Sipping from the internet firehose...
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
- Methane Hydrates, PETM, Year End Meme, Hansen & 350ppm, Focus the Nation, Bali, Mammatus, Arctic
- Hurricanes, GHGs, Temperature Record, Glaciers
- Impacts, Forests, Wacky Weather, Wildfires, Floods & Droughts, Indonesian Mudslides, Food vs. Biofuel
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration, Adaptation
- Journals
- Kyoto, Carbon Trade
- Politics: International, America, Britain, China, Canada
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Apocalypso, Books
- Energy, SPS, Solar, Coal, Biofuel, Nukes, Peak Oil, Efficiency, Cars, Greenwashing, Insurance
- Carbon Lobby, The Usual, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, .sig
- 2007/12/28: ClimateP: The Year in One Cartoon
It has been a light news week, but a few things are happening... Japan is going to mine methane hydrates:
- 2007/12/26: TruthOut: Japan Mines "Flammable Ice," Flirts With Environmental Disaster
- 2007/12/26: BCLSB: Canada Rolling The Dice On Methane Hydrate
- 2007/12/26: DeSmogBlog: Japan Plays Russian Roulette in its Energy Quest
- 2007/12/26: BBerg: Japan Mines 'Flammable Ice,' Flirts With Environmental Disaster
Fifty-five million years ago the world's climate was catastrophically changed when volcanoes melted natural gas frozen in the seabed. Now Japan plans to drill for the same icy crystals to end its reliance on imported energy. Billions of tons of methane hydrate, frozen chunks of chemical-laced water buried in sediment some 3,000 feet under the Pacific Ocean floor, may help Japan win energy independence from the Middle East and Indonesia. Japanese engineers have found enough "flammable ice" to meet its gas use demands for 14 years. The trick is extracting it without damaging the environment. - 2007/12/26: ENN: Climatic Chain Reaction Caused Runaway Greenhouse Effect 55 Million Years Ago
- 2007/12/27: SciDaily: Climatic Chain Reaction Caused Runaway Greenhouse Effect 55 Million Years Ago
Year end weather round-up stories:
- 2007/12/29: CDreams: AP: 2007 a Year of Weather Records in US
- 2007/12/27: HillHeat: 2007 Weather Records
- 2007/12/27: CBC: 'Shocking' Arctic ice melt year's top weather story: Environment Canada
Year end rah-rah stories:
- 2007/12/28: CCurrents: A Global Warming Message For Christmas 2008
- 2007/12/28: Independent(UK): The Year in Review: The planet - No denying the cold, hard facts
- 2007/12/27: GWWatch: 10 Green New Year Resolutions
- 2007/12/25: GWWatch: 2007 - when global warming finally cut through
- 2007/12/24: inel: Start decisive and sacrificial actions to save the world now: Bishop's Christmas message
- 2007/12/24: EnergyBulletin: A Christmas Eve story
- 2007/12/24: ABC(Au): Why I work to save Santa's home
Hansen has found a new line to upset people:
- 2007/12/29: ClimateP: Parting company with McKibben and, maybe, Hansen
- 2007/12/28: TruthOut: Remember This: 350 Parts Per Million
- 2007/12/28: WaPo: Remember This: 350 Parts Per Million
- 2007/12/27: QuarkSoup: More Global Warming Hysteria
Focus the Nation is mobilizing students:
- Focus the Nation
- 2007/12/29: TreeHugger: Thousands of U.S. Schools, Colleges, and Universities Set for Teach-In to Focus Nation on Global Warming [Focus the Nation]
- 2007/12/27: LOR: Countdown begins to Focus the Nation - the largest teach-in in American history
Late coverage of Bali:
- 2007/12/27: Heise: Facing the Facts about Climate Change
Either we bury capitalism or capitalism will bury us - Despite the spin about a last minute compromise, the UN Climate Conference in Bali last week was a dismal failure. - 2007/12/24: TruthOut: Why No Real Progress at Bali Climate Talks? Toward a People's Agenda for Climate Justice
- 2007/12/25: GWWatch: GWW 2007 Highlight - The UN Bali Climate Change Conference
- 2007/12/25: TTimes: Bali conference allowed the world to go to work on the climate
- 2007/12/23: inel: 2007 Bali Climate Declaration and the (minor itty-bitty) pretenders' cover
- 2007/12/24: FPIF: Bali's Business-As-Usual Mandate
- 2007/12/24: CDreams: FPIF: Bali's Business-As-Usual Mandate
A pretty pic from APOD:
- 2007/12/30: APOD: Mammatus Clouds Over Mexico [2004]
The Arctic melt continues to get attention:
- 2007/12/28: PhysOrg: Arctic ice melt Canada's top weather concern in 2007
- 2007/12/27: GristMill: Law of the Sea - What will US ratification mean for health of the oceans?
