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tags: Sandwalk, Down House, Darwin, nature, photography, London, England, Bromley, England
Darwin's Down House near Bromley, England, a short train ride away from London. This view of the house was snapped from the gardens in back of the house. If you look closely, you can see part of the cafe (…
tags: Sandwalk, Down House, Darwin, nature, photography, London, England, Bromley, England, Professor Steve Steve
Darwin's "weed garden" experiment, located near the pathway next to Down House, near the Gardens.
Image: GrrlScientist 31 August 2008 [larger view].
Sunday, the day after the Nature…
UN Millennium Hotel lobby flowers, NYC.
Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [larger view].
Now that I am recovering from a very painful pinched nerve in my neck (FINALLY!), I will tell you about the get-together that my colleagues and I enjoyed, thanks to Seed Media Group.
My colleagues who traveled to…
tags: London England, Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, Dickens, photoessay, travel
Entrance to Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, one of the oldest pubs in London.
There is a sign to the right of the entrance that names all the kings and
queens who reigned during this pub's existence.
Image: GrrlScientist, 1…
I can see Prof. Steve Steve just fine, but I can't see GrrlScientist......
I think she disguised herself as a cup of coffee. I did hear that she was drunk later.
It looks like Prof. Steve Steve is dressed Paddington Beary-style in anticipation of the trip. All he needs now are some wellies.