Ali G Interviews Religious Wingnuts

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Ali G talks to religious wingnuts about their beliefs .. oddly, religious wingnuts don't like talking about aspects of their own religion that offend them .. if their religion and its real-life applications are so offensive, why believe all that wingnuttery in the first place?

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Lol @ Byron at 2:20.

By Harman Smith (not verified) on 07 Feb 2010 #permalink

That clip is such a classic.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 07 Feb 2010 #permalink

LOL @ 4:00

>oddly, religious wingnuts don't like talking about aspects of their own religion that offend them .. if their religion and its real-life applications are so offensive, why believe all that wingnuttery in the first place?

I'm not quite sure how you are coming to this conclusion..

I'm all for pointing out hypocrisy and asking difficult questions, but that is not happening here. Ali-G is merely saying insane things and the humor is seeing the WTF looks on their faces.

It's a funny video, but you seem to be grasping at straws trying to masturbate your own ego.

What a joke! Christianity is a joke and it has been proven to be a joke.