tags: How to Swear Like a Brit, humor, funny, comedy, culture, British culture, cursing, swearing, language, streaming video
My spouse, who I was told was a "shy and nerdly British scientist" is anything but that! He is teaching me, a shy and nerdly American scientist, how to swear like a Brit, something that inspired me to share this video with you.
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The wanker didn't mention the only level which has a galactic award for its most gratuitous use, The Rory.
Bloody 'ell!
Now I can decipher some of the things that punctuate the requests for passing the watercress sandwiches over in the Other Place (TM). Much appreciated, and happy another year to your spouse, again.
But now that you're living in Germany, you'll also have to learn how to swear like a German. For beginners, I suggest the Bavarian school of semi-blasphemous run-on swearwords: "Himmiherrschaftszeitensacklzementkruzifixhallelujanochamoi!"
Way to go Bob O! Now send her to The Bathroom Wall!
What a knob....
Nice work, but you do know that 'Berk' is rhyming slang for 'Berkshire Hunt', so you're actually calling someone a c*nt right? So as offensive words go, it's reasonably near the top me old china!
:'D i lol'd
sillyface is indeed the most offensive thing to say to someone here in blighty. i almost turned my computer off in disgust
Awwright boy! Get on it you Pasty!
@wolf No - In England berk rhymes with jerk, but in Berkshire rhymes with shark-shire (whatever).
What a silly bunt.
No-It's Cockney rhyming slang. Therefore we don't say 'Barkshire' we say 'Berkshire'.
What a fudding shot.
its actually berkeley hunt, but other than that it's true.
pc was suffering from lag so didn't see it all - did he include pissflaps, as in "Oh, pissflaps!". As an expression of mild irritation it is one of my favoutites..