Yellow-Throated Laughing Thrush

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This is the third in a series of passerine images by this photographer.

Yellow-Throated Laughing Thrush, Garrulax galbanus.

Image: John Del Rio. [larger view].

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Love the pictures.

Would it be possible to include the location that the pictures were taken in the captions?

Would it be possible to include the location that the pictures were taken in the captions?
Given the band on the leg of this one, and the admission about the duck images previously, I'd suspect that all of these are taken in zoos or aviaries.

Not a problem with that; they are lovely images. But if you wanted to see these birds in the wild, you might not easily be able to get that close :-)

By Albatrossity (not verified) on 30 Apr 2008 #permalink

yes indeed, all of John del Rio's images are captive birds. I am not sure where all of the images were taken, but at least some were taken of birds in a zoo.

Hi All,

Yes, my photos are almost entirely of birds in zoos or avicultural collections. The Laughing Thrush photo above was taken at the San Diego Zoo.

Thanks! ;-)

By John Del Rio (not verified) on 01 May 2008 #permalink