The Things You Learn In Sunday School, Part 4

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The story of Adam and Eve is full of nonsense that shows the Biblical god to be unfair, sadistic, sexist. He creates women for man's use. He ordains man to rule over women. He cursed women to have painful child birth and damned all humanity to pain and suffering on Earth as well as in Hell, because Adam and Eve did something he considered wrong, even though they had no knowledge of good and evil, as described in the story. How cruel.

If we can all accept this as a myth, the story would be entertaining, despite how confusing it is, but people actually believe this to be literally true and try to teach it to their children as science!

Why are we allowing our children to be taught this stuff?

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Ah, but believers aren't allowing this, they're demanding it.

I learned the basics about how to doubt god from catechism class.

I got one up on Rob Jase, 12 years of Catholic schools.

If anything it all made me a stronger atheist. I recall the confirmation classes, I told the priest flat out that I didn't believe in any of it, that the faith thing was just a cop out.

They confirmed me anyway.