AMNH Subway Art #9

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A tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus (left), and
panther chameleon, Furcifer pardalis (right),
as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop
(A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash).

Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size].

Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.

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Actually, the picture on the left is a tuatara, a strange reptile in its own order...nice pictures though!

I think the lizard on the left maybe a tuatara, but that means its kind of like a lizard, but not exactly a lizard. For a picture to compare the mosaic with

If I were to make a not-completely-uninformed guess, the chameleon is a panther chameleon. I've seen them in the pet trade.

I don't know why you're saying they're different species - I mean, they have the same label (81). Must be sexually dimorphic.

The female is on the left, and the male has his eyes cast down and is red in the face because he's been out drinking all night and is getting nagged for it.


thanks for your IDs of these animals! and, as always, thanks for your comment, bob. it belongs in its own special category!