Blog Hell

Today has been another day of Blog Hell. Yes, you read that correctly; Blog Hell.

But I thought that you love your blog, you ask.

Indeed, I do. Even when my blog doesn't love me, as has been the case recently, and that is what I am referring to: Blog Hell. Non-reciprocal love.

In short, the site has been giving me a tremendous amount of trouble this past week or so, and today was the worst. I could not access my blog for more than five hours today. After I noticed the guys with the butterfly nets skulking around the library stacks, I got the hint, packed up my laptop and left the library -- early!

Yes, you read that correctly, too. Even though I will not have internet access again through the NYPL until Tuesday noon, I still packed up my laptop and left the library early this evening. I did that because basically, the entire day was a waste: I could not publish anything, and could not concentrate on anything because I was so certain that my blog would be functional once again, in just a few minutes (but it never was) so .. I left.

I took care of my clients' pets and then I went home for the evening (everyone who lives in Manhattan who can afford it leaves town over this holiday weekend because it's generally hot and muggy and even if it isn't, it's waaay overcrowded with tourists and military guys in uniform. Which means that I get to earn a few dollars by scooping cat shit and walking dogs and whatever else I manage to scrape together during these few days).

Based on my finances, I wish this holiday weekend would last a couple weeks instead. Oh well. As they say; "beggers can't be choosers!"

Hopefully my blog will function again tomorrow. If not, open your windows: you'll hear me screaming.

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I could not access my blog for more than five hours today. After I noticed the guys with the butterfly nets skulking around the library stacks, I got the hint, packed up my laptop and left the library -- early!

When ScienceBlogs has technical issues like this, I take it as a sign that I should leave the blog alone for a while, actually.

wilkins -- actually, i am not sure how i managed to post this. i think i posted it this morning (by mooching the neighbor's wifi) with yesterday's time stamp on it, but i am not sure. further, as bob alludes to, i do have hidden talents, and wouldn't you like to know what they are??

orac -- clearly, you do not understand the true nature of O B S E S S I O N. sheesh!

I'm not sure how to parse your complaint. Was it, "I could only access my blog for five hours, and no more"? Or was it, "For more than five hours, I could not get any access to my blog"? I'm guessing the latter.

That can be so frustrating. I once spent ten hours trying to send a file electronically from Toronto to Oshawa, about an hour's drive away. I could have put it on a diskette and driven it there several times over. But I was trying to be efficient.

monado -- somewhere in my tangle of prose, i was complaining that i could see my blog, but couldn't add new material to it. for long, agonizing five hours. boohoo.