Religion is All About Peace -- NOT!

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All religion has a very bloody history and the fact that people still subject themselves to this brainwashing shows that most people are mindless idiots. Don't believe me? Watch this video that will remind you about what happened on September 11th, six years ago. [5:27]

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It's odd how both Christianity and Islam revere a man who, in Douglas Adams' description "...had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change".

It's almost as if most of them haven't read his "Blessed are the peacemakers" thing. Jesus would be rolling over in his grave.

Grave? Oh, that's nor really appropriate, is it?


Please, stick to the cute animal photos.

Dear Fantasist,
When you pray, what do you pray for, more religion?
Spare us please.

I agree, that is just offensive to people who hold sincere beliefs. Just stick to cute pictures.

By Grahame Kean (not verified) on 12 Sep 2007 #permalink

It is offensive for secular folks to be subjected to the violent rhetoric and actions of some religious groups. This rhetoric is sometimes not confined to the extremists of their particular religion; countless times I've had conversations with normal "peaceful" folks who think that violence and discrimination are justified in the course of showing the people the light of their particular deity.
Belief in any faith does not exempt that faith and its adherents from criticism; and it shouldn't. If people hold their particular religion above reproach, even if the actions of their leaders actively harm others, they are mindless idiots.

That is not what GrrlScientist said, however. Her exact words were:

All religion has a very bloody history and the fact that people still subject themselves to this brainwashing shows that most people are mindless idiots.

The question is what "this brainwashing" refers to. If it refers to "all religion is happy sunshine and puppies" then she is correct. But can you support, with evidence, that "most people" believe that religion has never been responsible for violence or that religion justifies killing innocent people?

If it refers to "religion in general" then she just called me, my family, most of my friends, and the vast majority of the world mindless idiots. I don't think it's out of line to be offended by that.

Either way, she was extremely vague, and she used a horrid atrocity, committed by about 20 people, to make a statement about billions. Whether or not the conclusion is true, this post is a crime against logic. But didn't she just claim ( that she was really logical? So I have to conclude that she took an awful tragedy and used it to step on a soapbox and preach about her personal religious views.

I like the baby robins a lot better.

you can't tell me that those men who flew those planes into the WTC and the pentagon, and who ended up crashing that plane into a corn field in the midwest were did not hold religious beliefs that were every bit as sincere and cherished as those of any christian. and further, you cannot deny the violent and bloody history of any religious belief, because quite frankly, it is there in the history books (often glossed over, but it's there, nonetheless).

my experience is that religion has promulgated numerous acts of violence against those who either believe differently, or who do not believe at all. worse, i don't think that religion relies on logic, it merely appeals to the desire to be special and to think that one will live forever, at least in the hereafter.

i do not think that anyone will live forever, so we are responsible to make the best of this one precious life that we have now, and further, if anyone is special, it is becasue they are alive, because life is the exception to the rule in this universe.

i do have friends who profess one or another of several of the great world religions, and i do not criticize their personal beliefs. however, i do not hide what my own religious beliefs are (basically, none) and i do discuss evolution versus creationism (or the equivalent) with them when they bring up the topic. my religious friends are not violent people (otherwise, i would not be friendly with them), but even they recognize (and often despair over) the bloody history of religion itself, and often, this bothers them, too.

this selective forgetfulness on the part of many religious people about the history of any religion dooms them to repeat it. THAT is what the WTC, etc., and the numerous bombings overseas, are all about.

How (ahem) ironic that this video should conclude with "The War Goes on!" without any hint that those killed in the west by Moslem terrorists comprise less than one in three hundred of said war's casualties.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 12 Sep 2007 #permalink