What's Your Holiday Personality?

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This quiz is an example of being told what you want to hear. I mean, who wants to be told they are a holiday grinch? Well, after playing with it for awhile, I don't think that's one of the answers, but do let me know iof any of you get to be a grinch. My results are below the fold;

Your Holiday Personality is Caring

You like to reach out to people all year long, but you're especially giving during the holidays.
Make those you love homemade presents (like cookies or scarves). Call someone who might be feeling a little down. Give to your favorite charity.

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Fun :o)

You're all about the celebrating. Whether you're partying hard or singing along to Christmas music, you're totally enjoying the holidays.
Make your own Christmas ornaments. Create a holiday mix for all your friends' stockings. Run around your neighborhood late Christmas Eve ringing bells.

Sadlly I'll most likely be working this Christmas (no way to get scrooge in that quiz).

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 02 Dec 2007 #permalink

"CARING"?! Who, me? Bah! Humbug....

That damned poll doesn't allow any Grinch-type answers. For all of the questions, my correct answer would "None of the above". Eg: my "favorite" Xmas carol is Silent Night -- because out of that list it's the one I loathe least.

I mean, who wants to be told they are a holiday grinch?

I do.Bah humbug.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 04 Dec 2007 #permalink