Wingnut Publicly Claims it's Okay to Assassinate Obama, Murder Gays, etc.

This is DJ Michelangelo Signorile's interview with Pastor Steven L. Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Temple, AZ. In this interview, the pastor proclaims that he prays for President Obama to die, calls for the execution of gays and says it is not be murder if a group of gays and lesbians were gunned down with a machine gun, or if the president were assassinated. Further, this man of god does not believe the murder of Dr. George Tiller was murder. Not only that, but this man then went on to attack his (gay) interviewer insisting he must be "molesting children" and saying that he hopes Michelangelo Signorile "get[s] brain cancer like Ted Kennedy" and dies.

Hrm. If this is good old-fashioned christian love, I would happily do without it in my life.

This religiously-sanctioned hate speech is one of the several reasons why I am afraid of religious people and provides more evidence that supports my opinion that religion -- any and all religion -- is a mental toxin that is hellbent on pushing society back into the stone age.

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You have to wonder, if the winning ticket in '08 had been reversed and the black man had become vice-president, if these guys would be as quiet about president-killing as all of us Cheney-phobes were during the Shrub years.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 15 Sep 2009 #permalink


Take him at his word, and apply that as the definition of "Christian love." Next time someone tells you about how full of "Christian love" they are, off them before they can do you first.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 15 Sep 2009 #permalink

This is indeed Christian love for at least the 20 - 30% of the US that thinks this is a Christian country according to the Constitution.

Its really only a matter of time before they explode into general violence, Jesus is telling them to do so.

Alright people...I am a Christian and I do NOT believe that the pastor speaking is speaking on behalf of Christians. It is WRONG to kill. Period. It does not say in the Bible to kill homosexuals! I have gone to church and read the bible. I have never, ever been taught it is okay to kill homosexuals. This 'pastor' is clearly a member of some extreme Church sect and does not represent God or the Bible accurately.

I know that many people have an incorrect or unfavorable view of Christianity or Christians because of idiotic and hypocritical comments and/or actions, such as in this clip.

The Bible DOES NOT teach that gays should be murdered. That is completely inaccurate and a down-right lie. This 'pastor' is clearly not an expert on the Bible and is using it out of context to justify his thoughts or his feelings toward homosexuals.

God is the only one that should judge - He has the final say! I'm so fed up with Christians being so OUTRAGEOUS and WRONG and JUDGEMENTAL.

Please do not think that people can accurately represent Christ's love. We try. But we are in no way close to matching His perfection, His love, His forgiveness, or His grace.

Kudos to the interviewer for keeping his cool. I don't think I could have done the same. The 'pastor' is wrong and should be ashamed.

@4 : Clearly the pastor is an ignorant boob who is lucky to live in a country where he can get away with the filth that comes out of his mouth. I have one question for you, though. Where can I find the correct interpretation of the Bible?

@ Ryan R. As per Karen Armstrong there is no "Correct" interpretation of the Bible, as the bible is more a work of poetry from those who don't really believe in God, but believe in the Bible as a "reaching" out to the unreachable, the untouchable and the unfathomable.

I just wonder how many people agree with this man but are too timid or 'nice' to say so publicly...or, for that matter, don't believe they agree with him, but with go along with their community if the latter acted in a way consonant with this way of thinking.

If I had to guess? Six percent agree, twelve percent would tolerate it, twenty percent would grumble but never do anything to stop it. Let's say an error bar of five percent for each of those....

By Gerald Fnord (not verified) on 19 Sep 2009 #permalink

How soon will it be before Obama assassinates America? He reminds me of a teenager who gets all these offers for credit cards and uses them all because the teenager doesn't realize these charges will have to be paid by someone someday.

oh, yeah, that's rich. especially considering that bush and his butt buddies took the biggest trade excess in the history of this nation and in a mere eight years, turned it into the biggest deficit in recorded history, as well as ushering in the near-total collapse of the world's banking system by allowing rampant greed to be rewarded at the expense of the economic well-being of the middle- and lower-income classes. or maybe you've forgotten that bush and his butt buddies also "fell asleep at the switch" prior to 911 -- the biggest peace-time attack launched on america -- then retaliated (and proving his lack of geographic knowledge to the world) by bombing the shit out of a country that had nothing to do with 911? or maybe you've forgotten that bush and his butt buddies claimed we'd only be in iraq for a few weeks -- how many years has it been? i'll bet you don't have that many fingers to count on, do you? you've probably also forgotten that bush and daaaaddy bush still play golf with the families of the REAL 911 conspirators. maybe you have forgotten that bush and his butt buddies stood around twiddling their collective thumbs for more than one week after hurricane katrina, allowing thousands of innocent (mostly poor and black) american citizens to die while dozens of foreign countries mobilized and donated aid packages to help them? or maybe you've forgotten that bush and his butt buddies bailed out hundreds rich bankers and wall street greed-mongers using billions of taxpayer dollars? or you've forgotten that many millions of those taxpayer dollars were used to pay those greasy rich financial types bonuses for driving their financial institutions into the ground, while millions of decent honest and hard-working americans lost their jobs, health insurance and homes? (as did many millions more citizens of countries throughout the world whose economies were likewise damaged by this financial collapse) or maybe you've forgotten that astonishing fiasco called "no child left behind" which took MORE taxpayer dollars to actually set back and damage public education instead of supporting and promoting it? why do we have to pay MORE for LESS? or perhaps you've forgotten bush and his butt buddies' ridiculous stance on preventing any funding going to support stem cell research? even nancy reagan -- the GOP's "dragon lady" -- fought him on that one!

and i am just getting warmed up. but i'll just give you a chance to collect your scattered wits (which shouldn't take long since you obviously don't have many to collect), because it is obvious that you suffer alzheimer's disease and cannot remember what just what the hell happened in this country recently.

all that said, nothing -- NOTHING -- justifies talking about or wishing the assassination of a sitting president who actually got into office as the result of the popular vote of the citizens of this country .. oh, but wait, bush didn't even accomplish THAT, did he? bush had to rely on daaaddy bush's supreme court appointees to get his sorry ass into the white house, didn't he?