This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's GW news roundup
- Top Stories, Nobel, Anti-Gore, UK Court Case
- Melting Arctic, Walruses, Humidity, Solar Cycle
- Hurricanes, CO2 Equivalents, 455 ppm, GHG Sources, Glaciers, Sea Levels, NASA, DSCOVR
- Impacts, Tropical Rainforests, Desertification, Wacky Weather, Floods & Droughts, Lake Lanier
- Food vs. Biofuel, Cereal Production
- Mitigation, Shipping, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering, Adaptation
- Journals, Misc. Science, World Weather Archivist
- Kyoto-2, Carbon Tax, Optimal Carbon Reduction Strategy
- Politics, International, Security America, Britain, Europe, France Australia, New Zealand, China, India, Canada
- Ecological Economics, Media, Books, Video, Courts, Betting
- Energy, Coal, Biofuel, Nukes, Efficiency, Cars, Business, Insurance, Carbon Lobby
- The Usual, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion
- .sig
- 2007/10/12: uComics: (cartoon - Danziger) Prize, Schmize
- 2007/10/14: SeattlePI: (cartoon - Horsey) The Prize...
I scrupulously ignored the pre-award speculation, but once the Nobel announcement was made, the net exploded:
- 2007/10/12: BDL: Al Gore [and IPCC] lands a Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/14: ArabNews: Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: UNDispatch: UN's IPCC and Gore win Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/09/23: SocialistAppeal: Capitalism and the Environment
- 2007/10/12: BobPark: What's New
#1) Nobel messages: Stinging rebukes for administration policies. #3) Petition: Have you gotten the card to sign from Fred Seitz? - 2007/10/12: UN: [United Nations Secretary-General] Ban Ki-moon hails Nobel laureates Al Gore, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- 2007/10/12: NatureTGB: Al Gore and IPCC share peace prize
- 2007/10/12: ScienceP: The IPCC and Gore: Another Nobel for Science
- 2007/10/13: ABC(Au): Gore's efforts extraordinary: [Federal Opposition Leader Kevin] Rudd
- 2007/10/13: PhysOrg: Could Gore's Nobel switch on energy-saving bulbs in US minds?
- 2007/10/13: JFleck: Winning the Nobel: The Price of Fame
- 2007/10/13: ERabett: The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided...
- 2007/10/13: TreeHugger: India Proud For Its Own Nobel Peace Prize Winner [IPCC head, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri]
- 2007/10/13: STimes: Peace may erode as the world warms, experts say
What does global warming have to do with global peace? The globe may find out sooner than we think, experts say. "Climate change is and will be a significant threat to our national security and, in a larger sense, to life on Earth as we know it to be," retired Gen. Gordon Sullivan, former Army chief of staff, told a congressional panel last month. - 2007/10/12: HuffPo: A Big Day for Al Gore and the Climate Change Fight
- 2007/10/12: HuffPo: Gore: Award Puts Focus on Global Warming
- 2007/10/13: ToCC: Congratulations, Al Gore & IPCC...
- 2007/10/12: SwissInfo: "The Truth" earns Gore Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/13: ChinaDaily: Gore and UN climate panel share Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: DeutscheWelle: Peace Prize for Gore Means Little to World
- 2007/10/13: Time(UK): Al Gore's Nobel peace prize is a rebuke for the President, claim Democrats
- 2007/10/12: NYT: Award Underlines Danger of Climate Change [Nobel]
- 2007/10/12: WorldChanging: Al Gore, the Nobel Prize and the End of the Beginning
- 2007/10/12: NYT: Gore and U.N. Panel Win Peace Prize for Climate Work
- 2007/10/13: SMH: Nobel peace prize goes to Gore and UN climate panel
- 2007/10/13: SMH: Climate panel head [Rajendra Pachauri] 'overwhelmed' at Nobel prize
- 2007/10/13: Guardian(UK): Al Gore wins Nobel peace prize. And this time, no one can take it away from him - Award recognises work on climate change awareness
- 2007/10/12: Guardian(UK): Gore and UN share Nobel peace prize
- 2007/10/12: Guardian(UK): Nobel peace prize citation [Full text of the Norwegian Nobel committee's citation]
- 2007/10/12: CNN: Gore: Nobel win a chance 'to change the way people think'
Al Gore warns of "planetary emergency," announces new ad campaign - Ex-President Clinton says Gore has warned of dangers for decades - Source: Gore won't use prize as springboard to enter 2008 presidential race - 2007/10/12: NatureCF: Al Gore and IPCC share peace prize
- 2007/10/12: Tamino: Nobel Peace Prize for Al Gore
- 2007/10/12: KSJT: Lots of Ink: Former Newspaperman, bunch of scientists get Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: MongaBay: Al Gore shares Nobel Peace Prize with climate body
- 2007/10/12: ClimateP: Gore Gives Prize Money to Alliance for Climate Protection
- 2007/10/12: ClimateP: Gore and IPCC win the Nobel Prize
- 2007/10/12: TruthOut: Gore and UN Panel Win Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: ABC(Au): Gore 'deeply honoured' by Nobel prize
- 2007/10/12: ABC(Au): Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: NewScientist: Al Gore and climate panel win Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: PhysOrg: Gore, U.N. Body Win Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: GristMill: Gore wins his second favorite award - Nobel Prize is a nice follow up to Oceana Award
- 2007/10/12: GristMill: For whom the Nobel tolls - Al Gore and the IPCC jointly win peace prize
- 2007/10/11: GristMill: Why Al Gore deserves the Nobel Peace Prize - Gore's effort to focus attention on climate change supports the goal of preventing wars
- 2007/10/12: inel: Congratulations IPCC et Al
- 2007/10/12: BSD: Gore got it! (And the IPCC too.)
- 2007/10/12: HillHeat: Al Gore and IPCC Win Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: WarmingLaw: Judging Al Gore and the Nobel
- 2007/10/12: JEB: Peace, man - So apparently "the IPCC" has won the Nobel Peace Prize. Al Gore got the Fiction Prize.
- 2007/10/13: JQuiggin: Congratulations! To Al Gore and the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change for the award of the Nobel Peace Prize.
- 2007/10/12: Maribo: Nobel Prizes for all
- 2007/10/12: ERabett: Explosions: If you google Gore nobel 2007
- 2007/10/12: ERabett: Congratulations - Congratulations to the IPCC and Al Gore for winning the Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: Asymptotia: A Peace Prize for Science
- 2007/10/12: PBS:WSB: Scientific Group Wins Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: Deltoid: Congratulations to the IPCC and Al Gore
- 2007/10/12: CCM: Al Gore and IPCC WIN the Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: C411: Nobel Peace Prize goes to Al Gore and IPCC
- 2007/10/12: TCE: Al Gore Wins 2007 Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: ThinkP: Gore on winning the Nobel Prize
- 2007/10/12: TreeHugger: Al Gore And IPCC Panel Win The Nobel Prize
- 2007/10/12: TreeHugger: Al Gore Nobel Update
- 2007/10/12: TreeHugger: All Al All the Time: Alex Steffen Sums It Up
- 2007/10/12: TreeHugger: All Al All the Time: Scientific American On Why They Gave It To Him
- 2007/10/12: TreeHugger: All Al All the Time: For Whom the Nobel Tolls
- 2007/10/12: DeSmogBlog: Put Politics Aside and Celebrate Al Gore's Nobel Prize
- 2007/10/12: ENN: Nobel Peace Prize ups pressure for climate action
- 2007/10/12: ENN: Gore says focused on urgent climate change issues
- 2007/10/12: ENN: [IPCC head, Rajendra] Pachauri patiently rebuts bias charges
- 2007/10/12: SciDaily: Climate Change Research Recognized In 2007 Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: OilChange: Gore and IPCC Win Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: CDreams: Nation: Gore Wins the Norwegian Primary
- 2007/10/12: NYT: Gore and U.N. Panel Win Peace Prize for Climate Work
- 2007/10/12: SF Gate: Gore, U.N. panel share Nobel Peace Prize for fighting global warming
- 2007/10/12: BBC: Gore says prize must spur action
Al Gore says his Nobel Peace Prize is an "honour" and a chance to "elevate global consciousness" about the threat posed by climate change. The former US vice-president was awarded the prestigious prize jointly with the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The committee cited "their efforts to build up and disseminate knowledge about man-made climate change". Mr Gore won an Oscar for his climate change film An Inconvenient Truth. He said he accepted the award on behalf of scientists - like those in the IPCC - who had worked tirelessly for years to get the message about global warming out - 2007/10/12: BBC: Indian scientist Rajendra Pachauri has spoken of his surprise at the UN panel he heads being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its work on global warming
- 2007/10/12: CBC: Gore: Nobel Prize win shows climate change a 'planetary emergency'
- 2007/10/12: AFP: Al Gore and UN climate body win Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: ThinkP: Al Gore named co-winner of Nobel Peace Prize
- 2007/10/12: Nation: Gore Wins the Norwegian Primary
- 2007/10/12: CBC: Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize - Former U.S. vice-president shares award with [IPCC] UN climate change panel
- 2007/10/12: AP: Al Gore, UN Panel Share Nobel for Peace
- 2007/10/12: NobelPrize: The Nobel Peace Prize for 2007
- 2007/10/12: DemNow: Al Gore, UN Climate Change Panel Share Nobel Peace Prize
The carbon lobby immediately unleashed a major anti-Gore campaign:
- 2007/10/14: HeraldSun: Critics slam Nobel winner
The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore and the UN's top climate panel on Friday has prompted a fresh chorus of criticism from global warming sceptics... - 2007/10/13: Deltoid: The Washington Post's war on Gore [court]
- 2007/10/13: BDL: National Review on Al Gore
- 2007/10/14: SMH: Gore gets a cold shoulder [from Dr William Gray]
- 2007/10/13: CanWest:FC: George Radwanski: Memo from a 'global warming agnostic'
- 2007/10/13: CPunch: Al Gore's Peace Prize - It's As Ridiculous As If They'd Given Goebbels One in 1938 by Alexander Cockburn
- 2007/10/13: CanWest: Al Gore is out of his league
- 2007/10/13: CanWest: Honouring a panic-monger - Giving Al Gore the Peace Prize has subordinated science to hype
- 2007/10/13: CanWest: If only there were a Nobel prize for deception
- 2007/10/13: CanWest: A coup for junk science - Gore's 'truth' nets Nobel Prize
- 2007/10/13: DerSpiegel: Nobel Prize for Al Gore - Conservatives Dismiss 'Anti-Bush Trophy'
Al Gore's Nobel Peace Price has sparked a massive debate in the United States. In addition to the acclaim, conservatives and people who deny man's role in climate change are mounting venomous protests -- showing that, even today, environmental protection is still a hot-button issue in America. Acclaim from some quarters and venemous protests from others: Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize has unleashed a massive wave of reactions. - 2007/10/13: CPunch: Gore's Peace Prize, a Grand Misjudgment
- 2007/10/12: Deltoid: Gore Derangement Syndrome
- 2007/10/12: ThinkP: Fox News And Right-Wing Bloggers Attack Gore's Nobel Prize
- 2007/10/12: ThinkP: Fox News: Gore's Never "Actually Done Something For Peace;" Give Petraeus The Prize
Others had a more humourous take:
- 2007/10/14: HuffPo: Supreme Court Gives Gore's Nobel to Bush
- 2007/10/13: BCLSB: Steve McIntyre Awarded Nobel Peace Prize!