And in the hurricane wars:
- 2007/12/29: Wunderground: One more named storm for '07?
- 2007/12/28: ENN: Cyclone warning declared for Australia's northwest coast
- 2007/12/28: ENN: First West Australia cyclone [Melanie] forms
- 2007/12/25: CNN: Report: New Orleans' population nears 300,000 - Population about 65 percent of city's pre-Hurricane Katrina size
Meanwhile GHGs are still going up:
- 2007/12/24: SMH: Earth feels the cost of humanity staying cool [HCFCs]
As for the temperature record:
- 2007/12/25: FuturePundit: Has Earth Climate Warming Trend Stopped?
- 2007/12/28: ENN: Netherlands has another record warm year
The average temperature in 2007 was 11.2 degrees Celsius (52.16F) which, along with 2006, is highest average since Dutch temperatures were first measured in 1706, the KNMI institute said on Friday. The normal annual average is 9.8 degrees. - 2007/12/25: BBC: McCall melt links the Arctic eras - Fifty years of study on Alaska's McCall glacier have provided scientists with a timeline of local climatic change.
- 2007/12/25: People's Daily: China to build permanent observation station monitoring glacial melt
China is to build a standing observation station to monitor melting of its longest glacier range at the edge of the world's top plateau. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) planned to construct the scientific station at the foot of the Qilianshan Mountains, at the north rim of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, the Science Times reported on Tuesday. - 2007/12/30: Guardian(UK): Wildlife 'needs help' in climate change exodus
- 2007/12/28: TreeHugger: Natural Disasters in Latin America Blamed in Part on Climate Change
- 2007/12/26: KSJT: AP: Walruses in trouble, and you can say that again
- 2007/12/27: Guardian(UK): 2007 was year of chaos for UK's wildlife, says National Trust
- 2007/12/24: PhysOrg: Loss of Sea Ice Could Harm Walrus
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2007/12/27: RPI: Papua New Guinea's Woodlark Island Rainforests to Be Cleared for Oil Palm Agrofuels
- 2007/12/28: ClimateP: Papua New Guinea loses the moral high-ground
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
- 2007/12/24: AFP: Snow storm pounds US Midwest, kills 11
- 2007/12/24: BBC: US snow storm causes nine deaths
As for wild fires:
- 2007/12/24: TruthOut: Wildfires Rekindle Global Warming Debate
And speaking of floods & droughts:
- 2007/12/28: Yahoo: Floodwaters in Zimbabwe kill 7
- 2007/12/25: PhysOrg: Sri Lanka floods subside, 40,000 in temporary shelters
Deforestation in Indonesia has turned disastrous under heavy rains:
- 2007/12/28: NatureTGB: Floods and mudslides in Java
- 2007/12/27: TruthOut: Plea for Trees as Landslide Toll Rises
- 2007/12/28: WSWS: Scores killed in Indonesian Boxing Day landslides - the number of landslides has escalated due to deforestation
- 2007/12/28: SMH: Plea for trees as landslide toll rises
- 2007/12/28: Guardian(UK): 120 feared dead in Java landslides - Environmentalists blame destruction of forests
- 2007/12/27: ENN: Over 120 feared dead in Indonesia floods
- 2007/12/27: Guardian(UK): Days of torrential rain triggered landslides that killed up to 78 people in western Indonesia yesterday
- 2007/12/26: BBC: Dozens buried in Java landslides - Several dozen people have been have buried in landslides in central Java in Indonesia after hours of heavy rain.
- 2007/12/26: AFP: At least 74 dead or missing in Indonesian landslides
Landslides triggered by heavy rains left 33 people dead and 41 missing on the main Indonesian island of Java on Wednesday, officials said. - 2007/12/27: SloWeb: Food, Forests and Fuel [Vandana Shiva]
- 2007/12/27: NationNews: The energy crisis - The world is in an energy crisis. Over the past two years that crisis has spilled over into a global food crisis.
