Get Religion!

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Here's an ad for one of the world's favorite time and life-wasters: Religion. Presented here as a public service (notice the background music) [1:25]

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I want to defend Taoism by pointing out that the first chapter of the Tao Te Ching pretty much says "this book is bullshit".

well don't we all have a need to suspend self-belief and feel numb comfort once in a while?? i guess that's why it works......though no idea why we would want to feel that......

well don't we all have a need to suspend self-belief and feel numb comfort once in a while??

i thought that need was the driving force behind pub crawls.

I think all the negative characteristics that are mentioned here are just intrinsic to human nature. There's no shortage of brainless idiots leading atheist lives. For that matter there are probably an equal proportion of deeply thinking people leading religious lives.

One can appreciate the natural beauty of the world without resorting to superstitious non-sense, e.g. "a higher power". Many presume atheism is negative. This is incorrect.

It is refreshing that atheist columns are getting attention. Perhaps people are tired of being bamboozled by spiritual charlatans. Perhaps people are escaping the darkness of religious superstition and spiritual obfuscation. Perhaps people are moving into the light of reason.

A new postmodern hero is emerging. A hero who challenges dogma and rejects magical thinking. Will you be a postmodern hero? Be brave, be strong, be an atheist!

thoughtful christians? um, ooookay, that is possible, i suppose, just as it is possible to think deeply about the harry potter books, as i have done, but i don't for one second believe those stories are true, unlike the "thoughtful christians" you refer to.

Soemtimes I wonder why they call this website "sience blogs" when the people here just diss religion every chance they get. They should make a sister blog called "failed at theology blogs".

By Shadow Caster (not verified) on 15 Mar 2009 #permalink

i actually do not "diss" religion at every opportunity, as a careful reading of my site will reveal. but of course, inconvenient facts have never deterred a religious wingnut from loudly professing their fantastical and often paranoid beliefs anyway. however, when i publish something about evolution, the religious wingnuts frequently crawl out of the woodwork like so many cockroaches to fill the comments section with their mindless screeds "proving" that evolution could not possibly have happened, nevermind that many tens of thousands of scientific papers are published each year that investigate evolution and its many nuances and subtleties.

I want to defend Taoism by pointing out that the first chapter of the Tao Te Ching pretty much says "this book is bullshit".

Student: "Master, this is all bulshit, isn't it?"
Master: "You have just had a very important insight, and you need to study another 15 years to really understand it".

If the student buys that, then he hasn't really learned the lesson.


I have two questions.

1)What does this video have to do with science?

2)Are you familiar with Pascal's wager?

dur -- yes, i am very familiar with pascal's wager. are you seriously implying that god is stupid enough to be deceived? let me ask you; are you familiar with occam's razor?