tags: Birdbooker Report, bird books, animal books, natural history books, ecology books
"How does one distinguish a truly civilized nation from an aggregation of
barbarians? That is easy. A civilized country produces much good bird
--Edgar Kincaid
The Birdbooker Report is a special weekly report of a wide variety of science, nature and behavior books that currently are, or soon will be available for purchase. This report is written by one of my Seattle birding pals and book collector, Ian "Birdbooker" Paulsen, and is edited by me and published here for your information and enjoyment. Below the fold is this week's issue of The Birdbooker Report which lists ecology, environment, natural history and bird books that are (or will soon be) available for purchase.
Reid, Fiona A. A Field Guide to the Mammals of Central America and Southeast Mexico (2nd edition). 2009. Oxford University Press. Paperback: 346 pages. Price: $45.00 U.S. [Amazon: $32.40]. SUMMARY: This field guide has been revised to include 21 new species of mammals (9 of which are bats). 4 new color regional maps have been added. The 49 color plates were painted by Reid. Anyone with an interest in Neotropical mammals will want this book!
New and Recent Titles:
Alexander, David E. Why Don't Jumbo Jets Flap Their Wings? Flying Animals, Flying Machines, and How They Are Different. 2009. Rutgers University Press. Hardbound: 279 pages. Price: $26.95 U.S.[Amazon: $19.67]. SUMMARY: The author examines how animals and Humans arrived at powered flight. He compares and contrasts the different forms of powered flight. Anyone interested in aerodynamics and biomechanics will like this book. GrrlScientist comment: This book looks fascinating, and would be great to read while traveling internationally on a trip where it is possible to finish reading the entire book in one sitting.
Erritzoe, Johannes et al. The Ornithologist's Dictionary. 2007. Lynx Edicions. Paperback: 293 pages. Price: $35.00 U.S. [Amazon]. SUMMARY: This compact dictionary contains short and easily comprehended definitions of over 5,000 ornithological words and terms in English. Ornithologists will find this book very useful! Need it right now? Available in the U.S.A. at Buteo Books as catalogue number 27-197.
You can read more Birdbooker Reports in the archives. Ian is now developing his own website, The Birdbooker's Bookcase, where you can read his synopses about newly published science, nature and animal books. But Ian assures me that he still loves us here, so he'll continue to share his weekly Birdbooker Reports with us!
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