And the troubling matter of falling food production is not going away:
- 2007/12/26: TerraDaily: Illegal land grabs in China threatening food supplies: minister
- 2007/12/25: Mercury(Au): Food production a serious greenhouse problem
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2007/12/26: ENN: For Climate Change Mitigation, Don't Forget the Peatlands
- 2007/12/27: ENN: Put biodiversity at centre of climate debate, says new [survey]
Consider transportation & GHG production:
- 2007/12/28: AutoBG: French manned electric plane test flight a success
While in the endless quest for sustainable building codes:
- 2007/12/30: TreeHugger: Israel to Encourage Green Building
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2007/12/27: TreeHugger: FutureGen's Plan to Bring CCS to Illinois in Trouble?
- 2007/12/27: TCHerald: Energy Northwest ditches project to bury emissions
While on the adaptation front:
- 2007/12/26: KSJT: Newsweek: Adapting to a warmer world not so easy
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2007/12/26: PNAS: Ecological feedbacks following deforestation create the potential for a catastrophic ecosystem shift in tropical dry forest by Deborah Lawrence et al.
- 2007/12/26: PNAS: Learning from episodes of degradation and recovery in variable Australian rangelands by D. Mark Stafford Smith et al.
- 2007/12/26: PNAS: Agent-based modeling of deforestation in southern Yucatán, Mexico, and reforestation in the Midwest United States by Steven M. Manson & Tom Evans
- 2007/12/26: PNAS: The emergence of land change science for global environmental change and sustainability by B. L. Turner, II et al.
Meanwhile on the Kyoto front:
- 2007/12/27: AthenNews: Kyoto: 10 years later and we're still at square one
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2007/12/29: Guardian(UK): [Letters] Figuring out the numbers on climate change
- 2007/12/28: KSJT: Bloomberg, others: Putting a price on changing climate
- 2007/12/27: Guardian(UK): [Letters] A price for carbon that won't cost the earth
Meanwhile on the international political front:
- 2007/12/28: Yahoo: Ban's Dogged Diplomacy Yields Progress on Climate, UN Overhaul
Another one of those everything is different now stories:
- 2007/12/24: DeSmogBlog: Hark, The Herald (And Lots of Other Papers) Finally Sing About The Climate
To illustrate, the Philadelphia Inquirer tracked the number of times the term "global warming" was mentioned in their paper over the years. In 2007 "global warming" was mentioned over 400 times, more than double any previous year. - 2007/12/28: HillHeat: Taking Responsibility [Why the United States Must Lead the World in Reducing Global Warming Pollution]
- 2007/12/29: WaPo: In Bush's Final Year, The Agenda Gets Greener
- 2007/12/29: WarmingLaw: Bush and Global Warming in 2008
- 2007/12/29: inel: When is a block not a block? When it's a Bush (with built-in "design your own climate memory" capabilities)
- 2007/12/28: Guardian(UK): The growth of local power is a bright spot in seven bleak years of Bush
- 2007/12/24: BChronicle: Global Warming Will Save America from the Right...Eventually
- 2007/12/24: ClimateP: The conservative war on Christmas
- 2007/12/23: ClimateP: Yielding the Moral High Ground -- Part II
- 2007/12/22: CDreams: Global Warming Will Save America from the Right -- Eventually
Late coverage on the EPA ruling against the California emissions waiver:
- 2007/12/30: ClimateP: More on White House overruling EPA staff
- 2007/12/28: NYT: E.P.A. to Comply in Waiver Inquiry
- 2007/12/27: ThinkP: EPA preserving docs related to blocking California emissions law
- 2007/12/27: AutoBG: Sen. Boxer invites EPA head [Stephen Johnson] to testify January 10
- 2007/12/27: CDreams: BostonGlobe: Sue The EPA, For Earth's Sake
- 2007/12/27: CSM: Who should regulate vehicle emissions? Schwarzenegger and the Bush administration duke it out...
- 2007/12/23: TruthOut: Bush Faces a Long Legal Battle With California
- 2007/12/24: WaPo: Climate Change Malpractice - The Bush administration won't lead. And now it won't get out of California's way, either.
