Hallowe'en in NYC

In NYC, the going fashion seems to be for the men to dress up as bumblebees (they walk around in suits and ties with the bouncing bee eyes mounted on slender springs on their heads), while the women all dress up as lampshades in red and black. Although one of my friends is dressed up as a barfly (can't imagine why ..). The little kids are dressed up as skeletons, princesses, angels and ghosts. I did run into one kid whom I accused of cross-dressing as the Easter bunny, although her mother told me that she actually was a pink poodle. I suppose some of the kids are dressed up in fancy, expensive outfits too, but I haven't tripped over them yet.

What are the standard hallowe'en costumes in your neck of the woods?

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I'm in Toronto, and I've been hiding away inside all evening, so I only got to see the little (and not so little) ones that came to my door before I ran out of candy (In less than half an hour. So! Many!).
A lot of princesses, two Spidermans (Spidermen? Spidermanites?), one of whom was really, really buff for Spiderman, witches, and a whole lot of "I-have-no-idea"'s.
There were also, much to my dismay, a large number of children dressed as 'teenagers who were young enough to want free candy but too old to be seen wearing costumes'. Or maybe those were teenagers... Hrm, I guess ten year-olds on stilts is a little unfeasible.

In any case, I've learned from my mistake: next time buy more candy, and don't give any to the teenagers too cool to dress up!

By chrisgraish (not verified) on 31 Oct 2007 #permalink

The best I saw tonight was a young couple, probably in grad school. He was Dr.Smithies and she was a knockout mouse. And not an ob-/ob- either (i.e. quite a knockout in the other sense of the word), but short-tail. She knocked on doors and he showed off his Nobel Prize.

Not a lot of creativity in my neighborhood las night. The costume of choice was a hoodie (bedazled or not) and fake blood on the face.

One kid in a wizard cape looked at me appologetically and said "I'm supposed to be a nerd."
Aren't we all?

We had one heck of a lot of witches, one very good pirate, and a Superman. Oh well.

By Luna_the_cat (not verified) on 02 Nov 2007 #permalink