Are You Pouring on the Pounds?

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Most people don't realize how easy it is to gain weight from drinking sugary sodas, juice drinks, sport drinks and sweetened tea and coffee drinks. Just one 20-ounce bottle of soda can pack 250 calories and more than 16 teaspoons of sugar. Is the lemon-flavored iced tea any better? Not by much with 210 calories and 14½ teaspoons of sugar. Sugar-sweetened beverages add hundreds of calories to your diet each day. Don't drink yourself fat. Try water. Its good. Please tell the peeps what you think of this video by taking a short survey.

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I used to drink Coffee Frappuccino, affogato style, every day. And I realize now that was basically breakfast, lunch, and part of dinner.

When I cut it out of my diet, I actually started eating meals again on a daily basis. And it is actually much cheaper! I do not even crave it anymore.

Just drink pure fruit juice. It won't make you fat, and it provides nutrients.

On iced tea, it is interesting that in Texas it is served unsweetened, while in the eastern us it is served either way. Perhaps it is because in the summer in Texas you will drink a lot of it. Plain old iced tea is a good beverage as it has very few calories to none, and if you make it green iced tea its even supposed to be good for you. Coffee if drunk black and unsweetened is also a lo-cal beverage. Its the "luxury" addons that make it so bad.