
Just in time for Sunday, the day where people who should be resting up for a week of kissing their boss's ass, they instead are indulging their overactive fantasy lives by worshiping Lord Voldemort The Authority god, we have the Carnival of the Godless, issue 104 -- now re-named as the Carnival of the Chimbley, issue number one.

Ah, and here's another blog carnival, one that I'd forgotten I'd ever contributed to is the Molecular and Cell Biology Carnival, issue 4. This blog carnival focuses on what molecular and cell biology can reveal to us.

The fourth edition of the Book Review carnival, which is filled with LOTS of book reviews -- this is handy for you since the holidays are coming, and what's better than the gift of a book?

And last but not least, the Bobo Carnival of Politics, which is all about .. POLITICS! And the primary topic is the recent election result.

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