- 2007/10/13: HuffPo: Alfred Nobel Would Have Given His Award To George W.
The other Al Gore story was the UK court case over AIT:
- 2007/10/13: inel: Inhabited Lohachara, uninhabited Tebua Tarawa and Abanuea islands disappeared
- 2007/10/13: Stoat: Tuvalu - On with the boring...nit-picking...
- 2007/10/13: MTobis: Eight 'errors' and an editing error
- 2007/10/13: BDL: More in the Never-Ending Stream of Swill From National Review! [Gore court]
- 2007/10/14: Guardian(UK): Revealed: the man behind court attack on Gore film - Fuel and mining magnate backed UK challenge to An Inconvenient Truth
- 2007/10/14: Guardian(UK): Row erupts over risk to polar bears [Lomborg]
- 2007/10/11: HuffPo: A Newly Orchestrated Right-Wing Lie Unmasked About Al Gore and Global Warming [court case]
- 2007/10/11: NatureCF: Nine slaps on the wrist for Al Gore
- 2007/10/12: Atmoz: Sea Level Rise at Tuvalu: My Response at Stoat
- 2007/10/12: GristMill: Erring on the side of tabloidism - The horrid misreporting on the case of the British judge and An Inconvenient Truth
- 2007/10/11: GristMill: [Dessler] Errors in An Inconvenient Truth? Brit judge claims to find errors in Gore movie
- 2007/10/12: inel: Note to Stoat
- 2007/10/12: JFleck: Al Gore Wrong [AIT court]
- 2007/10/11: Deltoid: An 'error' is not the same thing as an error
- 2007/10/11: DeSmogBlog: Questionable funding uncovered in the Al Gore UK High Court Case
- 2007/10/12: OilChange: BBC Messes Up Again On Gore Story [court case]
- 2007/10/10: Guardian(UK): Climate change film to stay in the classroom
- 2007/10/11: Guardian(UK): Gore's climate film has scientific errors - judge
Court rules documentary can be shown in schools - Presentation is 'broadly accurate' but lacks balance - 2007/10/12: Guardian(UK): Science and politics collide - The presence of a few errors in Al Gore's film should not undermine the thrust of his message
- 2007/10/11: inel: Nine errors?
- 2007/10/11: JEB: Gore gored
- 2007/10/11: Stoat: The boring truth [AG court]
- 2007/10/11: MTobis: Barton vs Gore: Discuss
- 2007/10/11: OilChange: Revealed: The Hidden Agenda Behind Al Gore Film Attack
- 2007/10/11: TIL: Judge attacks nine errors in Al Gore's 'alarmist' climate change film
- 2007/10/11: BBC: Gore climate film's 'nine errors'
A High Court judge who ruled on whether climate change film, An Inconvenient Truth, could be shown in schools said it contains "nine scientific errors". Mr Justice Burton said the government could still send the film to schools - if accompanied by guidance giving the other side of the argument. [...] The judge said nine statements in the film were not supported by mainstream scientific consensus - 2007/10/11: Times(UK): Al Gore's inconvenient judgment
- 2007/10/10: inel: Off to school to watch An Inconvenient Truth
The Arctic melt continues to get a lot of attention:
- 2007/09/15: NASA: Record Sea Ice Minimum
- 2007/10/07: Wunderground:RRood: Sea Ice Arctic (and BBQ)
- 2007/10/11: Yahoo: Greenland ice cap melting faster than expected
The ice cap in the northern hemisphere is melting a lot more rapidly that scientists thought, according to new research published Thursday by the Danish National Space Center. "Until 2004, the glacier mass in the southeastern part of the island lost about 50 to 100 cubic kilometres (12 to 24 cubic miles) per year. After this date, the melting rate accelerated to 300 cubic kilometres per year. It's a jump of 400 percent, which is very worrying," National Space Center head researcher and project chief Abbas Khan told AFP. - 2007/10/10: Atmoz: More Arctic Sea Ice News
- 2007/10/11: FergusB: It's still strange in the Arctic - lowest ever anomaly?
- 2007/10/08: CarbonEquity: The big melt: lessons from the Arctic summer of 2007
- 2007/10/10: ERabett: A very thin reed - Arctic ice extent
- 2007/10/08: KSJT: Sea Ice, North and South, Then and Now
- 2007/10/08: CDreams: Glacial Acceleration - A Sea of Troubles [Greenland]
- 2007/10/08: BBC: Ice melt raises passage tension
In another sign of potential friction in the warming Arctic, Canada has warned that it will step up patrols of the Northwest Passage - 2007/10/08: KSJT: AP: A rewritten, updated land-stranded walrus report from Alaska
- 2007/10/07: PhysOrg: Melting Ice Pack Displaces Alaska Walrus
A humidity feedback has been reported:
- 2007/10/11: KSJT: AP, etc: It's not just warmer; it's more humid, too "but is it stickier"
- 2007/10/11: ABC(Au): Rising humidity fuels greenhouse effect
- 2007/10/10: TerraDaily: Global warming driving up humidity levels
- 2007/10/11: Yahoo: Study: Rise in humidity caused by humans
- 2007/10/11: TStar: Global warming making world more humid, too
- 2007/10/10: PhysOrg: Global Warming May Make Humidity Worse
- 2007/10/10: DeSmogBlog: When It Comes To About Global Warming, We're All Wet!
- 2007/10/10: BBC: Warmth makes the world more humid - The atmosphere is becoming more humid in a pattern consistent with man-made climate change, researchers have found
- 2007/10/10: CBC: Humid enough for you? Blame global warming, scientists say - Human-influenced climate not just hotter but stickier
Tamino has posted a good article on the solar cycle, sunspots etc:
- 2007/10/14: Tamino: Solar Cycle 24
It has been quiet in the Atlantic, with a wrap-up of Lekima & Krosa in the Pacific:
- 2007/10/12: Wunderground: Tropical update; fabled Northwest Passage begins to re-freeze
- 2007/10/11: KSJT: Wash Post: Next hurricane that heads for US will get a greeting party - a tiny drone
- 2007/10/11: DailyGreen: Place Your Bets: How Many More Super Intense Hurricanes in 2007?
- 2007/10/11: CCM: My Hurricane Forecast for the Rest of 2007
- 2007/10/10: ENN: Mixed Atlantic hurricane season puzzles experts
- 2007/10/08: TerraDaily: Krosa weaker, but rain pounds southeast China
- 2007/10/09: Wunderground: Western Caribbean disturbance soaking the Yucatan; record October heat in the U.S.
