Noam Chomsky Excavates the George Will Memory Hole

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I think we need to cut George Will a break. Clearly, he believes his words have the power to alter reality, so he was actually just trying to re-create the ice with his column. We need to thank him for trying to save us from Global Warming, but alarmists are so dead set on proving themselves right that they refuse to accept George Will's help in preventing catastrophe.

Yes, you people in the reality-based community don't realise that you can create your own reality.

The planet's healthier than it's ever been, no more species are going extinct, the economy is doing great, Dubya's still in charge, la la la la I can't hear you....

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


Why are we relying on anything Noam Chomsky says? We already have our uber Earth Scientist, Al Gore, to rely on. How many fraudulent charts and videos has he had to pull from his presentation this week? That poor little polar bear, I hope he made it back to shore before the Artic ice closed in.


Did you even read the article? Chomsky was calling George Will out for dishonesty regarding the Middle Eastern conflict, not global warming. It's just illustrating yet another example of his disregard for facts that don't support his claims.

And again, you're highlighting one of the main differences between 'alarmists' and 'skeptics.' Al Gore is willing to change his argument and presentation based on feedback showing that he is using incorrect or inappropriate information. George Will is not. Why, exactly, does this reflect poorly on Al Gore and not George Will?