- 2007/12/23: CDreams: Oregonian: Auto Emissions and Environmental Protection
- 2007/12/24: Guardian(UK): Cheney accused of blocking Californian bid to cut car fumes
Late coverage of the energy bill:
- 2007/12/27: HillHeat: Boxer: Lieberman-Warner is "A huge step forward"
- 2007/12/27: NewsWeek: New Biofuel Law: Will it Work?
The 2008 campaign is not making much climate news:
- 2007/12/29: TreeHugger: Climate Change: An Inconvenient Electoral Issue
- 2007/12/28: TruthOut: Global Warming Doesn't Seem to Be Heating Up Campaign Trail
- 2007/12/29: PRWatch: Not Worth Mentioning? [LCV]
- 2007/12/24: ClimateP: How's the campaign coverage on global warming? Don't ask!
The campaign to have a Science Debate is not getting much coverage:
- 2007/12/27: CSpin: Congressmen join ScienceDebate2008 effort
- 2007/12/27: MTobis: Bipartisan Congressional Participation in Science Debate!
While in the UK:
- 2007/12/30: Guardian(UK): 'Green fatigue' leads to fear of backlash over climate change
Britons know that the planet is heating up - but are still not ready to change their lifestyle - 2007/12/30: Guardian(UK): With the will, we can save the Earth [Hilary Benn, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs]
- 2007/12/23: inel: Hansen on coal spurred me to write to Gordon
Meanwhile in China:
- 2007/12/28: People's Daily: China opens 1st air-sea interaction lab to analyze climate change
- 2007/12/30: AFP: China to slap export taxes on grains
- 2007/12/27: TMoS: China Likes "Intensity Based" Emissions Policy
- 2007/12/26: PhysOrg: China Vows to Develop Clean Energies
China promised Wednesday to develop renewable energy for its fast-growing economy but warned that coal consumption will grow dramatically and avoided embracing binding limits on its greenhouse gas emissions. - 2007/12/26: People's Daily: Green issues reshaping business strategies
Environmental issues like greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and water and air pollution have become a major concern in China. - 2007/12/28: CanWest: CO2 targets enshrined in law - but at what cost? [CTF]
- 2007/12/28: TStar: It's clear: Canadians want action - The public wants governments, businesses to combat global warming now
- 2007/12/27: TGBeaver: Conservatives break a record - In SUV purchases
- 2007/12/27: QL: Conservative blogger gladly ignores climate change reality in favour of idiotic ideology
- 2007/12/27: WTBG: conservatives commit millions to gas guzzlers - it becomes increasingly more difficult to believe the harper government's dedication to environmental issues
Manitoba is talking about California style GHG laws:
- 2007/12/28: LFPress: Manitoba eyes California emission limits
- 2007/12/27: Google:CP: Manitoba to adopt California-like vehicle emission limits: Doer
Geothermal has some fans in Canada:
- 2007/12/24: TStar: There's still time to get into geothermal game
- 2007/12/27: GAB: It's time for Geothermal in Canada
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2007/12/29: DotEarth: Does the Future Need a Legal Guardian?
- 2007/12/22: G&E: Kenneth Arrow on "Climate Change" and "the Stern review"
- 2007/12/27: GCameron: Economic policies and overconsumption are chief causes of climate change
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2007/12/28: Atmoz: World Population, Carbon Dioxide, and Eugenics
- 2007/12/17: ProgRevu: Population Growth: The crisis that dares not say its name
- 2007/12/24: EnergyBulletin: Population, consumption drive global climate change and environmental degradation
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2007/12/29: WaPo: Playing That '70s Funk Again, but Not in a Good Way
- 2007/12/28: DailyMail: Mankind is on the brink..but I'm optimistic, says Andrew Marr
- 2007/12/28: AfterGutenberg: No Cheese Fries???
Here is something for your library:
- CambridgePress: Climate Change 2007: Mitigation of Climate Change
- CambridgePress: Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
- CambridgePress: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2007/12/29: TreeHugger: Jeremy Leggett: Why Greed May Bring New Growth for Renewables
- 2007/12/30: TreeHugger: Alternet on the Hydrogen Economy
- 2007/12/27: People's Daily: Thoughts on uncontrollable runaway oil price
- 2007/12/27: GristMill: Vinod Khosla blows his credibility dissing plug-ins - Venture-capital star ain't no clean-tech expert [dup?]