- 2007/10/08: ENN: Dozens killed in worst Vietnam floods in decades [post Lekima]
- 2007/10/08: ENN: Vietnamese villages submerged as floods kill 67 [post Lekima]
- 2007/10/09: Xinhuanet: 51 killed in worst floods in Vietnam in 45 years [post Lekima]
- 2007/10/08: BBC: China reels after Typhoon Krosa
Some five million people have been affected by a powerful storm that hit China's south-east coast, destroying houses and causing widespread flooding - 2007/10/08: BBC: Powerful storm hits Chinese coast
A powerful storm wrecked houses and downed power lines as it brought high winds and torrential rains to China's south-eastern coast. More than 1.4 million people were evacuated ahead of the arrival of Typhoon Krosa, which struck Zhejiang and Fujian provinces on Sunday - 2007/10/08: Guardian(UK): Asian storms leave dozens dead [Krosa & Lekima]
- 2007/10/07: TerraDaily: Deadly storm Krosa weakens, but still lashes China
- 2007/10/08: Wunderground: Tropical depression likely by Tuesday in Western Caribbean
The present CO2 concentration is 385 ppm (+/- season variation), so the stories quoting 455 ppm CO2 made me wonder...:
- 2007/10/12: RealClimate: CO2 equivalents
Flannery lead the charge on that story:
- 2007/10/12: CCurrents: 455 ppm And Counting... [note 455 ppm equivalent]
- 2007/10/11: NewScientist: Zero emissions needed to avert 'dangerous' warming
- 2007/10/11: GristMill: Beyond the worst-case scenario - Level of GHG emissions may be much higher than predicted
- 2007/10/10: TruthOut: Scientist: Greenhouse Gas Levels Grave
- 2007/10/10: Australian: Fast cuts can't halt climate change
Significant climate change may be inevitable even if the world agrees to cut emissions of greenhouse gases immediately. The worrisome prediction comes from the final report of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to be released next month at its meeting in Valencia, Spain - 2007/10/09: CDreams: Reuters: Scientist: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hit Danger Mark Sooner Then Expected
- 2007/10/09: ABC(Au): Greenhouse gas levels 'far worse than predicted' [says Flannery]
The issue of GHGs from cattle:
- 2007/10/12: PhysOrg: Heaps of climate gas
- 2007/10/12: GSF: Heaps of climate gas - Pasturing cows convert soil to a source of methane
And other sources:
- 2007/10/12: Guardian(UK): The unheralded polluter: cement industry comes clean on its impact
- 2007/10/11: TCE: Airplanes, Automobiles & Emissions
Glaciers are melting:
- 2007/10/11: ThinkP: Glaciers disappearing from Glacier Park
- 2007/10/11: USAToday: Warming climate shrinking Glacier Park's glaciers
Sea levels are rising:
- 2007/10/10: TruthOut: Ice Caps Melting Fast: Say Goodbye to the Big Apple?
The talk of sea level rise should not be in centuries, it should be decades or perhaps even single years. And coastal regions like New York and Florida are in the front line for devastation. - 2007/10/10: HuffPo: Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst
In short, the IPCC claimed the melt would tickle global coastlines with 20 to 60 centimetres of water, but it was wrong. The figure has now exponentially grown to two metres and climbing... - 2007/10/08: FAS:SN: JPL Scientists Gain Reprieve from Intrusive Investigations
The campaign to uncover DSCOVR [Deep Space Climate Observatory] rolls on:
- 2007/10/12: DeSmogBlog: How Much Is Monitoring Climate Change Worth? Part 6 in our "Uncover DSCOVR" series...
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2007/10/12: PhysOrg: Scientists warn of climate change's impact on global river flow
- 2007/10/12: PhysOrg: Climate Change Likely to Increase Fires
- 2007/10/12: SciDaily: Climate Change Will Impact Global River Flow, Scientists Warn
- 2007/10/12: Eureka: International team of scientists warns of climate change's impact on global river flow
- 2007/10/10: KSJT: Time Mag: Those drowned wildebeest? Global warming.
- 2007/10/10: ClimateP: Columbus Day Special: Too Hot for Turtlenecks
- 2007/10/10: ABC(Au): Study finds global warming affecting bird migration
- 2007/10/09: GristMill: Marathon meltdown - A first-hand view from Chicago's overheated marathon
Chicago's annual marathon was shut down early on Sunday due to oppressive heat and humidity, which led to dozens of hospitalizations. - 2007/10/10: TreeHugger: Climate Change Causing Near Daily Alteration of Entire Landscapes
- 2007/10/10: TDN: 'Climate change' changes trends in textile sector
- 2007/10/09: AFP: Global warming puts winter fashion out in the cold
- 2007/10/09: Reuters: Heat may kill hundreds more in NYC region by 2050
- 2007/10/08: TruthOut: Climate Change Disaster Is Upon Us, Warns UN
- 2007/10/08: ThinkP: Fox News: Global Warming's "Indisputable" Effects Mean Oil Is "More Accessible"
And then there are the tropical rainforests:
- 2007/10/14: Guardian(UK): New money is last hope in battle to save rainforests
- 2007/10/14: Guardian(UK): Amazon tribe hits back at green 'colonialism'
- 2007/10/11: TerraDaily: Chinese loggers stripping Myanmar's ancient forests
- 2007/10/10: TruthOut: "Zero" Amazon Deforestation Possible by 2015, Brazilian NGOs Say
- 2007/10/08: TruthOut: South America Chokes As Amazon Burns
- 2007/10/08: Xinhuanet: Wai Wai [an indigenous tribe in Guyana] ban miners, loggers from their rainforest
Desertification looms as a threat:
- 2007/10/08: WorldChanging: Revitalizing China's Dust Bowl [desertification]
- 2007/10/08: KSJT: Reuters, Time Mag: Mongolia's grasslands drying up
- 2007/10/08: Yahoo: Inner Mongolia grasslands turning to sand
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
- 2007/10/09: TerraDaily: Monster hail hits eastern Australia - Hail the size of tennis balls lashed an eastern coast city in Australia on Tuesday...
And speaking of floods & droughts:
- 2007/10/13: ABC(Au): SA [South Australia] considering bottled water as drought continues
- 2007/10/13: Wunderground: Flooding kills 45 in Haiti; sleeping giant begins to awaken
- 2007/10/13: DailyIndia: Hundreds homeless after Haiti floods
- 2007/10/12: EnvEcon: Droughts, Neighbors and Endangered Species [Southern drought]
- 2007/10/10: SMH: Greens [Senator Rachel Siewert] warn drought may continue for [at least] six more years
- 2007/10/09: Futurismic: Southern Californian water cut by 30% next year
- 2007/10/07: SeattlePI: For West, climate change is about water
- 2007/10/08: TreeHugger: Future Of Water In The US West: A Bleak Projection Of Climate Consequence
A potentially serious situation has arisen in Georgia:
- 2007/10/13: JFleck: The Drying of Atlanta
- 2007/10/12: WaterCrunch: Could Atlanta Run Out of Water?
- 2007/10/12: TruthOut: Lake Lanier Has Three Months of Water Storage Left
- 2007/10/12: WSBTV: Mayor Begs Residents To Conserve Water
The commissioner of Atlanta's Department of Watershed Management made a plea for conservation today because of the severe drought that has forced restrictions on 61 counties in north Georgia. Robert J. Hunter called it a drought "of historic magnitude." He said everyone must come together to protect and conserve limited water resources. - 2007/10/11: AJC: Atlanta's Lake Lanier has three months of water storage left
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
- 2007/10/12: ChinaDaily: Biofuel expert allays food-shortage worries
- 2007/10/12: Australian: Thirsty biofuels threaten to take food off menu [China & India]
- 2007/10/11: SwissInfo: UN rapporteur calls for biofuel moratorium
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food is demanding an international five-year ban on producing biofuels to combat soaring food prices. Switzerland's Jean Ziegler said the conversion of arable land for plants used for green fuel had led to an explosion of agricultural prices which was punishing poor countries forced to import their food at a greater cost. "232kg of corn is needed to make 50 litres of bioethanol," Ziegler said on Thursday. "A child could live on that amount of corn for a year." Using land for biofuels would result in "massacres", he said, predicting a reduction in the amount of food aid sent to developing countries by richer ones. - 2007/10/10: Yahoo: U.S. ethanol rush may harm water supplies: report
- 2007/10/11: Yahoo: Biofuels plans may cause water shortages
China's and India's plans to produce more biofuels could cause shortages of water, which is needed for crops to feed their growing populations, according to study results released Thursday. The International Water Management Institute or IWMI study said both countries are counting on maize and sugarcane, which need large amounts of water, for much of their biofuels. - 2007/10/10: Eureka: Increase in ethanol production from corn could significantly impact Water quality and availability...
- 2007/10/10: AsiaNews: World grain supply not enough to produce bio fuels
- 2007/10/09: Yahoo: Ethanol isn't sole food price culprit
The cost of food spiked right on cue last year when economists warned that the country's thirst for ethanol would drive up the cost of the grain used to feed livestock for meat, dairy and other foods. But economists say it isn't all ethanol's fault, and warn that Americans have yet to feel the full force of the corn-based fuel additive on food prices - 2007/10/09: AutoBG: AP: Biofuels playing a role in the "worst bout of food inflation since 1990"
And the troubling matter of falling food production is not going away:
- 2007/10/13: GristMill: 'Free' market religion kills - Noticing the elephant stomping Africa
- 2007/10/12: G&M: How Malawi went from a nation of famine to a nation of feast
The key question is, What happened? How did Malawi go from famine-plagued to food exporter? While steady rains have undoubtedly helped, that's not the whole answer. Over the past couple of years, Malawi has broken with an orthodoxy long advocated by Canada and other Western donor nations: The impoverished country has gone back to subsidizing poor farmers. Condemned by donors as an impediment to the development of a sustainable agricultural sector, the subsidies have been a raging success - 2007/10/11: Google:AP: Wheat Prices Surge to Daily Maximum
Wheat futures surged Thursday as investors bet the USDA will cut its estimates for worldwide supply of the grain due to a rash of poor harvests this year and robust demand - 2007/10/12: IndiaTimes: Risk management in commodity price volatility
A recent policy research working paper at the World Bank examines the effect of crude oil prices on the prices of as many as 35 internationally-traded primary commodities [particularly fertilisers] over the long term - 2007/10/12: CasaubonsBook: Feeding New York [polyculture]
- 2007/10/10: MSNBC: Could vertical farming be the future?
