Antarctica: Others Think I'd do a Helluva Job, Too

Since I have recently developed quite a history of visiting cold and snowy places, often during the winter, I wish to preserve that tradition. I am competing for the opportunity to go to Antarctica in February 2010 -- a dream adventure that I've always wanted to pursue (and almost did pursue when I was an undergraduate researching Fin Whales and Crabeater Seals at the University of Washington). To enter, all candidates must publish a picture of themselves and write an essay explaining why we think we are the best choice, and solicit votes from the public. Whomever receives the most votes wins the job. Of course, I think I am the best candidate to share this adventure with you, but I am not the only one who thinks this. Below the jump is a list of other people who are also supporting my bid to become the official blogger on this Antarctic expedition;

Richard Carter at Friends of Charles Darwin;

John Grant, a pseudonym for Paul Barnett. As John Grant, he won two Hugo Awards, the World Fantasy Award, the Locus Award, and a number of other international literary awards, and as Paul Barnett, he has has won the Chesley Award.

My good friend, Bora Zivkivic, author of A Blog Around the Clock, endorses me for your official Antarctica blogger.

My fellow SciBling and friend, Ethan Siegel (a brand new shiney professor at Lewis & Clark College!) and author of Starts with a Bang!, endorses me as your official Antarctica blogger.

Rick MacPherson, author of Malaria, Bedbugs, Sealice & Sunsets, supports me for your official Antarctica blogger.

My long-time friend, Chris Clarke, author of the blogs, Coyote Crossing and The Faultline, and the wonderful book, Walking with Zeke.

LadyMin, author of LadyMin's Garden.

A reader of mine who is author of the Sneer Review endorses me and also gave my penguin a shirt to wear (see image above).

The Reef Tank, whom I've done some writing for, has endorsed me.

DarkSyde invited me to write an appeal to my fellow Kossians to vote to send me to Antarctica at DailyKos.

Snowball the dancing cockatoo voted for me, too (but lacking his own blog, he only sent me a tweet)

Henry Gee, I, Editor.

Cromercrox (who also writes under the real life pseudonym, Henry Gee).

The Beagle Project (earlier request for votes).

Friends of Charles Darwin.

Mike Haubrich, Tangled up in Blue Guy.

PZ Myers, Pharyngula.

Bob O'Hara, deep thoughts and silliness (and again here).

Terra Sigillata.

John Lynch, a simple prop.

My good friend, John Wilkins, Evolving Thoughts.

Afarensis (and again here and here too!).

Here's an amusing request for votes from my friend, PalMD, who writes the wonderful blog, White Coat Underground.

Greg Laden, Greg Laden's Blog.

Razib, Gene Expression.

DrugMonkey (and an earlier request for votes).

Digital Cuttlefish (and yet another wonderful poem of his).

Sheril Kirshenbaum, The Intersection (also see her latest request for votes on my behalf).


My Seattle birding pal, TravelGrrl, author of Realist at Large, endorses me.

Sandra Porter, Discovering Biology in a Digital Age.


The Ridger, The Greenbelt.


RL Bates, MD, Suture for a Living.

Miss Cellania.

A DC Birding Blog.

Kevin Zelnio and crew at Deep-Sea News.

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Since I have recently developed quite a history of visiting cold and snowy places, often during the winter, I wish to preserve that tradition. I am competing for the opportunity to go to Antarctica in February 2010 -- a dream adventure that I've always wanted to pursue (and almost did pursue when I…
Image: courtesy of Bob O'Hara, author of Deep Thoughts and Silliness. Since I have recently developed quite a history of visiting cold and snowy places, often during the winter (remember Morris, Minnesota in January? Or how about Helsinki, Finland in November, then again in February?), I wish…
Video created by The Sneer Review. Since I have recently developed quite a history of visiting cold and snowy places, often during the winter (remember Morris, Minnesota in January? Or how about Helsinki, Finland in November, then again in February?), I wish to preserve that tradition. I am…
Video created by The Sneer Review. Since I have recently developed quite a history of visiting cold and snowy places, often during the winter (remember Morris, Minnesota in January? Or how about Helsinki, Finland in November, then again in February?), I wish to preserve that tradition. I am…