Welcome ScienceBlogs Brasil!

Image: (Royalty-Free) Corbis.

ScienceBlogs' newest member, ScienceBlogs Brasil, was just launched with 23 Brasilian science blogs, many award-winning. These science blogs are published in either Portuguese, the official language of Brasil, or English, and frequently, in both languages. So if you speak Portuguese or if you are Brazilian, please do add this site to your list of bookmarks. I am sure you will discover some science blogs there that you will love as much as those you've already been following for years.

Here's five blog entries that have been translated from Portuguese to English for you to peruse;

Navigation is required*: the incredible case of the desert ant

Women in Science - Margareth Mee and Maria Werneck de Castro

Candiru (or the-fish-you-don't-want-to-know-about)

Dom José, excommunicate me!

Mine is larger than yours -- about the sex lives of Nephilidae spiders

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