With a raft of studies suggesting farmers will be hard-pressed to feed the extra 3 billion people swelling the world's ranks by the year 2050, Columbia University professor Dickson Despommier believes a new model of agriculture is vital to avoid an impending catastrophe. - 2007/10/08: TEB: USDA: High Oil Prices Push Up Food Prices More Than Biofuels
- 2007/10/09: CBC: UN running out of food aid in flood-ravaged Uganda
- 2007/10/08: Rediff: Global warming hits cereal production
- 2007/10/09: Eureka: Important rice production system under pressure - The problems facing irrigated rice farmers are being highlighted
In the face of growing pressure on one of Asia's most important food production systems, experts are warning that farmers must get more help to make them more efficient. Irrigated rice production provides about 75 percent of the world's rice needs, and has a particularly important role to play at the moment as international rice prices are at a 10-year high, while global stocks are at a 30-year low. - 2007/10/09: FxStreet: Stagflation-Proof Yourself with Agriculture, Part II
- 2007/10/08: CBS: Bulging Grocery Bills Fed By Global Forces
[...] The forces behind the rise in food prices - China's economic boom, a growing biofuels industry and a weak U.S. dollar - are global and not letting up anytime soon. Grocery receipts are bulging because the raw ingredients, packaging and fuel that go into the price of foodstuffs cost more than they have in decades. [...] Or witness the wheat market. A failed crop in the Ukraine started prices rising sharply in the United States. The situation snowballed as one wheat crop after another worldwide was damaged by either too much rain or too little, leaving foreign buyers frantic to stock their shelves. Global stockpiles have dwindled to a 26-year low and sent prices surging higher. In Italy, consumer groups staged a symbolic pasta protest last month over the rising price of the country's wheat-based staple. A bushel of wheat recently topped $9.50, nearly 90 percent more than it cost at the start of the year, when wheat traded around $5 a bushel - 2007/10/06: CommodityOnline: Global warming hits Cereal production hard
Global warming is taking a heavy toll on cereal crops. A new study on the impact of global warming on global food production by researchers of a US university says that in 20 years since 1981, there had been an annual loss of about $5 billion for the major cereal crops in the world. The report has caused ripples among researchers and scientists across the globe. The Indian Council for Agricultural Research is already acting on this by undertaking long-term climate change impact studies - 2007/10/13: GristMill: Suburban legend - Widening roads does not, in fact, reduce emissions
- 2007/10/12: TerraDaily: Fantastic Plastic Could Cut CO2 Emissions And Purify Water
- 2007/10/07: FSF: Potential GHG reduction for regionally-directed food purchasing
- 2007/10/12: CNN: IBM Launches "Mainframe Gas Gauge" in Environmental Push - An Industry-First, New Environmental Figures Demonstrate the Mainframe's Energy Usage
- 2007/10/12: SlashDot: First Actual CPU Energy Use Statistics Published
- 2007/10/10: ClimateP: Tired of all the wasteful catalogs you get?
- 2007/10/10: PhysOrg: Australia takes on energy-guzzling [plasma] TVs
- 2007/10/09: EnergyDaily: Steel producers search for global plan to cut CO2 emissions
- 2007/10/09: ENN: Steel Makers to Collect Global Climate Data
- 2007/10/08: PhysOrg: Cutting carbon: New tech traps, stores airborne emissions
- 2007/10/08: SciDaily: Cutting Carbon: New Tech Traps, Stores Airborne Emissions
Do you think widespread carbon footprint labelling would be effective?
- 2007/10/12: Yahoo: Carbon labelling: Food footprints coming soon to a label near you
As for shipping & GHG production:
- 2007/10/12: Independent(UK): Shipping pollution 'far more damaging than flying'
New research suggests that the impact of shipping on climate change has been seriously underestimated and that the industry is currently churning out greenhouse gases at nearly twice the rate of aviation. Shipping, although traditionally thought of as environmentally friendly, is growing so fast that the pollution it creates is at least 50 per cent higher than previously thought. Maritime emissions are also set to leap by 75 per cent by 2020. The International Maritime Organisation, the UN body set up to regulate shipping, has set up a working group due to report this year. Research seen by the group suggests previous calculations, which put the total at about 600 million tonnes per year, are signifi-cantly short. The true figure is set to be more than one billion tonnes, according to a confidential report produced for the IMO by Intertanko, the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners. In comparison, aviation produces an estimated 650 million tonnes. - 2007/10/09: ABC(Au): Union says shipping key to reducing transport emissions
The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) says shipping should be part of the solution to meeting the challenges of climate change. A new study by the Australia Institute has found a national carbon pricing scheme would result in fewer freight trucks on the road. It also says a shift from road to sea freight would deliver cleaner environmental outcomes. - 2007/10/08: CanWest: Cruise-ship pollution initiative actually contributes to problem
A $1.5-million pilot ['scrubber'] project aimed at reducing air pollution from cruise ships - announced with great fanfare in Vancouver this spring - is actually contributing to increased greenhouse gases. That stunning finding was presented as shipping, environment and labour leaders gathered in Vancouver recently to urge Ottawa to join a global push for mandatory use of cleaner fuels by shipping lines worldwide - 2007/10/12: NEN: Future homes are solar homes
- 2007/10/11: KSJT: USA Today: Solar decathlong (not a run on the sun, but PVs on the mall) [working, model solar and high-efficiency homes for a competition]
- 2007/10/10: C411: The Rise of Green Buildings
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2007/10/12: TEB: DOE Awards First Three Large-Scale Carbon Sequestration Projects
- 2007/10/12: ABC(Au): Gorgon gas deal highlights greenhouse gas issue
The go-ahead for the massive Gorgon Gas project is focusing attention on a key environmental issue: how to dispose of the tonnes of greenhouse gases the plant will produce. The plan at Gorgon is to pump the waste gas back underground, an innovative solution using new technology with one Western Australia company leading the way - 2007/10/11: SciDaily: EPA to issue CO2 sequestration rules
- 2007/10/12: NEN: Emissions Vacuum [CO2 seq]
- 2007/10/11: PhysOrg: Australia leads CO2 capturing effort
- 2007/10/10: KSJT: Chicago Tribune: In Australia (and in a big salty Illinois aquifer) - places to hide billions of tons of CO2..?
- 2007/10/10: People's Daily: U.S. government awards first three large-scale carbon sequestration projects
In a major step forward for demonstrating the promise of clean energy technology, the Bush administration on Tuesday awarded the first three large-scale carbon sequestration projects in the United States and the largest single set in the world to date. The three projects -- Plains Carbon Dioxide Reduction Partnership, Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership, and Southwest Regional Partnership for Carbon Sequestration -- will conduct large volume tests for the storage of 1 million or more tons of carbon dioxide in deep saline reservoirs, according to a statement released by the Department of Energy (DOE). DOE plans to invest 197 million U.S. dollars over 10 years, subject to annual appropriations from Congress, in the projects, whose estimated value including partnership cost share is 318 million dollars. These projects are the first of several sequestration demonstration projects planned through DOE's Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships. - 2007/10/08: NatureCF: More on those pumps
- 2007/10/08: BCLSB: Another Geo-Engineering Scheme [Lovelock]
- 2007/10/07: Guardian(UK): Can science really save the world?
Endless treaties to cut carbon emissions and halt global warming have failed to turn the tide of pollution. Now scientists want to intervene on a planetary scale, changing the very nature of our seas and skies. Ahead of a major report on 'geo-engineering' we reveal the six big ideas that could change the face of the Earth - 2007/10/10: Guardian(UK): Gulf coast wetlands to act as hurricane barrier
- 2007/10/11: Guardian(UK): Rebuild or retreat: US debates evacuation of Gulf coastline
Another Katrina cannot be prevented, plan concludes - Cash earmarked to buy up 17,000 Mississippi houses - 2007/10/09: CP: Variations in air and ground temperature and the POM-SAT model: results from the Northern Hemisphere by R. N. Harris
- 2007/10/11: CPD: Strong summer monsoon during the cool MIS-13 by Q. Z. Yin & Z. T. Guo
- 2007/10/11: CPD: Maximum growing season temperature in Western Europe: multi proxy reconstructions in Fontainebleau from 1596 to 2000 by N. Etien et al.
- 2007/10/12: ACP: Observation of Polar Stratospheric Clouds down to the Mediterranean coast by P. Keckhut et al.
- 2007/10/10: ACP: Aerosol absorption and radiative forcing by P. Stier et al.
- 2007/10/10: ACP: Observed poleward expansion of the Hadley circulation since 1979 by Y. Hu & Q. Fu
- 2007/10/10: ACP: Characterization of Polar Stratospheric Clouds with spaceborne lidar: CALIPSO and the 2006 Antarctic season by M. C. Pitts et al.