- 2007/12/28: TreeHugger: Energy Tower: Sucking Greenhouse Gases Into the Vortex
- 2007/01/26: OilDrum: Ten Fundamental Principles of Net Energy
- 2007/12/28: TEB: FYI: Washington Wave Power Project Gets FERC Approval
- 2007/12/27: GristMill: Green energy is the bottomless well - The poverty of fossil fuels becomes apparent
- 2007/12/27: HillHeat: Climate Change Investing
- 2007/12/23: ClimateP: "Stop using so much oil."
Solar Power Satellites [SPS] put in an uncommon appearance:
- 2007/12/27: CBC: Satellites harness sun's rays, beam energy to earth
- 2007/12/23: Google:AP: 'Drilling Up' Into Space for Energy
- 2007/12/24: SlashDot: Palau May Get Satellite Power In the Next Decade
Meanwhile among the solar afficionados:
- 2007/12/28: ENN: Rural Nigeria lights up with solar power
- 2007/12/29: Guardian(UK): Solar energy 'revolution' brings green power closer [Nanosolar]
- 2007/12/28: HillHeat: A Solar Scenario in Scientific American
- 2007/12/: EPI: Solar Cell Production Jumps 50 Percent in 2007 [to 3800 megawatts]
- 2007/12/28: TEB: FYI: Solar Cell Production Jumps 50 Percent in 2007
- 2007/12/26: TEB: Nanosolar Ships First Panels
- 2007/12/26: GristMill: Solar cheaper than coal and falling - New developments in solar power make 'clean coal' look even dumber
- 2007/12/27: TreeHugger: Solar Tree Hits the Streets, and Passes the Test
The arithmetic of coal carbon is striking home:
- 2007/12/28: BobPark: What's New? #3) Low-Energy Physics: Funding is up for "Clean Coal."
- 2007/12/27: EnergyDaily: [US] Clean coal plants mired by cost and delays
- 2007/12/27: TruthOut: Coal's Ascent Is Igniting a Debate [mountaintop mining]
- 2007/12/27: ClimateP: China to develop clean energy, but keep burning coal
- 2007/12/27: PhysOrg: Clean coal plants mired by cost and delays
- 2007/12/27: DeSmogBlog: Clean Coal Founders on Bureaucratic Obstacle Course
- 2007/12/26: USAToday: Tech could reduce coal facilities' emissions
- 2007/12/26: USAToday: Plans for at least 8 clean coal plants hit snags
- 2007/12/26: CDreams: BostonGlobe: Coal's Ascent Is Re-Igniting Familiar Debate
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2007/12/28: CPunch: Biofuels, the Biggest Scam Going
- 2007/12/27: ClimateP: Switch to Corn Promotes Amazon Deforestation
- 2007/12/27: GristMill: European biodiesel: riding on empty? Unlike the U.S., European govermments are cutting back on agrofuel goodies
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2007/12/24: ENN: Report: Safety and Security Risks Undercut Nuclear Power's Role in Minimizing Global Warming
- 2007/12/24: Guardian(UK): Reactors could burn weapons plutonium - EU scientists look for uses for highly toxic material
And we have peaks coming out the ying-yang:
- 2007/12/27: EnergyBulletin: The peak oil crisis: storm of the century
Welcome to "peak climate," "peak food," "peak water," "peak electricity," or as some people are putting it, "peak everything." - 2007/12/28: BBC: New efficient [LED] bulb sees the light
While automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2007/12/27: FuturePundit: Diesel Car Sales Expected To Grow On High Energy Costs
- 2007/12/29: TreeHugger: Tesla: Where Are the Keys to the Promised E-Car?
