Calling All My DonorsChoose Donors!

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I thought DonorsChoose would send me all my donors' contact information, but apparently they don't, so I need you to send me a copy of the email receipt you received from DonorsChoose so I can enter you in as many prize drawings as possible. Of course, I also need your mailing address along with this receipt because I am leaving the country two weeks after this fund raising effort has ended, so I want to get everything mailed to you as soon as possible because I can't afford to mail prizes from Germany! (especially since I gave all my money to DonorsChoose!)

What are these cool prizes that you qualify for?

In recognition of your kind gifts to help others, Princeton University Press is offering 2 books with a value of up to $30.00 each as prizes to two of my DonorsChoose Challenge donors: one book will be awarded to the donor who gives the largest gift, and the other book will be given to a donor who will be randomly chosen by my parrots. This kind offer covers most of Princeton University Press's trade science titles and guide books (view their catalogue PDFs here) and they also pay postage, so this costs you NOTHING! All that you have to do is send me your mailing address after making your donation and you will be automatically entered into this competition.

In addition to being entered into a drawing for a free PUP book of your choice, for every $20 that you donate to my DonorsChoose Challenge, I will give you one chance to win a Scanning Electron Micrograph, courtesy of the ASPEX Corporation, which is part of a promotional effort for their newest gadget: a benchtop SEM. For example, a $20 donation "buys" you one chance to win while $100 "buys" you five chances to win.

How will these winners be determined? My parrots will "chews" the winners either by directly picking the ballot out of a hat, or if they are being obstinate, I'll let them poop on a large piece of paper with a grid drawn on it, with one square representing one "ballot." (Of course, I am open to your suggestions for other ways that my parrots can "chews" the winner if you have a better idea).

LAST MINUTE ADDITION: Due to a mix-up with the post office, I am going to be giving away two more PUP books! These are their two newest field guides to the birds -- hot off the presses -- Birds of Western North America: A Photographic Guide (Princeton Field Guides) by Paul Sterry and Brian E. Small and Birds of Eastern North America: A Photographic Guide (Princeton Field Guides) by Paul Sterry and Brian E. Small. I am going to send these books to the donors (in a geographically appropriate way) who contributed to the For the Birds! project -- but if more of you donate, then I'll have to rely on the parrots to help me choose these winners too.

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