- 2007/10/10: ACPD: Extreme associated functions: optimally linking local extremes to large-scale atmospheric circulation structures by D. Panja & F. M. Selten
- 2007/10/10: ACPD: Black carbon record based on a shallow Himalayan ice core and its climatic implications by J. Ming et al.
- 2007/10/12: UKCIP: (pdf - 72k) Climate Digest September 2007
- 2007/10/09: ACP: A scheme for calculating soil moisture content by using routine weather data by K. Z. Shang et al.
- 2007/10/09: ACP: The Tropical Forest and Fire Emissions Experiment: overview and airborne fire emission factor measurements by R. J. Yokelson et al.
- 2007/10/08: ACP: Effect of NOx level on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from the photooxidation of terpenes by N. L. Ng et al.
- 2007/10/08: ACP: Behaviour of tracer diffusion in simple atmospheric boundary layer models by P. S. Anderson & S. J.-B. Bauguitte
- 2007/10/09: ACPD: Oceanic phytoplankton, atmospheric aerosol and Raman scattering impacts on space-based ultraviolet radiance measurements by R.-M. Hu & R. S. Sokhi
- 2007/10/09: ACPD: Aerosol-cloud interactions in the NASA GMI: model development and indirect forcing assessments by N. Meskhidze et al.
- 2007/10/08: ACPD: How quickly do cloud droplets form on atmospheric particles? by C. R. Ruehl et al.
- 2007/10/08: ACPD: When does new particle formation not occur in the upper troposphere? by D. R. Benson et al.
- 2007/10/09: PNAS: Tracing the effects of the Little Ice Age in the tropical lowlands of eastern Mesoamerica by Ma. del Socorro Lozano-GarcÃa et al.
- 2007/10/09: PNAS: Thousand-year-long Chinese time series reveals climatic forcing of decadal locust dynamics by Leif Christian Stige et al.
- 2007/10/09: PNAS: Weak response of oceanic dimethylsulfide to upper mixing shoaling induced by global warming by S. M. Vallina et al.
- 2007/10/09: PNAS: Evidence for an extraterrestrial impact 12,900 years ago that contributed to the megafaunal extinctions and the Younger Dryas cooling by R. B. Firestone et al.
- 2007/10/09: PNAS: Locust plagues, climate variation, and the rhythms of nature by Mauricio Lima
Before we get into politics, there was some science done:
- 2007/10/13: FergusB: Highlights of the [September] UKCIP Climate Digest
- 2007/10/11: PhysOrg: Ice age [Younger Dryas] not a global phenomenon: study
- 2007/10/11: PhysOrg: Study of bacterial communities may provide climate-change clues
- 2007/10/10: ENN: Ancient [Marine] Fossils Point to Carbon Dioxide As a Driver of Global Warming
- 2007/10/11: Eureka: New membrane [a modified plastic material] strips carbon dioxide from natural gas faster and better
- 2007/10/11: Eureka: European lead in reading past climates from ice cores
- 2007/10/11: Eureka: Fantastic plastic could cut CO2 emissions and purify water
- 2007/10/11: Eureka: Green alga genome project catalogs carbon capture machinery
- 2007/10/10: ABC(Au): Coral study to assist understanding of climate change
- 2007/10/10: PhysOrg: New isotope molecule may add to Venus' greenhouse effect
Planetary scientists on both sides of the Atlantic have tracked down a rare molecule in the atmospheres of both Mars and Venus. The molecule, an exotic form of carbon dioxide, could affect the way the greenhouse mechanism works on Venus. - 2007/10/12: TerraDaily: Giant Atmospheric Waves [undular bore] Over Iowa
- 2007/10/11: PhysOrg: Giant Atmospheric Waves [undular bore] Over Iowa
- 2007/10/09: RealClimate: Spanish perspectives - the European Meteorological Society annual meeting
- 2007/10/09: OSU: Researchers find evidence of warming climate in Ohio
- 2007/10/08: PhysOrg: Researchers Find Evidence of Warming Climate In Ohio
- 2007/10/08: JEB: Probability, uncertainty, models and climate
The Keeper of the World Weather Archive:
- 2007/10/08: PhysOrg: Arizona professor keeper of weather records
An Arizona State University professor has been designated the official keeper of world weather records by the U.N. World Meteorological Organization. Randy Cerveny, 48, got the idea for a world weather archive during Hurricane Katrina, when reporters -- incorrectly, he says -- kept calling it the worst hurricane in U.S. history, the Arizona Republic reported Sunday. The inaccuracies opened his eyes to the need for a global record keeping track of extreme weather phenomena, like the 1900 Galveston Hurricane that killed at least 8,000 people. A comprehensive record of such weather events will help scientists track climate shifts over time, the newspaper said - 2007/10/12: ENN: World Bank fund to pay for protecting forests
A new fund being developed by the World Bank would pay developing countries hundreds of millions of dollars for protecting and replanting tropical forests, which store huge amounts of carbon that causes climate change. The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), announced by the World Bank on Thursday, will be part of U.N. climate change negotiations in Bali in December to shape a global agreement for when the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012. - 2007/09/27: Economist: Playing games with the planet - A version of the "prisoner's dilemma" may suggest ways to break through the Kyoto impasse
- 2007/10/08: Xinhuanet: Developing countries to seek compensation for protecting forests
The developing countries will seek compensation from the developed countries for protecting their forests during the Climate Change Conference in Indonesia this year, Indonesian Environment Minister Rahmat Witoelar said here Monday. The conference will be held in Bali from Dec. 3 to 15. - 2007/10/09: NEN: Quebec tries carbon tax
- 2007/10/08: Time:CC: One bad way to fight global warming that both Democrats and Republicans love [carbon tax]
The debate over the optimal strategy [carbon trading, carbon offsets and/or a carbon tax] to use in dealing with GHGs continues:
- 2007/10/12: GristMill: To CAFE or not to CAFE - The CAFE standards vs. carbon tax debate is more complicated than we imagine
Meanwhile on the international political front:
- 2007/10/10: UN: Climate change the focus of Secretary-General's trip to Washington
- 2007/10/08: ENN: U.S. finally taking warming seriously: Gorbachev
A group of nobel laureates held a CC conference in Potsdam:
- 2007/10/12: NatureCF: Potsdam symposium
- 2007/10/10: IHT: Nobel laureates feel vindicated as climate change moves to fore
Potsdam, Germany: Sixty-two years after the victorious Allied leaders convened in this stately Prussian town to create the post-World War II world, 15 Nobel Prize laureates assembled here this week for another momentous task: saving the world from global warming. It was only an academic symposium, to be sure, and none of the scholars claimed to have a master plan to eradicate the threat of climate change. Still, there was a whiff of validation, if not victory, in the air. "The scientific findings are clear: Climate is changing, and it is a response to human activities," said Mario Molina, a Mexican-American chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1995 for being the first to posit that chlorofluorocarbons and similar chemicals could poke a hole in the ozone layer - 2007/10/10: NatureCC: Is this what the world's coming to?
With climate change placing increasing pressure on environmental resources, it is now being viewed as a threat to national security. - 2007/10/10: PhysOrg: Climate change deadlier than car accidents
Europe needs to take drastic action to reverse complex environmental issues that have shortened the life expectancy of its people by almost a year, the European Environmental Agency said Wednesday - 2007/10/09: TerraDaily: Analysis: Darfur's environment link ...desertification, land degradation, displacement and rainfall...
And on the American political front:
- 2007/10/14: TPMCafe: Who Will Own the Climate Change Franchise? The Clintons or Al Gore?
- 2007/10/14: ClimateP: More on Gore - for political junkies only
- 2007/10/13: ClimateP: Climate (still) nowhere near top issue in U.S.
- 2007/10/14: SciAm: Climate Change and the Law
Even the Bush administration has started to recognize U.S. legal obligations to fight global warming - 2007/10/13: HuffPo: Bush v. Gore: Poppy's Bad Weekend
- 2007/10/13: JapanTimes: Empty gestures on climate change
- 2007/10/13: EnergyBulletin: Waiting for the energy
- 2007/10/12: BtP: Is It Only Liberals Who Think that Mileage Standards Would Reduce Global Warming?
- 2007/10/11: UNDispatch: The UNCLOS [UN Convention on the Law of the Sea] Battle
- 2007/10/12: HuffPo: Gore's Nobel Prize Shines a Harsh Light on Those Doing Nothing on Global Warming
- 2007/10/13: ABC(Au): US stands firm on climate policy despite Gore's success
The Bush administration says it will not change its policy on climate change, despite the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to former US Vice President Al Gore - 2007/10/12: CSW: Two questions on the IPCC and Al Gore being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize [US pol]
- 2007/10/12: AutoBG: John McElroy: All CAFE does is kill us slower
- 2007/10/08: FGuide: Climate bill followup: Sander's bill better? Jury still out.
