A Shitload of Birds

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When I was working on my dissertation, my colleagues and I referred to any large or mixed flock of birds as "a shitload of birds" for obvious reasons. I hadn't thought about this for awhile until recently, when I noticed that one of the email lists I am on is discussing the made-up nouns that we use to describe flocks of particular bird species .. you know, like "a murder of crows" and that sort of thing. Below the fold are some of these names for you to enjoy and of course, feel free to add your own inventions to the list!

A coronation of Emperor Geese
A drift of Snow Geese
A coronet of Trumpeter Swans
A timber of Wood Ducks
A galaxy of Steller's Eider
A goggle of Spectacled Eiders
A sovereign of King Eiders
A wave of Surf Scoters
A unadornment of Plain Chachalacas
A sagaciousness of Greater Sage-Grouse
A governator of California Quail
A revenge of Montezuma Quail
An asylum of Common Loons
A brass of Horned Grebes
A sounding of Eared Grebes
A reticence of Shy Albatross
A peripatetic of Wandering Albatross
A law of Murphy's Petrels
A triangle of Bermuda Petrels
A kitchen of Cook's Petrels
An embarrassment of Red-faced Cormorants
A superlative of Magnificent Frigatebirds
A tart of American Bitterns
A cowardice of Yellow Bitterns
A bullion of Golden Eagles
An illusion of Merlins
A pastime of Eurasian Hobbys
An applause of Clapper Rails
A dune of Sandhill Cranes
A singularity of Solitary Sandpipers
An orientation of Far-Eastern Curlews
A nutrisystem of Slender-billed Curlews
A schnozzle of Long-billed Curlews
A dude of Surfbirds
A sheepshank of Great Knots
A de minimis of Little Stints
A bunion of Long-toed Stints
A haze of Purple Sandpipers
A ladle of Spoon-billed Sandpipers
A trump of Ruff
A dunno of Jack Snipe
A donkey of Pin-tailed Snipe
A prosthesis of American Woodcock
A trailerpark of Red-necked Phalaropes
A hilarity of Laughing Gulls
A mint of Franklin's Gulls
A waterloo of Boneparte's Gulls
A munster of Heerman's Gulls
A burping of Belcher's Gulls
A tickle of Ivory Gulls
A dagwood of Sandwich Terns
An orphanage of Smooth-billed Anis
A workshop of Elf Owls
An inferno of Lucifer's Hummingbirds
An expedition of Lewis's Woodpeckers and Clark's Nutcrackers
A scaffold of Ladder-backed Woodpeckers
An amputation of American Three-toed Woodpeckers
A glimmer of Norther Flickers
A burmashave of Northern Beardless-Tyrannulets
An oxymoron of Greater Pewees
An annunciation of Say's Phoebes
A tinkling of Bell's Vireos
A bob of Plumbeous Vireos
A lauren of Hutton's Vireos
A brotherlylove of Philadelphia Vireos
A hangover of Red-eyed Vireos
A crayola of Yellow-green Vireos
An alphabet of jays
A cincodemayo of Mexican Scrub-Jays
A pining of Pinyon Jays
A maniac of ravens
A toleration of swallows
An exposure of tits
A wcfielding of chickadees
A replication of bulbuls
A primogeniture of kinglets
A mirroring of Naricissis Flycatchers
A gulag of Siberian Flycatchers
A durum of wheatears
A tweezing of Eyebrowed Thrushes
A stadium of redwings
A hood of robins
An assortment of Varied Buntings
An empire of Aztec Thrushes
A litter of catbirds
A ridicule of mockbirds
A radius of Curve-billed Thrashers
An enumeration of Le Conte's Thrashers
A nebula of starlings
An inflection of accentors
A booty of wagtails
An opry of Nashville Warblers
A pilot of Palm Warblers
A range of Ovenbirds
A derby of Kentucky Warblers
A lamentation of Mourning Warblers
A pallet of Painted Redstarts
A devotee of Fan-tailed Warblers
A bunch of Bannaquits
A lettering of Scarlet Tanagers
A conflagration of Flame-colored Tanagers
A jaundice of Yellow-eyed Juncos
An anatomy of Gray Buntings
A mansion of Pallas's Buntings
A tide of Crimson-collared Grosbeaks
A proboscis of grosbeaks
A rainbow of Painted Buntings
An oxidation of Rusty Blackbirds
A tanningbooth of Bronzed Cowbirds
An aura of goldfinch

And speaking of which, how would you describe a collective of birders?

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And speaking of which, how would you describe a collective of birders?

An Auduband of birders?

A wcfielding of chickadees

No, no.

"A cheerfulness of chickadees".

Especially on a grey day in mid-winter ...

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 04 Oct 2007 #permalink

An anorak of birders.

A squadron of Pelicans

No pun, just an observation

"A prosthesis of American Woodcock" - classic!

here's some more suggestions from Jim, a bird pal in texas;

A Frankincense of Murres
A Garagesale of Juncos
An Unleft of Turnstones
A Suite of Bitterns
A Polo of Chukars
A Schneider of Gnatcatchers (ask a baseball fan)

There are also some archaic ones:
A Wigwam of Oldsquaws.
A Cabinet of Chickenhawks.
A Pile of Shitepokes.

Some birding vernaculars:
A Churn of Butterbutts
A Cable of TVs
An Operandi of Modos

Even some mis-initializations
An Emorse of Egrets
An Ox of Auklets
A Brose of Bramblings
A Disordat of Eiders

And nobody else has dared, so here goes:
A Bustier of Penduline tits.

another bird pal, Steve from California, adds these;

An album of Rock Wrens
An outfield of flycatchers
A rink of Redwings
A tankful of Petrels
A carpet of Shags
A paddling of Red-taileds

Jim, from Texas, does not want to be outdone by Steve from California, so Jim parries with these entries;

A jumpshot of Buzzards.
A Ulysses of Brant
A balance of Budgies.
A netnanny of Chats.
A nevermind of Frigatebirds.
An 8x10 of Glossy ibis.
A casting of Couch's kingbirds
A postoffice of Snail kites.
A riding of Hooded orioles.
A breadline of Poorwills.
An occam of Razorbills
An impasse of Loggerhead shrikes
A shishkebab of Skuas
A donotfold of Spindalis

Bruce, also from California, decides to take a closer look at the lookers;

An obsession of birders
A chase of birders
An enthusiasm of birders
A flight of birders
A record of birders
A scope of birders

...and on the rejected list
A collection of birders
A twitch of birders

I feel that the correct collective is

A Fleet of Frigatebirds
By Dangerous Dan (not verified) on 05 Oct 2007 #permalink