'Global Warming is Baloney' signs
- 2009/06/01: Guardian(UK): Burger chain's climate change whopper -- Tennessee outlets ended up eating humble pie after a local reporter spotted 'rogue' signs outside Burger King outlets
- 2009/05/31: EnergyBulletin: Hypocritical modelers
This kind of statement deserves special notice:
- 2009/06/01: AutoBG: Exxon CEO: "Alternative" just means finding new ways to burn fossil fuels
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2009/06/05: NewInt:TWMB: Grappling with climate change
- 2009/06/05: ZComm: It Isn't Nice
- 2009/06/05: TreeHugger: Jargon Watch: Committed Warming
- 2009/06/03: Telegraph(UK): Fat people causing climate change, says Sir Jonathan Porritt
- 2009/06/04: PhysOrg: Policies for renewable energy boost economy and jobs
- 2009/06/03: KSJT: USA Today: Americans may have lagged in green, planet-cooling policy. But Yanks' eco-related science is still tops.
- 2009/06/02: WorldChanging: Designing Effective Policy Before Copenhagen: A Conversation With Denis Hayes
- 2009/06/02: BBC: Leading by an achievable example
A promise that the Maldives will go carbon-neutral in 10 years is not just good for PR, says the country's president Mohamed Nasheed. In this week's Green Room, he argues that the goal sets an example for the developed world proving that a green country is not only practical, it is profitable. - 2009/06/01: UNDispatch: Why U.S. leadership on climate change is still a good idea
- 2009/06/01: DotEarth: A Push to Stop Crimes Against the Future
- 2009/06/01: RealClimate: On overfitting
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- GoogleGroups: Climate Intervention
- Wind-Works by Paul Gipe
- Geology Times
- WFP: World Food Programme
- CSW: Climate Science Watch
- ABC(US): GlobalWarming
- Fight Global Warming - Environmental Defense [GW ads]
- Exxpose Exxon
- Exxon Secrets
- UA:DGESL: Department of Geosciences Environmental Studies Laboratory
- NOAA:GFDL: Tom Knutson's Home Page
- 2006/01/: NOAA:GFDL: Global Warming and Hurricanes
- California Climate Change Portal
- GPM: Global Precipitation Measurement
Here's a chuckle for ya:
After Copenhagen a raft of further UNFCCC meetings are scheduled:
An Ethanol Summit was held in Brazil:
An International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation has been formed:
The Arctic melt continues to garner a lot of attention:
University College London has gone Open Access:
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
And how are we going to feed 9 billion?
No storms in the hurricane wars, but lots of chatter:
As for GHGs:
As for the THC:
As for transportation & GHG production:
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
While at the UN:
The Obama chatter is nonstop:
And in Europe:
While in Japan:
While in Africa:
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
As for miscellaneous Canadiana:
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk. An overview of my writing is available here.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
"We submit:
8) That the ideas which dominate our civilization at the present time date in their most virulent form from the Industrial Revolution. They may be summarized as:
- It's us against the environment.
- It's us against other men.
- It's the individual (or the individual company, or the individual nation) that matters.
- We can have unilateral control over the environment and we must strive for that control.
- We live within an infinitely expanding "frontier".
- Economic determinism is common sense.
- Technology will do it for us.
Testimony to the University of Hawaii Committee on Ecology and Man, March 1970
- Log in to post comments
Wow, what a comprehensive list of information. I especially like your link on the left sidebar, "How to talk to a climate skeptic." That's perfect information for me.