- 2007/10/08: SeedMag: Dr. President
- 2007/10/11: ClimateP: The state of play of the Energy Bill
- 2007/10/11: C411: US-CAP Targets Capitol Hill with Newspaper Ad
- 2007/10/11: NEN: Senate Cap-and-Trade Legislation: A Sample
- 2007/10/09: USAToday: All eyes on Calif. climate-change fight
- 2007/10/10: GristMill: Clueless in Seattle - Politicians are still pumping biodiesel
- 2007/10/09: CSW: Environmental groups petition EPA for rulemaking to limit greenhouse gas emissions from ships
- 2007/10/10: CCM: On Global Warming, Houston Chronicle Does the Government's Job
- 2007/10/10: NEN: U.S. emissions regulations coming [says 'highly placed anonymous official']
- 2007/10/08: GristMill: File under: Duh, No - The U.S. Dept. of Energy's voluntary emission reduction reporting program worthless
- 2007/10/08: SLTrib: Rocky's riff - Mayor's message against coal strikes chord - Guitar in hand, Rocky Anderson rails against ills of coal industry
- 2007/10/09: C411: State of the Senate: Lieberman and Warner Team Up
- 2007/10/09: C411: Senate Majority Leader Reid's Climate Course
- 2007/10/09: NEN: States [Minn, ND] fight over emissions tax
- 2007/10/09: OilChange: Why protest?
- 2007/10/09: AutoBG: Drivers will not play a role in carbon law
- 2007/10/08: DailyKos: Dingell, gas taxes, CAFE and diet - 3 data points
- 2007/10/08: CSW: GAP president Louis Clark: Whistleblowing at work now more dangerous
In Utah, the Governor's Blue Ribbon Advisory Council on Climate Change issued their final Report:
- 2007/10/12: Utah: Governor's Blue Ribbon Advisory Council on Climate Change - Final BRAC Report
- 2007/10/12: WarmingLaw: ...With Cleaner Cars [BRAC]
- 2007/10/12: WarmingLaw: Prioritizing Climate-Friendly Growth...[BRAC]
Unfortunately, I think this is the hard truth:
- 2007/10/08: GristMill: Pessimistic prognostications - Two insiders say climate legislation unlikely while Bush is president
In the 2008 campaign, several candidates started pushing energy-climate plans:
- 2007/10/10: FGuide: Climate policy cont'd: Obama talking the talk
- 2007/10/11: GristMill: Prime mover - Edwards would auction 100% of pollution permits; welcomes Obama to the auction fold
- 2007/10/11: GristMill: Grading on a curve - The Republican candidates acknowledge climate change, but they don't much care about it
- 2007/10/11: HillHeat: Democratic Senators Outline Goals for Climate Change Legislation
- 2007/10/11: CCM: The GOP Candidates on Global Warming
- 2007/10/10: DeSmogBlog: Wait, You Mean Republicans Aren't Totally Evil On Global Warming?
- NYT: Election Guide 2008 - The Presidential Candidates on Climate Change
- 2007/10/09: HillHeat: Obama Unveils Detailed Global Warming/Energy Policy Proposal
- 2007/10/10: WarmingLaw: Obama and Global Warming IR
- 2007/10/09: ClimateP: Obama's excellent energy and climate plan
- 2007/10/09: TreeHugger: Obama Calls for Cap-and-Trade
- 2007/10/08: Google:AP: Obama Proposes Deep Greenhouse Gas Cuts
- 2007/10/08: GristMill: Obama energy thoughts - Thoughts and reactions on Obama's bold new energy proposal
- 2007/10/08: GristMill: Obama's speech - The full text of Obama's energy remarks
- 2007/10/08: GristMill: Obama energy fact sheet - The details on Obama's just-released energy plan
- 2007/10/08: GristMill: Obama's energy proposal - Barack Obama reveals details of energy plan in speech today
- 2007/10/08: CSW: Hillary Clinton addresses Climate Science Watch issues on integrity of science communication
- 2007/10/08: Xinhuanet: Obama proposes $150 bln clean-energy programs
It seems the Gore-apalooza will be picking up:
- 2007/10/12: CNN: Al Gore's $100M climate ad blitz
Rising energy prices have done little to curb consumption. Can a big ad campaign from Al Gore do the trick? - 2007/10/11: NYT: Gore Supporters' Movement Lacks a Candidate
- 2007/10/09: TreeHugger: Al Gore Warns of Crises Facing World's Oceans
While in the UK:
- 2007/10/13: BBC: Darling attacked on green agenda
Ministers have been accused of inadequate and inconsistent leadership over green issues in a strongly-worded attack by a leading environmentalist. Sir Jonathon Porritt said "soaring" speeches about making the UK a world leader in fighting climate change were not backed up by action. He said green policies in Chancellor Alistair Darling's pre-Budget statement were "crabby incrementalism". - 2007/10/11: EnvFin: UK moves slowly to implement Stern advice
- 2007/10/08: BBC: Firms 'need clear climate policies'
Fossil fuels are going to remain the main source of power in an increasingly energy-hungry world for decades to come, says James Smith in this week's Green Room. However, he urges governments to urgently provide polices to encourage investment in cleaner technologies - 2007/10/08: OilDrum: The UK Energy White Paper: An Academic Critique
And in Europe:
- 2007/10/14: TreeHugger: IFO President: EU Energy Policy is Useless
- 2007/10/13: NewScientist: Go nuclear for a third industrial revolution, says EC
- 2007/10/13: DerSpiegel: German Government Defends Gore - 'Inconvenient Truth' To Continue Airing in Schools
- 2007/10/12: EUO: Brussels pushes atomic safety amid pro-nuclear talk
- 2007/10/09: Guardian(UK): Chancellor announces new green tax on flights
- 2007/10/09: inel: Committees of the European Parliament: Climate Change (EUROPARL CLIM)
In France, the govt. has laid out a green plan:
- 2007/10/03: NSU: France lays plans for a green future - Broad consensus reached on environment policy.
- 2007/10/09: EnergyDaily: Study says French C02 target unattainable: report
- 2007/10/09: ClimateP: French conservatives go green, too!
- 2007/10/08: ENN: France unlikely to meet CO2 emissions target: report
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2007/10/10: TheAge: The time has come for drastic action
- 2007/10/10: ABC(Au): Short-term targets key to tackling climate change: report
- 2007/10/08: ABC(Au): Community concerned about climate change response: report
A report compiled by the city of Mandurah has found the community is concerned over the lack of direction from government agencies on climate change and its impacts. Report author Dr Robert Kay says feedback from a symposium on climate change held in Mandurah, in south-west Western Australia, shows the community remains confused about the issue. He says there needs to be greater studies into climate change effects in the Peel and south-west regions and clear direction from federal and state governments on how it will be tackled. He says predictions on rising sea levels looks more dire than first thought and coastal communities need to factor that into future development and planning. - 2007/10/14: BBC: Australian Prime Minister John Howard has announced parliamentary elections for 24 November
- 2007/10/13: SMH: Maybe the PM will now get the message
With his new status as winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Al Gore's passionate call for the Prime Minister, John Howard, to ratify the Kyoto Protocol will now resonate throughout the election campaign. Just weeks ago, on his last visit to Sydney, the former US vice-president and climate change crusader urged Mr Howard to break with Washington and ratify the treaty. - 2007/10/10: ABC(Au): [Federal Environment Minister Malcolm] Turnbull hints at ratifying new climate change agreement
And in New Zealand:
- 2007/10/12: TEB: New Zealand Bans New Fossil Fueled Power Plants
- 2007/10/09: Scoop(NZ): Biofuel change ensures food not taken from hungry
The Green Party has negotiated a very important amendment to the Biofuel Bill tabled in Parliament today to ensure production of the fuel does not impact food supply and the environment. To qualify to meet the biofuel sales obligation, fuel will have to meet a sustainability standard, prescribed by Order in Council, showing that it does not impinge on food production or cause undue environmental harm. - 2007/10/08: BBC: Manipulating the climate message - What's in a name? A lot, according to the Chinese government
- 2007/10/08: PhysOrg: China offers surprise hope in climate change fight
And in India:
- 2007/10/09: EnergyDaily: Carbon-heavy growth 'suicide' for India, says climate expert
In Canada, minority neocon PM Harper, continues to do as little as possible:
- 2007/10/13: ToCC: Climate Worsening Faster Than Predicted - But Canada "Voting for Apocalypse" at UN Talks
- 2007/10/08: FergusB: Oh, Canada!
Newfoundland & Ontario had elections, Saskatchewan is coming up in November & the feds return to parliament next week:
- 2007/10/12: CBC: Tory throne speech to embarrass Liberals over Kyoto: report
Then the tricky question of the oil sands looms:
Meanwhile in Alberta: - 2007/10/14: TStar: Alberta's inconvenient truths
Key challenges
Raise royalty rates to world standards.
Renew investing in the rainy day Heritage Fund.
Begin environmental remediation of the devastated Athabasca oil-sands region.
