The Holy Order of Blogging

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tags: feathers, dinosaurs, humor, cartoon En el tÃpico rito funerario del Jurásico tardÃo unos dinosaurios terópodos depositan plumas sobre el cuerpo de un compañero justo antes de la momificación. Desfortunadamente no pensaron en los paleontólogos del futuro. Image: The Scientific…
tags: farewell GW, John Sherffius, politics, humor, comedy Image: John Sherffius, 28 December 2008 [larger view]. Read the fine print, if you can (and you really aren't expected to be able to read it), then tell me what you think of the current resident of the White House.
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Off-topic, but cool: Language Hat pointed me to a cool vocabulary game named Free Rice, where correct answers accumulate microdonations to the United Nations against world hunger.

By David Harmon (not verified) on 23 Oct 2007 #permalink

This is sooooooo true....I've had this feeling lately of wondering "just when and how did I sign up for this gig????"