- 2007/12/29: GristMill: Scooter planet - As personal transportation becomes cheaper, the poor benefit and the climate suffers
- 2007/12/29: AutoBG: Khosla: plug-ins are "toys," batteries "immaterial"
- 2007/12/30: AutoBG: DaimlerChrysler gets record $30M CAFE fine
- 2007/12/24: PhysOrg: Fuel Standards Will Force Lighter Autos
- 2007/12/25: AFP: Toyota sees bright future as world number one
Japan's Toyota Motor Corp. on Tuesday predicted further robust growth in 2008 after racing past US rival General Motors this year to become the world's top producing automaker - 2007/12/28: TreeHugger: Greenwash Watch: BP stands for Beyond the Pale
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
- 2007/12/27: RawStory: Natural catastrophes will grow with climate change: re-insurer [MunichRe]
- 2007/12/27: MunichRe: Natural catastrophe figures for 2007: Higher losses despite absence of megacatastrophes, very many loss events / Overall economic losses of US$ 75bn
- 2007/12/27: CNN: $30 billion - Price in '07 for natural disasters
Munich Re says losses to insurers from natural disasters nearly doubled in 2007 and warns of weather-related disasters from climate change - 2007/12/29: Deltoid: Steve McIntyre and the Data Quality Act
- 2007/12/29: BCLSB: Deliberately Obtuse At Climate Resistance
- 2007/12/30: BCLSB: Climate Resistance Folds Tent, Slithers From Field!
- 2007/12/28: JEB: Chylek on sensitivity
- 2007/12/28: BBerg: Gore Milks Cash Cow, Sego May Run Again: What France Is Reading [Claude Allegre]
- 2007/12/27: Deltoid: Climate Audit Paranoia
- 2007/12/27: BCLSB: Tim Ball: Peer Review = Censorship
The Inhofe 400 drew laughter:
- 2007/12/28: BCLSB: Who The Heck is Klaus Heiss? (Or: Selling Condos On The Moon) [Inhofe 400]
- 2007/12/27: G&E: The "400": Economists for the climate high jump
- 2007/12/27: GristMill: [Dessler] The 'Inhofe 400': Busting the 'consensus busters' - Today: Thomas Ring
- 2007/12/26: ERabett: Ethon visits the 400 Club
- 2007/12/25: ERabett: The Dessler 20
- 2007/12/25: ERabett: The 700 Club Minus 300 Or faith based climatology
- 2007/12/23: ERabett: Makin a list, checkin it twice [Morano Denialist Society 400, or as Stoat would put it, the complete Nutters List]
- 2007/12/23: Maribo: Attack of the climate skeptics XXII: Imhofe's last stand
Then there was the usual news and commentary:
- 2007/12/29: AfterGutenberg: BAU Humbug
- 2007/12/28: RealClimate: The Forecast in the Streets
- 2007/12/28: ZMag: Powershift 2007: Youth Rising to the Climate Challenge
- 2007/12/28: Guardian(UK): Global warming brings busy year for UN disaster teams
- 2007/12/27: RealClimate: A barrier to understanding?
- 2007/12/26: TruthOut: Climate Change Gives Rise to New World Order
- 2007/12/27: GristMill: What I want for 2008 - A plea for utility leadership on climate change
- 2007/12/27: inel: Christians and Muslims pray for balance of nature to be respected
- 2007/12/27: MTobis: Why is Climate Modeling Stuck?
- 2007/12/26: CDreams: IPS: Climate Change Gives Rise to New World Order
- 2007/12/27: STimes: Global warming is just that: a global -- not national -- issue
- 2007/12/25: MTobis: Excised Paragraphs
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Focus the Nation
- Rainforest News
- G&E: Globalisation and the Environment
- IPCC Fourth Assessment Report - Working Group III Report "Mitigation of Climate Change"
- IPCC Fourth Assessment Report - Working Group II Report "Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability"
- IPCC Fourth Assessment Report - Working Group I Report "The Physical Science Basis"
- Carbon-Climate Interactions Group
- BBC: Climate Change
- AFTIC: A Few Things Ill Considered
- Eli Rabett
- FramingScience
- Carbon Trust
- Carbon Trust: UK Carbon Map
- GRACE: Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
- UIUC: Cryosphere Today
- CSW: Climate Science Watch
It's always nice to start with a laugh:
Rerun the PETM?
Glaciers are melting:
More GW impacts are being seen:
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
And on the American political front:
In Canada, minority neocon PM Harper, continues his do-nothing policy:
Then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
And in the greenwashing chronicles:
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk. An overview of my writing is available here.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
"If you have the case of India, a half a billion people who do not even have electricity, what mitigation (of carbon emissions) can you carry out?" -Rajendra K. Pachauri
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you missed one regarding the Inhofe 400:
Irrational Discourse -…
Happy New Year