Become a global leader in environmentally advanced oil-sands extraction and processing technology. - 2007/10/12: CBC: Alleged Stelmach quote contradicts royalty recommendation
Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach came under fire Friday over remarks he reportedly made behind closed doors that contradict a government-appointed panel on energy royalties. Stelmach was quoted as telling business leaders he "will not trounce existing agreements" on royalties, which is the opposite of the panel's call to raise royalty raises. "It was our recommendation that there would be no grandfathering," Bill Hunter, head of the panel that called for a $2-billion increase in annual royalties, said Friday. Stelmach was not available to clarify his remarks, but two of his staff, including one who was in the room when he spoke, said they wouldn't dispute the quote. - 2007/10/12: G&M: Oil sands as an industry saviour? The numbers tell the real story
There are a couple of big problems... The first is that even as oil sands' production soars, so does global oil demand. The second is that CAPP's four-million-barrel figure may be ambitious. The new World Energy Outlook will probably pencil in a smaller number. Why? Because the oil sands are probably the world's most expensive oil production. As oil prices rise, so do costs. In the oil sands, natural gas is burned to generate the steam required to heat the bitumen in the reserve, allowing it to be pumped to the surface. Roughly speaking, it takes the equivalent of one barrel of energy to produce three barrels of oil sands oil. The oil sands' other big problem is environmental. In the surface mining operations, it takes about 10 barrels of water to produce one barrel of oil. For the underground recovery operations, the figure is two to one (less water is used underground because it's recycled). Then there is the carbon dioxide output. The industry will get hit with carbon taxes. It's just a question of when. - 2007/10/11: ClimateP: The tar sands - Canada's version of liquid coal
- 2007/10/08: StraightGoods: Oil companies hurling empty threats - Many Albertans believe a slowdown wouldn't hurt the overheated provincial economy
- 2007/10/11: OilChange: Canada: Oil Major Warns of $20-billion in Cuts [royalties]
- 2007/10/09: DeSmogBlog: Hill and Knowlton Still Can't GetItRightAlberta
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2007/10/11: UNDispatch: Misreading Romm [S&N]
- 2007/10/12: ClimateP: Time to end the phony, and historically inaccurate, debate [Shellenberger & Nordhaus]
- 2007/10/12: CChange: Financial Monsters
- 2007/10/10: CCurrents: It's Not About The Carbon [it's the huge consumptive and unsustainable free market economy that obsessively quests for growth in a finite world]
- 2007/10/09: ArtThreat: Documentary on Environmental Refugees Interrogates Neoliberalism
- 2007/10/11: DiscoverMag: Science's Worst Enemy: Corporate Funding - And you thought the Bush administration was bad
- 2007/10/11: GristMill: The meaning of global warming, part two - Stabilizing climate means embracing technology, public investment, and global economic development [a guest essay by Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger]
- 2007/10/10: GristMill: Fascinating, but for the wrong reasons - Shellenberger & Nordhaus echo flawed economic assumptions
- 2007/10/10: TPMCafe:BC: Shadowboxing - Shellenberger & Nordhaus
- 2007/10/09: ClimateP: Lomborg and Shellenberger & Nordhaus Redux
- 2007/10/09: GristMill: 'An artefact of prior decisions otherwise concealed' - Walt Patterson argues that electricity cost comparisons are political, not economic
- 2007/10/08: ClimateP: What exactly is the difference between Lomborg and Shellenberger & Nordhaus?
- 2007/10/08: ERabett: If you want a piece of Nordhaus to go with your Stern
- 2007/10/08: EnvEcon: Priceless or Worthless: Why put dollar values on the environment?
Apocalypso anyone?:
- 2007/10/09: Guardian(UK): In this age of diamond saucepans, only a recession makes sense
Economic growth is a political sedative, snuffing out protest as it drives inequality. It is time we gave it up - 2007/10/08: PRWatch: Climate-Controlled Media
- 2007/10/09: CSpin: Look to local papers for good coverage of global warming politics
- 2007/10/08: CSpin: U.N. and Bush meetings coverage
Here is something for your library:
- 2007/10/12: CCurrents: Surviving The Century [Book Review] _Surviving the Century: Facing Climate Chaos and Other Global Challenges_ Edited by Herbert Girardet
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2007/10/13: GristMill: What a Way to Go: Life at the end of empire - A review of a new doomer [video] cult classic
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2007/10/11: WarmingLaw: The Environment on the Court
- 2007/10/10: WarmingLaw: No Self-Esteem [Vt. vs automakers]
- 2007/10/09: WarmingLaw: An Un-Appealing Industry Decision [Vt.]
- 2007/10/09: WarmingLaw: Michaels' Withdrawal Hurt Auto Industry's Case
Brian got a rise out of Tim Ball:
- 2007/10/08: BSD: "Cheap, tawdry, and useless" - Tim Ball wins Best Response Award to my climate bet offer
- 2007/10/09: DeSmogBlog: Tim Ball Balks at Climate Change Bet
Developing a new energy infrastructure is a fundamental challenge of the current generation:
- 2007/10/14: Guardian(UK): 200 wind turbines plan for North Sea - Two new giant offshore generators are a glimpse of future, developers say
- 2007/10/12: Yahoo: Gore's Nobel win should boost alternative energy
- 2007/10/12: KSJT: LA Times, MSNBC, NewScientist: An old idea gets a boost - space-based solar power worth a try, says US defense panel
- 2007/10/12: BCLSB: Solar From Space?
- 2007/10/11: ABC(Au): Pig manure sweet money for Thai farmer [energy]
- 2007/10/11: GristMill: And the wind began to howl...All along the watch tower, opposition to wind is growing
- 2007/10/11: NewScientist: Pentagon backs plan to beam solar power from space
- 2007/10/11: CanWest: [Western Canadian natural] Gas Output To Plummet - Supplies forecast to shrink 15% in slump
- 2007/10/11: Independent(UK): A sea change: the wind farm revolution
Giant turbines are rapidly becoming a feature of the landscape. And now a wave of applications is poised to make Britain the world leader in offshore wind power generation. But there's one hurdle in the way of this breakthrough for renewable energy: bureaucracy. - 2007/10/09: GristMill: Storage in the spotlight - Congress finally pays attention to energy storage tech
- 2007/10/09: KSJT: ABC (Australia), Toronto Star, Business Week: An Australian's way to harness the sun. Finally cheap enough?
- 2007/10/09: GristMill: Sustainable energy blueprint - A strategy for a no-nuclear, low-carbon, highly efficient, sustainable energy future
- 2007/10/09: EnergyDaily: Wind Power Cost Is Expected To Reduce By 30 Percent By 2010
- 2007/10/09: EnergyDaily: Hydrogen Economy: Hype Or Potential Reality
- 2007/10/08: OilDrum: Photovoltaics: From Waste to Energy-maker
- 2007/10/08: PhysOrg: Scientists developing clean energy systems from micro-algae [solar-powered bio-reactors and micro-algae to produce hydrogen]
- 2007/10/07: GristMill: Cause for humility
Paul Gipe opens one of his books with a story about a big celebration of a new wind project in Soithern California that was marred when, a few hours beforehand, the turbine oversped and destroyed itself. An executive with the company building the project said something like, "I have some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that the wind turbine destroyed itself. The good news is that we didn't have to evacuate Los Angeles." - 2007/10/08: Barrons: China's Solar Boom Loses Its Luster
China's solar-power stocks were a red-hot bubble until Wednesday. That's when investors learned that an accounting officer had quit one of the industry's hottest firms, the silicon-wafer maker LDK Solar, while alleging that LDK's warehouse and financial reports were loaded with junk. As its American depositary shares fell by nearly 30%, LDK defended its bookkeeping and assured shareholders that it has more than 1,000 metric tons of silicon material. [...] But a shortage of refined polysilicon has pinched solar-cell makers in the past few years. The raw material's price has gone from around $30 a kilogram to over $250 on the spot market, creating a windfall for producers like MEMC Electronic Materials. But the higher prices have hurt China's latest solar-cell contenders, which lack established supplier relationships-which helps explain the net losses at China-based Canadian Solar. - 2007/10/08: IBA: Geothermal industry goes full steam ahead
- 2007/10/08: SMH: Huge wind farm for Mad Max country
A giant $2 billion wind farm proposed for western NSW could double the number of turbines operating in Australia and provide as much electricity as a large coal-fired power plant. Epuron, a subsidiary of the German renewable energy group Conergy AG, will today announce plans to build as many as 500 turbines, generating enough electricity for 400,000 homes. They would be built on the ranges that rise around the Mundi Mundi plains, north-west of Broken Hill - 2007/10/13: SciDaily: Human Cost Of Colombian Coal Revealed
- 2007/10/09: Mercury(Au): Global warming warnings anything but new [coal]
- 2007/10/: EJN: The Myth of Clean Coal: Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plants
- 2007/10/09: Guardian(UK): The new coal age
The government says it wants a low-carbon economy. Yet on a green hilltop in south Wales, despite huge opposition from locals, diggers have begun excavating what will be the largest opencast coal mine in Britain. Who let this happen? - 2007/10/10: SMH: Chinese coal producer hits a rich seam at listing
- 2007/10/09: ENN: China closes 253 [small] coal-power generators [for a total of 9.03 million kilowatts, so far this year]
- 2007/10/08: WFS: Is Clean Coal Feasible? The world looks to carbon capture and storage for a cleaner energy future
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2007/10/12: Yahoo: Africa's biggest ethanol production project for Mozambique
- 2007/10/12: TruthOut: Kill King Corn - Biofuels need new technology, new agronomy and new politics if they are not to do more harm than good
- 2007/10/11: GristMill: 'The ABCs of rainforest destruction' - Raising a ruckus about agrofuels at the Chicago Board of Trade
- 2007/10/12: Dcnonl: OECD report takes a closer look at future impact of biofuels
- 2007/10/13: SMH: Green fuel gets a black name [palm oil]
- 2007/10/11: NYT: Panel Sees Problems in Ethanol Production
- 2007/10/11: Nature: Kill king corn - Biofuels need new technology, new agronomy and new politics if they are not to do more harm than good.
