Sign a Petition to Protect Boreal Birds

One of the world's largest intact forest ecosystems -- the breeding grounds for many of the world's warblers, ducks and other migratory birds -- is in big trouble. Oil and gas, timber, mining, and other industries are destroying vital habitat for birds and other wildlife in Canada's boreal forest. Canada's boreal forest spans more than 1.4 billion acres and provides vital breeding habitat for many of the world's birds -- including nearly 40% of North America's ducks, geese, and swans. Lynx, grizzlies and wolves also make their home in the boreal forest. And it is one of the world's largest "carbon reservoirs," trapping carbon that might otherwise contribute to global warming. Just 8% of the boreal forest is now protected from new mining, drilling and logging. Each year, more and more of this special place is being lost in the pursuit of profits. Speak out for migratory birds and other wildlife. Urge the Canadian government to protect this special place by signing their petition online right now.

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