Is the world flat?

For most of us who believe in science as a great way to understand the physical realities around us, the question "Do you think the world is flat?" is hard to imagine as something to be asked seriously. But on The View, with millions of viewers, not only can it be asked, but the answer was "I don't know".

Seeing is believing!

(hat tip to Crooks and Liars)

[Update: youtube link is fixed now, pertinent material begins around the one minute mark]

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COBY!!!!!! Great to see you on!!! I am adding you to my bookmarks for my folder of scienceblogs that I frequent 6-10 times a day!

Damn, the video isn't available any more!

Shoot, I'll fix that up later, I know where to get a copy of the file and I'll put it up on UTube myself.

Thanks for the comments Chad!

There are loads of versions on YouTube under world flat. Here's one of the longer clips (Is the world flat? Maybe not. 7:33) but you might want to choose a shorter version and you are welcome to delete my comment.

I actually stopped by to ask if you had heard of Blog Action Day on October 15. The topic is Environment and there are very few science blogs I recognise taking part. I hope you and other climate experts will participate, or at least comment on what thousands of others are posting about the environment on that day.

Well well, admitting ignorance is a good first step!

Nice to see you at scienceblogs. How does it happen, really, that a blog gets invited here?

[I can only speak to my case, which was an unsolicited email invite - coby]

Maybe they live in a kind of multiverse, where they can choose reality:

Playing ball on a flat earth.
Bicycling on a flat earth.
Flying around a round earth.

Oh no. It's too stupid,