tags: Dragons Den, Bruce's Juice, television, snake oil, cure-all, WTF, broken dreams, streaming video
Ultra-pure water with silver in it is a cure-all? Um, I've never watched Dragons Den and if this is an example of the sleaze they feature on it, then I never want to. How cruel is it to raise someone's hopes and dreams only to have her lose everything, including her life?
"Bruce, I don't think you're crazy, but you disgust me" Robert opines.
H/T: more friend and colleague, Cath Ennis.
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They let this idiot sneak through because the ratings are falling.
Is the salmiakki-blue reversible? AFAIK, the colloidal silver blue isn't. BWAHAHAHAHA!
Though maybe now those people will be cool, because of Avatar.
Bruce calls it "nano silver"--is it really nano particles of silver, or just colloidal silver? (Or homeopathically-diluted non-silver?)
This is really the first time I've ever seen something like that on Dragon's Den. Their past seasons have had genuine products with none of this woo woo crap.
It could e that the only reason they allowed this one is to show that the Dragons don't put up with that crap so if you want to be on the show and you have a similar product, don't even bother.