tags: Birdbooker Report, bird books, animal books, natural history books, ecology books
"One cannot have too many good bird books"
--Ralph Hoffmann, Birds of the Pacific States (1927).
The Birdbooker Report is a special weekly report of a wide variety of science, nature and behavior books that currently are, or soon will be available for purchase. This report is written by one of my Seattle birding pals and book collector, Ian "Birdbooker" Paulsen, and is edited by me and published here for your information and enjoyment. Below the fold is this week's issue of The Birdbooker Report which lists ecology, environment, natural history and bird books that are (or will soon be) available for purchase.
New and Recent Titles:
Arnosky, Jim. Slither and Crawl: Eye to Eye with Reptiles. 2009. Sterling Publishing. Hardbound: 32 pages. Price: $14.95 U.S. [Amazon: $10.17]. SUMMARY: This children's book introduces kids to the world of reptiles. I like the artwork in this book, which is done by the author. The 4 fold out pages of life-sized reptiles are especially interesting. For ages 6 and up.
ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS. This series of monographs is published by the American Ornithologists' Union has been established for major papers and presentations too long for inclusion in the Union's journal, The Auk. Listed below are some recent titles:
OM54. Population Dynamics of the California Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis): A Meta-Analysis. 2004. Alan B. Franklin, et al. 54 pp. Paperback. $10.00
OM55. Obligate Army-ant-following Birds: A Study of Ecology, Spatial Movement Patterns, and Behavior in Amazonian Peru. Susan Willson. 2004. 67 pp. Paperback. $10.00
OM56. Broughton, Jack M. Prehistoric Human Impacts on California Birds: Evidence from the Emeryville Shellmound Avifauna. 2004. 90 pp. Paperback. $10.00
OM57. Ortega, Catherine P., Jameson F. Chace, and Brian D. Peer, Editors. Management of Cowbirds and Their Hosts: Balancing Science, Ethics, and Mandates. 2005. 114 pp. Paperback. $10.00
OM58. Bock, Walter J. and M. Ross Lein, Editors. Ernst Mayr at 100: Ornithologist and Naturalist. 2005. 109 pp. Includes a DVD with excerpts of an interview with Ernst Mayr. Includes a complete bibliography of Mayr's works. Paperback. $20.00
OM59. Beissinger, Steven R., et al. Modeling Approaches in Avian Conservation and the Role of Field Biologists. 2006. 56 pp. Paperback. $10.00
OM61. Boulet, Marylene and D. Ryan Norris, Editors. Patterns of Migratory Connectivity in Two Nearctic-Neotropical Songbird: New Insights from Intrinsic Markers. 2006. 88 pp. Paperback. $10.00
OM62. Spear, Larry B. and David G. Ainley. Storm-petrels of the Eastern Pacific Ocean: Species Assembly and Diversity along Marine Habitat Gradients. 2007. 77 pp. Paperback. $10.00
OM63. Cicero Carla and J.V. Remsen, Jr., Editors. Festschrift for Ned K. Johnson: Geographic Variation and Evolution in Birds. 2007. 114 pp. Paperback. $10.00
OM64. Askins, Robert A., Felipe Chavez-Ramirez, Brenda C. Dale, Carola A. Haas, James R. Herkert Fritz L. Knopf, and Peter D. Vickery. Conservation of Grassland Birds in North America: Understanding Ecological Processes in Different Regions. Report of the AOU Committee on Conservation. 2007. 46 pp. Paperback. $10.00
Peterson, Dale. Jane Goodall: The Woman Who Redefined Man. 2008. Houghton Mifflin. Paperback: 740 pages. Price: $17.95 U.S. [Amazon: $12.21]. SUMMARY: This is the first full-length biography of primatologist Jane Goodall. Although many people know who Jane Goodall is (sometimes confusing her with Dian Fossey), she has become a kind of myth. This biography separates myth from fact: it details Goodall's development from a dreamy child to a full-fledged researcher and activist. Includes 16 pages of photographs.
Spada, Ada. Burrows, Nests and Lairs: Animal Architects. 2007. Lark Books. Hardbound: 48 pages. Price: $9.95 U.S. [Amazon: $9.95]. SUMMARY: This is the English translation of the author's Italian children's book: Animali Costruttori. I like the cross section artwork of the various animal's constructions.But on page 22, one species is mislabeled. The bird called a "bullfinch" is actually a Vogelkop Bowerbird of New Guinea. Something got lost in translation! For ages 4 to 8.
Sanders, Scott Russell. A Conservationist Manifesto. 2009. Indiana University Press. Paperback: 239 pages. Price: $19.95 U.S. [Amazon: $13.57]. SUMMARY: As an antidote to a culture of consumption, extravagance and waste that dominates American life today, the author calls for a culture of conservation that allows us to savor and preserve our world rather than destroy it.
All monographs are available from Buteo Books.
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Hi Grrl,
Just added your blog to my Google Reader. Is it possible to get an RSS feed only for the Birdbooker report? It is good reading.
If you want to add my blog to your reader (I do recommend Google Reader , but you probably already know what great resource that is to follow a large number of blogs) here is my blog.
I blog about birding, mostly from Peru, but also elsewhere; and I blog about social media for birders. Hope you like it.
I am also adding you to my blog roll. Will appreciate reciprocal link.
gunnar -- i am not aware of a way to get just the birdbooker reports as an RSS feed. however, you can access the birdbooker report archives here. and a link has been added to your blog from my rotating reciprocal links blogroll.