- 2007/10/11: SMH: Palm oil furore could stymie green fuel plan
- 2007/10/10: PhysOrg: Ethanol Crops Could Threaten Water Supply
- 2007/09/: GSI: "Biofuels -- At What Cost? Government support for ethanol and biodiesel in selected OECD countries"
- 2007/10/10: GristMill: 'Tis the season - New studies compare subsidies to biofuels in the U.S. and EU
- 2007/10/10: NEN: Algae makes biofuel
- 2007/10/08: KSJT: Two Biofuels Stories: A writer in a biodiesel bus, and an ex-newspaperman wraps up the whole field
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2007/10/09: GristMill: Are we there yet? Nuclear still on the verge of its comeback
- 2007/10/08: WaPo: Nuclear Power Primed for Comeback - Demand, Subsidies Spur U.S. Utilities
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2007/10/12: TreeHugger: LED Lighting Fixtures: LEDs Coming of Age
- 2007/10/09: C411: Heating with Lightbulbs: A Bad Idea
- 2007/10/07: BCLSB: China Goes Fluorescent
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2007/10/13: AutoBG: Volkswagen wants to build 235mpg car by the end of the decade
- 2007/10/13: TEB: UK to get 250 electric car recharging stations
- 2007/10/12: AutoBG: Zap-X, a normal electric car, "months" away?
- 2007/10/11: EnvFin: [EC] Commission hastens plans for hydrogen cars in Europe
- 2007/10/11: TreeHugger: Tell Toyota to Walk the Walk on Fuel Economy [UCSUSA]
- 2007/10/11: AutoBG: Environmental and science groups gang up on Toyota over CAFE
- 2007/10/10: PhysOrg: EU plans big cash boost for hydrogen car research
- 2007/10/09: HuffPo: Toyota's Green Bubble Bursting?
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2007/10/12: inel: World's big six cos. urge suppliers to reveal climate actions
- 2007/10/12: BCLSB: While Government Dithers, The Private Sector Begins To Move [CDP in Canada]
- 2007/10/11: EnvFin: ABP, PGGM back US$500 million renewables fund
Dutch pension giants ABP and PGGM have become cornerstone investors in a novel renewable energy fund, which will invest in a portfolio of projects under development by a subsidiary of Dutch sustainable energy company Econcern. - 2007/10/11: EnvFin: Merrill Lynch and Trucost index to track carbon footprint
- 2007/10/11: TreeHugger: Wal-Mart's Sustainability Summit: Greenwash it was Not
- 2007/10/09: Guardian(UK): Big business 'failing to tackle climate change'
The UK's top companies are failing to face up to climate change, with less than half of the FTSE 350 companies introducing schemes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to a report released today. The second annual report from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a New York-based independent organisation which works with shareholders and corporations to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions, found that only 38% of the companies that responded to its survey have put in place emissions reduction schemes with targets. - 2007/10/09: TruthOut: Big Banks Are Selling Us Out on Climate Change - Whether we avert catastrophe with climate change may actually be decided by Citibank and Bank of America
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
- 2007/10/08: BBC: Flooding swells insurance costs
Home insurance costs have risen at their fastest rate since 1994 after this summer's widespread flooding, according to the AA. Buildings premiums jumped by 3% in the past quarter, reflecting the estimated £3bn cost of flood damage across much of the UK in June and July - 2007/10/14: ERabett: Stalinism, climate change denial and totalitarian wanna be's
- 2007/10/13: MTobis: Lomborg gets silly
- 2007/10/12: Times(UK): Comment: how science silenced the sceptics
- 2007/10/12: DeSmogBlog: New Oregon Petition Promoter "Not Sufficiently Rational" to Advise Tobacco Industry
- 2007/10/11: CSM: Global-warming skeptics: Is it only the news media who need to chill? Some who discount humans' role in altering Earth's climate point to the 'global-cooling' scare of the 1970s.
- 2007/10/11: WaPo: Cooler Heads and Climate Change
- 2007/10/11: ClimateP: Bjorn Again
- 2007/10/11: CSW: Washington Post feeds global warming disinformation campaign with Bjorn Lomborg feature
- 2007/10/11: JFleck: Tim Ball Still Wrong
- 2007/10/09: LCV: LCV Names Senator Inhofe and Rep. Knollenberg to 2008 "Dirty Dozen"
- 2007/10/11: TreeHugger: Ignorance, Thy Name is James Inhofe
- 2007/10/10: CSW: RealClimate scientists take on latest manifestation of global warming disinformation campaign
- 2007/10/10: Deltoid: Oregon petition: it's back
- 2007/10/10: RealClimate: Oregon Institute of Science and Malarkey
- 2007/10/10: DeSmogBlog: Debatable Science? The fallacy of Steve "the Junkman" Milloy
- 2007/10/09: DeSmogBlog: Infamous Oregon Global Warming Petition Alive and Well
- 2007/10/09: ClimateP: Lomborg skewers the facts, again
- 2007/10/09: FergusB: What happens when you speak to an "otherwise rational sceptic"?
- 2007/10/07: QuarkSoup: Tim Ball is Wrong
Then there was the usual news and commentary:
- 2007/10/13: JFleck: The Devil in the Climate Change Details [AGW]
- 2007/10/11: UN: Private sector should lead fight on climate change, Ban Ki-moon says
- 2007/10/13: MTobis: History of AGW Consensus by Mashey
- 2007/10/13: ZMag: The Environmental Movement in the Global South: The Pivotal Agent in the Fight against Global Warming
- 2007/09/24: TQE: The Causes of Global Warming: A Graphical Approach
- 2007/10/12: TruthOut: Greenpeace Hijacks Power Plant! [in Kent, UK]
- 2007/10/12: Stoat: Brief cooling interlude
- 2007/10/11: MTobis: Fallibility of Consensus Revisited
- 2007/10/10: MTobis: Fallibility of Consensus
- 2007/10/12: TerraDaily: European Lead In Reading Past Climates From Ice Cores
- 2007/10/11: BoingBoing: SimCity adds global warming to the mix
- 2007/10/11: Atmoz: CALIPSO Lidar and Airborne HSRL Aerosol Measurements
- 2007/10/11: PhysOrg: Are we asking the wrong questions about global warming?
- 2007/10/11: TreeHugger: Global Warming for Gamers: BP and EA Team Up to Bring Climate Education to SimCity
- 2007/10/10: SMH: In darkness, a planet sees the light
- 2007/10/09: GristMill: [Dessler] Holes in the ozone theory - What the ozone hole tells us about the science of climate change
- 2007/10/09: inel: Climate "deadlines are conditioned by the Earth's response to human activity, not by humans"
- 2007/10/09: RealClimate: Sustainability: A Nobel Cause
- 2007/10/09: DeSmogBlog: Growth has already pushed Earth past tipping point, new study [4AR] says
- 2007/10/09: OilChange: The bright side of 90 degrees in October. Sort of.
- 2007/10/08: Guardian(UK): Climate change protesters block airport entrance
- 2007/10/08: Guardian(UK): Greenpeace protesters take over power plant
- 2007/10/08: ClimateP: Travolta vs. Clooney on global warming advocacy
- 2007/10/07: GristMill: Sunday Linkfest - Brain food for your day of rest
- 2007/10/08: WarmingLaw: A Lightbulb Goes On
- 2007/10/08: MTobis: Quark Soup [is back]
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Science Progress
- ToCC: Thoughts on Climate Change
- Nine Points Wiki
- Hokeg: An Inconvenient Truth - [unofficial] Transcript
- ACP: The Alliance for Climate Protection
- ESF: EPICA - European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica
- NYT: Election Guide 2008 - The Presidential Candidates on Climate Change
- Carbon Equity: Ration the future
- GWS: Global Warming Solutions
- IISD: Global Subsidies Initiative
- Dr, D.A. Rothrock Homepage
- BusinessGreen blog
- QuarkSoup
It's always nice to start with a larf:
The walrus' dilemma:
Regarding those NASA security checks:
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
While in the endless quest for sustainable building codes:
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
While on the adaptation front:
Meanwhile in the journals:
Meanwhile on the Kyoto-2 front at Bali:
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
The GW & security meme is feeling rambunctious:
But he still isn't running:
The Howard govt. has called an election [Nov. 24th] in which climate & Kyoto will figure:
Last week it was Kyoto, this week it's Kyoto-2; Somebody is spinning:
While in China:
As for how the media handles the science of climatology:
The arithmetic of coal carbon is striking home:
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release is coming up in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk. An overview of my writing is available here.
PS. You can access the previous postings of this series here
Recent postings can be found in the archiveand the ancient postings can be accessed herewhich should open to this.
"Daddy, why do they call it 'Glacier Park'?"
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Last modified October 14, 2007
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This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's GW news roundup
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Sipping from the internet firehose...
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
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Sipping from the internet firehose...
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
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Sipping from the internet firehose...
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
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Outstanding. I will never ever run out of global warming material to blog about thanks to this post.